Send local image to Computer Vision API using React

Sarah 161 Reputation points

I would like to upload local image file and extract text from it. I followed the below link and it works as expected when I pass URL.

I managed to configure for local image and get the base64 encoded dataURL of the uploaded image. But when I pass base64 encoded dataURL to Computer Vision API , it says "Input data is not a valid image" (POST 400 status code). I am getting error in the line that is shown below:
const analysis = await computerVisionClient.analyzeImage(urlToAnalyze, { visualFeatures });

The code I have included for handling local image:

const handleChange = (e) => {
var file =[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function()
setFileSelected(reader.result) // this is the base64 encoded dataurl

In computerVision.js file, I have changed the 'contentType' in header as below.

const computerVisionClient = new ComputerVisionClient(
new ApiKeyCredentials({ inHeader: {'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': key, 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'} }), endpoint);

I tried replacing with readTextInStream() as per docs in computerVision.js (please refer above link), but still throws error.

May I know why I get the error "Input data is not a valid image" ? Thanks.

Azure Computer Vision
Azure Computer Vision
An Azure artificial intelligence service that analyzes content in images and video.
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  1. Jianhua Wu 1 Reputation point

    for local image, please try the bellow:

            var fullpath = path.join(__dirname,filename) ;
                var result = await client.readInStream(() =>
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