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Orleans.Concurrency Namespace



The AlwaysInterleaveAttribute attribute is used to mark methods that can interleave with any method, including write (non ReadOnly) requests.


The Immutable attribute indicates that instances of the marked class or struct are never modified after they are created.


Utility class to add the .AsImmutable method to all objects.


Utility class to add the .AsImmutable method to all objects.


The MayInterleaveAttribute attribute is used to mark classes that want to control request interleaving via supplied method callback.


Indicates that a method on a grain interface is one-way and that no response message will be sent to the caller.


The ReadOnly attribute is used to mark methods that do not modify the state of a grain.

Marking methods as ReadOnly allows the run-time system to perform a number of optimizations that may significantly improve the performance of your application.


The Reentrant attribute is used to mark grain implementation classes that allow request interleaving within a task.

This is an advanced feature and should not be used unless the implications are fully understood. That said, allowing request interleaving allows the run-time system to perform a number of optimizations that may significantly improve the performance of your application.


The StatelessWorker attribute is used to mark grain class in which there is no expectation of preservation of grain state between requests and where multiple activations of the same grain are allowed to be created by the runtime.


The Unordered attribute is used to mark grain interface in which the delivery order of messages is not significant.



Wrapper class for carrying immutable data.