unit test with UserManager

ItFT 1 Reputation point

I am new to ASP.NET Core development and need help.
I'm trying to build a unit test on this method:

public static async Task<bool> LoginExiste(UserManager<Utilisateur> userManager, Utilisateur utilisateur)
            var user = await userManager.FindByNameAsync(utilisateur.UserName);
            if(user != null)
                return true;
                return false;

But I can't seem to build a valid UserManager against my database.
Does anyone have an idea?


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4 answers

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  1. Bruce (SqlWork.com) 55,601 Reputation points

    You are writing unit tests incorrectly. The concrete implementation of usermanger should never be called in a unit test.

    You should be passing a mocked usermanger to the method, because it’s mocked, the unit tests knows what it will return..

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  2. ItFT 1 Reputation point

    This is not my unit test but the method I want to test. Should I modify my method so as not to pass userManager as a parameter?

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  3. ItFT 1 Reputation point

    These are my tries
    private Mock<UserManager<Utilisateur>> GetMockUserManager()
    var userStoreMock = new Mock<IUserStore<Utilisateur>>();
    return new Mock<UserManager<Utilisateur>>(
    userStoreMock.Object, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

            public async Task LoginExisteTest()
                var utilisateur = new Utilisateur();
                utilisateur.UserName = "fball";
                utilisateur.PasswordHash = "test";
                //var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MAuthDbContext>();
                //var store = new UserStore<Utilisateur>(new MAuthDbContext(new DbContextOptions<MAuthDbContext>()));
                //var userManager = new UserManager<Utilisateur>(store, null, new PasswordHasher<Utilisateur>(), null, null, null, null, null, null);
                //var userManager = MockHelper.TestUserManager(store);
                Mock<UserManager<Utilisateur>> userManager = GetMockUserManager();
                userManager.Setup(x => x.FindByNameAsync(It.IsAny<string>())).ReturnsAsync(utilisateur);
                bool result = await GestionErreur.LoginExiste(null, utilisateur);
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  4. ItFT 1 Reputation point

    ok I found the solution

    public async Task LoginExisteTest()
                var utilisateur = new Utilisateur();
                utilisateur.UserName = "fball";
                utilisateur.PasswordHash = "test";
                Mock<UserManager<Utilisateur>> userManager = GetMockUserManager();
                userManager.Setup(x => x.FindByNameAsync(It.IsAny<string>())).ReturnsAsync(utilisateur);
                bool result = await GestionErreur.LoginExiste(userManager.Object, utilisateur);
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