ARM deployment of Microsoft/App/managedEnvironments fails with InternalServerError

Mitch Denny 1 Reputation point

Correlation ID: bc6d9f53-e828-4d0b-a839-ebde7922a449

I'm using a Bicep template - here is the fragment that creates the managed environment, it was working fine, there have been no changes. Is the RP for this resource type experiencing issues?

resource containerAppsEnvironment 'Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments@2022-03-01' = {  
  name: 'env${uniqueString(instanceName)}'  
  location: instanceLocation  
  tags: {  
    instanceName: instanceName  
  properties: {  
   appLogsConfiguration: {  
    destination: 'log-analytics'  
     logAnalyticsConfiguration: {  
     sharedKey: logWorkspace.listKeys().primarySharedKey  
Azure Container Instances
Azure Container Instances
An Azure service that provides customers with a serverless container experience.
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  1. Mitch Denny 1 Reputation point

    A deployment of the same template to another resource group seems to work fine so it seems to be a specific issue with this resource.

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  2. Turkia, Jari 1 Reputation point

    There is very little information available about the reason of failure. Does anybody have any other details about this besides "internal error"?

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