Core Minimal Web Api : Redirect to url showing json response

Hamed Vaziri 136 Reputation points

Hello everyone
in my core 6.0 minimal web api, i want to have a api method that redirect to a url instead of display anyThing. see my method :

app.MapGet("/", (LinkGeneratorContext db) =>  
    RedirectResult redirect = new RedirectResult("", true);  
    return redirect;  

But this code display json result in my browser & does not redirect to url!
Does something wrong?
Any help can greatly appreciated.

A set of technologies in the .NET Framework for building web applications and XML web services.
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  1. Bruce ( 55,601 Reputation points
    app.MapGet("/", async context =>
        await context.Response.Redirect("");
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  2. Hamed Vaziri 136 Reputation points

    Hi again
    I've solved the problem!
    Try using response.Redirect method (Inject HttpResponse object into your api method via DI).
    I'm developing a short link generator with a single service (link generator). i want to create another service which redirect to orginal link when call from browser get request.

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  3. AgaveJoe 26,191 Reputation points

    the webapi system can host a swagger endpoint. instead of having to write /swagger, I'd like to simply redirect to the swagger page.

    If I understand correctly, you want to display the swagger doc when using a browser and accessing the application root.

    Create an MVC controller where the route in the root and redirect to swagger.

        public class HomeController : Controller
            [Route(""), HttpGet]
            [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)]
            public RedirectResult Index()
                return Redirect("/swagger/");
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