Does Dotnet Net 6 Arm64 work on M1 Silicon ?

Ozzy Ozmen Celik 21 Reputation points

When I tried using Scaffold Dbcontext, it show there is no such a word as " scaffold dbcontext". Then I uninstalled Net 6 and installed Arm64 version on m y M1 silicon. Guess what ? It didn't work because when checked botnet version, it didn't show me the Net 6 and I installed intel x64 version again which one comes with Visual Studio for Mac 2022 Prev. So Is anybody know that when arm64 Net6 will support %100 ? Because we can't use "Scaffold Dbcontext" to migration our Datas to project.

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.NET Runtime
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Accepted answer
  1. Bruce ( 55,366 Reputation points

    works fine on my m1 using dotnet 6 and azure sqlserver edge in a docker container.

    dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Server=localhost;Database=pubs;user=sa;Password=xxxxx;" "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer" -o Model

    note: I use the z shell

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3 additional answers

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  1. Bruce ( 55,366 Reputation points

    So did you install the EF cli tools?

    dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef


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  2. Ozzy Ozmen Celik 21 Reputation points

    Yes I already installed but still not working. Also I installed nuggets ( ef core sql - design - tools ).
    Here is my Scaffold DbContext = Scaffold-DbContext "Server=sserveraddress;Database=dbname;User=username;Password=password;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Data -Context MicroServiceDBContext

    Could u try it on ur computer and let me know if its working or not on ur side. And dont forget that I have this problem only with M1 cpu not intel.

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  3. Ozzy Ozmen Celik 21 Reputation points

    Thank you so much. It really worked for me..

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