knowledge kbid

Joel Thomas George 1 Reputation point

where can I find knowledge-based ID for azure language studio

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  1. romungi-MSFT 41,866 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    @Joel Thomas George With the new language studio the projectName is used in the URL as a query parameter to call the KB. For example, the following is a sample request for prediction with the project details.




    curl -X POST "https://<resource>" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <your_key>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"top\":3,\"question\":\"YOUR_QUESTION_HERE\",\"includeUnstructuredSources\":true,\"confidenceScoreThreshold\":\"YOUR_SCORE_THRESHOLD_HERE\",\"answerSpanRequest\":{\"enable\":true,\"topAnswersWithSpan\":1,\"confidenceScoreThreshold\":\"YOUR_SCORE_THRESHOLD_HERE\"},\"filters\":{\"metadataFilter\":{\"logicalOperation\":\"YOUR_LOGICAL_OPERATION_HERE\",\"metadata\":[{\"key\":\"YOUR_ADDITIONAL_PROP_KEY_HERE\",\"value\":\"YOUR_ADDITIONAL_PROP_VALUE_HERE\"}]}}}"  

    If an answer is helpful, please click on 130616-image.png or upvote 130671-image.png which might help other community members reading this thread.

    1 person found this answer helpful.