Create table in SQLite with generic class 'Quantity' as a picker - ERROR not a valid type for SQLite DB

DellBoy 1 Reputation point

Morning All,

xamarin forms - populate picker in MVVM from SQLite DB issue

So...Ive used the following post
to help me include a populated picker using MVVM in my project, using a picker to allowing the user to select a 'Quantity' to order for each product (which all works fine as its populated from code, but now refactoring to load from SQLite..please see current code below)..


     public class ProductModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

        private int _ProductId;
        private string _BrandName;
        public ObservableCollection<Quantity> _ListQuantites;
        private Quantity _selectedQuantity;
//ETC have removed the other properties for sake of this Q

        public ProductModel()
            this.PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged;

        [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
        public int ProductId
            get { return _ProductId; }
                if (_ProductId == value) return;
                _ProductId = value;

        public ObservableCollection<Quantity> ListQuantites
                return _ListQuantites;
                _ListQuantites = value;

        public Quantity SelectedQuantity
                return _selectedQuantity;
                if (value == null)
                    _selectedQuantity = _selectedQuantity;
                    _selectedQuantity = value;

        private void OnPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.PropertyName == nameof(SelectedQuantity))
                //test quantity amount

        // [NotifyPropertyChangedInvocator]
        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

Up Until now I was populating the ProductModel with its picker, from the constructor of the ProductViewModel page with:

         WineList = new ObservableCollection<ProductModel>();
                    WineList.Add(new ProductModel { ProductId = 1, BrandName = "Mc guigans", Grape = "Red", ListQuantites = List_Quantites, Image = "W.png", Description = "Fruity Flav", Size="700ml", Price = 10.00M, SubTotalForItem = 0.00M, Genre = "Wine" });
    //etc...and so on

 List_Quantites = PickerService.GetQuantitiesForProductPage();

//Picker service
     public static ObservableCollection<QuantityModel> GetQuantitiesForProductPage()
            var quantities = new ObservableCollection<QuantityModel>()
                new QuantityModel() {Key=1, Value="0"},
                new QuantityModel() {Key=2, Value="1"},
                new QuantityModel() {Key=3, Value="2"},
                new QuantityModel() {Key=4, Value="3"}
            return quantities;


    <Picker Grid.Column="3" Grid.Row="0" Title="     " VerticalOptions="Center" x:Name="productPicker" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" HorizontalOptions="EndAndExpand"  ItemsSource="{Binding ListQuantites}" ItemDisplayBinding="{Binding Value}" SelectedIndexChanged="QuantityChanged" SelectedItem ="{Binding SelectedQuantity}"/>

So...yeah as I said all works fine and dandy...But now I would like to load the ProductModel list from a table in SQLite....I have already used SQLite basic CRUD operations to create, load, view, update, edit...etc for orders this is also working...the problem I seem to be having is creating the table, it is failing when I try to create an entry in the table with 'Quantity' I have changed the code...change 'Quantity' to object, then the plan being to populate this on the VM...but this also didnt work...

found another post relating to this:
So 'Quantity' class is not a valid type for SQLite DB value...but turns out neither is object...has anyone idea for a work around for this...or some advice on how to refactor to resolve this?

any help or point in the right direction is appreciated thank Y


 public class Quantity
        public int Key { get; set; }
        public string Value { get; set; }

//Create table
SQLiteConnection database;
 public ProductsDatabaseController()
            database = DependencyService.Get<ISQLite>().GetConnection();
            SQLiteFunctionality SQLite = new SQLiteFunctionality(); 

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