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IProxyInteractor Interface


The abstract interaction events that all proxy interactors support. Proxy interactors are used to map foreign interaction systems (like UnityUI) onto XRI interaction primitives.

public interface IProxyInteractor : UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.IXRHoverInteractor, UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.IXRSelectInteractor
UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.IXRHoverInteractor UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.IXRInteractor UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.IXRSelectInteractor


Generally, input shims will call these functions to request the proxy to hover/select/etc the object on which the shim is placed.



End hovering the interactable. The interactable will receive OnHoverExiting and OnHoverExited events, and the proxy interactor will remove it from its list of valid targets.

EndSelect(IXRSelectInteractable, Boolean)

End selecting the interactable. The interactable will receive OnSelectExiting and OnSelectExited events. SuppressEvents will prevent StatefulInteractables from receiving click or toggle events.

StartHover(IXRHoverInteractable, Vector3)

Begin hovering the interactable. The interactable will receive OnHoverEntering and OnHoverEntered events, and the proxy interactor will include it in its list of valid targets. Also includes the worldPosition of the pointer.


Begin hovering the interactable. The interactable will receive OnHoverEntering and OnHoverEntered events, and the proxy interactor will include it in its list of valid targets.

StartSelect(IXRSelectInteractable, Vector3)

Begin selecting the interactable. The interactable will receive OnSelectEntering and OnSelectEntered events. Also includes the worldPosition of the pointer.


Begin selecting the interactable. The interactable will receive OnSelectEntering and OnSelectEntered events.

UpdateSelect(IXRSelectInteractable, Vector3)

Call to periodically update an in-progress selection. Typically used for drags; worldPosition specifies the world position of the pointer's drag.

Applies to

منتج الإصدارات
MRTK3 Core Definitions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2