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IVsaError Members

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Provides access to compilation errors encountered during execution of the IVsaEngine.Compile Method method.

The IVsaError type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Description Gets a brief description of the error, in some instances returning a reference to the token in the source code that is causing the error.
Public property EndColumn Gets the ending column number for the source text that caused the error, if available.
Public property Line Gets the line number on which an error occurs.
Public property LineText Gets the text of the source code from the line that caused the error.
Public property Number Gets a number that uniquely identifies the error.
Public property Severity Sets the severity of the error.
Public property SourceItem Gets a reference to the IVsaItem object that generated the error.
Public property SourceMoniker Gets the fully qualified name of the source item that contained the error, in a format recognizable by the script engine.
Public property StartColumn Gets the starting column number for the source text that caused the error, if available.


See Also


IVsaError Interface

Microsoft.Vsa Namespace