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Ingest data into your Warehouse using data pipelines

Applies to: ✅ Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric

Data pipelines offer an alternative to using the COPY command through a graphical user interface. A data pipeline is a logical grouping of activities that together perform a data ingestion task. Pipelines allow you to manage extract, transform, and load (ETL) activities instead of managing each one individually.

In this tutorial, you'll create a new pipeline that loads sample data into a Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric.


Some features from Azure Data Factory are not available in Microsoft Fabric, but the concepts are interchangeable. You can learn more about Azure Data Factory and Pipelines on Pipelines and activities in Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse Analytics. For a quickstart, visit Quickstart: Create your first pipeline to copy data.

Create a data pipeline

  1. To create a new pipeline navigate to your workspace, select the +New button, and select Data pipeline. Screenshot of the top section of the user's workspace showing the New button, and with the options Warehouse, Data pipeline, and Show All.

  2. In the New pipeline dialog, provide a name for your new pipeline and select Create.

  3. You'll land in the pipeline canvas area, where you see three options to get started: Add a pipeline activity, Copy data, and Choose a task to start.

    Screenshot showing the three options to select for starting ingestion.

    Each of these options offers different alternatives to create a pipeline:

    • Add pipeline activity: this option launches the pipeline editor, where you can create new pipelines from scratch by using pipeline activities.
    • Copy data: this option launches a step-by-step assistant that helps you select a data source, a destination, and configure data load options such as the column mappings. On completion, it creates a new pipeline activity with a Copy Data task already configured for you.
    • Choose a task to start: this option launches a set of predefined templates to help get you started with pipelines based on different scenarios.

    Pick the Copy data option to launch the Copy assistant.

  4. The first page of the Copy data assistant helps you pick your own data from various data sources, or select from one of the provided samples to get started. For this tutorial, we'll use the COVID-19 Data Lake sample. Select this option and select Next.

    Screenshot showing choices to use sample data or other data sources.

  5. In the next page, you can select a dataset, the source file format, and preview the selected dataset. Select Bing COVID-19, the CSV format, and select Next.

    Screenshot showing different dataset options for the COVID-19 sample, file formats, and a grid showing a preview of the data.

  6. The next page, Data destinations, allows you to configure the type of the destination workspace. We'll load data into a warehouse in our workspace, so select the Warehouse tab, and the Data Warehouse option. Select Next.

    Screenshot showing different destination options.

  7. Now it's time to pick the warehouse to load data into. Select your desired warehouse in the dropdown list and select Next.

    Screenshot showing a dropdown list with a warehouse selected.

  8. The last step to configure the destination is to provide a name to the destination table and configure the column mappings. Here you can choose to load the data to a new table or to an existing one, provide a schema and table names, change column names, remove columns, or change their mappings. You can accept the defaults, or adjust the settings to your preference.

    Screenshot showing the options to load data to an existing table or to create a new one.

    When you're done reviewing the options, select Next.

  9. The next page gives you the option to use staging, or provide advanced options for the data copy operation (which uses the T-SQL COPY command). Review the options without changing them and select Next.

  10. The last page in the assistant offers a summary of the copy activity. Select the option Start data transfer immediately and select Save + Run.

    Screenshot showing the option to start the data transfer operation immediately, and the buttons Back and Save + Run.

  11. You are directed to the pipeline canvas area, where a new Copy Data activity is already configured for you. The pipeline starts to run automatically. You can monitor the status of your pipeline in the Output pane:

    Screenshot showing the pipeline canvas with a Copy activity in the center, and the pipeline execution status showing the current status In progress.

  12. After a few seconds, your pipeline finishes successfully. Navigating back to your warehouse, you can select your table to preview the data and confirm that the copy operation concluded.

    Screenshot showing a warehouse with the bing_covid_19 table selected, and a grid showing a preview of the data in the table.

For more on data ingestion into your Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric, visit:

Next step