IDisposable question

Stesvis 1,041 Reputation points

I have a class that implements an interface and also IDisposable:

   public interface IMyObject : IDisposable  
      void MyMethod();  

   public class MyObject: IMyObject  
       public void MyMethod()  

Then I inject this interface, let's say in a Controller:

   private IMyObject _myObject;  
   public MyController(IMyObject myObject)  
       _myObject = myObject;  

Then I want to use that class somewhere in the Controller, but I am undecided about the object being disposed properly.
So far I've always wrapped it inside a using statement like:

   public void MyAction()  
       using var myObject = new MyObject();  

This ensures that it's disposed safely.

I was wondering if using the injected object would be exactly the same, or if it could happen that it's not disposed properly?

   public void MyAction()  
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  1. SurferOnWww 1,906 Reputation points

    Can the following Microsoft document help?

    Dependency injection in ASP.NET Core

    See "Disposal of services" section.