Azure Data Factory to Azure Data Explorer as a Sink

Phan, Vinnie 1 Reputation point


I try to set up a Copy Activity to copy json file (in Multijson format, where each row is an object). The activity to copy from Blob storage to Azure Data Explorer

The stage table in ADX is created as : .create-merge table SecurityEventRaw (['records']:dynamic)

In ADF, I configure as below table, to specify format: multijson, and ingestionMappingReference


However, It doesn't work, and return error code: 2200
Error message:
ErrorCode=KustoWriteFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Write to Kusto failed with following error: 'An error occurred for source: 'DataReader'. Error: 'CsvWriter: Cannot skip to the next line as the current line is still empty''.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Runtime.KustoConnector,''Type=Kusto.Ingest.Exceptions.IngestClientException,Message=An error occurred for source: 'DataReader'. Error: 'CsvWriter: Cannot skip to the next line as the current line is still empty',Source=Kusto.Ingest,''Type=Kusto.Cloud.Platform.Utils.UtilsInvalidOperationException,Message=CsvWriter: Cannot skip to the next line as the current line is still empty,Source=Kusto.Cloud.Platform,'

Can anyone please tell me what is the right way to configure additionalProperties in ADF

Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
An Azure service for ingesting, preparing, and transforming data at scale.
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