Tag and exclude devices

This article describes how to customize settings assigned to devices scanned by Movere.

Movere collects scanned data and uploads it to the Movere cloud. There's no human interaction with the source data, and data can't be altered after collection. Although raw data can't be altered, you can customize the way that data is categorized in Movere, so that you can view it through a lens that works for you.

Customize device analysis

Here's how you can customize settings for device analysis.

Function Details
Tag devices You can tag devices to group them, providing more granular control over device views.

You can tag individual devices, or tag devices based on specific criteria.
Exclude devices Movere automatically assigns a state to devices it scans, and by default, shows data for devices marked as Active.

In some cases, you might not want to consider devices as Active for statistics and licensing purposes. For example, you might want to exclude templates, cluster-aware updating (CAU) accounts, Exchange DAG accounts, SQL DTC accounts, SQL Cluster accounts etc.

Excluding a device leaves it in an Active state, but doesn't include the Microsoft products installed on it for device licensing counts.

You can track excluded devices in the Summary\Cyber Security\Devices view.
Mark devices as MSDN MSDN devices are licensed via a user-based MSDN subscription, rather than at the guest or host device level.

Marking a device as MSDN leaves the device state as Active, but excludes Microsoft products running on the device from device license counts. Marking devices as MSDN also helps with MSDN user analysis.

You can remove the MSDN state at any time a device stops being licensed via an MSDN subscription.
Group by environment Movere can optimally size for Azure Migrate based on actual resource needs, but there are other factors involved when you're figuring out the total cost of ownership (TCO).

A major consideration is compute hours - the time that VMs remain running. Instead of basing resource needs on 24 hours a day, you can create Environments that specify days and hours, and then apply those Environments to Active devices. This provides a more accurate picture of compute costs for running in the cloud.
Group by country/region Although Movere does geographically place devices with internet access, placements might not always be accurate, due to gaps in public IP address data.

Grouping devices by country/region improves location accuracy, and helps you to figure out device and license counts across countries/regions, and globally.

Search using device criteria

You can search for devices based on device properties defined by Movere. Search operators are summarized in the table.

Operator Details
= Equal to
!= Not equal to
~ Like
!~ Not like
/>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
/> Greater than
< Less than

Search criteria can be combined using AND/OR. For example

Search Returns
last name ~ "ireland" or first name ~ "andrew" Returns users with first name containing the string "andrew", and last name containing the string "ireland".
country/region ~ "australia" and "department ~ finance Get users in Australia in a dept containing the string "finance".
organizational unit ~ "service" or description ~ "service" Get users with the string "service" in their Active Directory OU or description.

Tag devices

  1. In the Movere portal, open IO/Device Tagging.

  2. To quickly add a tag to a device, click Tags. Type in the tag text, and click the plus (+) sign to save it. You can apply the tag in the device Tags column.

    • You can also double-click in the Tags column in a specific device entry, and assign a tag directly.
  3. To apply a tag to multiple devices, click the search icon, and type in the relevant search terms.

    • Click Show/Hide to review the properties that you can use in the search.
    • You can find example searches in the next section.
  4. To apply a tag to the devices you found, click the Bulk Update icon.

  5. Select Tags, and in Add, either select an existing tag, or type in the name of a new tag. You can also do a bulk update to remove tags.

  6. Click the reload icon in the top right hand corner, to update across Movere.

Depending on the number of devices you're tagging, it can take several minutes to propagate the tag across Movere views.

Example searches and tags

Criteria Returned devices Search type
domain = null Get devices with no domain value Text
totalram > 100000 Get devices with more than 100 GB of RAM Numeric
platform ~ "vm" Get devices running on a VMware host Text
processorcount > 1 Get devices with more than one process Numeric
corecount > 16 Get device with more than 16 cores Numeric
scanreason ~ "not inventoried" Get devices that haven't been inventoried Text
host = "hypv1.io.priv" Get device on host hypv1.io.priv Text
host != null Linked to a physical host Text
operatingsystem ~ "red hat" Get devices with a red hat operating system Text
name ~ "dev" Get devices with "dev" in the FQDN Text
MSDN Get devices that are MSDN licensed Boolean
type ~ "server" Get devices with a Windows Server operating system Text
make ~ "HP" Get devices made by HP Text
model ~ "proliant" Get devices running on a Proliant model Text
registeredowner ~ "UL" Get devices registered to UL Text
excluded Get devices that have been excluded Boolean
!Tags.Any() Get devices that don't have a tag Text
Tags.Any(Tag ~ “test”) Get devices with a specific tag (in this case test) Text

Exclude devices

Exclude devices as follows:

  1. In the Movere portal, open IO/Device Tagging. Only devices in the Active state are shown.
  2. To exclude multiple devices, click the search icon, and type in the relevant search terms. Click Show/Hide to review the properties that you can use in the search.
  3. After retrieving the devices, click Exclude Reasons, and type in a quick description to help you remember in future why the devices were excluded.
  4. To exclude the devices you found, click the Bulk Update icon.
  5. Select State > Excluded, and then click Save.
  6. Click the reload icon in the top right hand corner, to make the update across Movere.

Depending on the number of devices you're excluding, it can take several minutes to propagate the setting across Movere views.

Mark devices as MSDN

Mark devices as MSDN as follows:

  1. In the Movere portal, open IO/Device Tagging. Only devices in the Active state are shown.
  2. To mark multiple devices, click the search icon, and type in the relevant search terms. Click Show/Hide to review the properties that you can use in the search.
  3. To apply the MSDN setting to the devices you found, click the Bulk Update icon.
  4. Select State > MSDN, and then click Save.
  5. Click the reload icon in the top right hand corner, to make the update across Movere.

Depending on the number of devices you're setting as MSDN, it can take several minutes to propagate the setting across Movere views.

Set up Environments

You set up Environments by configuring the time duration ,in days and hours, for which the devices remain powered on in that environment, and apply them to selected active devices as follows:

  1. In the Movere portal, open IO/Device Tagging. Only devices in the Active state are shown.
  2. Click Environments.
  3. Specify a name for the environment, and select number of hours in the day that devices will run, and the number of days in the week. You can specify hours at four hour increments (4,8,12,16,20,24)
  4. Click the search icon, and type in the relevant search terms. Click Show/Hide to review the properties that you can use in the search.
  5. To apply the Environment setting to the devices you found, click the Bulk Update icon. Select Environment, select the environment you created, and then click Save.
  6. Click the reload icon in the top right hand corner, to make the update across Movere.

Depending on the number of devices, it can take several minutes to propagate the setting across Movere views.

Group devices by country/region

Add countries/regions for devices as follows:

  1. In the Movere portal, open IO/Device Tagging.
  2. The Country/region column for devices isn't shown by default. To show it, click Show/Hide, and select Country/region.
  3. To quickly add a country to a device, in the Country/region column, select a country/region from the dropdown list.
  4. To apply a country/region to multiple devices, click the search icon, and type in the relevant search terms. Click Show/Hide to review the properties that you can use in the search.
  5. To apply the country/region to the devices you found, click the Bulk Update icon.
  6. Select Country/region, and select a country/region in the list.
  7. Click the reload icon in the top right hand corner, to make the update across Movere.

Depending on the number of devices you're updating, it can take several minutes to propagate the setting across Movere views.

Next steps

Review data views in the Movere portal.