
Споделяне чрез

DataTable.ParentRelations Property


Gets the collection of parent relations for this DataTable.

 property System::Data::DataRelationCollection ^ ParentRelations { System::Data::DataRelationCollection ^ get(); };
public System.Data.DataRelationCollection ParentRelations { get; }
public System.Data.DataRelationCollection ParentRelations { get; }
member this.ParentRelations : System.Data.DataRelationCollection
member this.ParentRelations : System.Data.DataRelationCollection
Public ReadOnly Property ParentRelations As DataRelationCollection

Property Value

A DataRelationCollection that contains the parent relations for the table. An empty collection is returned if no DataRelation objects exist.



The following example uses the ParentRelations property to return each parent DataRelation in a DataTable. Each relation is then used as an argument in the GetParentRows method of the DataRow to return an array of rows. The value of each column in the row is then printed.

private void GetChildRowsFromDataRelation(DataTable table)
    DataRow[] rowArray;
    foreach(DataRelation relation in table.ParentRelations)
        foreach(DataRow row in table.Rows)
            rowArray = row.GetParentRows(relation);
            // Print values of rows.
            for(int i = 0; i < rowArray.Length; i++)
                foreach(DataColumn column in table.Columns)
Private Sub GetChildRowsFromDataRelation(table As DataTable)
    Dim rowArray() As DataRow
    Dim relation As DataRelation, row As DataRow
    Dim column As DataColumn, i As Integer     
    For Each relation In  table.ParentRelations
        For Each row In  table.Rows
            rowArray = row.GetParentRows(relation)
            ' Print values of rows.             
            For i = 0 To rowArray.Length - 1                 
                For Each column In  table.Columns
                Next column
            Next i
        Next row
    Next relation
End Sub

Applies to

See also