الوحدة النمطية
استكشف أداة Windows Package Manager - Training
قم بتثبيت البرامج وصيانتها على الكمبيوتر باستخدام Windows Package Manager. شرح المكونات والأوامر الأمامية، لمستودع Windows Package Manager، وكيفية المساهمة في المستودع.
لم يعد هذا المتصفح مدعومًا.
بادر بالترقية إلى Microsoft Edge للاستفادة من أحدث الميزات والتحديثات الأمنية والدعم الفني.
Version 2025.2
February 13, 2025
Sysinternals Suite is installed as an MSIX bundle from the Microsoft Store.
Like most other MSIX packages, Sysinternals Suite is installed per user, but the binaries are stored in a secure location and shared by users. Graphical tools, like Process Explorer, are added to the Windows Start menu. Starting with Windows 11, they are grouped in a Sysinternals Suite folder (VisualGroup property).
Windows 10 does not support Start menu folders for MSIX packages so the tools are not grouped in a Sysinternals Suite folder.
All executables are available from the path via Windows app execution aliases:
Microsoft.SysinternalsSuite_8wekyb3d8bbwe "Sysinternals Suite"
accesschk.exe AccessEnum.exe ADExplorer.exe ADInsight.exe
adrestore.exe Autologon.exe Autoruns.exe autorunsc.exe
Bginfo.exe Cacheset.exe Clockres.exe Contig.exe
Coreinfo.exe CPUSTRES.EXE Dbgview.exe Desktops.exe
disk2vhd.exe diskext.exe Diskmon.exe DiskView.exe
du.exe efsdump.exe FindLinks.exe handle.exe
hex2dec.exe junction.exe Listdlls.exe livekd.exe
LoadOrd.exe LoadOrdC.exe logonsessions.exe movefile.exe
notmyfault.exe notmyfaultc.exe ntfsinfo.exe pendmoves.exe
pipelist.exe procdump.exe procexp.exe Procmon.exe
PsExec.exe psfile.exe PsGetsid.exe PsInfo.exe
pskill.exe pslist.exe PsLoggedon.exe psloglist.exe
pspasswd.exe psping.exe PsService.exe psshutdown.exe
pssuspend.exe RAMMap.exe RDCMan.exe RegDelNull.exe
regjump.exe ru.exe sdelete.exe ShareEnum.exe
ShellRunas.exe sigcheck.exe streams.exe strings.exe
sync.exe Sysmon.exe tcpvcon.exe tcpview.exe
Testlimit.exe vmmap.exe Volumeid.exe whois.exe
Winobj.exe ZoomIt.exe
الوحدة النمطية
استكشف أداة Windows Package Manager - Training
قم بتثبيت البرامج وصيانتها على الكمبيوتر باستخدام Windows Package Manager. شرح المكونات والأوامر الأمامية، لمستودع Windows Package Manager، وكيفية المساهمة في المستودع.
Sysinternals Suite - Sysinternals
The Windows Sysinternals troubleshooting Utilities have been rolled up into a single suite of tools.
Library, learning resources, downloads, support, and community. Evaluate and find out how to install, deploy, and maintain Windows with Sysinternals utilities.
Sysinternals Community - Sysinternals
Windows Sysinternals community information and links