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WebUISearchActivatedEventArgs Class


Provides information about the activated event that fires when the user searches the app from the Search charm and the app isn't the main app on screen.

C#/C++/VB This type appears as SearchActivatedEventArgs.

public ref class WebUISearchActivatedEventArgs sealed : IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, ISearchActivatedEventArgs, ISearchActivatedEventArgsWithLinguisticDetails, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.WebUISearchActivatedEventsContract, 65536)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingBehavior(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingType.Standard)]
class WebUISearchActivatedEventArgs final : IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, ISearchActivatedEventArgs, ISearchActivatedEventArgsWithLinguisticDetails, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.WebUISearchActivatedEventsContract), 65536)]
public sealed class WebUISearchActivatedEventArgs : IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, ISearchActivatedEventArgs, ISearchActivatedEventArgsWithLinguisticDetails, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral
Public NotInheritable Class WebUISearchActivatedEventArgs
Implements IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, ISearchActivatedEventArgs, ISearchActivatedEventArgsWithLinguisticDetails
Object Platform::Object IInspectable WebUISearchActivatedEventArgs

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows Desktop Extension SDK (introduced in 10.0.10240.0)
Windows Mobile Extension SDK (introduced in 10.0.10240.0)
API contract
Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.WebUISearchActivatedEventsContract (introduced in v1.0)



To implement search in an app for Windows 10 or later, use AutoSuggestBox. See Auto-suggest box for more info.

You should not use Windows.ApplicationModel.Search APIs (SearchPane, SearchContract) or SearchBox APIs in apps for Windows 10 or later.

If your app integrates with the Search contract, a webUISearchActivatedEventArgs is passed to your app's onactivated event handler when the user searches the app from the Search charm and your app is not the main app on screen. This type of activation is indicated by the activationKind.search value returned by the kind property.


This class is not agile, which means that you need to consider its threading model and marshaling behavior. For more info, see Threading and Marshaling (C++/CX).



Gets the app activated operation.


Gets the identifier for the currently shown app view.


Gets the activation type.


Gets the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) language tag (BCP 47 standard) that identifies the language currently associated with the user's text input device.


Gets a SearchPaneQueryLinguisticDetails object that provides info about query text that the user enters through an Input Method Editor (IME).


Gets the execution state of the app before it was activated.


Gets the text that the user wants the app to search for. The user entered this text into the search box of the search pane.


Gets the splash screen object that provides information about the transition from the splash screen to the activated app.

Applies to

See also