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What's New in DevTools (Microsoft Edge 132)

These are the latest features in the Stable release of Microsoft Edge DevTools.

The left sidebar in the Performance tool displays the costs of CSS selectors in the Insights tab when the Enable CSS selector stats (slow) checkbox is enabled. Now, the selectors have links to the stylesheets that contain them.

Some selectors might have more than one link when they are defined in multiple locations in a stylesheet or defined in multiple stylesheets. For example, two links will be shown as [1], [2]. Selectors from user agent stylesheets or dynamically created stylesheets won't have links.

CSS selector costs links

See also:

Move a tab left or right in the Quick View toolbar by right-clicking it

Previously, you could rearrange the tabs in Quick View only by dragging them. This can be difficult for users who are using input devices such as a trackball or head pointer. Now, you can also move a tab left or right by right-clicking the tab and then selecting Move left or Move right:

The context menu from right-clicking a tool's tab on the Quick View toolbar

See also:

Heap snapshot objects are categorized by constructor names and source locations in the Memory tool

Before, when JavaScript objects in the heap snapshot Summary view were grouped by the names of their constructors, it was possible for distinct constructors to have the same name, meaning unrelated objects could end up in the same group.

Now, JS objects are grouped together based on their constructor names and source locations.

See also:

Announcements from the Chromium project

Microsoft Edge 132 also includes the following updates from the Chromium project:

See also