CSS - How to avoid child being affected

Cenk 951 Reputation points


I have a data grid and inside this data grid, there is another grid inside of the dropdown. How to only make the font size = 10 of the data grid without affecting the dropdown? I don't want test font size to become 10.

.rz-grid-table td:not(.rz-dropdown-panel > td) .rz-cell-data:not(.rz-dropdown-panel > .rz-cell-data) {  
        font-size: 10px;  


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  1. Cenk 951 Reputation points

    @Zhi Lv - MSFT I tried a couple of things but couldn't manage :( This shouldn't be this hard or am I CSS disabled? I am trying to avoid affecting RadzenDropDownDataGrid font size.

    Here is the Blazor page I am working on:

            #wrapper {   
                overflow: auto;  
                margin-bottom: -1rem !important;  
            #c1 { float: right; }  
            #c2 { float: right; }  
            #c3 { float: right; }  
            h1 { margin-bottom: 0.1rem !important;}  
            .rz-grid-table td .rz-cell-data {  
                font-size: 10px;  
            .rz-dropdown-panel {  
                font-size: 15px !important;  
            .rz-card {  
                margin-bottom: 0.1rem !important;  
                background-color: rgba(33, 150, 243, 0.2);  
            .rz-data-row:not(.rz-dropdown-panel) {  
                height: 11px !important;  
            td:not(.rz-dropdown-panel) {  
                padding-top: 1px !important;  
                padding-bottom: 1px !important;  
        @if (DisplayAlert) {  
            <div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible d-flex align-items-center fade show">  
                <i class="bi-check-circle-fill"></i>  
                <strong class="mx-2">Success!</strong> Your message has been sent successfully.  
                <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert"></button>  
        <RadzenButton Icon="add_circle_outline" style="margin-bottom: 10px" Text="Add New Order" Click="@InsertRow" Disabled="@(_orderToInsert != null)" Size="ButtonSize.Small"/>  
        <RadzenButton IsBusy=@busyDetailExcelExport Text="Export XLS" Icon="grid_on" Click="@(args => ExportExcel())" Class="mb-4 mr-2" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Secondary" Size="ButtonSize.Small"/>  
        <RadzenDataGrid @ref="_grid" AllowFiltering="true" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="20" AllowSorting="true" RowClick="RowClick" ExpandMode="DataGridExpandMode.Single"  
                        Data="@_orders" TItem="Order" EditMode="DataGridEditMode.Single" RowUpdate="@OnUpdateRow" RowCreate="@OnCreateRow" @bind-Value="@SelectedOrders"  
                        ShowExpandColumn="false" ShowPagingSummary="true" AllowColumnResize="true" RowRender="@RowRender" >  
            <Template Context="order">  
                <RadzenCard Style="margin-bottom: 20px">  
                        <RadzenTabsItem Text="Order Details">  
                            <div id="wrapper">  
                                <RadzenButton class="rz-background-color-success-light" Icon="add_circle_outline" style="margin-bottom: 10px" Text="Add Order Detail" Click="@(() => InsertDetailRow(order.Id))" Disabled="@(_detailToInsert != null)" Size="ButtonSize.Small"/>   
                                <RadzenButton IsBusy=@busyDetailExcelExport Text="Export XLS" Icon="grid_on" Click="@(args => ExportDetailExcel())" Class="mb-4 mr-2" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Secondary" Size="ButtonSize.Small"/>  
                                <RadzenButton Icon="close" id="c3" style="margin-bottom: 10px;" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Info" Click="@(args => CancelEdits(SelectedOrders.FirstOrDefault()?.OrderDetails))" Size="ButtonSize.Small"/>  
                                <RadzenButton IsBusy=@busySaveDetails Icon="save" style="margin-bottom: 10px; margin-right: 10px" Text="Save Details" id="c2" Click="@(args => SaveRowDetails(SelectedOrders.FirstOrDefault()?.OrderDetails))" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Light" Size="ButtonSize.Small"/>  
                                <RadzenButton Icon="border_color" style="margin-bottom: 10px; margin-right: 10px" Text="Edit Details" id="c1" Click="@(args => EditRowDetails(SelectedOrders.FirstOrDefault()?.OrderDetails))" @onclick:stopPropagation="true" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Dark" Size="ButtonSize.Small"/>  
                            <RadzenDataGrid @ref="_gridDetail" AllowFiltering="@(_detailToInsert == null)" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="15" AllowSorting="@(_detailToInsert == null)" Data="@order.OrderDetails"  
                                            TItem="OrderDetail" EditMode="DataGridEditMode.Multiple" RowUpdate="@OnUpdateRowDetail" RowCreate="@OnCreateRowDetail" AllowColumnResize="true"  
                                            AllowColumnPicking="true" ShowPagingSummary="true" ColumnWidth="150px" Density="Density.Compact">  
                                    <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="OrderDetail" Property="Id" Title="Product ID" Frozen="true" OrderIndex="1"/>  
                                    <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="OrderDetail" Property="ProductCode" Title="Product  Code" OrderIndex="2">  
                                        <EditTemplate Context="orderDetail">  
                                            <RadzenTextBox @bind-Value="orderDetail.ProductCode" Style="width: 100%; display: block" Name="ProductCode"/>  
                                            <RadzenRequiredValidator Text="Product Code is Required!" Component="ProductCode" Popup="true" Style="position: absolute; z-index: 9999;"/>  
                                    <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="OrderDetail" Property="Vendor.Name" Title="Vendor" Width="200px" OrderIndex="4">  
                                        <EditTemplate Context="orderDetail">  
                                            <RadzenDropDownDataGrid TValue="int"  AllowFiltering="true" AllowClear="true" FilterCaseSensitivity="FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive" FilterOperator="StringFilterOperator.Contains"  
                                                                    Data=@_vendors Count="5" TextProperty="Name" ValueProperty="Id"  
                                                                    Class="w-100" @bind-Value="orderDetail.VendorId" Name="vendor" id="vendor"/>  
                                            <RadzenNumericRangeValidator Component="vendor" Min="1" Text="Vendor is Required!" Popup=true Style="position: absolute; z-index: 9999;" />  

    Please help me.


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  2. Bruce (SqlWork.com) 54,621 Reputation points

    Just use the browsers css debugging tools to determine the drop drops unique class namem, then set to size you want

     .rz-grid-table td:not(.rz-dropdown-panel > td) .rz-cell-data:not(.rz-dropdown-panel > .rz-cell-data .some-drop-down-class) {  
             font-size: 12px;  
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  3. Cenk 951 Reputation points

    Not ideal but this worked for me.

    .rz-grid-table td .rz-cell-data {  
            font-size: 10px;  
        td {  
            padding-top: 1px !important;  
            padding-bottom: 1px !important;  
        .rz-data-row {  
            height: 11px !important;  
        #popup-vendor .rz-cell-data {  
            font-size: 16px;  
        #popup-customer .rz-cell-data {  
            font-size: 16px;  
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