We can't find any apps for your role error message in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for phones and tablets

This article provides a solution to an error that occurs when using Microsoft Dynamics 365 for phones and tablets.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics 365
Original KB number:   4486472


When using Dynamics 365 for phones and tablets, you receive the following message:

"We can't find any apps for your role. To check for recently-added apps, select Refresh.
If you can't find your app, change your search criteria and try again."


Cause 1: You don't have any Dynamics 365 security roles that provide access to any Unified Interface apps.

Cause 2: You don't have a Dynamics 365 security role with the Model-driven Apps privilege.


Resolution 1: Verify user has access to at least one Unified Interface app.

  1. Access the Dynamics 365 web application as a user with the System Administrator security role.

  2. Navigate to Settings and then select My Apps.


    If you don't see My Apps, you can add /apps to the end of your URL: https://<your_organization_URL>/apps
    Example: https://contoso.crm.dynamics.com/apps

  3. Locate the app you want the user to use and select the ellipses (...) option and then select Manage Roles.


    The ... option only appears on apps of type Unified Interface which are the only apps supported to use with Dynamics 365 for phones and tablets. If you don't have a Unified Interface app already, you can use the Create new App option.

  4. A list of Dynamics 365 security roles will appear. Verify at least one role assigned to the user is selected and then select Save.

For more information, see Manage access to apps by using security roles.

Resolution 2: Verify the user's role includes the Model-driven App privilege

  1. Access the Dynamics 365 web application as a user with the System Administrator security role.
  2. Navigate to Settings, select Security, and then select Security Roles.
  3. Open the role assigned to the user.
  4. Select the Customization tab and locate the Model-driven App privilege. Verify the role includes at least Read access for this privilege.
  5. Select Save and Close.