Another strange problem...

Curious Cat 21 Reputation points

I am entering data into a table. During this (In the OnPostAsync scope), I do send an query to an another table, to obtain a missing data that doesn't is included in the data which comes the from.
But at each try i get a strange rendered result.
It says :
What do I wrong ?
Below is the part where i got the issue :

public IEnumerable<Stoklar> Stoklar { get; set; } // Same result also with IList....  

public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync()  
            var stokkod = YedekParca.StokKod; // This value comes from the form....  
            var stokadi = _appDbContext.Stoklar.Where(s => s.StokKod == stokkod); // here the query....  
            YedekParca.StokAd = Convert.ToString(stokadi); // and with this i add to Db Table....  
                await _appDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();  
                return RedirectToPage("CreateReport", new { id = YedekParca.IsId });  

And in the DB Table i find this instead my value :

Entity Framework Core
Entity Framework Core
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