Content: Create accessible content

Completed 100 نقطة امتياز

Creating carefully planned content with all students’ needs in mind decreases the time needed by the educator to create accommodations and modifications and allows a wider audience of students to access the content.

Bring accessibility into the lesson planning and creation

Before sending out material, create a habit of checking for accessibility. Run the built-in Accessibility Checker before sending any type of content to students or families.

Try out lessons with assistive technology

After running the accessibility checker, try some lessons with the assistive technology students use. Going through the process helps educators understand how the technology works, allowing them to better assist students. Working with the technology can include:

  • Immersive Reader and Read Aloud - check materials such as websites to make sure they're compatible with the Immersive Reader
  • Screen reading software such as Narrator - check that a screen reader will be able to navigate the content
  • Screen magnification - understand what students will see and confirm that it's usable
  • Speech to text - practice dictating in the document that will be sent to students

الوحدة التالية: Content: Multisensory learning

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