Retrieve Azure AD Identity Issuer via PowerShell

Luca Fabbri 156 Reputation points

is there a way to retrieve the Identity Issuer information for an Azure AD user (external) via PowerShell ?

Thank you,

Microsoft Entra External ID
Microsoft Entra External ID
A modern identity solution for securing access to customer, citizen and partner-facing apps and services. It is the converged platform of Azure AD External Identities B2B and B2C. Replaces Azure Active Directory External Identities.
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Accepted answer
  1. Shashi Shailaj 7,581 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    @Luca Fabbri ,
    I understand that you are trying to get information on whether we have a PowerShell cmdlet to obtain the Identity Issuer information for any Azure AD User . I tried three different PowerShell modules related to user information and this is currently not available through PowerShell . I am assuming that you are trying to get information on your external guest users from other tenants who have been invited like you see on the portal .


    I tried three different powershell modules as below but could not get that exact information in any of them . So I can conclude that this information is only available from portal as seen above and not using any powershell cmdlet at this point .

    • Get-MsolUser
    • Get-AzureAD
    • Get-MgUser
       PS C:\> Get-MsolUser -ObjectId 13d6b73e-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-974125e0e66a | fl  
       ExtensionData                          : System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject  
       AlternateEmailAddresses                : {}  
       AlternateMobilePhones                  : {}  
       AlternativeSecurityIds                 : {16 3 191 253 139 203 84 181}  
       BlockCredential                        : False  
       City                                   :   
       CloudExchangeRecipientDisplayType      : 6  
       Country                                :   
       Department                             :   
       DirSyncProvisioningErrors              : {}  
       DisplayName                            : Umbrella A  
       Errors                                 :   
       Fax                                    :   
       FirstName                              : shashi  
       ImmutableId                            :   
       IndirectLicenseErrors                  : {}  
       IsBlackberryUser                       : False  
       IsLicensed                             : False  
       LastDirSyncTime                        :   
       LastName                               :   
       LastPasswordChangeTimestamp            : 6/23/2020 5:11:13 PM  
       LicenseAssignmentDetails               : {}  
       LicenseReconciliationNeeded            : False  
       Licenses                               : {}  
       LiveId                                 : 1003200000000000  
       MSExchRecipientTypeDetails             :   
       MSRtcSipDeploymentLocator              :   
       MSRtcSipPrimaryUserAddress             :   
       MobilePhone                            :   
       ObjectId                               : 13d6b73e-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-974125e0e66a  
       Office                                 :   
       OverallProvisioningStatus              : None  
       PasswordNeverExpires                   :   
       PasswordResetNotRequiredDuringActivate :   
       PhoneNumber                            :   
       PortalSettings                         :   
       PostalCode                             :   
       PreferredDataLocation                  :   
       PreferredLanguage                      :   
       ProxyAddresses                         : {}  
       ReleaseTrack                           :   
       ServiceInformation                     : {}  
       SignInName                             :  
       SoftDeletionTimestamp                  :   
       State                                  :   
       StreetAddress                          :   
       StrongAuthenticationMethods            : {Microsoft.Online.Administration.StrongAuthenticationMethod, Microsoft.Online.Administration.StrongAuthenticationMethod}  
       StrongAuthenticationPhoneAppDetails    : {}  
       StrongAuthenticationProofupTime        :   
       StrongAuthenticationRequirements       : {}  
       StrongAuthenticationUserDetails        :   
       StrongPasswordRequired                 :   
       StsRefreshTokensValidFrom              : 6/23/2020 5:11:13 PM  
       Title                                  :   
       UsageLocation                          : IN  
       UserLandingPageIdentifierForO365Shell  :   
       UserPrincipalName                      :  
       UserThemeIdentifierForO365Shell        :   
       UserType                               : Guest  
       ValidationStatus                       : Healthy  
       WhenCreated                            : 6/23/2020 5:11:13 PM  

    If you use the Get-AzureADUser cmdlet then you can filter them by value of CreationType parameter which will be Invitation for external users always. It will include everyone who has redeemed an invitation which will give you list of all users who are external users in the tenant. (this includes Microsoft Account and B2B users from external AzureAD tenant)

    PS C:\> get-AzureADUser -ObjectId 13d6b73e-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-974125e0e66a | fl  
    ExtensionProperty              : {[odata.metadata,$metadata#directoryObjects/@Element], [odata.type,   
                                     Microsoft.DirectoryServices.User], [createdDateTime, 6/23/2020 5:11:13 PM], [employeeId, ]...}  
    DeletionTimestamp              :   
    ObjectId                       : 13d6b73e-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-974125e0e66a  
    ObjectType                     : User  
    AccountEnabled                 : True  
    AgeGroup                       :   
    AssignedLicenses               : {}  
    AssignedPlans                  : {}  
    City                           :   
    CompanyName                    :   
    ConsentProvidedForMinor        :   
    Country                        :   
    CreationType                   : Invitation  
    Department                     :   
    DirSyncEnabled                 :   
    DisplayName                    : Umbrella Admin  
    FacsimileTelephoneNumber       :   
    GivenName                      : shashi  
    IsCompromised                  :   
    ImmutableId                    :   
    JobTitle                       :   
    LastDirSyncTime                :   
    LegalAgeGroupClassification    :   
    Mail                           :  
    MailNickName                   :  
    Mobile                         :   
    OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier   :   
    OtherMails                     : {}  
    PasswordPolicies               :   
    PasswordProfile                :   
    PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName     :   
    PostalCode                     :   
    PreferredLanguage              :   
    ProvisionedPlans               : {}  
    ProvisioningErrors             : {}  
    ProxyAddresses                 : {}  
    RefreshTokensValidFromDateTime : 6/23/2020 5:11:13 PM  
    ShowInAddressList              : False  
    SignInNames                    : {}  
    SipProxyAddress                :   
    State                          :   
    StreetAddress                  :   
    Surname                        : shailaj  
    TelephoneNumber                :   
    UsageLocation                  : IN  
    UserPrincipalName              :  
    UserState                      : Accepted  
    UserStateChangedOn             : 2020-06-23T17:11:52Z  
    UserType                       : Guest  

    I tried checking the extension attribute as well however it does not have the Issuer Identity information as well

    PS C:\> Get-AzureADUserExtension -ObjectId 13d6b73e-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-974125e0e66a | fl  
    Key   : odata.metadata  
    Value :$metadata#directoryObjects/@Element  
    Key   : odata.type  
    Value : Microsoft.DirectoryServices.User  
    Key   : createdDateTime  
    Value : 6/23/2020 5:11:13 PM  
    Key   : employeeId  
    Value :   
    Key   : onPremisesDistinguishedName  
    Value :   
    Key   : userIdentities  
    Value : []  

    I also tried the Microsoft Graph powershell module for querying the users as well but that also does not provide this kind of information for users from external directory

    PS C:\> Get-MgUser -UserId 13d6b73e-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-974125e0e66a | fl  
    AboutMe                               :   
    AccountEnabled                        :   
    Activities                            :   
    AgeGroup                              :   
    AgreementAcceptances                  :   
    AppRoleAssignments                    :   
    AssignedLicenses                      :   
    AssignedPlans                         :   
    Authentication                        : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphAuthentication1  
    Birthday                              :   
    BusinessPhones                        : {}  
    Calendar                              : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphCalendar1  
    CalendarGroups                        :   
    CalendarView                          :   
    Calendars                             :   
    Chats                                 :   
    City                                  :   
    CompanyName                           :   
    ConsentProvidedForMinor               :   
    ContactFolders                        :   
    Contacts                              :   
    Country                               :   
    CreatedDateTime                       :   
    CreatedObjects                        :   
    CreationType                          :   
    DeletedDateTime                       :   
    Department                            :   
    DeviceEnrollmentLimit                 :   
    DeviceManagementTroubleshootingEvents :   
    DirectReports                         :   
    DisplayName                           : Umbrella A  
    Drive                                 : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphDrive1  
    Drives                                :   
    EmployeeHireDate                      :   
    EmployeeId                            :   
    EmployeeOrgData                       : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphEmployeeOrgData  
    EmployeeType                          :   
    Events                                :   
    Extensions                            :   
    ExternalUserState                     :   
    ExternalUserStateChangeDateTime       :   
    FaxNumber                             :   
    FollowedSites                         :   
    GivenName                             : sam  
    HireDate                              :   
    Id                                    : 13d6b73e-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-974125e0e66a  
    Identities                            :   
    ImAddresses                           :   
    InferenceClassification               : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphInferenceClassification  
    Insights                              : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphOfficeGraphInsights  
    Interests                             :   
    IsResourceAccount                     :   
    JobTitle                              :   
    JoinedTeams                           :   
    LastPasswordChangeDateTime            :   
    LegalAgeGroupClassification           :   
    LicenseAssignmentStates               :   
    LicenseDetails                        :   
    Mail                                  :  
    MailFolders                           :   
    MailNickname                          :   
    MailboxSettings                       : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphMailboxSettings1  
    ManagedAppRegistrations               :   
    ManagedDevices                        :   
    Manager                               : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphDirectoryObject  
    MemberOf                              :   
    Messages                              :   
    MobilePhone                           :   
    MySite                                :   
    Oauth2PermissionGrants                :   
    OfficeLocation                        :   
    OnPremisesDistinguishedName           :   
    OnPremisesDomainName                  :   
    OnPremisesExtensionAttributes         : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphOnPremisesExtensionAttributes  
    OnPremisesImmutableId                 :   
    OnPremisesLastSyncDateTime            :   
    OnPremisesProvisioningErrors          :   
    OnPremisesSamAccountName              :   
    OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier          :   
    OnPremisesSyncEnabled                 :   
    OnPremisesUserPrincipalName           :   
    Onenote                               : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphOnenote1  
    OnlineMeetings                        :   
    OtherMails                            :   
    Outlook                               : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphOutlookUser1  
    OwnedDevices                          :   
    OwnedObjects                          :   
    PasswordPolicies                      :   
    PasswordProfile                       : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphPasswordProfile  
    PastProjects                          :   
    People                                :   
    Photo                                 : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphProfilePhoto  
    Photos                                :   
    Planner                               : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphPlannerUser1  
    PostalCode                            :   
    PreferredLanguage                     :   
    PreferredName                         :   
    Presence                              : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphPresence1  
    ProvisionedPlans                      :   
    ProxyAddresses                        :   
    RegisteredDevices                     :   
    Responsibilities                      :   
    Schools                               :   
    ScopedRoleMemberOf                    :   
    Settings                              : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphUserSettings1  
    ShowInAddressList                     :   
    SignInSessionsValidFromDateTime       :   
    Skills                                :   
    State                                 :   
    StreetAddress                         :   
    Surname                               : sm  
    Teamwork                              : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphUserTeamwork1  
    Todo                                  : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphTodo  
    TransitiveMemberOf                    :   
    UsageLocation                         :   
    UserPrincipalName                     :  
    UserType                              :   
    AdditionalProperties                  : {[@odata.context,$metadata#users/$entity]}  

    Hope this helps. Unfortunately the information you require is not available at the moment through any powershell cmdlet and only available from the portal. If the information shared is useful , please do accept the post as answer as it will be helpful to other community members searching the similar queries. Should you have any other query , do let us know and we will be happy to help .

    Thank you.


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2 additional answers

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  1. Luca Fabbri 156 Reputation points

    Hello @Shashi Shailaj ,
    thank you for detailing your investigation.


    0 comments No comments

  2. Luca Fabbri 156 Reputation points

    Hello @Shashi Shailaj ,
    here an update and answer to my first question.

    Basically most of the information (if not all) accessible/readable on Azure Portal can be retrieved through Microsoft Graph.
    With reference to this MSFT article: Get a user, getting a user returns a default set of properties only (businessPhones, displayName, givenName, id, jobTitle, mail, mobilePhone, officeLocation, preferredLanguage, surname, userPrincipalName). So I have to append $select to the request to get the other properties like Identities:{id | userPrincipalName}?$select=identities  

    Below the results.

    External Azure AD


    Microsoft Account


    Google Account


    One-Time Password

