
Споделяне чрез

EditingCommands.Delete Property


Represents the Delete command, which requests that the current selection be deleted.

 static property System::Windows::Input::RoutedUICommand ^ Delete { System::Windows::Input::RoutedUICommand ^ get(); };
public static System.Windows.Input.RoutedUICommand Delete { get; }
static member Delete : System.Windows.Input.RoutedUICommand
Public Shared ReadOnly Property Delete As RoutedUICommand

Property Value

The requested command. The default key gesture for this command is Delete.


The following example demonstrates how to invoke an editing command on an object that supports the command.

For this example, a RichTextBox serves as the command target. Note that RichTextBox implements the IInputElement interface (inherited from FrameworkElement), and that it includes native support for many editing commands.

The first argument for the Execute method is a command parameter. Most editing commands ignore the command parameter; in general, this parameter should be null for editing commands.

The second argument specifies the object to which the command will be routed. This object must implement the IInputElement interface, and should include a handler for the specified command. Generally, a command is ignored when invoked on an object that does not handle the command.

RichTextBox rTB = new RichTextBox();

EditingCommands.ToggleInsert.Execute(null, rTB);
Dim rTB As New RichTextBox()

EditingCommands.ToggleInsert.Execute(Nothing, rTB)


This command discards any formatting from the deleted selection. Contrast with the Backspace command, which retains any formatting from the deleted selection for content immediately inserted at the same location after this command is invoked.

There is not necessarily an actual implementation that responds to this command on any given object; in many cases the implementation that responds to a command is the responsibility of the application writer.

This command is natively supported by RichTextBox, TextBox, and PasswordBox.

XAML Attribute Usage

<object property="Delete"/>  

Applies to