مشاركة عبر

KeyboardAccelerator.ScopeOwner Property


Gets or sets the scope (or target) of the keyboard accelerator.

 property DependencyObject ^ ScopeOwner { DependencyObject ^ get(); void set(DependencyObject ^ value); };
DependencyObject ScopeOwner();

void ScopeOwner(DependencyObject value);
public DependencyObject ScopeOwner { get; set; }
var dependencyObject = keyboardAccelerator.scopeOwner;
keyboardAccelerator.scopeOwner = dependencyObject;
Public Property ScopeOwner As DependencyObject

Property Value

The default is null (global scope).


This example demonstrates how to create a scoped accelerator. The Ctrl+Menu+S accelerator is invoked only if the focus is on a child of MainGrid.

<Grid x:Name="MainGrid">
    <Button Content="Save" Click="OnSave">
                Modifiers="Control, Menu"
                ScopeOwner="{x:Bind MainGrid}" />
<Grid x:Name="SecondaryGrid">
    <Button Content="Edit" Click="OnEdit" />


By default, an accelerator has global scope. However, you can constrain scope using ScopeOwner or disable an accelerator completely using IsEnabled.

Applies to

See also