مشاركة عبر

Subscription.AgentOffloadServer Property

Gets or sets the name of the remote computer where the agent runs when using remote agent activation.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.dll)


Public Property AgentOffloadServer As String 
Dim instance As Subscription 
Dim value As String 

value = instance.AgentOffloadServer

instance.AgentOffloadServer = value
public string AgentOffloadServer { get; set; }
property String^ AgentOffloadServer {
    String^ get ();
    void set (String^ value);
member AgentOffloadServer : string with get, set
function get AgentOffloadServer () : String 
function set AgentOffloadServer (value : String)

Property Value

Type: System.String
The name of the remote computer.


Microsoft SQL Server 2000 supported running the Distribution Agent or Merge Agent on another computer and then activating that agent remotely using Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM). Support has been discontinued for Distributors running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and later; it has been deprecated for Distributors running earlier versions of SQL Server. Setting the AgentOffloadServer property on an instance of SQL Server 2005 will generate an exception on the server.

The AgentOffloadServer property can only be retrieved by members of the sysadmin fixed server role at the Publisher, by members of the db_owner fixed database role on the publication database, or by the user that created the subscription.

The AgentOffloadServer property can only be set by members of the sysadmin fixed server role at the Publisher or by members of the db_owner fixed database role on the publication database.

See Also


Subscription Class

Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication Namespace

Other Resources

Discontinued Functionality in SQL Server Replication