DPM 2016 stopped seeing Exchange 2016 databases

Pavel K 1 Reputation point

Good afternoon.
I have SC DPM 2016 (version and two Exchange 2016 mail servers.
Everything is fine on server A, but on server B today I was unable to add new mailbases in the DPM snap-in.

  • check vss writers - OK
  • DPM agent communication with DPM server - OK
  • backup of previously added databases from server B - OK
  • backup shared folders and files from server B - OK

Here's the informational message that comes up when I click the Refresh Data Sources button:
"DPM was unable to enumerate the Microsoft Eschange Server application component... on the protected computer (ID: 964)"

Thanks in advance!

Windows Server Backup
Windows Server Backup
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.Backup: A duplicate copy of a program, a disk, or data, made either for archiving purposes or for safeguarding valuable files from loss should the active copy be damaged or destroyed.
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