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Purchase catalog items

The following scenario demonstrates the generic process for purchasing items from the catalog by using the Partner Center API.


Select products and Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) and check their availability using the following Partner Center API models:

  • Product - A grouping construct for purchasable goods or services. A product by itself isn't a purchasable item.​​
  • SKU - A purchasable SKU under a product. These represent the different shapes of the product.​​
  • Availability - A configuration in which a SKU is available for purchase (such as country/region, currency, and industry segment).

To purchase an item from the catalog, complete the following steps:

  1. Identify and retrieve the Product and SKU that you want to purchase.

  2. Check the inventory for a SKU​. This step is only needed for SKUs that are tagged with an InventoryCheck value in the purchasePrerequisites property.

  3. Retrieve the availability for the SKU. You will need the CatalogItemId of the availability when placing the order​. To get this value, use one of the following APIs:

Order submission

To submit your catalog item order, do the following:

  1. Create a Cart to hold the collection of catalog items that you intend to buy. When you create a cart, the cart line items are automatically grouped based on what can be purchased together in the same Order.

  2. Check out the cart. Checking out a cart results in the creation of an Order.

Get order details

You can retrieve the details of an individual order using the order ID, or get a list of orders for a customer. There is a delay of up to 15 minutes between the time an order is submitted and when it will appear in a list of a customer's orders.​

Lifecycle management

As part of managing the lifecycle of your catalog items in Partner Center, you can retrieve information about your catalog item Entitlements, and get reservation details using the reservation order ID. For examples of how to do this, see Get entitlements. ​

Invoice and reconciliation

The following scenarios show you how to programmatically view your customer's invoices, and get your account balances and summaries that include one-time charges for catalog items.

Balance and payment​

To get current account balance in your default currency type that is a balance of ​both recurring and one-time (catalog item) charges, see Get your current account balance.

Multi-currency balance and payment

To get your current account balance and a collection of invoice summaries containing an invoice summary with both recurring and one-time charges for each of your customer's currency types, see Get invoice summaries.


To get a collection of invoices that show both recurring and one-time charges, see Get a collection of invoices. ​

Single Invoice​

To retrieve a specific invoice using the invoice ID, see Get an invoice by ID. ​


To get a collection of invoice line item details (Reconciliation line items) for a specific invoice ID, see Get invoice line items. ​

Download an invoice as a PDF

To retrieve an invoice statement in PDF form using an invoice ID, see Get an invoice statement.