Bing Map tiles urls

Alexander Schlottmann 1 Reputation point

In the Bing Maps REST services documentation it is mentioned that the tile URLs

change regularly and as such directly accessing tiles from a hardcoded URL is not allowed

How can be determined if the URLs that were received from an Imagery Metadata request are still valid if one uses a "long running session".
Is a specific error returned regarding the Common Response Description, that can maybe be checked?

Windows Maps
Windows Maps
A Microsoft app that provides voice navigation and turn-by-turn driving, transit, and walking directions.
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  1. IoTGirl 2,976 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    The note is telling you that by design, when tile data is updated, a new URL is employed. All you need to do is make a new call to the meta data API and get the latest URL or use one of the controls that handles the tiles for you. See

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  2. rbrundritt 15,211 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Documentation on how to directly access Bing Maps tiles is here: The method it outlines ensures that your application always have the latest tile URL and ensures that authentication is done to align with licensing requirements.

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