How to automate renewal of ssl certificate for application gateway azure with automation account ?

Ankush Bahale 1 Reputation point


    [string]$LESERVER = 'LE_STAGE',      
    [string]$DomainName = '',      
    [string]$contact = 'mail_id',      
    [string]$webappname = 'Apgw',      
    [string]$resourcegroupname = 'test',      
    [string]$oldcert = 'test',      
    [string]$newcert = 'test1'      
$conn = Get-AutomationConnection -Name AzureRunAsConnection;  
$azParams = @{      
# Requesting the Certificate      
Set-PAServer $LESERVER  
New-PACertificate $DomainName -AcceptTOS -Contact $contact -DnsPlugin Azure -PluginArgs $azParams -Verbose -force -ErrorAction Stop  
# Request the Certificate      
Set-PAServer $LESERVER  
$new_ssl_cert = New-PACertificate $DomainName -AcceptTOS -Contact $contact -DnsPlugin Azure -PluginArgs $azParams -Verbose -force -ErrorAction Stop  
# Decoding the Certificate Password      
$Ptr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode($new_ssl_cert.PfxPass)  
$PfxPassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($Ptr)      
# Connecting the Azure using the creds of the Managed Identity      
Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -SubscriptionId 'SubscriptionId' -Tenant 'Tenant' -ApplicationId 'ApplicationId' -CertificateThumbprint 'Thumbprint' | Out-Null  
# The subscription hosting the DNS Zone of      
$subs = 'Microsoft Partner Network'  
# Setting the subscription       
Select-AzSubscription -Subscription $subs | Out-Null      
$appgw = Get-AzApplicationGateway `      
  -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroupname `      
  -Name $webappname    
set-AzApplicationGatewaySSLCertificate -Name test -ApplicationGateway $appgw -CertificateFile $new_ssl_cert.PfxFile -Password $PfxPassword  
Set-AzApplicationGateway -ApplicationGateway $appgw  
Get-AzApplicationGateway -Name "Apgw" -ResourceGroupName "test"  


I am using above script for automate the SSL renewal for application gateway and using this script acme _challenge also validate and updated on DNS zone after validation all certificate also created but application gateway is not update SSL cert (letsencrypt).

Azure Application Gateway
Azure Application Gateway
An Azure service that provides a platform-managed, scalable, and highly available application delivery controller as a service.
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Azure Automation
Azure Automation
An Azure service that is used to automate, configure, and install updates across hybrid environments.
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  1. Ankush Bahale 1 Reputation point

    Hi @Marwa Abouawad , did you get any response ?

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