What are all the available Storage Spaces Events?

Aaron 51 Reputation points

Where can I find a comprehensive list of all the Storage Spaces events that can be written to the Storage Spaces Event Log? I have been on this Microsoft page: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/17947.how-storage-spaces-responds-to-errors-on-physical-disks.aspx. However, the events it lists near the bottom are not all of the events that can be written to the event log; I have seen other events by looking through the Storage Spaces Event Log on my system. Nowhere else in Microsoft Learn have I seen a list of Storage Spaces events.

I am trying to monitor for any events that signify a physical drive has failed or encountered a warning within a Storage Pool, and identify that drive so I can communicate the problem to the user(I'm writing software that manages a drive enclosure, and need to control LEDs on it).

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