How-to renew Publisher Attesation and Microsoft 365 Certification
The Microsoft 365 App Compliance Program requires developers to renew their Publisher Attestation and Microsoft 365 Certification annually. This renewal process allows developers to update their attestation questionnaire and supporting documents for certification.
To help you stay on track, Microsoft will display a renewal reminder in Partner Center 90 days before expiration. Additionally, email reminders will be sent 90, 60, and 30 days before your attestation expires.
Renew Publisher Attestation
In Partner Center select Publisher Attestation and click Renew.
Review the previous Publisher Attestation answers and update with the latest information as needed.
Submit Publisher Attestation for renewal when ready. It will be reviewed by a Microsoft 365 app compliance analyst.
Publisher Attestation Renewal Approved
Renew Microsoft 365 Certification
To maintain your Microsoft 365 Certification, you must resubmit your certification information annually. This process ensures your app remains compliant with current security and compliance standards.
When your certification is nearing it's one year mark, Microsoft will send an email reminder encouraging you to resubmit your documentation and evidence for review.
In Partner Center select Microsoft 365 Certification and click Renew.
Certification Renewal Approved
If the app is approved for renewal the following message will appear:
Certification Renewal Rejected
Apps may be rejected from certification renewal for the following reasons:
The app doesn't have the required tooling, processes, or configurations in place and won't be able to implement required changes within the certification window.
The app has outstanding vulnerabilities in place and can't be fixed within the certification window.
Attestation or Certification Expired
The app’s information needs to be renewed before the expiration date to maintain app’s attestation/certification page in Microsoft docs. Timely renewal will also ensure continued badging and icons for the app in AppSource and Team Store.
Once expired, Publisher Attestation and Certification process can be started anytime by clicking ‘Renew’.
In this learning path, learn how to publish your apps to Microsoft Teams Store, add significant value to your Teams app to avoid your app failing app review, and validate and publish Teams apps extensible across Microsoft 365 to Teams Store.