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System.Xaml Namespace

Provides types that relate to XAML readers and XAML writers. This includes the default implementations of .NET XAML Services and its XAML readers and XAML writers. Also contains types relevant to the XAML type system and other support types related to XAML and .NET XAML Services concepts.



Reports information about an ambient property, as part of an IAmbientProvider implementation.


Provides a XAML type system identifier representation for attachable members. The identifier structure parallels the declaringType.memberName string form for attachable member usage.


Provides static helper methods that obtain values and accessor method information from an attachable property and that work with an attached property store.


Declares the identifier and the prefix of a XAML namespace by storing these string values as separate properties.


Implements a double-buffered XamlReader that can split reading and writing to different threads.


Represents a XAML reader behavior that loads and returns deferred content.


Provides the XAML type system identifier for a member if the member is also a XAML directive. XAML readers and XAML writers use the XamlDirective identifier during processing of member nodes. The identifier is used when the XAML reader is positioned on a StartMember and IsDirective is true.


The exception that is thrown when a XAML writer attempts to write a value for a duplicate member into the same object node.


The exception that is thrown for a general XAML reader or XAML writer exception.


The exception that is thrown for internal inconsistencies that occur during XAML reading and XAML writing.


Defines constants that provide strings or objects that are useful for XAML markup or for programming with XAML types. These strings or objects are relevant to XAML language concepts, to the implementation of XAML language concepts in .NET XAML Services, or to both.


Provides the XAML type system identifier for members of XAML types. The identifier is used by XAML readers and XAML writers during processing of member nodes (when the XAML reader is positioned on a StartMember) and also for general XAML type system logic.


Provides a list of XAML nodes, which can be used for scenarios such as writing XAML nodes in a deferred manner.


Provides a buffer for writing nodes and reading them again.


Provides data for callbacks that can be inserted in the sequence for object initialization and property setting. This influences the object graph that is produced by XamlObjectWriter.


Provides a XamlReader implementation that reads object graphs and generates a XAML node stream.


The exception that is thrown by several XamlObjectReader internal helper APIs.


Specifies processing rules or option settings for a XamlObjectReader.


Creates an object graph from a source XAML node stream.


The exception that is thrown when a XAML writer (such as the XamlObjectWriter class) encounters an error while attempting to produce object graphs from a XAML node stream.


Provides specific XAML writer settings for XamlObjectWriter.


The exception that is thrown when a XAML reader cannot process elements of the XAML reader source into a XAML node stream.


Provides base definitions for classes that consume XAML input and produce XAML node streams.


Specifies processing rules or option settings for a XamlReader implementation.


Defines a reusable context for interpreting or mapping XAML types, and the types in the assemblies that underlie them.


Provides optional settings for a XamlSchemaContext.


The exception that is thrown when a binding system or another schema representation system for XAML reports an exception to the schema context.


Provides higher-level services (static methods) for the common XAML tasks of reading XAML and writing an object graph; or reading an object graph and writing XAML file output for serialization purposes.


Reports information about XAML types as part of the overall XAML system that is implemented in .NET XAML Services.


Provides default implementation and base class definitions for a XAML writer. This is not a working default XAML writer; you must either derive from XamlWriter and implement its abstract members, or use an existing XamlWriter derived class.


Provides initialization settings for a XamlWriter implementation.


Processes XAML markup from XML files by using an XmlReader intermediary, and produces a XAML node stream.


Specifies processing rules or option settings for the XamlXmlReader XAML reader implementation.


Uses a TextWriter or XmlWriter support class to write a XAML node stream to a text or markup serialized form.


The exception that is thrown by certain XamlXmlWriter APIs.


Provides initialization settings for the XamlXmlWriter XAML writer implementation.



Represents a service that can return information items about ambient properties or ambient types to type converters and markup extensions.


Represents an attachable member store for an object where attachable members are set. This attachable member store can then be referenced with AttachablePropertyServices.


Represents a service that can return a CLR type system identifier for the destination type. The destination type is relevant when the destination type for a property-setting operation is indirectly reported by reflection or other mechanisms.


Represents a service that can return the recommended prefix for a XAML namespace mapping to consumers. Consumers might include design environments or serializers.


Describes a service that can return the root object of markup being parsed.


Provides a service that represents indexed node control for a simple implementation of a node-based XAML reader.


Describes a service for reporting text line information in XAML reader implementations.


Describes a service where a XAML writer can use reported line information and then include the information in the output.


Provides a service that is used during save and write operations to input an object and return a XAML name.


Describes a service that can return objects that are specified by XAML name, or alternatively, returns a token that defers name resolution. The service can also return an enumerable set of all named objects that are in the XAML namescope.


Describes a service that can return a XAML namespace that is based on its prefix as it is mapped in XAML markup.


Represents a service that generates a XamlObjectWriter that is based on the current internal parser context.


Represents a service that provides XAML schema context information to type converters and markup extensions.



Describes the type of the node that is currently being processed by a XAML reader.