Four weeks prior to conferences
In a recent study, parents and guardians shared reasons for not participating in school activities the previous year. Across nine countries/regions included, 34 percent of respondents cited the need to work and 33 percent cited inconvenient meeting times. This shows that more flexible hours can drive participation. OECD PISA report
Reasons cited include:
- I wasn't able to get off from work
- The meeting times were inconvenient
- I had no one to take care of my child/children
- The way to school is unsafe
- I had problems with transportation
- I felt unwelcome at my child's school
- I feel awkward in a school
- My language skills weren't sufficient
- I think participation isn't relevant for my child's development
- I didn't know how I could participate in school activities
- My child doesn't want me to participate
Microsoft tools can help overcome these blockers and engaging families.
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams enables teachers to meet families at convenient times and in convenient spaces. Virtual scheduling features and video conferencing allow for flexible meeting times. With more options to meet, parents and guardians are able to gain access to more school activities. With higher parent engagement comes higher levels of academic and behavioral achievement.
Microsoft Forms
Use Microsoft Forms to survey parents and guardians about time preferences.