Uplaod file to adls gen2 using oauth 2.0 failing

Vikas Tiwari 766 Reputation points


I am trying to upload file into adls gen2 using AAD token rest api's (following steps mentioned here : https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-paas-blog/how-use-storage-adls-gen2-rest-api-to-upload-file-via-aad-access/ba-p/2108778). It doesnt update file content at last steps (calling api with action = flush).

I have provided action=flush&position=3584 (position is file size in bytes) and receiving following error response back:


While I tried to call same api's using powershall its working correctly and uploaded file without any issue.

I wanted to know, what is correct approach to upload ~10 MB file, should I use ps script or can be done through direct api calls? Is there any limitation (i.e file size through postman etc)?

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