Downloading MIME using GRAPH API REST request is slow compared to MIME file download from outlook web (OWA)

OlegSh 1 Reputation point


In our project we started to use GRAPH API v.1.0 introduced some time ago and we wanted our users to be able to download *.eml file. For that we found that this is called MIME stream on MS side.

Long story short:

we use TypeScript (TS) and Graph Client library (@microsoft/microsoft-graph-client@^2.2.1);

We use request

await graphClient.api(/me/messages/${msgID}/$value).getStream()
The problem we started to notice is that 15MB email (with some attachments of 3-5MB) takes approximately 30sec to download whereas if email is downloaded via Outlook OWA (trhee dots on email > download) it takes few seconds.

Is there a way to increase the download speed using GRAPH api?

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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