اقرأ باللغة الإنجليزية تحرير

مشاركة عبر


The metrics table contains the details of ingestions, materialized views, and continuous exports of an Eventhouse KQL database, which is part of Real-Time Intelligence. For each metric, a log event record is stored in the EventhouseMetrics table.

Metric operation logs

Use the metrics to:

  • Analyze ingestion performance and trends.
  • Monitor batch vs streaming ingestions.
  • Troubleshoot ingestion failures.
  • Deep dive into ingestion flows.
  • Materialized views monitoring and health.
  • Continuous exports monitoring.

The following table describes the columns stored in the EventhouseMetrics table:

Column Name Type Description
CapacityId string The Fabric capacity identifier.
CustomerTenantId string The customer tenant identifier.
DurationMs long Not applicable.
ItemId string The identifier of the Fabric Eventhouse item
ItemKind string The type of the Fabric item. Valid values: Eventhouse.
ItemName string The name of the Fabric Eventhouse item.
Level string Not applicable.
MetricCount long The metric count value.
MetricMaxValue long The metric maximum value.
MetricMinValue long The metric minimum value.
MetricName string The metric name.
MetricSpecificDimensions dynamic The specific dimensions of each metric, as described in Metric Specific Dimension Column. Where relevant, dimension descriptions are provided as part of the metric description.
MetricSumValue long The metric sum value.
OperationName string The name of the operation performed.
Region string The region where the Fabric KQL database is located.
Timestamp datetime The time (UTC) the event was generated.
WorkspaceId string The identifier of the workspace.
WorkspaceMonitoringTableName string The name of the workspace monitoring table. Valid values: EventhouseQueryLogs
WorkspaceName string The name of the workspace.

Metric Specific Dimension Column

The following table contains a list of all the reported Eventhouse metrics, and the specific dimensions reported for each metric.

Metric Type MetricName Unit Aggregation Description Metric Specific Dimensions
Ingestion BatchBlobCount Count Avg, Max, Min The number of data sources ingested in a completed batch. Database, Table
Ingestion BatchDurationSec Seconds Avg, Max, Min The duration of the batching phase within the ingestion flow. Database, Table
Ingestion BatchSizeBytes Bytes Avg, Max, Min The expected uncompressed data size in an aggregated ingestion batch. Database, Table
Ingestion BatchesProcessed Count Sum, Max, Min The number of completed ingestion batches. Database, Table, Batching Type
Ingestion BlobsDropped Count Sum, Max, Min The number of blobs permanently dropped by a component, with each failure reason recorded in the IngestionResult metric. Database, Table, ComponentType, ComponentName
Ingestion BlobsProcessed Count Sum, Max, Min The number of blobs processed by a component. Database, Table, ComponentType, ComponentName
Ingestion BlobsReceived Count Sum, Max, Min The number of blobs received from an input stream by a component. Database, ComponentType, ComponentName
Export ContinuousExportRecordsCount Count Sum The number of exported records in all continuous export jobs. Database, ContinuousExportName
Export ContinuousExportMaxLateness Count Max The lateness (minutes) reported by the continuous export jobs in the KQL Database.
Export ContinousExportPendingCount Count Max The number of pending continuous export jobs that are ready to run but are waiting in a queue, possibly due to insufficient capacity.
Export ContinuousExportResult The Failure/Success result of each continuous export run. ContinuousExportName The result of each continuous export run, indicating either failure or success. ContinuousExportName
Ingestion DiscoveryLatencyInSeconds Seconds Avg The time from when data is enqueued until it's discovered by data connections. This time isn't included in the Stage latency or Ingestion latency metrics. Discovery latency might increase in the following situations:
  • When cross-region data connections are used.
  • In Event Hubs data connections, if the number of Event Hubs partitions is insufficient for the data egress volume.
  • ComponentType, ComponentName
    Ingestion EventsDropped Count Sum, Max, Min The number of events dropped by data connections. ComponentType, ComponentName
    Ingestion EventsProcessed Count Sum, Max, Min The number of events processed by data connections. ComponentType, ComponentName
    Ingestion EventsReceived Count Sum, Max, Min The number of events received by data connections from an input stream. ComponentType, ComponentName
    Ingestion IngestionLatencyInSeconds Seconds Avg, Max, Min The time taken from when data is received in the cluster until it's ready for query. The time depends on the ingestion type, such as Streaming Ingestion or Queued Ingestion. IngestionKind
    Ingestion IngestionResult Count Sum The total number of sources that were either successfully ingested or failed to be ingested. For more information, see Dimension descriptions Database, Table, IngestionResultDetails, FailureKind, ViaUpdatePolicy
    Ingestion IngestionVolumeInBytes Count Max, Sum The total size of data ingested to the KQL database (Bytes) before compression. Database, Table
    Materialized View MaterializedViewAgeSeconds Seconds Avg The age of the view (minutes) is defined by the current time minus the last ingestion time processed by the view. A lower value indicates a healthier view. Database, MaterializedViewName
    Materialized View MaterializedViewHealth 1, 0 Avg A value of 1 indicates the view is considered healthy; otherwise, the value is 0. Database, MaterializedViewName
    Materialized View MaterializedViewResult 1 Avg The metric value is always 1. Result indicates the result of the last materialization cycle. For possible values, see MaterializedViewResult. Database, MaterializedViewName, Result
    Ingestion QueueLength Count Avg The number of pending messages in a component's input queue. The batching component processes one message per blob, while the ingestion component handles one message per batch. A batch consists of a single ingest command that includes one or more blobs. ComponentType
    Ingestion QueueOldestMessage Seconds Avg The time (seconds) from when the oldest message in a component's input queue was inserted. ComponentType
    Ingestion ReceivedDataSizeBytes Bytes Avg, Sum The size of the data received by data connections from an input stream. ComponentType, ComponentName
    StreamingIngestion StreamingIngestDataRate Bytes Count, Avg, Max, Min, Sum The total volume of data ingested by streaming ingestion. Database, Table
    StreamingIngestion StreamingIngestDuration Milliseconds Avg, Max, Min The total duration of all streaming ingestion requests. None

    Dimension descriptions

    The following list describes the dimensions reported in the IngestionResult metric:

    • IngestionResultDetails: Success for successful ingestion or the failure category for failures. For a complete list of possible failure categories, see Ingestion error codes.
    • FailureKind: Whether the failure is permanent or transient. The value is None for a successful ingestion.
    • ViaUpdatePolicy: True, if the ingestion was triggered by an Update Policy.


    • Event Hubs and IoT Hub ingestion events are pre-aggregated into one blob and then treated as a single ingestion source. They appear as a single ingestion result after pre-aggregation.
    • Transient failures are automatically retried a limited number of times. Each transient failure is reported as a transient ingestion result, which means a single ingestion may generate multiple ingestion results.

    Sample queries

    You can find sample queries in the fabric-samples GitHub repository.