
Споделяне чрез

BindingList<T>.AddNewCore Method


Adds a new item to the end of the collection.

 virtual System::Object ^ AddNewCore();
protected virtual object AddNewCore ();
protected virtual object? AddNewCore ();
abstract member AddNewCore : unit -> obj
override this.AddNewCore : unit -> obj
Protected Overridable Function AddNewCore () As Object


The item that was added to the collection.


The new item is not the same type as the objects contained in the BindingList<T>.


The AddNewCore method adds a new item to the collection represented by the Items property. AddNewCore raises the AddingNew event. This allows you to add a new item by setting the NewObject property of the AddingNewEventArgs parameter to the new item. Otherwise, the new item is automatically created through its public parameterless constructor.

Applies to

See also