Signed all Az packages published to PowerShell Gallery
Az.Accounts 4.0.1
Fixed the Managed Identity parameter set description of 'AccountId' in 'Connect-AzAccount'.
Made the breaking change warnings about 'Get-AzAccessToken' not appear when '-AsSecureString' is used.
Fixed an issue that cmdlets may report warnings of 'KeyNotFoundException'. #26624
Fixed an issue that the '-AppliesTo' parameter of 'Update-AzConfig' does not work as expected.
Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.44.1 and Azure.Identity to 1.13.0.
Updated Azure PowerShell intercept survey prompt.
Az.Aks 6.1.0
Fixed the issue that HTTP request body contains empty userAssignedIdentities object when identity type is 'SystemAssigned'.
Az.ApiManagement 4.1.0
Fixed model creation parameters of ApiCreateOrUpdateParameter, ProductContract, SubscriptionCreateParameters, GroupCreateParameters, OpenidConnectProviderContract, IdentityProviderCreateContract, BackendContract, CacheContract and DiagnosticContract with [#26672].
Az.Batch 3.7.0
Fixed 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error when setting null values inside job 'CommonEnvironmentSettings' property.
Az.Compute 9.0.1
Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.44.1.
Compute gallery related cmdlets will now use 2024-03-03 GalleryRP API calls.
Az.ContainerInstance 4.1.1
Added breaking change warning for removing default value for OsType 'New-AzContainerGroup'
Az.ContainerRegistry 4.3.0
Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.44.1.
Az.CosmosDB 1.16.0
Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.44.1.
Az.Databricks 1.10.0
Updated Az.Databricks to use more intuitive parameter names for the ESC feature.
Az.DataFactory 1.19.0
Added support for additional MySQL connection properties.
Added support for Azure PostgreSQL v2, updated connection strings, and corrected Linked JSON configurations.
Az.DataProtection 2.6.0
Added support for UAMI in Backup Instance
Az.DevTestLabs 1.1.0
Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.DevTestLabs' Version '1.0.0' PackageReference
Az.HealthDataAIServices 1.0.0
General availability for module Az.HealthDataAIServices
Upgraded API version to 2024-09-20
Az.IotHub 2.8.0
Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.IotHub' Version '4.2.0' PackageReference
Az.KeyVault 6.3.1
Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.44.1.
Az.Kusto 2.4.0
Added new cmdlets
Az.LogicApp 1.6.0
Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Logic' Version '4.1.0' PackageReference
Az.Maintenance 1.5.0
Added list of allowed classifications in description for Maintenance Configuration
Fixed incorrect parameter mapping in Get-AzApplyUpdate
Az.Migrate 2.6.0
Added support for PremiumV2 disk type.
Added SBM support.
Az.Network 7.12.0
Onboarded 'Microsoft.HeathDataAIServices/deidServices' to private link cmdlets
Updated 'Remove-AzNetworkWatcherFlowLog' command to return boolean value
Updated vnv and ipam cmdlets
Allowed TA interval to be set as 0 incase TA is disabled
Onboarded Azure Virtual Network Manager Cmdlets for IpamPool
Onboarded Azure Virtual Network Manager Cmdlets for VnetVerifier
[Breaking Change] Removed alias 'Resolve-Error' for the cmdlet 'Resolve-AzError'.
Updated the 'Get-AzAccessToken' breaking change warning message.
Added Long Running Operation Support for Invoke-AzRest command.
Az.App 2.0.0
The parameters of the 'New-AzContainerApp', 'New-AzContainerAppJob', 'Update-AzContainerApp', 'Update-AzContainerAppJob' commands have changed.
'IdentityType' has been removed. 'EnableSystemAssignedIdentity' is used to enable/disable system-assigned identities.
The type of 'UserAssignedIdentity' is simplified to an array of strings that is used to specify the user's assigned identity.
Az.Compute 9.0.0
Made '-PublicIpSku' parameter Standard by default in 'New-AzVM'
Az.ConnectedMachine 1.1.0
Updated preview version api of HybridCompute to 2024-07-31
Az.ContainerInstance 4.1.0
Added ContainerGroupProfileId ContainerGroupProfileRevision StandbyPoolProfileFailContainerGroupCreateOnReuseFailure StandbyPoolProfileId to Container Group properties.
Added ConfigMapKeyValuePair to Container object properties.
Added new cmdlet to define container without using the preset default properties New-AzContainerInstanceNoDefaultObject
Added new cmdlets for Container Group Profile - Get-AzContainerInstanceContainerGroupProfile, New-AzContainerInstanceContainerGroupProfile, Remove-AzContainerInstanceContainerGroupProfile, Update-AzContainerInstanceContainerGroupProfile, Get-AzContainerInstanceContainerGroupProfileRevision
Az.DesktopVirtualization 5.4.0
Added top level arm object for app attach packages
Az.DevCenter 2.0.0
Updated data plane to 2024-05-01-preview and removed deprecation warnings.
Az.Dns 1.3.0
Added 'NAPTR' record type support in cmdlets.
Az.DnsResolver 1.1.0
Added 4 new DNS Resolver Policy (DNS Security Policy) resources into the cmdlets
DNS Resolver Policy (DNS Security Policy)
DNS Security Rule
DNS Resolver Policy Link (DNS Security Policy Link)
DNS Resolver Domain List
Az.ElasticSan 1.2.0
Removed breaking change warnings for MI best practices
Az.HDInsight 6.3.0
Changed the type of parameter '-IdentityId' in command 'Update-AzHDInsightCluster' from 'string' to 'string[]'.
Az.KeyVault 6.3.0
Added Secret URI Parameter to Key Vault Secret Cmdlets [#23053]
Az.Monitor 6.0.0
The parameters of the 'New-AzDataCollectionEndpoint', 'New-AzDataCollectionRule', 'Update-AzDataCollectionEndpoint', 'Update-AzDataCollectionRule' commands have changed.
'IdentityType' has been removed. 'EnableSystemAssignedIdentity' is used to enable/disable system-assigned identities.
The type of 'UserAssignedIdentity' is simplified to an array of strings that is used to specify the user's assigned identity.
Az.Network 7.10.1
Updated Device Update Private Link provider configuration
Updated Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts API version to 2023-07-01
Az.RecoveryServices 7.3.0
Added CRR support for southeastus, westus3 regions.
Added support for enabling Disk access settings for managed VM restores.
Az.Resources 7.6.1
Updated Resources SDK to 2024-07-01.
Az.Sql 6.0.0
Added 'Start-AzSqlInstanceLinkFailover' cmdlet for Managed Instance Link.
Updated 'New-AzSqlInstanceLink' with new input parameters
'TargetDatabase' -> 'Database', parameter type is changed from string to string[].
Updated 'AzureSqlManagedInstanceLinkModel' that is a return type of 'New-AzSqlInstanceLink', 'Get-AzSqlInstanceLink', 'Update-AzSqlInstanceLink' ,'Remove-AzSqlInstanceLink'
Added new optional parameter for 'New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary' to support cross-subscription geo-replication.
Az.Storage 8.0.0
When downloading blob with parameter AbsoluteUri (alias Uri, BlobUri), not allow input parameter Context together.
Migrated following Azure Storage File dataplane cmdlets from 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.File' to 'Azure.Storage.Files.Shares'
Added optional parameters '-SecurityPostureId' and '-SecurityPostureExcludeExtension' to cmdlets 'New-AzVmss' and 'New-AzVmssConfig'.
Updated image aliases to be up-to-date in the azure-powershell\src\Compute\Strategies\ComputeRp\Images.json file.
Added 'NvmeDisk' argument completer to 'DiffDiskPlacement' parameter for 'Set-AzVMOSDisk' and 'Set-AzVmssStorageProfile' cmdlets, allowing options for disk placement as 'CacheDisk', 'ResourceDisk', or 'NvmeDisk'.
Az.ConnectedMachine 1.0.0
General availability for module Az.ConnectedMachine
Az.DataFactory 1.18.9
Added pageSize support to Salesforce V2 Source.
Added pageSize support to ServiceNow V2 Source.
Added host property to Snowflake linked service.
Fixed missing authenticationType in PostgreSQL V2 linked service.
Az.DataProtection 2.5.0
Added support for vault tier backup and restore for AzureKubernetesService
Added support for resource modifier reference
Added a fix for Update-AzDataProtectionBackupInstance
Az.DesktopVirtualization 4.3.2
Preannounced the breaking changes for Az.DesktopVirtualization 6.0.0
Az.EventGrid 2.1.0
Fixed an issue that caused some commands ending in 'Object' to not work properly.
Az.EventHub 5.0.1
Migrated EventHub SDK to generated SDK
Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.EventHub' Version '5.0.0' PackageReference
Added EventHub.Management.Sdk ProjectReference
Az.Functions 4.1.1
Used 'Get-AzAccessToken -AsSecureString' inside the 'Functions' for the plain text version is going to be deprecate in the next release.
Az.Migrate 2.5.0
Validated user login with Microsoft Managed System Identity (MSI) in 'Initialize-AzMigrateHCIReplicationInfrastructure'
Passed appropriate Hyper-V Generation value based on source VMware firmware type in 'New-AzMigrateHCIServerReplication'
Added support for LinuxLicenseType in Az.Migrate module.
Az.Monitor 5.3.0
Added new cmdlet for Azure Monitor Pipeline Groups
Az.Network 7.10.0
Onboarded Azure Virtual Network Manager Cmdlets for UDR and NSG Management
@reyjordi, made note to address a limitation on AppGW PowerShell (#26473)
12.4.0 - October 2024
Az.App 1.1.0
Added breaking change messages:
Fixed an issue that caused Get/New-Az* cmdlets with returned objects to incorrectly expose the parameter [-PassThru].
Az.Billing 2.1.0
Renamed 'Get-UsageAggregates' to 'Get-AzUsageAggregate' and added 'Get-UsageAggregates' as the alias to avoid breaking change.
Az.Compute 8.4.0
Added 'SkuProfileVmSize' and 'SkuProfileAllocationStrategy' parameters to 'New-AzVmss', 'New-AzVmssConfig', and 'Update-AzVmss' cmdlets for VMSS Instance Mix operations.
Added a new optional parameter '-GenerateSshKey-type' to the 'New-AzVM' cmdlet, allowing users to specify the type of SSH key to generate (Ed25519 or RSA).
Added 'EnableResilientVMCreate' and 'EnableResilientVMDelete' parameters to 'Update-AzVmss' and 'New-AzVmssConfig' cmdlets for enhanced VM resilience options.
Added 'IsVMInStandByPool' property to 'PSVirtualMachineInstanceView' object. [#25736]
Az.CosmosDB 1.15.0
Added new parameter 'DisableTtl' to 'Restore-AzCosmosDBAccount'.
Az.DataFactory 1.18.8
Added support for Iceberg format as a sink.
Enabled sslMode and useSystemTrustStore options for MariaDB.
Az.ElasticSan 1.1.0
Supported 'EnforceDataIntegrityCheckForIscsi' for creating and updating volume groups
Az.HDInsight 6.2.1
Fixed a bug: Error occurs when setting the same assigned identity for storage and esp configurations.
Az.KeyVault 6.2.0
Fixed a parameter validation issue in Set-AzureKeyVaultCertificatePolicy. [#25649]
Az.Monitor 5.2.2
Added breaking change messages:
Updated documentation for 'New-AzActionGroupLogicAppReceiverObject'
Az.Network 7.9.0
Onboarded 'Microsoft.VideoIndexer/accounts' to private link cmdlets
Added support to create, get and delete Bastion shareable links
Fixed a bug in cmdlet 'Invoke-AzFirewallPacketCapture' which caused the packet capture request to be stuck in a waiting for activation state.
Updated cmdlet to add the property of 'Sensitivity', and updated corresponding cmdlets.
Added support for 'DefaultOutboundAccess' property in 'Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig' command
Added support for 'EnabledFilteringCriteria' property in 'New-AzNetworkWatcherFlowLog' and 'Set-AzNetworkWatcherFlowLog' commands
Added support of 'UserAssignedIdentityId' Property in 'New-AzNetworkWatcherFlowLog' and 'Set-AzNetworkWatcherFlowLog' commands
Added support of 'DestinationIPAddress' property in 'New-AzPrivateLinkService' command
'LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration' is not a mandatory parameter anymore.
The user can provide either 'LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration' or 'DestinationIPAddress'.
Az.RecoveryServices 7.2.0
Fixed bug for making RecoveryAzureStorageAccountId parameter optional in 'New-ASRReplicationProtectedItem' cmdlet of H2A.
Az.RedisEnterpriseCache 1.3.0
Added support for using Microsoft Entra token-based authentication.
Added the new properties of Cluster: highAvailability and redundancyMode.
Added new product SKUs.
Added the new properties of Database: accessKeysAuthentication.
Added Invoke-AzRedisEnterpriseCacheForceDatabaseLinkToReplicationGroup to force link geo replicated caches.
Added Update-AzRedisEnterpriseCacheDatabaseDbRedisVersion to upgrade the redis database version directly.
Az.Resources 7.5.0
Added 'ResourceSelector' and 'Override' parameters to 'New/Update-AzPolicyAssignment'.
Added 'ResourceSelector' parameter to 'New/Update-AzPolicyExemption'.
Removed 'Experimental' notice from '-WithSource' parameter to 'Publish-AzBicepModule'.
Az.StackHCIVM 1.0.5
Fixed the update issue
Az.Storage 7.4.0
Added a warning for an upcoming breaking change for removing references to 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.File'
Az.Websites 3.2.2
Fix bug where parameters could not be set to false for 'Publish-AzWebApp'
Thanks to our community contributors
@jufuku0108, Update (#26032)
12.3.0 - September 2024
Az.Accounts 3.0.4
Added customized UserAgent for ARM telemetry.
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Updated 'Connect-AzAccount' to fix a display issue in PowerShell ISE [#24556].
Updated the reference of Azure PowerShell Common to 1.3.100-preview.
Used Azure.Identity and Azure.Core directly for client assertion [#22628].
Az.Aks 6.0.4
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.ApiManagement 4.0.4
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.App 1.0.1
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.AppConfiguration 1.3.2
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.Automanage 1.0.2
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.Batch 3.6.3
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.Cdn 3.2.2
Added support to enable ManagedIdentity when no BYOC in the classic front door during migration
Az.Compute 8.3.0
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
References are updated to use 2024-07-01 ComputeRP and 2024-03-02 DiskRP REST API calls.
Added information on how to find VM Images when using 'New-AzVM' with '-Image' parameter.
Added 'TimeCreated' read-only field to 'PSVirtualMachineScaleSetVMProfile' object.
Added parameter '-ResourceIdsOnly' to 'Get-AzCapacityReservationGroup' cmdlet.
Changed the 'Set-AzVMOperatingSystem' cmdlet when the '-VM' parameter is used without an OSProfile. Now it will not throw a null reference exception when '-Credential' is not provided.
Added parameter '-ForceDetach' to 'Remove-AzVMDataDisk' cmdlet.
Az.ContainerInstance 4.0.2
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.CosmosDB 1.14.5
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.Databricks 1.9.0
Fixed an issue that 'Update-AzDatabricksWorkspace' doesn't work.[#25743]
Az.DataFactory 1.18.7
Supported managed identity for Data Factory Azure File connector.
Supported ServicePrincipalCert Auth for Data Factory Rest connector.
Supported ServicePrincipalCert Auth for Data Factory SharePointOnlineList connector.
Az.DevCenter 1.2.0
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Updated control plane to 2024-05-01-preview and added deprecation warnings
Az.ElasticSan 1.0.3
Added warnings for upcoming breaking changes to align the MI best practices.
Az.HDInsight 6.2.0
Added new feature: Enable adding public IP tags to clusters.
Added commands for manage Azure Monitor Agent
Command 'Get-AzHDInsightAzureMonitorAgent' to get the Azure Monitor Agent status of HDInsight cluster.
Command 'Enable-AzHDInsightAzureMonitorAgent' to enable the Azure Monitor Agent in HDInsight cluster.
Command 'Disable-AzHDInsightAzureMonitorAgent' to disable the Azure Monitor Agent in HDInsight cluster.
Command 'Update-AzHDInsightCluster' to update tags or identity for HDInsight cluster.
Az.IotHub 2.7.7
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.KeyVault 6.1.0
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Upgraded Get-AzKeyVaultKey for key vault key to track 2 SDK.
Az.Maintenance 1.4.3
Fixed bug where AzMaintenanceConfiguration returned a List object. [#25781]
Az.MySql 1.2.1
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.Network 7.8.1
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Onboarded 'Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments' to private link cmdlets
Az.NetworkCloud 1.0.2
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.NotificationHubs 1.1.3
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.Oracle 1.0.0
General availability for module Az.Oracle
Az.PostgreSql 1.1.2
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.RecoveryServices 7.1.0
Added MUA support for CMK Encryption properties of Recovery Services Vault. Updated the VaultProperty command to use underlying Vault APIs.
Added additional properties to the output of Get-AzRecoveryServicesVault cmdlet - MoveDetails, MoveState, RedundancySettings, SecureScore, BcdrSecurityLevel, EncryptionProperty.
Az.Resources 7.4.0
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
'Remove-AzResourceGroup' - support parameter '[-ForceDeletionType]'.
Removed specific characters from the codebase to unblock digital signature verification.
Az.Security 1.7.0
Added new cmdlets for defender for storage
Az.ServiceFabric 3.3.4
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.SignalR 2.0.2
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Improve the doc for 'Test-AzSignalRName'.
Az.Sql 5.3.0
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Fixed issues regarding Active Directory Administrator in 'Set-AzSqlInstanceActiveDirectoryAdministrator' and 'Set-AzSqlInstance' cmdlets.
Added new parameter AuthenticationMetadata to 'New-AzSqlInstance' and 'Set-AzSqlInstance'
Az.SqlVirtualMachine 2.3.1
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Az.Storage 7.3.0
Supported account tier Cold
Updated Storage account cmdlet output properties Context to be based on OAuth token when the storage account has AllowSharedKeyAccess as false
Updated list share output display format
Added warnings for upcoming breaking changes in File cmdlets for removing references to 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.File'
Az.StorageSync 2.3.1
Fixed the bug in server registration
Improved the error message for Set-AzStorageSyncServiceIdentity cmdlet
Az.Synapse 3.0.10
Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
Thanks to our community contributors
Lakshay Nagpal (@ApnaLakshay), Update to include Guest scope examples (#25886)
Duong Au (@duongau), adding missing Name flag - line 29 (#25835)
Fixed overriding of Bicep parameters in Deployment cmdlets to support 'SecureString' parameters.
Added Test cmdlets for Deployment Stacks.
Az.Sql 5.2.0
Added breaking change announcement for cmdlets: 'New-AzSqlInstanceLink', 'Get-AzSqlInstanceLink', 'Remove-AzSqlInstanceLink', 'Update-AzSqlInstanceLink'.
Added 'IsGeneralPurposeV2' and 'StorageIOps' parameters to 'New-AzSqlInstance', 'Set-AzSqlInstance' to enable the creation of GPv2 instances
Added IsGeneralPurposeV2 and StorageIOps fields to the model of the managed instance so that it displays information about GPv2 instances that are returned by 'Get-AzSqlInstance'.
Added new cmdlet 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseReplicationLink' for updating replication link type
Updated 'Get-AzSqlDatabaseReplicationLink' to use the new sdk
Az.StackHCI 2.4.0
Upgraded API version to 2024-04-01
Allowed registration for 23H2 and above versions of the device
Az.Storage 7.2.0
Upgraded Microsoft.Azure.Storage.DataMovement to 2.0.5
Az.StorageSync 2.3.0
Fixed the Register-AzStorageSyncServer with Azure FileSync Agent v17
Improved performance for Managed Identity migration cmdlet
Thanks to our community contributors
Paolo Frigo (@PaoloFrigo), Update (#25493)
Updated 'Microsoft.Identity.Client.NativeInterop' to fix the WAM pop window issue in elevated mode [#24967]
Updated the reference of Azure PowerShell Common to 1.3.98-preview.
Limited promotional message to interactive scenarios only
Az.Batch 3.6.2
Fixed a bug where 'New-AzBatchApplicationPackage' wouldn't work if the application 'AllowUpdates' parameter was set to 'False'.
Az.Compute 8.1.0
Added parameter '-SourceResourceId' to cmdlet 'Add-AzVMDataDisk'.
Added parameter '-IdentityType' to cmdlet 'Update-AzDiskEncryptionSet'.
Added 'Invoke-AzSpotPlacementScore' cmdlet, which calls the latest Spot Placement Score API. Set the original 'Invoke-AzSpotPlacementRecommender' as alias to avoid breaking changes.
Az.CosmosDB 1.14.4
Fixed the issue that Azure.Core.AccessToken is used before assigned.
Az.Databricks 1.8.0
Updated the Az Databricks cmdlets to 2024-05-01 api version.
Az.DataFactory 1.18.5
Added UAMI in DynamicsCrm LinkedService
Az.DataLakeStore 1.3.2
Updated signed 3rd party assembly NLog.dll to PSGallery
Az.FrontDoor 1.11.1
Fixed a not converting from string to base in CustomBlockResponseBody bug in updating waf policy
Az.Functions 4.1.0
Upgraded to Microsoft.Web API version 2023-12-01 [#25347]
Added support for creating function apps on container app [#22736]
Az.KeyVault 6.0.1
Fixed an issue during merging certificate process. [#24323]
Az.Maintenance 1.4.2
Fixed bug where rebootSettings property wasn't updating.
Az.Migrate 2.4.0
Removed 'at lease one NIC needs to be user selected' constrain when creating/updating server replication (protected item)
Added retries for calls to internal Get commands
Az.MySql 1.2.0
Added cmdlets: 'Get-AzMySqlFlexibleServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting' and 'Update-AzMySqlFlexibleServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting'
Az.Network 7.8.0
Added new cmdlets to support Save & Commit (AzureFirewallPolicy draft)
Added 'NoHealthyBackendsBehavior' to 'PSProbe', and updated corresponding cmdlets.
Upgraded API version to '2024-01-01'
Updated cmdlet to add 'Premium' as a valid value for 'Sku' parameter and 'enableSessionRecording' feature for Bastion resources
Updated cmdlet 'Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig', 'Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig' and 'New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig' to support Network Identifier for Subnet Service Endpoint.
Added cmdlet 'Restart-AzNetworkVirtualAppliance' for allowing a restart of Network Virtual Appliance instances from the customer subscription.
Fixed a bug in 'Update-AzNetworkVirtualApplianceConnection'
Updated the Azure Firewall and Azure Firewall Policy setter for their respective Private Range properties
Fixed a bug that prevented using /32 in private ranges on classic Azure Firewalls
Updated the error message to provide a suggested private range when the supplied range is not correctly masked by the host identifier
Added a new Allocate function for Azure Firewall that allows allocating customer public ip address to the firewall
Fixed a bug that caused firewalls and policies to lose their private range property value when using their 'Get' cmdlets
Az.Resources 7.2.0
Fixed 'Set-AzPolicyAssignment' loses description and Display Name [#25362]
Fixed 'New-AzPolicyAssignment' string ID value handling for parameter '-PolicyDefinition'
Fixed policy import issue with OP (requires serialization of null values)
Fixed '-Scope' parameter handling at resource instance level
Fixed serialization issue with empty arrays in PolicyParameterObject
Addressed a rare case where a service principal does not have AppId
Introduced validation of MG scoped deployment stack during New/Set cmdlet execution.
Updated Remove/New stack cmdlets with warnings for management groups ActionOnUnmanage and removed DeleteResourcesAndResourceGroups as valid ActionOnUnmanage value.
Supported get and assign versioned policy definitions and sets
Fixed syntax incompatible with windows powershell [#24971]
Fixed bug with 'Get-AzPolicyExemption' requesting 'ParentResourcePath'
Supported 'ServiceManagementReference' of Entra App
Added config 'LoginExperienceV2' to allow customer to switch the default behavior of context selection back. Check the help document of 'Update-AzConfig' for more details.
Supported auto-discovery of the endpoint of OperationalInsights (azure-powershell-common/pull/414)
Updated the reference of Azure PowerShell Common to 1.3.94-preview.
[Breaking Change] Removed config 'DisableErrorRecordsPersistence' to disable writing error records, error recording is now opt-in
Added config 'EnableErrorRecordsPersistence' to enable writing error records to file system
Az.AnalysisServices 1.1.5
Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.ApiManagement 4.0.3
Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.Batch 3.6.1
Removed the out-of-date breaking change message for 'Get-AzBatchCertificate' and 'New-AzBatchCertificate'.
Az.Billing 2.0.4
Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.Compute 8.0.0
Added new optional parameter 'SecureVMGuestStateSAS' to cmdlet 'Grant-AzDiskAccess'.
[Breaking Change] Added ValidateNotNullOrEmpty for '-ResourceGroupName' and '-VMScaleSetName' parameters to 'Get-AzVmss' cmdlet. [#20095]
Added 'Etag' property to PSVirtualMachine and PSVirtualMachineScaleSet objects.
Added parameters '-IfMatch' and '-IfNoneMatch' to 'Update-AzVM', 'Update-AzVmss', 'New-AzVm', 'New-AzVmss', 'New-AzVmConfig', and 'New-AzVmssConfig' cmdlets.
[Breaking Change] Cmdlet 'New-AzGalleryImageDefinition' will default parameter '-HyperVGeneration' to 'V2' if it is not set as 'V1' explicitly, and also default parameter '-Feature' by adding '@{Name='SecurityType';Value='TrustedLaunchSupported'}' if the 'SecurityType' feature is not set explicitly.
Resolved the bug with 'New-AzVMConfig' for '-CommunityGalleryImageId' and '-SharedGalleryImageId' parameters.
[Breaking Change] Added ValidateNotNullOrEmpty for '-ResourceGroupName' and '-VMScaleSetName' parameters to 'Get-AzVmss' cmdlet. [#20095]
[Breaking Change] Added new business logic to 'New-AzVmss' and 'New-AzVM' cmdlets. When the user explicitly sets the 'SecurityType' to 'Standard', the Image alias defaults to 'Win2022AzureEdition' to make future migrations to Trusted Launch easier.
Az.CosmosDB 1.14.3
Removed the out-of-date breaking change message for 'Get-AzCosmosDBAccountKey'.
Az.DataBoxEdge 1.1.1
Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.DataFactory 1.18.4
Updated ADF encryption client SDK version to 5.29.8499.2
Az.DataLakeStore 1.3.1
Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.DataShare 1.0.2
Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.DevTestLabs 1.0.3
Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.DnsResolver 1.0.0
General availability for module Az.DnsResolver
Az.EventGrid 2.0.0
Updated to use the 2023-06-01-preview API version.
Az.EventHub 5.0.0
Moved cmdlets to V4
Az.FrontDoor 1.10.1
Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.IotHub 2.7.6
Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.KeyVault 6.0.0
[Breaking change] Removed the offline fallback policy if specify parameter 'UseDefaultCVMPolicy' in 'Add-AzKeyVaultKey'. Key creation will fail if unable to get regional default CVM SKR policy from MAA Service Discovery API.
[Breaking change] Removed parameter 'Value' from 'Invoke-AzKeyVaultKeyOperation'.
[Breaking change] Removed property 'Result' from the output type 'PSKeyOperationResult' of 'Invoke-AzKeyVaultKeyOperation'.
[Breaking Change] Replaced parameter 'EnableRbacAuthorization' by 'DisableRbacAuthorization' in 'New-AzKeyVault' and 'Update-AzKeyVault'.
RBAC will be enabled by default during the process of key vault creation.
Az.MachineLearning 1.1.4
Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.MachineLearningServices 1.0.1
Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.Monitor 5.2.1
Removed breaking change warning messages for Metric Management Plane
Az.Network 7.6.0
Added cmdlet 'New-AzVirtualApplianceNetworkProfile' to build network profile for network virtual appliance and pass as a parameter.
Added cmdlet 'New-AzVirtualApplianceNetworkInterfaceConfiguration' and 'New-AzVirtualApplianceIpConfiguration' to build 'New-AzVirtualApplianceNetworkProfile'.
Added support for ApplicationGatewaySkuFamily
Updated cmdlet to add the property of JSChallengeCookieExpirationInMins
Added optional property 'HeaderValueMatcher' to 'New-AzApplicationGatewayRewriteRuleHeaderConfiguration'
Added new cmdlet 'New-AzApplicationGatewayHeaderValueMatcher' to support for the new property 'HeaderValueMatcher'
Added new cmdlet 'Update-AzVirtualApplianceInboundSecurityRule' to support Inbound Security Rule for Network Virtual Appliance
Added new cmdlet 'New-AzVirtualApplianceInboundSecurityRulesProperty' to support for the property 'rules' of Inbound Security Rules
Added AdminState parameter to Load Balancer Backend Address
Updated PS SDK to older SDK removing identity field
Az.OperationalInsights 3.2.1
Fixed an issue that 'Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsQuery' timed out after 100 seconds. The timeout is now bound to the '-Wait' parameter. (#16553)
Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.PrivateDns 1.0.5
Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.RecoveryServices 7.0.0
[Breaking Change] Renamed the property 'ResouceType' of 'ASRVaultSettings' to 'ResourceType'.
Az.RedisCache 1.9.1
Fixed pattern for access policy resource names
Az.ResourceGraph 1.0.0
General availability for module Az.ResourceGraph
Az.Resources 7.1.0
Fixed deployment and deployment stack New/Set cmdlets to fail if template/parameter uri fails to downloads.
Deployment Stack cmdlets GA release/updates.
[Breaking Change] Redesigned CRUD cmdlets for 'PolicyAssignment', 'PolicyDefinition', 'PolicyExemption', 'PolicySetDefinition'. Please see Az 12 migration guide for more detail.
Added null check to the permissions object in the ToPSRoleDefinition method to return if the whole permissions object array is null.
Az.ServiceBus 4.0.0
Moved cmdlets to V4.
Az.ServiceFabric 3.3.3
Updated location of nodeType to use cluster location in stead of resource group location
Az.Sql 5.0.0
Added multi-secondary support for 'Get-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup', 'Remove-AzSqlDatabaseFromFailoverGroup' and 'Add-AzSqlDatabaseFromFailoverGroup'
Changed default FailoverPolicy value for 'New-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup', 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup' from 'Automatic' to 'Manual'
Added 'ManualCutover' and 'PerformCutover' parameters to 'Set-AzSqlInstance' for Azure Sql Sterling database to Azure Sql Hyperscale database
Added 'OperationPhaseDetails' parameter to 'Get-AzSqlDatabaseActivity' and updated 'DatabaseOperations' Api to version '2022-11-01-preview' for .Net Sdk
Az.StackHCIVM 1.0.4
Fixed the placeholder in psd1 file.
Az.Storage 7.0.0
Added a prompt that needs confirmation when upgrading a storage account from StorageV1 or BlobStorage to StorageV2. Can be suppressed with -Force.
Removed references to 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Queue' in Queue cmdlets
When uploading an Azure File with write only SAS token, take the parameter -Path as destination file path, instead of destination directory path previously.
Az.Support 2.0.0
Converted Az.Support to autorest-based module.
Az.Synapse 3.0.8
Upgraded 'Microsoft.DataTransfer.Gateway.Encryption' to '5.29.8499.2'
11.6.0 - April 2024
Introduced secrets detection feature to safeguard sensitive data.
Az.Accounts 2.19.0
Preannouncement: The default interactive login experience will change from browser based to Web Account Manager (WAM) based on supported platforms, learn more. Only interactive login flow is influeced by WAM. This will take effect from the release of May 21st.
Fixed secrets detection issues.
Az.Batch 3.6.0
Added new properties 'ResourceTags' and 'UpgradePolicy' to 'PSCloudPool' and 'PSPoolSpecification'.
Added new property 'UpgradingOS' to 'PSNodeCounts'.
Added new properties 'Caching', 'DiskSizeGB', 'ManagedDisk' and 'WriteAcceleratorEnabled' to 'PSOSDisk'.
Added new properties 'SecurityProfile' and 'ServiceArtifactReference' to 'PSVirtualMachineConfigurations'.
Added new property 'ScaleSetVmResourceId' to 'PSVirtualMachineInfo'.
Az.Cdn 3.2.0
Upgrade API version to 2024-02-01
Added support to configure rules to scrub PII values from the AFDx logs when new or update a AFDx resource.
Az.Compute 7.3.0
Added cmdlet 'Invoke-AzSpotPlacementRecommender'.
Fixed 'Update-AzCapacityReservationGroup' to remove Subscriptions from SharingProfile.
Az.DataProtection 2.4.0
Added vault tier restore and update backup instance for blobs.
Added CmkEnryption parameters to Get-AzDataProtectionBackupVault, New-AzDataProtectionBackupVault and Update-AzDataProtectionBackupVault cmdlets.
Added MUA support for DisableVaultImmutability, Restore, Stop-Protection, Suspend-backup, Disable soft delete operations.
Az.Functions 4.0.8
Updated logic to populate tab completers and cache in the New-AzFunctionApp cmdlet
Az.KeyVault 5.3.0
[Upcoming Breaking Change] Added breaking change warning message for parameter 'UseDefaultCVMPolicy' of 'Add-AzKeyVaultKey'.
The offline fallback policy will be removed. Key creation will fail if unable to get regional default CVM SKR policy from MAA Service Discovery API.
Added parameter 'PolicyPath' in 'Add-AzKeyVaultCertificate' to support custom policy in the process of certificate enrollment.
Upgraded the API version of merging certificate to 7.5. [#24323]
Az.Monitor 5.2.0
'-Location' parameter was removed from 'Update-AzActionGroup' and 'Update-AzDataCollectionRule' because they do not support updating the location.
Az.MySql 1.1.2
Fixed for various docs erroneously pointing to Postgres instead of MySQL
Az.Network 7.5.0
Added cmdlet 'Convert-AzNetworkWatcherClassicConnectionMonitor' for converting a classic connection monitor to V2 connection monitor.
Az.RecoveryServices 6.9.0
Added support for MUA for disabling vault Immutability, increasing RPO for policy schedule, restore, stop protection with retain data.
Added support for Enabling/Disabling the azure monitor and email notification alerts for site recovery in recovery services vault.
Az.Resources 6.16.2
Migrated SDK generation from autorest csharp to autorest powershell.
Az.Sql 4.14.1
Made 1.2 as default for MinimalTlsVersion when creating new Sql Server from Powershell
Fixed an existing issue with 'Set-AzSqlInstanceActiveDirectoryAdministrator'
Az.Storage 6.2.0
Fixed object replication policy time format parsing issue [#24434]
Updated download offset and content length calculation logic for downloading files
Thanks to our community contributors
Danny Furnivall (@furnivall), updated checkout (#24634)
Added parameters '-scriptUriManagedIdentity', '-outputBlobManagedIdentity', '-errorBlobMangedIdentity', and '-TreatFailureAsDeploymentFailure' to cmdlets 'Set-AzVmRunCommand' and 'Set-AzVmssRunCommand'.
Added new parameter '-EnableAutomaticOSUpgrade' to 'New-AzVmss' cmdlet.
Renamed parameter '-AutoOSUpgrade' to '-EnableAutomaticOSUpgrade' in 'New-AzVmssConfig' cmdlet for consistency. Using '-AutoOSUpgrade' as parameter name will continue to work as it is added as an alias.
Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.37.0.
Az.Compute is updated to use the 2023-07-03 GalleryRP, 2024-03-01 ComputeRP and 2023-10-02 DiskRP API.
Added new parameter '-TierOption' to 'New-AzSnapshotConfig'.
Added breaking change warnings for the May 2024 release. The warnings are for:
'New-AzGalleryImageVersion' defaulting to turn on TrustedLaunchSupported and HyperVGeneration to V2.
'New-AzVM' and 'New-AzVmss' will default to the image 'Windows Server 2022 Azure Edition' instead of 'Windows 2016 Datacenter' by default.
'Get-AzVmss' will no longer allow empty values to 'ResourceGroupName' and 'VMScaleSetName' to avoid a bug where it will just return nothing.
Added a new parameter '-SharingProfile' to 'New-AzCapacityReservationGroup' and 'Update-AzCapacityReservationGroup'.
Added the new parameter 'SourceImageVMId' to the 'New-AzGalleryImageVersion' cmdlet. Also added some error messages for this new parameter and the existing parameter 'SourceImageId'.
Onboarded new workloads AzureDatabaseForPGFlexServer, AzureDatabaseForMySQL for data protection.
Az.ElasticSan 1.0.1
Introduced secrets detection feature to safeguard sensitive data.
Az.EventGrid 1.6.1
Added breaking change messages due to structure update:
The cmdlet 'Set-AzEventGridTopic' will be removed.
In the 'Remove-AzEventGridSubscription' parameters will be deprecated.
In the 'Get-AzEventGrid*' the parameter 'ODataQuery', 'NextLink', 'ResourceId' will be removed.
In the 'New/Update-AzEventGrid*' parameters will be deprecated.
Az.EventHub 4.2.1
Added Breaking Change Warning for parameter datatype change.
Az.KeyVault 5.2.2
Introduced secrets detection feature to safeguard sensitive data.
Formatted the output of Azure Key Vault certificate in removed state. [#24333]
[Upcoming Breaking Change] Added breaking change warning message for parameter 'EnableRbacAuthorization' of 'New-AzKeyVault' and 'Update-AzKeyVault'.
RBAC will be enabled by default during the process of key vault creation. To disable RBAC authorization, please use parameter 'DisableRbacAuthorization'.
Parameter 'EnableRbacAuthorization' is expected to be removed in Az.KeyVault 6.0.0 and Az 12.0.0.
Parameter 'EnableRbacAuthorization' is expected to be replaced by 'DisableRbacAuthorization'.
Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.37.0.
Az.Monitor 5.1.1
Added breaking change warning messages for Metric Management Plane
Az.Network 7.4.1
Fixed a bug caused by the introduction of the new property 'GlobalConfiguration' in 'PSApplicationGateway'
Az.PolicyInsights 1.6.5
Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.37.0.
Az.RecoveryServices 6.8.0
Added option to set snapshot consistency type in policy cmdlets for creating or updating enhanced AzureVM policies.
Fixed an issue while setting soft delete vault property.
Az.Resources 6.16.1
Added null check to the permissions object in the ToPSRoleDefinition method.
Added dynamic parameters to stack New/Set cmdlets.
Used correct JSON serializer settings for all templates-related deserialization.
Az.Security 1.6.1
Introduced secrets detection feature to safeguard sensitive data.
Az.ServiceBus 3.1.0
Added Breaking Change Warning for parameter datatype change.
Az.StackHCIVM 1.0.2
Updated API to 2024-01-01 version.
Introduced secrets detection feature to safeguard sensitive data.
Az.Storage 6.1.3
Introduced secrets detection feature to safeguard sensitive data.
Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.37.0.
Fixed upload file with OAuth authentication issue [#24289]
Az.Support 1.0.1
Added breaking change warning messages for cmdlet deprecation
Added breaking change warning messages for cmdlet rename
Added breaking change warning messages for parameter name and/or structure changes
Added breaking change warning messages for output property name and/or structure changes
Added breaking change warning messages for new required parameters
Added breaking change warning messages for removed parameters
Added breaking change warning message for removal of pipe parameter set for list/new
Added breaking change warning message for Get-AzSupportTicket retrieving tickets from the past week if no other parameters are specified
Added a preview feature to detect secrets and sensitive information from the output of Azure PowerShell cmdlets to prevent leakage. Enable it by 'Set-AzConfig -DisplaySecretsWarning True'. Learn more at
Fixed 'CacheDirectory' and 'CacheFile' out-of-sync issue in AzureRmContextSettings.json and the customers are not allowed to change these 2 properties.
Redirected device code login messages from warning stream to information stream if use device authentication in 'Connect-AzAccount'.
Az.Cdn 3.1.2
Fixed the case sensitive issue when do preparing migration steps for 'Start-AzFrontDoorCdnProfilePrepareMigration'
Az.Compute 7.1.2
Fixed 'New-AzVM' when a source image is specified to avoid an error on the 'Version' value.
Az.CosmosDB 1.14.1
Fixed validation issues in same-account collection/container/graph and database/table/Gremlin restores, affecting the following cmdlets:
Upgraded SDK 'Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys' TO 4.6.0-beta.1.
Added breaking change message for ListConnectionStrings changes
Az.DataFactory 1.18.2
Supported Snowflake V2 in ADF
Az.KeyVault 5.2.1
Supported 'HsmPlatform' in 'KeyAttributes'.
Az.LogicApp 1.5.1
Removed the *.deps.json file that caused false positive security alerts. [#23603]
Az.Monitor 5.1.0
Added support for the Metric Data Plane
Az.RedisCache 1.9.0
Upgraded API version to 2023-08-01
Added support for flush operation
Added support for update channels
Added support for Microsoft Entra Authentication
Az.Resources 6.16.0
Added breaking change warnings for Azure Policy cmdlets.
Added 'AuxTenant' parameter in 'New-AzResourceGroupDeployment'to support cross-tenant deployment.
Fixed bug with custom types and deployments whatif. [#13245]
Fixed bug with nullable array parameters & outputs.
Fixed bug with TemplateParameterUri not downloading parameters correctly.
Az.Security 1.6.0
Added new cmdlets for Security Connectors
Added new cmdlets for ApiCollections Security
Az.StackHCI 2.3.1
Updated 'Set-AzStackHCI' to use HTTP PATCH for updating cluster resource instead of HTTP PUT and to only send updated properties.
Az.StackHCIVM 1.0.1
Reported image download progress
Az.Storage 6.1.2
Fixed parser logic when downloading blob from managed disk account with Sas Uri and bearer token on Linux and MacOS
Added warning messages for upcoming breaking changes in Queue cmdlets for removing references to 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Queue'
Added warning messages for an upcoming breaking change when uploading a file using SAS token without read permission
Added warning messages for an upcoming breaking change when upgrading a Storage account to StorageV2
11.3.1 - February 2024
Az.Resources 6.15.1
Fixed deadlock in Bicep CLI execution. [#24133]
11.3.0 - February 2024
Az.Accounts 2.15.1
Upgraded the reference of Azure PowerShell Common to 1.3.90-preview.
Upgraded Azure.Identity to 1.10.3 [#23018].
Renamed token cache from 'msal.cache' to 'msal.cache.cae' or 'masl.cache.nocae'.
Enabled Continue Access Evaluation (CAE) for all Service Principals login methods.
Supported signing in with Microsoft Account (MSA) via Web Account Manager (WAM). Enable it by 'Set-AzConfig -EnableLoginByWam True'.
Adjusted output format to be more user-friendly for 'Get-AzContext/Tenant/Subscription' and 'Invoke-AzRestMethod'.
Fixed the multiple 'x-ms-unique-id' values issue.
Az.Aks 6.0.1
Fixed the resolve path issue in 'Install-AzAksCliTool'.
Az.DataFactory 1.18.1
Added metadata Into StoreWriteSettings For Bug Fix
Supported ADF Warehouse, Mysql V2 and Salesforce V2 in ADF
Az.ElasticSan 1.0.0
General availability for module Az.ElasticSan
Az.KeyVault 5.2.0
Supported authentication via User Managed Identity by adding parameter 'UseUserManagedIdentity' and making 'SasToken' optional.
Az.Migrate 2.3.0
Added support for 'Data.Replication'
Az.Monitor 5.0.1
Remove outdated breaking change warning [#24033]
Az.Network 7.4.0
Fixed a few minor issues
Updated 'New-AzApplicationGateway' to include 'EnableRequestBuffering' and 'EnableResponseBuffering' parameters
Changed the Default Rule Set from CRS3.0 to DRS2.1 in 'NewAzureApplicationGatewayFirewallPolicy'
Added optional property 'Profile' to 'New-AzFirewallPolicyIntrusionDetection'
Added new cmdlet to update Connection child resource of Network Virtual Appliance. - 'Update-AzNetworkVirtualApplianceConnection'
Added support of 'InternetIngressIp' Property in New-AzNetworkVirtualAppliance
Added the new cmdlet for supporting 'InternetIngressIp' Property with Network Virtual Appliances -'New-AzVirtualApplianceInternetIngressIpsProperty'
Added a new AuxiliaryMode value 'AuxiliaryMode.Floating'
Added support for AzureFirewallPacketCapture
Az.Nginx 1.0.0
General availability of 'Az.Nginx' module
Az.RecoveryServices 6.7.1
Added CRR support for taiwannorth, taiwannorthwest region.
Added breaking change notification for cmdlets whose output type is 'ASRVaultSettings'.
Added warning for Standard to Enhanced policy migration for AzureVMs.
Updated Unregister-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer cmdlet to ouptput Job object if PassThru not given.
Fixed issue with Get-AzRecoveryServicesVaultSettingsFile cmdlet to return private endpoint state for backup.
Az.Resources 6.15.0
Supported '-SkipClientSideScopeValidation' in RoleAssignment and RoleDefinition related commands. [#22473]
Updated Bicep build logic to use --stdout flag instead of creating a temporary file on disk.
Fixed exception when '-ApiVersion' is specified for 'Get-AzResource', affected by some resource types.
Az.Sql 4.14.0
Added 'DatabaseFormat' and 'PricingModel' parameters to 'New-AzSqlInstance', 'Set-AzSqlInstance'
Added breaking change message for 'New-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup' and 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup'
The default value of 'FailoverPolicy' parameter will be changed from 'Automatic' to 'Manual'
Added a new cmdlet for Azure SQL Managed Instance refresh external governance status
Updated 'Get-AzSqlInstance' to support returning the 'ExternalGovernanceStatus' property
Az.SqlVirtualMachine 2.2.0
Fixed a bug of parameter 'VirtualMachineResourceId' of cmdlet 'New-AzSqlVM'.
Az.StackHCI 2.3.0
Fixed issue for WAC.
Restricted registration for 23H2 devices exclusively to cloud deployment.
Az.StackHCIVM 1.0.0
General availability for module Az.StackHCIVM
Az.Storage 6.1.1
Removed some code branches referencing Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob
Updated the prompt message when deleting a share snapshot and the output format when listing
Az.Websites 3.2.0
Fixed Ambiguous Positional Argument for 'New-AzWebAppSlot'
11.2.0 - January 2024
Az.Accounts 2.15.0
Fixed the authentication issue when using 'FederatedToken' in Sovereign Clouds. [#23742]
Added upcoming breaking change warning for deprecation of config parameter 'DisableErrorRecordsPersistence'.
Az.ApplicationInsights 2.2.3
Enabled common parameter in get-azapplicationinsights
Az.Automation 1.10.0
Updated Module operation cmdlets to support Powershell 7.2
Az.Compute 7.1.1
Fixed 'New-AzVmss' to correctly work when using '-EdgeZone' by creating the Load Balancer in the correct edge zone.
Removed references to image aliases in 'New-AzVM' and 'New-AzVmss' to images that were removed.
Az.Compute is updated to use the 2023-09-01 ComputeRP REST API calls.
Az.ContainerRegistry 4.1.3
Fixed bug in 'Get-AzContainerRegistryManifest' returns only 100 results [#22922]
Az.CosmosDB 1.14.0
Introduced Restore-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase, Restore-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer to restore deleted database and containers in the same account for SQL.
Introduced Restore-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase, Restore-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection to restore deleted database and collections in the same account for MongoDB.
Introduced Restore-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase, Restore-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph to restore deleted database and graph in the same account for Gremlin.
Introduced Restore-AzCosmosDBTable to restore deleted table in the same account.
Az.DataProtection 2.2.0
Added support for Cross region restore for Backup vaults
Az.DesktopVirtualization 4.3.0
Removed AppAttach Cmdlets and ResetIcon parameter to Update-AzWvdApplication
Az.DevCenter 1.1.0
Updated the default parameter set for Get-AzDevCenterUserSchedule to 'list'
Az.HDInsight 6.1.0
Added new feature: Enable secure channels while creating a new cluster.
Fixed a bug: When creating a cluster without passing the version, the default version cannot be set to 'default'.
Az.KeyVault 5.1.0
Added parameter 'ByteArrayValue' in 'Invoke-AzKeyVaultKeyOperation' to support operating byte array without conversion to secure string.
Added Property 'RawResult' in the output type 'PSKeyOperationResult' of 'Invoke-AzKeyVaultKeyOperation'.
[Upcoming Breaking Change] Added breaking change warning message for parameter 'Value' in 'Invoke-AzKeyVaultKeyOperation'.
Parameter 'Value' is expected to be removed in Az.KeyVault 6.0.0
'ByteArrayValue' is the alternative of parameter 'Value' in byte array format
[Upcoming Breaking Change] Added breaking change warning message for the output type 'PSKeyOperationResult' of 'Invoke-AzKeyVaultKeyOperation'.
Property 'Result' is expected to be removed in Az.KeyVault 6.0.0
Property 'RawResult' is the alternative of parameter 'Result' in byte array format
Az.Network 7.3.0
Fixed a few minor issues
Onboarded 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers' to private link cmdlets
Fixed missing properties in PSBackendAddressPool
Az.RecoveryServices 6.7.0
Added support Edge zone VM restore
Added cross zonal restore for snapshot recovery point
Az.Resources 6.13.0
Added AppRoleAssigment related commands for service principal. [#18412]
Added '-WithSource' parameter to 'Publish-AzBicepModule' for publishing source with a module (currently experimental)
Supported nullable Bicep parameters in Deployment cmdlets
Updated Get-AzRoleDefinition to api-version '2022-05-01-preview' and returns ABAC condition information
Added a couple missing validators and completers to Deployment Stack cmdlets.
Az.ServiceFabric 3.3.2
Fixed Az.ServiceFabric cannot be imported in arm64 platform.
Az.Sql 4.13.0
Fixed 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup' when going from multi-secondary to single secondary
Added 'SecondaryComputeModel', 'AutoPauseDelayInMinutes' and 'MinimumCapacity' parameters within 'New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary'
Fixed a bug that Get commands do not return all resources.
Updated SFMC to latest api preview version '2023-11-01-preview'.
Az.Sql 4.12.0
Added new parameters 'MaintenanceConfigurationId', 'DnsZone' to 'AzSqlInstancePool' cmdlets
Az.Storage 6.0.1
Updated error message when storage context is missing in a cmdlet input
11.0.0 - November 2023
Az.Accounts 2.13.2
Enabled in-tool notification for version upgrade by default.
Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.35.0.
Az.Aks 6.0.0
Removed parameter 'DockerBridgeCidr' from 'New-AzAksCluster'
Az.App 1.0.0
General availability for module Az.App.
Upgraded api version to 2023-05-01.
Az.CloudService 2.0.0
Downgraded the api version of referenced network to 2021-03-01.
Az.CognitiveServices 1.14.1
Updated SDK via autorest.powershell.
Az.Compute 7.0.0
Added update functionality in 'Update-AzVmss' for parameters 'SecurityType', 'EnableSecureBoot', and 'EnableVtpm' for the parameter set with the Put operation.
Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.35.0.
[Breaking change] Removed unversioned and outdated linux image aliases of 'CentOS', 'RHEL', 'UbuntuLTS' and 'Debian'.
[Breaking change] 'New-AzVmss' will default to 'OrchestrationMode' set as 'Flexible' if it is not set as 'Uniform' explicitly.
'New-AzVmss' can now create VMSS with 'OrchestrationMode' set to 'Flexible' using '-SinglePlacementGroup' and '-UpgradePolicy'.
Removed unversioned and outdated images from New-AzVmss '-ImageName' argument completers.
[Breaking Change] Added defaulting logic for VM and VMSS creation to set SecurityType to TrustedLaunch and SecureBootEnabled and VTpmEnalbed to true when those are not set by the user.
[Breaking Change] Added defaulting logic for Disk creation to default to TrustedLaunch when able. Allows the user to turn this off by setting the SecurityType to Standard.
Added new parameter '-VirtualMachineScaleSetId' to 'Update-AzVm' cmdlet.
Fixed 'New-AzVmss' and 'New-Azvm' to use 'SharedGalleryImageId' parameter.
Reduced File Permissions from 0644 to 0600 for SSH Private Key File in 'New-AzVm'.
Removed GuestAttestaion vm extension installation for Vmss and Vm creation cmdlets.
Az.ContainerInstance 4.0.0
[Breaking Change] Fixed the typo that output property starting with PreviousState was misspelled as PreviouState. [#22268]
Az.ContainerRegistry 4.1.2
Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.35.0.
Az.CosmosDB 1.13.0
Added new parameter 'EnableBurstCapacity' to 'Update-AzCosmosDBAccount' and 'New-AzCosmosDBAccount'.
Added new paramater 'MinimalTlsVersion' to 'Update-AzCosmosDBAccount' and 'New-AzCosmosDBAccount'.
Added new property 'CustomerManagedKeyStatus' to 'Get-AzCosmosDBAccount'.
Az.Databricks 1.7.1
Fixed an issue regarding Custom Managed Key.[#22463] [#22898]
Az.DataFactory 1.17.1
Added ParquetReadSettings in ADF
Fixed minor issues
Az.DesktopVirtualization 4.2.0
Added cmdlets:
Added Private Link Cmdlets
Added Scaling Plan Personal Schedule cmdlets
Added Scaling Plan Pooled Schedule cmdlets
Updated rampDownCapacityThresholdPct minimum value from 0 to 1 on ScalingPlanPooledSchedule cmdlets
Added showInFeed property to ApplicationGroups
Az.DevCenter 1.0.0
General availability for module Az.DevCenter
Az.Dns 1.2.0
Added cmdlets:
Added three new record types, 'DS', 'TLSA' and 'NAPTR'.
Az.EventHub 4.2.0
Added parameter 'PartitionCount' to 'Set-AzEventHub'
Az.Functions 4.0.7
Used ARM API to get Stacks information for Functions [#14682]
Removed support to create v3 function apps (Functions v3 has reached EOL) [#20838]
Removeed Preview flag for Java 17 function apps [#20009]
Added support to create dotnet-isolated apps [#16349]
Added support for custom handler [#12542]
Redacted appsettings output on Get-AzFunctionApp and Update-AzFunctionAppSetting [#23241]
Az.HDInsight 6.0.2
Fixed a bug where the get cluster command does not display abfss storage information.
Az.KeyVault 5.0.0
Removed non-core types creation in PowerShell scripts to be compatible in constrained language mode.
Supported user assigned identity for Managed HSM in 'New/Update-AzKeyVaultManagedHsm'
[Breaking Change] Changed parameter 'SoftDeleteRetentionInDays' in 'New-AzKeyVaultManagedHsm' to mandatory.
Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.35.0.
Az.Kusto 2.3.0
Supported sandbox custom image
Supported database CMK
Supported cluster migration
Az.Maintenance 1.4.0
Added support for maintenance configuration cancellation.
Az.Monitor 5.0.0
[Breaking Change] Action Group upgraded API version to stable 2023-01-01
[Breaking Change] Use new and update cmdlets instead 'Set-AzActionGroup' cmdlet
The receiver used subtype cmdlets to create a replacement for command 'New-AzActionGroupReceiver'
[Breaking Change] Data collection Rule upgraded API version to stable 2022-06-01
Added support for setting AlwaysON soft delete state for recovery services vault.
Az.ResourceMover 1.2.0
Upgraded API version to 2023-08-01.
Improved error reporting to the customer using custom cmdlets to handle the error in a better manner.
Az.Resources 6.11.0
Supported 'TemplateParameterFile' to accept a '.bicepparam' file.
Fixed inexplicable error message when subscription and scope are neither provided in 'Get-AzRoleDefinition'. [#22716]
Az.SecurityInsights 3.1.0
Fixed parameters' issues for 'New-AzSentinelAlertRule' and 'Update-AzSentinelAlertRule' [#21181][#21217][#22318]
Az.StackHCI 2.2.0
Bug fixes for Attestation commands.
Added support for installing mandatory extensions on HCI OS 22H2 and removed confirmation prompt for consent.
Added ability to customize the location of logs generated during registration.
Custom log location can be specified by specifying an optional '-LogsDirectory' parameter in 'Register-AzStackHCI'.
'Get-AzStackHCILogsDirectory' can be used to obtain the log location.
Increased retry count for setting up ARC integration.
Az.Storage 5.10.1
Added warning messages for an upcoming breaking change that the output Permissions will be changed to a string when creating and updating a Queue access policy
10.3.0 - September 2023
Az.Accounts 2.13.0
Supported in-tool notification for version upgrade.
Added an alias 'Set-AzConfig' to 'Update-AzConfig'
Refilled credentials from 'AzKeyStore' when run 'Save-AzContext' [#22355]
Added config 'DisableErrorRecordsPersistence' to disable writing error records to file system [#21732]
Updated Azure.Core to 1.34.0.
Az.ArcResourceBridge 1.0.0
General availability for module Az.ArcResourceBridge
Az.Compute 6.3.0
Added '-Hibernate' switch parameter to 'Stop-AzVmss' default parameter set.
For 'Get-AzVmRunCommand', a bug is fixed to work when returning a list of RunCommands [#22403]
Updated Azure.Core to 1.34.0.
Added new cmdlets 'Get-AzHostSize' and 'Update-AzHost'.
Added the 'Standard' value to the 'SecurityType' parameter to the cmdlets 'Set-AzDiskSecurityType', 'New-AzvmssConfig', 'Set-AzVmssSecurityProfile', 'Update-AzVmss', 'New-AzVmss', 'New-AzVMConfig', 'Set-AzVMsecurityProfile', and 'New-AzVM'.
Fixed 'Update-AzVMSS' to update ImageReferenceSKU [#22195]
Updated the above change to include 'New-AzVMConfig' as 1 scenario was initially missed when only using this cmdlet.
Az.ContainerInstance 3.2.1
Fixed a bug in 'Invoke-AzContainerInstanceCommand' when no result was returned under some conditions [#22453]
Az.ContainerRegistry 4.1.1
Updated Azure.Core to 1.34.0.
Az.CosmosDB 1.12.0
Added PublicNetworkAccess parameter to 'Restore-AzCosmosDBAccount'.
Az.DataLakeAnalytics 1.0.3
Refreshed module to ensure catalog file signed by Microsoft.
Az.EventHub 4.1.0
Supported EventHub MSI capture feature in cmdlets 'New-AzEventHub' and 'Set-AzEventHub'
Az.HDInsight 6.0.1
This change adds some warning messages to the incoming break changes for the next version, with detailed information as follows:
Added warning message for planning to replace the type of property 'DiskEncryption' of type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.HDInsight.Models.AzureHDInsightCluster' from 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.HDInsight.Models.DiskEncryptionProperties' to 'Azure.ResourceManager.HDInsight.Models.HDInsightDiskEncryptionProperties'.
Added warning message for planning to replace the type of property 'WorkerNodeDataDisksGroups' of type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.HDInsight.Models.AzureHDInsightCluster' from 'List<Microsoft.Azure.Management.HDInsight.Models.DataDisksGroups>' to 'List<Azure.ResourceManager.HDInsight.Models.HDInsightClusterDataDiskGroup>'.
Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'NodeType' type from 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.HDInsight.Models.ClusterNodeType' to 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.HDInsight.Models.Management.RuntimeScriptActionClusterNodeType'.
Az.KeyVault 4.11.0
Fixed certificate policy bugs if DnsName is null. [#22642]
Supported multi-regions for Managed Hsm: Added 'Add/Get/Remove-AzAzKeyVaultManagedHsmRegion'.
Added 'Test-AzKeyVaultNameAvailability' and 'Test-AzKeyVaultManagedHsmNameAvailability'.
Formatted the table view of '-AzKeyVault', '-AzKeyVaultKey' and '*-AzKeyVaultSecret'
Added 'SecurityDomain' and 'Regions' properties into the output of 'New/Update/Get-AzKeyVaultManagedHsm' ('PSManagedHsm').
Supported Setting for Managed HSM: Added 'Get-AzKeyVaultSetting' and 'Update-AzKeyVaultSetting'.
Updated Azure.Core to 1.34.0.
Az.Maintenance 1.3.1
Fixed breaking change information
Az.Media 1.1.2
Refreshed module to ensure catalog file signed by Microsoft.
Az.Monitor 4.6.0
Fixed 'Get-AzInsightsPrivateLinkScope' to support 'ResourceId' parameter [#22568]
Fixed 'New-AzMetricAlertRuleV2DimensionSelection' to have 'exclude' or 'include' values only [#22256]
Fixed 'Add-AzMetriAlertRuleV2' and 'Get-AzMetricAlertRuleV2' to support web tests criteria [#22350]
Added parameter 'Dimension' for 'Get-AzMetric' to easily filter metrics by dimensions [#22320]
Added breaking change for Data Collection Rule
Added breaking change for Action Group
Az.Network 6.2.0
Added support for new Application Gateway SKU type, Basic SKU
Onboarded 'Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces' to private link cmdlets
Onboarded 'Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces' to private link cmdlets
Fixed bug in 'NewAzureApplicationGatewayFirewallCustomRuleGroupByVariable' to add 'GeoLocation' as a valid input for VariableName
Added breaking change message for parameter 'VariableName' in 'NewAzureApplicationGatewayFirewallCustomRuleGroupByVariable' to remove 'Geo' as a valid input.
Az.NotificationHubs 1.1.2
Refreshed module to ensure catalog file signed by Microsoft.
Az.PolicyInsights 1.6.3
Updated Azure.Core to 1.34.0.
Az.RecoveryServices 6.5.1
Added StorageAccountName property to AzureFileShare job.
Added support for AFS restore to alternate storage account in different region and resource group than source storage account.
Az.Resources 6.10.0
Added breaking change warnings for Azure Policy cmdlets.
Implemented logic that allows Deployment Stack objects to be piped into Save and Remove Deployment Stack cmdlets.
Az.SecurityInsights 3.0.2
Added breaking change message for 'Az.SecurityInsights'.
Az.Sql 4.10.0
Fixed cmdlets to use 2018-06-01-preview api version
Removed device type check and only check if service already exists.
Az.Storage 5.10.0
Updated Azure.Core to 1.34.0.
Added support for encryption context
Updated warning messages for an upcoming breaking change when creating a storage account
Updated help file of 'New-AzStorageQueueSASToken'
Az.Synapse 3.0.3
Updated Azure.Core to 1.34.0.
Updated Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts to 1.0.0-preview.18
Az.Websites 3.1.1
Added support for XenonMV3 webapps
10.2.0 - August 2023
Az.Accounts 2.12.5
Changed output stream from debug stream to warning stream for 'CmdletPreviewAttribute'
Decreased the prompted frequency of preview warning message to once per cmdlet in one session
Reworded default preview message and added estimated GA date for 'CmdletPreviewAttribute'
Updated Azure.Core to 1.33.0
Az.AppConfiguration 1.3.0
Added cmdlets to support data plane operation:
Az.Batch 3.5.0
Removed cmdlets: 'Get-AzBatchPoolStatistic' and 'Get-AzBatchJobStatistic'
Deprecated cmdlets: 'Get-AzBatchCertificate' and 'New-AzBatchCertificate'
The Batch account certificates feature is deprecated. Please transition to using Azure Key Vault to securely access and install certificates on your Batch pools, learn more
Az.Compute 6.2.0
Fixed the 'Update-AzVmss' cmdlet so the 'AutomaticRepairGracePeriod', 'AutomaticRepairAction', and 'EnableAutomaticRepair' parameters function correctly.
Updated help doc for 'New-AzVM', 'New-AzVMConfig', 'New-AzVmss', 'New-AzVmssConfig', 'Update-AzVM', and 'Update-AzVmss' to include parameters that were previously added for Trusted Launch features.
Updated Azure.Core to 1.33.0.
Az.ContainerRegistry 4.1.0
Updated Azure.Core to 1.33.0.
Added new cmdlet 'New-AzContainerRegistryCredentials'
Az.CosmosDB 1.11.2
Updated Azure.Core to 1.33.0.
Az.Databricks 1.7.0
Added some parameters in 'Update-AzDatabricksWorkspace':
Az.DataFactory 1.17.0
Added DisablePublish to Set_AzDataFactoryV2 Command
Az.Dns 1.1.3
Removed length validation for DNS TXT record to make it consistent with Azure CLI and Azure portal.
Az.KeyVault 4.10.1
Removed maximum number for 'IpAddressRange' and 'VirtualNetworkResourceId' in '-AzKeyVaultNetworkRuleSet' from client side. [#22137]
Updated Azure.Core to 1.33.0.
Az.Maintenance 1.3.0
Added support for Resource Group and Subscription configuration assignment.
Az.Network 6.1.1
Onboarded 'Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans' to private link cmdlets
Az.PolicyInsights 1.6.2
Updated Azure.Core to 1.33.0.
Az.PrivateDns 1.0.4
Removed length validation for DNS TXT record to make it consistent with Azure CLI and Azure portal.
Az.Resources 6.9.0
Fixed the issue that 'New-AzRoleAssignment' didn't work without subscription.
Added cmdlets for group owner
Updated Tags functionality in deployment stacks New and Set cmdlets
Az.Sql 4.9.0
Added new cmdlets for Azure SQL Managed Instance start/stop schedule
Az.StackHCI 2.1.0
Updated to api-version 2023-03-01.
Cmdlets added:
Invoke-AzStackHciExtendClusterSoftwareAssuranceBenefit : Enable Software Assurance for a cluster
Invoke-AzStackHciConsentAndInstallDefaultExtensions : Consent to installing default extensions on the cluster
Az.Storage 5.9.0
Supported OAuth authentication on File service cmdlets
Supported get a file share object without get share properties. For pipeline to file/directory cmdlets with OAuth authentication.
Updated Azure.Core to 1.33.0.
Az.Synapse 3.0.2
Updated Azure.Core to 1.33.0.
Az.Websites 3.1.0
Added AppServicePlan management support for P0V3 and P*mv3 tiers
@Jingshu918, [DataFactory]Added DisablePublish to Set_AzDataFactoryV2 Command (#22273)
Miguel Vega (@miguel-vega), Updated Example 3 of the page to use the correct PowerShell variable. (#22376)
@Skatterbrainz, Update (#22378)
@veppala, added examples for New-AzSqlVM cmdlet (#22185)
@vladik-hbinov, Fixed Example 2 (#22193)
10.1.0 - July 2023
Az.Accounts 2.12.4
Changed 'gallery' property to be optional in ARM metadata of 'Set-AzEnvironment' and 'Add-AzEnvironment'[#22037].
Az.Aks 5.5.1
Fixed the issue of handling 'nextLink' in 'Set-AzAksCluster'. [#21846]
Fixed the issue of parameter 'AcrNameToDetach' in 'Set-AzAksCluster' due to role assignment name is a guid.
Added breaking change message for parameter 'DockerBridgeCidr' in 'New-AzAksCluster'.
Supported the value 'AzureLinux' for parameter '-NodeOsSKU' in 'New-AzAksCluster' and parameter '-OsSKU' in 'New-AzAksNodePool'.
Fixed the issue of '-DisableLocalAccount' for 'Set-AzAksCluster'. [#21835]
Az.Billing 2.0.3
Fixed page continuation for Consumption PriceSheet cmdlet
Az.Cdn 3.1.0
Upgraded API version to 2023-05-01
Fixed known issue for 'Update-AzCdnProfile', 'Update-AzFrontDoorCdnProfile', 'Remove-AzCdnProfile', 'Remove-AzCdnProfile'
Az.CognitiveServices 1.14.0
Updated CognitiveServices PowerShell to use 2023-05-01 version.
Az.Compute 6.1.0
Added useful examples to the 'New-AzVMConfig' help doc.
Added new 'ResourceId' parameter to the 'Get-AzVmss' cmdlet.
Added '-SecurityType', '-EnableSecureBoot' and '-EnableVtpm' parameters to 'New-AzVm','New-AzVmConfig', 'New-AzVmss', 'New-AzVmssConfig', 'Update-AzVm' and 'Update-AzVmss' cmdlets.
Configured parameter flags '-EnableSecureBoot' and '-EnableVtpm' to default to True for TrustedLaunch and ConfidentialVM values for the '-SecurityType' parameter in 'New-AzVm','New-AzVmConfig', 'New-AzVmss', 'New-AzVmssConfig', 'Update-AzVm' and 'Update-AzVmss' cmdlets.
Added a message to the user when they provide an outdated image alias to 'New-AzVM' via the '-Image' parameter or to 'New-AzVmss' via the '-ImageName' parameter.
The non-versioned image aliases were updated to versioned values in October 2023, and this message is to help urge customers to use the newer versioned image alias values.
Changed the installation behavior for the 'GuestAttestation' extension in 'New-AzVM' and 'New-AzVmss' to set the property 'EnableAutomaticUpgrade' to true.
Changed to 'Set-AzVMOperatingSystem' to correct unnecessary mandatory parameters.
Az.CosmosDB 1.11.1
Locations showed in response included status, isSubscriptionRegionAccessAllowedForRegular and isSubscriptionRegionAccessAllowedForAz properties
Az.Databricks 1.6.0
Added some parameters in the 'New-AzDatabricksWorkspace' and 'Update-AzDatabricksWorkspace'.
Added some parameters in the 'Update-AzDatabricksVNetPeering'.
Az.Migrate 2.2.0
Fixed key vault SPN Id coming as null for some users
Added support for Windows Server OS upgrade while migrating the server to Azure using Azure Migrate
Updated OsUpgradeVersion parameter for Azure Migrate
Az.MySql 1.1.1
Fixed iops and high availability parameters issue
Az.Network 6.1.0
Added new cmdlets to get Connection child resource of Network Virtual Appliance.
Updated cmdlets to return connections in Network Virtual Appliance
-'Network Virtual Appliance'
Allowed not to provide 'Rules' in 'PSApplicationGatewayFirewallPolicyManagedRuleGroupOverride', which would return an empty 'RuleID' to be passed to NRP.
Added optional parameter 'AdminState' to Express Route Virtual Network Gateway
Fixed bug that caused 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewayAutoscaleConfiguration' to always fails
Added read-only property 'DefaultPredefinedSslPolicy' in PSApplicationGateway
Updated cmdlet to added optional parameter 'DomainNameLabelScope' to Public Ip Address
Fixed bug where HubRoutingPreference didn't show up when running 'Get-AzRouteServer'
Updated 'New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway' to remove validation for 'ExtendedLocation' parameter
Az.RecoveryServices 6.5.0
Added CRR support for new regions malaysiasouth, chinanorth3, chinaeast3, jioindiacentral, jioindiawest.
Regenerated CRR SDK. Fixed issues with SQL CRR.
Fixed bug with rp expiry time, making 30 days expiry time for adhoc backup as default from client side.
Added example to fetch pruned recovery points after modify policy.
Fixed the documentation for suspend backups with immutability.
Az.RedisCache 1.8.0
Upgraded API version to 2023-04-01
Az.Resources 6.8.0
Fixed the incorrect behavior of pagination for 'Get-AzTag'
Updated API version to 2022-09-01
Added Deployment Stacks cmdlets
Added support for dynamic parameters when deploying symbolic name templates.
Fixed 'Set-AzPolicyExemption' parameter PolicyDefinitionReferenceId not accept empty array.
Fixed 'Get-AzPolicyExemption' output not contain system data.
Az.Sql 4.8.0
Added 'TryPlannedBeforeForcedFailover' parameter to 'Switch-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup'
Added new cmdlets for managed database move and copy operations
Az.Storage 5.8.0
Supported TierToCold and TierToHot in Storage account management policy
Supported Blob Tier Cold
Migrated the following Azure Queue dataplane cmdlets from 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Queue' to 'Azure.Storage.Queue'
Added warning messages for an upcoming breaking change when creating SAS token
Added a warning message for an upcoming breaking change when creating a storage account
Az.StorageMover 1.0.1
Fixed the issue of System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host.InternalHost conflicting with system parameter System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host.InternalHost
Az.Synapse 3.0.1
Fixed the issue for 'Start-AzSynapseTrigger/Stop-AzSynapseTrigger' to not throw exception when Request Status is 202
Az.TrafficManager 1.2.1
Added a new API 'CheckTrafficManagerNameAvailabilityV2'.
Az.Websites 3.0.1
Increased timeout for Publish-AzWebApp command
Fixed Set-AzWebApp issue with 'Set-AzWebApp' when piping in Get-AzWebApp object [#21820]
Added support for the PremiumMV3 tier to 'New-AzAppServicePlan' [#21933]
Thanks to our community contributors
Bas Wijdenes (@baswijdenes), Update (#21984)
Sebastiaan Koning (@OneAndOnlySeabass), Fix a few typos in (#21945)
Hiroshi Yoshioka (@hyoshioka0128)
Typo "CosmosDB Account"→"Cosmos DB Account" (#22005)
Typo "azure key vault"→"Azure Key Vault" (#22103)
10.0.0 - June 2023
Az.Accounts 2.12.3
Updated System.Security.Permissions to 4.7.0.
Az.Aks 5.5.0
Fixed the issue of 'Enable-AzAksAddon' when there are no addons. [#21665]
Added parameter '-EnableAHUB' for 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'Set-AzAksCluster'
Added parameter '-WindowsProfileAdminUserPassword' for 'Set-AzAksCluster'
Az.Billing 2.0.2
Fixed skip token for Consumption PriceSheet cmdlet
Az.Cdn 3.0.0
Upgraded API version to 2022-11-01-preview
Added support to migrate from Azure Front Door (classic) to Azure Front Door Standard and Premium.
Added support for AFDX upgrade from Standard tier to Premium tier.
Az.Compute 6.0.0
Added new switch parameter 'OSImageScheduledEventEnabled' and string parameter 'OSImageScheduledEventNotBeforeTimeoutInMinutes' to the cmdlets 'New-AzVmssConfig' and 'Update-AzVmss'.
Fixed an issue that 'Add-AzVhd' throws 'FileNotFoundException' on Windows PowerShell. [#21321]
Removed the 'NextLink' parameter and parameter set from the 'Get-AzVM' cmdlet.
Az.ContainerRegistry 4.0.0
Updated module to autorest based
Az.CosmosDB 1.11.0
Added support for Continuous 7 Days backup mode.
Added new parameter 'EnablePartitionMerge' to 'Update-AzCosmosDBAccount' and 'New-AzCosmosDBAccount'.
Az.Databricks 1.5.1
Fixed an issue that 'Update-AzDatabricksWorkspace' doesn't work as expected while enabling encryption. [#21324]
Az.DataProtection 2.0.0
Added support for Blob Hardened recovery points (VaultStore).
Added Cross Subscription Restore for 'AzureDisk', 'AzureDatabaseForPostgreSQL' and 'AzureBlob'.
Added 'Get-AzDataProtectionOperationStatus' command for long running cmdlets async.
Az.DesktopVirtualization 4.0.0
Upgraded API version to 2022-09-09
Added cmdlet:
Added parameters 'pageSize', 'isDescending' and 'initialSkip' to:
Added parameters 'AgentUpdateMaintenanceWindow', 'AgentUpdateMaintenanceWindowTimeZone', 'AgentUpdateType', 'AgentUpdateUseSessionHostLocalTime' to:
Replaced 'New-AzEventHubEncryptionConfig' by 'New-AzEventHubKeyVaultPropertiesObject'
Az.Functions 4.0.7
Removed support to create v3 function apps (Functions v3 reached EOL on December, 2022) [#20838]
Enabled using ARM API to get stacks information for function app creation [#14682][#20009]
Added support to create dotnet-isolated function apps [#16349]
Added support for custom handler function apps [#12542]
Az.HDInsight 6.0.0
Breaking Change:
Removed the parameter '-RdpAccessExpiry' which has been marked as deprecated for a long time from cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster'
Removed the parameter '-RdpCredential' which has been marked as deprecated for a long time from cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster'
Az.KeyVault 4.10.0
Added breaking change announcement for parameter 'SoftDeleteRetentionInDays' in 'New-AzKeyVaultManagedHsm'. The parameter 'SoftDeleteRetentionInDays' is becoming mandatory
This change will take effect on version 6.0.0
Changed the encoding way from a string into byte array in 'Invoke-AzKeyVaultKeyOperation' from ASCII to UTF8. UTF8 is backward-compatible with ASCII. [#21269]
Bug fix: Changed the decoding way from byte array into a string from system default encoding to UTF8 to match encoding way. [#21269]
Added parameter 'PolicyPath' and 'PolicyObject' in 'Import-AzKeyVaultCertificate' to support custom policy [#20780]
Az.MachineLearningServices 1.0.0
General availability for module Az.MachineLearningServices
Az.Migrate 2.2.0
Added support for Windows Server OS upgrade while migrating the server to Azure using Azure Migrate
Added fix for keyvault SPN Id coming as null for some users
Az.Monitor 4.5.0
Added cmdlets for monitor workspace:
Az.Network 6.0.0
Added new cmdlets for RouteMap child resource of VirtualHub.
Updated cmdlets to add inbound/outbound route maps in routingConfiguration
Added the command 'New-AzFirewallPolicyApplicationRuleCustomHttpHeader'
Added the method 'AddCustomHttpHeaderToInsert' to 'PSAzureFirewallPolicyApplicationRule'
Added new cmdlets to support Rate Limiting Rule for Application Gateway WAF
Also updated cmdlet to add the property of 'LogScrubbing'
Onboarded 'Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters' to private link cmdlets
Updated cmdlet to add the property of 'DisableRequestBodyEnforcement', 'RequestBodyInspectLimitInKB' and 'DisableFileUploadEnforcement'
Added optional property 'AuxiliarySku' to cmdlet 'New-AzNetworkInterface' to help choose performance on an 'AuxiliaryMode' enabled Network Interface.
Added a new value 'AcceleratedConnections' for existing property 'AuxiliaryMode' for 'New-AzNetworkInterface'
Added new cmdlets to get virtual hub effective routes and in/outbound routes
Az.RedisEnterpriseCache 1.2.0
Upgraded API version to 2023-03-01-preview
Az.Relay 2.0.0
Updated API version to 2021-11-01
Az.Resources 6.7.0
Added parameter '-CountVariable' for list operations, 'odataCount' can now be assigned to this variable [#20982]
Supported polymorphism for 'Get-AzADGroupMember', output of this cmdlet was now 'Application' 'ServicePrincipal', 'User' and 'Group' based on the 'odataType' [#19728]
Added '-Force' parameter on 'Publish-AzBicepModule' for supporting overwriting existing modules.
Fixed 'New-AzADApplication' when multiple redirect url types were provided. [#21108]
Fixed 'Update-AzADServicePrincipal' when empty array passed for 'IdentifierUri' [#21345]
Fixed an issue where location header was missing in the response from the service for 'New-AzManagedApplication'.
Fixed 'Get-AzResourceGroup' ignored the subscription ID in '-Id' [#21725]
Replaced 'New-AzServiceBusEncryptionConfig' by 'New-AzServiceBusKeyVaultPropertiesObject'
Az.ServiceFabric 3.2.0
Added new cmdlet 'Add-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterNetworkSecurityRule' to update network security rules in managed cluster resource
Az.SignalR 2.0.0
Breaking change:
Removed 'HostNamePrefix' property of output type 'PSSignalRResource' of following cmdlets:
Az.Sql 4.7.0
Added new cmdlets 'Get-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLedgerDigestUpload', 'Disable-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLedgerDigestUpload', and 'Enable-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLedgerDigestUpload'
Added 'EnableLedger' parameter to 'New-AzSqlInstanceDatabase'
Added 'PreferredEnclaveType' parameter to 'NewAzureSqlElasticPool' and 'SetAzureSqlElasticPool' cmdlet
Az.SqlVirtualMachine 2.0.0
Converted Az.SqlVirtualMachine to autorest-based module.
Az.StackHCI 2.0.0
Made Region parameter mandatory in 'Register-AzStackHCI' cmdlet.
Removed EnableAzureArcServer parameter from 'Register-AzStackHCI' cmdlet.
Removed 'Test-AzStackHCIConnection' cmdlet. Customers can use 'Invoke-AzStackHciConnectivityValidation' from AzStackHCI.EnvironmentChecker module for enhanced connectivity verification tests.
Added support for Managed Service identity (MSI) in Azure China Cloud.
Added support for Mandatory extensions, for OS versions starting 23H2.
Added parameter validations for 'Register-AzStackHCI' cmdlet.
Improved Error logging in Registration and Unregistration.
Az.Storage 5.7.0
Fixed issue of getting a single blob with leading slashes
Supported setting CORS rules in management plane cmdlets
Fixed an issue of 'StorageAccountName' field in context object when the context is invalid
Fixed an issue when a context does not have Credentials field
Added '' to be a valid container name
Az.StorageSync 2.0.0
Deprecated 'RegisteredServer' alias for InputObject parameter for Set-AzStorageSyncServerEndpoint
Az.Synapse 3.0.0
Removed the unnecessary breaking change of parameter '-SparkConfigFilePath' for 'New-AzSynapseSparkPool' and 'Update-AzSynapseSparkPool' cmdlets
Az.Websites 3.0.0
Removed 'New-AzWebAppContainerPSSession' and 'Enter-AzWebAppContainerPSSession' cmdlets
Added parameter '-OutboundType' for 'New-AzAksCluster'
Added parameter '-EnableOidcIssuer' for 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'Set-AzAksCluster'
Added parameter '-NodePodSubnetID' for 'New-AzAksCluster', '-PodSubnetID' for 'New-AzAksNodePool'
Az.Compute 5.7.1
Added a breaking change warning to the 'Get-AzVM' cmdlet to show that the 'NextLink' parameter and parameter set will be removed in June 2023. The parameter has been non-functional for a long time.
Updated the breaking change warning in 'New-AzVM' and 'New-AzVmss' regarding using the new versioned image aliases to indicate that certain aliases will be removed next breaking change release.
Updated the 'Get-AzVMRunCommand' to include the 'ProvisioningState' value. Fix [#21473]
Updated Azure.Core to 1.31.0.
Az.ContainerRegistry 3.0.4
Updated Azure.Core to 1.31.0.
Az.CosmosDB 1.10.1
Updated Azure.Core to 1.31.0.
Az.KeyVault 4.9.3
Added breaking changes for 'Invoke-AzKeyVaultKeyOperation'. The encoded/decoded way between string and bytes in 'Invoke-AzKeyVaultKeyOperation' will change to UTF8.
This change will take effect on 5/23/2023
The change is expected to take effect from the version 5.0.0
Updated Azure.Core to 1.31.0.
Az.LoadTesting 1.0.0
General availability of 'Az.LoadTesting' module
Az.Network 5.7.0
Onboarded 'Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters' to private link cmdlets
Fixed the issue for 'Update-AzCustomIpPrefix' that 'NoInternetAdvertise' will should be set to false if not provided
Az.PolicyInsights 1.6.1
Updated Azure.Core to 1.31.0.
Az.PowerBIEmbedded 1.2.1
Added deprecate warning message for workspace collection cmdlets
Az.RecoveryServices 6.4.0
Added support for updating CrossSubscriptionRestoreState of the vault
Added Cross subscription restore support for workload type MSSQL
Az.Resources 6.6.1
Added support for Azure resources deployment with parameters file using Bicep parameters syntax
Az.Sql 4.6.0
Added new cmdlets for managing server configuration options
Az.Storage 5.6.0
Supported rename file and directory
Added a warning message for an upcoming breaking change when getting a single blob
Fixed the issue of listing blobs with leading slashes
Added support for sticky bit
Added warning messages for an upcoming cmdlet breaking change
Allowed to clear blob tags on a blob
Updated Azure.Core to 1.31.0
Az.Synapse 2.3.1
Updated Azure.Core to 1.31.0.
Az.Websites 2.15.0
Fixed Tag parameter issues with ASE for 'New-AzWebApp'
Thanks to our community contributors
Update IsCustom property on example role defintion (#21514)
Fix Assignment/Definition typo in Output (#21442)
9.6.0 - April 2023
Az.Aks 5.3.2
Fixed the issue that system variable 'True' is undefined in 'Windows PowerShell'.
Decoupled AutoMapper dependency, replaced with AdapterHelper.
Az.Batch 3.4.0
Added new property 'Encryption' of type 'EncryptionProperties' to 'AccountCreateParameters'.
Configures how customer data is encrypted inside the Batch account.
Az.Billing 2.0.1
Fixed pagination for 'Get-AzConsumptionPriceSheet' cmdlet
Az.CognitiveServices 1.13.1
Removed notice and attestation from 'New-AzCognitiveServicesAccount'.
Az.Compute 5.7.0
Addressed bug in 'Remove-AzVmss' to throw error when '-InstanceId' is null. [#21162]
Added '-CustomData', '-AdminPassword', and '-ExactVersion' parameters to 'Invoke-AzVMReimage'.
Removed the image alias 'CoreOS' as the publisher CoreOS no longer has any images for Azure.
Updated the names of the 'openSUSE-Leap' and 'SLES' aliases to 'OpenSuseLeap154' and 'SuseSles15SP4' respectively. Updated these aliases to point to an image that actually exists.
Added a breaking change warning to 'New-AzVM' and 'New-AzVmss' for future planned image alias removals due to the images reaching their End of Support date.
Added new descriptive and versioned alias names for the Linux image aliases, including a new alias for the 'Kinvolk' publisher.
Az.ContainerRegistry 3.0.3
Added breaking change attributes for cmdlets
Az.CosmosDB 1.10.0
Introduced restorable apis support for Gremlin and Table, which includes:
Added the apis for RestorableGremlinDatabases, RestorableGremlinGraphs, RestorableGremlinResources,RestorableTables, RestorableResources.
Added RetrieveContinuousBackupInfo apis for Gremlin and Table which help in determining the restore point of time and the resources to restore.
Added GremlinDatabasesToRestore and TablesToRestore field to provision and restore database account api.
Added StartTime and EndTime support for listing restorable containers event feed.
Az.DataProtection 1.2.0
Added support for AKS workload with Backup Vaults
Added support for 'Set-AzDataProtectionMSIPermission' during restore with AKS workload
Az.EventGrid 1.6.0
Added fix for DeliveryAttributeMapping
Added validation for StorageQueueTtl
Az.EventHub 3.2.3
Added upcoming breaking change notifications for Az.EventHub module.
Az.Kusto 2.2.0
Added cmdlet 'Get-AzKustoSku'
Added parameter 'CallerRole' for cmdlet 'AzKustoDatabase' and 'Update-AzKustoDatabase'
Added support for new data connection kind 'CosmosDb' for cmdlet 'New-AzKustoDataConnection' and 'Update-AzKustoDataConnection'
Added parameters 'DatabaseNameOverride' 'DatabaseNamePrefix' 'TableLevelSharingPropertyFunctionsToInclude' 'TableLevelSharingPropertyFunctionsToExclude' for cmdlet 'New-AzKustoAttachedDatabaseConfiguration'
Az.Network 5.6.0
Updated 'New-AzLoadBalancer' and 'Set-AzLoadBalancer' to validate surface level parameters for global tier load balancers
Added property 'AuthorizationStatus' to ExpressRouteCircuit
Added property 'BillingType' to ExpressRoutePort
Added support for connection flushing in network security group which when enabled, re-evaluates flows when rules are updated
Updated 'New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection', 'Set-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection' and 'New-AzVpnSiteLinkConnection' to support GatewayCustomBgpIpConfiguration.
Updated 'Reset-AzVpnGateway' to support IpConfigurationId.
Blocked some regions when creating/updating Basic Sku firewall
Fixed bugs related to auto learn IP prefixes and Snat
Updated multi-auth to be supported when both OpenVPN and IkeV2 protocols are used for VNG and VWAN VPN
Az.Resources 6.6.0
Fixed an issue when running the 'New-AzManagementGroup' command where it tried to cast an async operation as a Management Group. [#21000]
Fixed an issue when running 'Get-AzResourceGroup -Name 'some_name'', it ignores '-Location' if specified[#21225]
Az.ServiceBus 2.2.1
Added upcoming breaking change notifications for Az.ServiceBus module.
Az.Sql 4.5.0
Added a new cmdlet to refresh external governance status
Added breaking change notification for cmdlets to be removed and parameters to be changed.
Cmdlet 'New-AzSqlVMConfig' will be removed.
Cmdlet 'Set-AzSqlVMConfigGroup' will be removed.
Cmdlet 'Update-AzAvailabilityGroupListener' will be removed.
Parameter 'SqlVM' will be removed from cmdlet 'New-AzSqlVM'.
Parameter 'SqlVMGroupObject' will be removed from cmdlet 'Get-AzAvailabilityGroupListener' and 'Remove-AzAvailabilityGroupListener'.
Parameter alias 'SqlVM' will be removed from 'InputObject' of cmdlet 'Remove-AzSqlVM'.
Parameter alias 'SqlVMGroup' will be removed from 'InputObject' of cmdlet 'Update-AzSqlVMGroup' and 'Remove-AzSqlVMGroup'.
Added breaking change notification for SqlManagementType
Az.Storage 5.5.0
Supported create storage account with DnsEndpointType
Fixed file cmdlets potential context issue when the current context doesn't match with the credential of input Azure File object
Az.Websites 2.14.0
Fixed 'Edit-AzWebAppBackupConfiguration' to pass backup configuration enabled or not
Added a new parameter '-SoftRestart' for 'Restart-AzWebApp' and 'Restart-AzWebApp' to perform a soft restart
Updated 'Get-AzWebApp' and 'Get-AzWebAppSlot' to expose 'VirtualNetwork Integration Info' [#10665]
Set default value for '-RepositoryUrl' of 'New-AzStaticWebApp' [#21202]
Thanks to our community contributors
Allen TechWorld (@hachi1030-Allen), Bug - Invoke-AzCostManagementQuery cmdlet should handle null value in the response rows (#21180)
Simon Angling (@sangling), Minor Spelling (#21165)
Thomas Pike (@thwpike), Missing formatting for code block (#21130)
9.5.0 - March 2023
Az.Accounts 2.12.0
Fixed the issue that errors related to WAM are thrown when it is not enabled. [#20871] [#20824]
Updated Azure.Core library to 1.28.0.
Fixed an issue that the helper message about missing modules shows up at the wrong time. [#19228]
Added a hint message for some resource creation cmdlets when there is another region which may reduce the costs.
Supported environment initialization and auto-discovery with ArmMetadata of API version 2022-09-01.
Az.Aks 5.3.1
Fixed the issue that Invoke-AzAksRunCommand will fail when the directory for parameter CommandContextAttachment contains sub-directories. [#20734]
Az.Automanage 1.0.0
General availability for module Az.Automanage
Az.Automation 1.9.1
Fixed bug: Runbooks Name Pattern failures.
Az.CloudService 1.2.0
Upgraded the api version to 2022-09-04.
Upgraded the api version of referenced network to 2022-07-01.
Az.CognitiveServices 1.13.0
Updated CognitiveServices PowerShell to use 2022-12-01 version.
Added new CognitiveServices CommitmentPlan and Association cmdlets.
Added MultiRegionSetting support for CognitiveServices Account cmdlets.
Az.Compute 5.5.0
Added breaking change message for 'New-AzVmss'.
Added '-PerformancePlus' parameter to 'New-AzDiskConfig'
Added 'MaxSurge' to Set-AzVmssRollingUpgradePolicyCommand
Added support for 'latest' in 'Get-AzvmImage' '-Version' parameter
Added 'CompletionPercent' property to PSDisk object.
Az.ContainerInstance 3.2.0
Added 'priority' property to Container Group properties
Added 'Confidential' sku type to Container Group Skus
Az.ContainerRegistry 3.0.2
Updated Azure.Core to 1.28.0.
Az.CosmosDB 1.9.1
Updated Azure.Core to 1.28.0.
Az.Databricks 1.5.0
Upgraded API version to 2023-02-01
Az.DataFactory 1.16.13
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 9.2.0
Added AzureBlobFS sasUri and sasToken properties in ADF
Added AzureBlobStorage containerUri and authenticationType properties in ADF
Added support copyComputeScale And pipelineExternalComputeScale in IntegrationRuntime
Az.EventHub 3.2.2
Added breaking change description for parameter 'MessageRetentionInDays', which would be deprecated and would be replaced by 'RetentionTimeInHours'
Az.FrontDoor 1.10.0
Fixed New-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy cmdlet to support adding Tags for the Azure Frontdoor waf policy
Az.IotHub 2.7.5
Updated IoT Hub Management SDK to version 4.2.0 (api-version 2021-07-02)
Fixed 'Get-AzIoTHub' to work with DigiCert hubs
Az.KeyVault 4.9.2
Updated Azure.Core to 1.28.0.
Az.ManagedServiceIdentity 1.1.1
Upgraded to API version 2023-01-31.
Federated identity credentials GA version is available now.
Az.Network 5.5.0
Updated cmdlets to add new property of 'Snat' in Azure Firewall Policy.
Fixed a bug that reverts classic fw private ranges to default when doing get & set
Onboarded 'Microsoft.Monitor/accounts' to private link cmdlets
Az.PolicyInsights 1.6.0
Added support for policy attestations.
Az.RecoveryServices 6.3.0
Supported using managed disks for replication for HyperV to Azure provider in Azure Site Recovery
Az.Relay 1.0.4
Added breaking change message for cmdlets.
Az.Resources 6.5.3
Updated behavior of Get-AzPolicyDefinition which previously returned all definitions when -Id was provided with a nonexistent policy definition id. Fixed to correctly throw a 404 exception in this case.
Added note for scenario when an SPN role assignment is listed (#20907)
@sushil490023, Update Reference to latest swagger for Runbook Cmdlets (#20803)
9.4.0 - February 2023
Az.Accounts 2.11.2
Supported Web Account Manager on ARM64-based Windows systems. Fixed an issue where 'Connect-AzAccount' failed with error 'Unable to load DLL 'msalruntime_arm64''. [#20700]
Enabled credential to be found only by applicationId while tenant was not matched when accquire token. [#20484]
When Az.Accounts ran in parallel, the waiters were allowed to wait infinitely to avoid throw exception in automation enviroment. [#20455]
Az.Aks 5.3.0
Added parameter '-AadProfile' for 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'Set-AzAksCluster'
Added parameter '-NodeHostGroupID' for 'New-AzAksCluster' and parameter '-HostGroupID' for 'New-AzAksNodePool'
Az.ApplicationInsights 2.2.2
Added parameter validation for 'Get-AzApplicationInsights' [#20697]
Az.Compute 5.4.0
Added '-SkipIdentity', '-PathUserIdentity', '-IsTest' parameter to 'Set-AzVMAEMExtension'
Added 'ConsistencyMode' parameter to 'New-AzRestorePoint'.
Updated the storage account type value in several locations from the outdated 'StandardLRS' to the current 'Standard_LRS'.
Filled in missing parameter descriptions across multiple parameters and improved some existing parameter descriptions.
Updated Compute PS to use the new .Net SDK version 59.0.0. This includes an approved breaking change for a non-functional feature.
The type of the property 'Source' of type 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.GalleryDataDiskImage', 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.GalleryOSDiskImage', and 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.GalleryImageVersionStorageProfile' has changed from 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.GalleryArtifactVersionSource' to 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.GalleryDiskImageSource'.
Updated the broken 'UbuntuLTS' image alias to use its original sku version of '16.04-LTS' instead of the nonexistent image '20.04-LTS'. This fixes an issue introduced in the version 5.3.0 release.
Updated Set-AzVMRunCommand and Set-AzVmssRunCommand ScriptLocalPath parameter set to work with Linux and with files that have comments.
Added '-TargetExtendedLocation' parameter to 'New-AzGalleryImageVersion' and 'Update-AzGalleryImageVersion'
Added '-AllowDeletionOfReplicatedLocation' to 'Update-AzGalleryImageVersion'
Az.DataFactory 1.16.12
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 9.0.0
Az.DataProtection 1.1.0
Added support for Immutable backup vaults
Added Cross subscription restore flag for backup vaults
Added Soft delete setting for backup vaults
Fixed issue with Set-AzDataProtectionMSIPermission command
Replaced Get-InstalledModule with Get-Module -ListAvailable
Fixed 'New-AzEventHubAuthorizationRuleSASToken' cmdlet which was returning wrong skn value
Az.Monitor 4.4.1
Removed default value for time window for autoscale profile [#20660]
Az.Network 5.4.0
Fixed a bug that does not enable to set Perform SNAT to Always
Fixed the incorrect type of '-TotalBytesPerSession' in 'New-AzNetworkWatcherPacketCapture'
Az.RecoveryServices 6.2.0
Added support for enable/disable Public Network Access and PrivateEndpoints
Added support for Immutable Vaults
Added support for RetainRecoveryPointsAsPerPolicy in Disable-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtection cmdlet. Now user can suspend backups and retain RPs as per policy
Added support for non-UTC time zones with standard policy for workloadType IaasVM, MSSql, AzureFiles
Az.RedisCache 1.7.1
Updated 'Get-AzRedisCacheLink' and 'New-AzRedisCacheLink' to print 'PrimaryHostName', 'GeoReplicatedPrimaryHostName', 'ServerRole', and 'LinkedRedisCacheLocation'.
Az.Resources 6.5.2
Fixed query issue when objectId in assignment is empty for 'Get-DenyAssignment'
Fixed an issue where running deployment cmdlets with '-WhatIf' throws exception when formatting results with nested array changes
Az.Sql 4.3.0
Added an optional parameter 'HAReplicaCount' to 'Restore-AzSqlDatabase'
Added new cmdlets for managed instance DTC
Added 'TargetSubscriptionId' to 'Restore-AzSqlInstanceDatabase' in order to enable cross subscription restore
Enabled support for UserAssignedManagedIdentity in Auditing
Fixed WorkspaceResourceId parameter value in 'Set-AzSqlServerAudit'
Az.StackHCI 1.4.2
Added Remote Support terms and conditions for HCI device types.
Unified Resource Group support for both Azure Stack HCI and Arc for server resources.
Enhanced error feedback and logging in the Register-AzStackHCI cmdlet.
Bug fixes and improvements in Azure Arc for servers enablement in Register-AzStackHCI cmdlet.
Improved parameter validations in the Register-AzStackHCI cmdlet.
Enabled Managed System Identity (MSI) for Registration in Fairfax Cloud.
Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Az.Storage 5.4.0
Added a warning message for the upcoming breaking change when creating a Storage account
Removed the ValidateSet of StandardBlobTier parameter
Az.TrafficManager 1.2.0
Added a new optional parameter 'AlwaysServe' for endpoints.
Thanks to our community contributors
Arun Sabale (@Ar-Sa), Fix example 1 in (#20588)
Supported Web Account Manager (WAM) as an opt-in interactive login experience. Enable it by 'Update-AzConfig -EnableLoginByWam True'.
Optimized the mechanism for assembly loading.
Enabled AzKeyStore with keyring in Linux.
Fixed a typo in GetAzureRmContextAutosaveSetting.cs changing the cmdlet class name to GetAzureRmContextAutosaveSetting
Removed survey on error message in 'Resolve-AzError'. [#20398]
Added parameter '-EnableEncryptionAtHost' for 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'New-AzAksNodePool'
Added parameter '-EnableUltraSSD' for 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'New-AzAksNodePool'
Added parameter '-NodeKubeletConfig' for 'New-AzAksCluster', '-KubeletConfig' for 'New-AzAksNodePool'
Added parameter '-NodeLinuxOSConfig' for 'New-AzAksCluster', '-LinuxOSConfig' and 'New-AzAksNodePool'
Added parameter '-NodeMaxSurge' for 'New-AzAksCluster', '-MaxSurge' for 'New-AzAksNodePool' and 'Update-AzAksNodePool'
Added parameter '-PPG' for 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'New-AzAksNodePool'
Added parameter '-SpotMaxPrice' for 'New-AzAksNodePool'
Added parameter '-EnableFIPS' for 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'New-AzAksNodePool'
Added parameter '-AutoScalerProfile' for 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'Set-AzAksCluster'
Added parameter '-GpuInstanceProfile' for 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'New-AzAksNodePool'
Added parameter '-EnableUptimeSLA' for 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'Set-AzAksCluster'
Added parameter '-EdgeZone' for 'New-AzAksCluster'
Updated description of ResourceId param 'New-AzApiManagementBackend' and 'Set-AzApiManagementBackend' cmdlet [#16868]
Enabled output object enumerating for 'Get-AzApplicationInsights' [#20225]
Updated Example: Start-AzAutomationRunbook should pass ordered dictionary for parameters [#20408]
Added new properties 'CurrentNodeCommunicationMode' (read only) and 'TargetCommunicationMode' of type 'NodeCommunicationMode' to 'PSCloudPool'.
Valid values for 'NodeCommunicationMode': Default, Classic, Simplified
When the 'PSCloudPool' is updated with a new 'TargetCommunicationMode' value, the Batch service will attempt to update the pool to the new value the next time the pool is resized down to zero compute nodes and back up.
'PSPrivateLinkServiceConnectionState''s 'ActionRequired' property required has been renamed to 'ActionsRequired'. The old property has been marked as obsolete, and now just returns the new property. This should not impact existing consumers.
Removed the image 'Win2008R2SP1' from the list of available images and documentation. This image is no longer available on the backend so the client tools need to sync to that change.
Fixed a bug for creating Linux VM's from SIG/Community Gallery Images
Added 'ImageReferenceId' string parameter to the 'New-AzVmssConfig' cmdlet. This allows gallery image references to be added for the Confidential VM feature.
Added 'SecurityEncryptionType' and 'SecureVMDiskEncryptionSet' string parameters to the 'Set-AzVmssStorageProfile' cmdlet for the Confidential VM feature.
Fixed bug in 'Get-AzContainerRegistryTag' to show correct tags [#20528]
Fixed bug for 'Remove-AzDataCollectionRuleAssociation' [#20207]
Added support for test notifications cmdlets
Fixed start time parameter description of 'Get-AzActivityLog' [#20409]
Added samples for retrieving Private Link IP Configuration using 'New-AzApplicationGatewayPrivateLinkIpConfiguration' with fix [#20440]
Added 'DdosProtectionPlan' property in 'AzPublicIpAddress'
Updated mapping in 'AzPublicIpAddress' to always show/create DdosSettings
Fixed a bug that added Ddos related properties when viewing PublicIpAddress and DdosProtectionPlan objects
Fixed a Bug for Set-AzIpGroup cmdlet to support the '-WhatIf' parameter
Fixed a Bug for 'Add-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig', 'Add-AzLoadBalancerProbeConfig', 'Add-AzLoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolConfig', 'Set-AzLoadBalancer', 'New-AzLoadBalancerRuleConfig', 'Remove-AzLoadBalancerInboundNatRuleConfig' cmdlets to support the '-WhatIf' parameter. [#20416]
Fixed a bug for DestinationPortBehavior in 'Get-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitor', 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitor' powershell command by adding this properties to get and set the DestinationPortBehavior information. [#15996]
Added optional parameter 'PreferredDataArchiveAuthMethod' in 'Export-AzRedisCache'
Added optional parameter 'PreferredDataArchiveAuthMethod' in 'Import-AzRedisCache'
Added 4 additional properties for a geo replication link: 'PrimaryHostName', 'GeoReplicatedPrimaryHostName', 'ServerRole', and 'LinkedRedisCacheLocation'in 'Get-AzRedisCacheLink' and 'New-AzRedisCacheLink'
Fixed issue introduced in previous fix for 'Set-AzPolicySetDefinition' InternalServerError when the initiative is too large [#20238], which will remove space in value.
Fixed 'Get-AzRoleAssignment' BadRequest when scope is '/' [#20323]
Fixed for 'Update-AzSentinelAlertRule' fails when using '-TriggerThreshold 0' [#20417]
Added a parameter named 'UseIdentity' for 'Set-AzSqlServerAudit', 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseAudit', 'Set-AzSqlServerMSSupportAudit'
Added 'IsManagedIdentityInUse' property to the output of 'Get-AzSqlServerMSSupportAudit'
Added 'PreferredEnclaveType' parameter to 'New-AzSqlDatabase', 'Get-AzSqlDatabase' and 'Set-AzSqlDatabase' cmdlet
Added support for arc extensions which depend on HCI cluster's IMDS endpoints.
Return ListBlobProperties in blob list result
Output AllowedCopyScope in get account result
Fixed 'Import-AzWebAppKeyVaultCertificate' to use certificate naming convention same as portal [#19592]
Thanks to our community contributors
Pavel Lyalyakin (@bahrep), fixed a copy-pasto (#20514)
Fixed issue found for 'Set-AzVmssVMRunCommand' [#19985]
Fixed 'Get-AzVm' cmdlet when parameter '-Status' is provided, return property 'OsName', 'OsVersion' and 'HyperVGeneration'
Fixed 'New-AzVM' cmdlet when creating VM with bootdiagnostic storage causes exception 'Kind' cannot be null.
Added support for Cosmos DB Service related cmdlets.
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 8.0.0
Fixed spacing issues in Set-AzDataProtectionMSIPermission.ps1
Added NamespaceV2 cmdlets for EventHub
Fixed certificate export parameter issue in 'Add-AzKeyVaultKey' [#19623]
Fixed CertificateString decoding issue in 'Import-AzKeyVaultCertificate'
Shifted the location of key CVM release policy to GitHub [#19984]
Added fallback logic (reading default CVM policy from a local copy) if fetching default CVM Policy from GitHub failed.
Fixed bug for 'New-AzActivityLogAlert' and 'Update-AzActivityLogAlert' [#19927]
Added optional parameters 'CustomBlockResponseStatusCode' and 'CustomBlockResponseBody' parameter to 'AzApplicationGatewayFirewallPolicySettings'
Added a new cmdlet to get the application gateway waf manifest and rules
Added support for passing DiskEncryptionSetId for Cross region restore
Fixed the pagination bug in 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesAsrProtectableItem' for the V2ARCM scenario.
Fixed 'IncludeDiskId' property for 'New-ASRReplicationProtectedItem' cmdlet of H2A
Added cmdlet 'Get-AzADOrganization'
Fixed 'Set-AzPolicySetDefinition' InternalServerError when the initiative is too large [#20238]
Added NamespaceV2 cmdlets for ServiceBus.
Updated to API version 2022-08-01-preview
Added support for custom domain. Added new cmdlets New-AzWebPubSubCustomCertificate, Get-AzWebPubSubCustomCertificate, Remove-AzWebPubSubCustomCertificate, New-AzWebPubSubCustomDomain, Get-AzWebPubSubCustomDomain, Remove-AzWebPubSubCustomDomain.
Added support for event listeners in hub settings. Added new cmdlets New-AzWebPubSubEventHubEndpointObject, New-AzWebPubSubEventNameFilterObject.
Enabled system-assigned identity on HCI cluster resource registration and repair registration flow.
Added error message in the command Register-AzStackHCI if Arc is not enabled.
Added default region confirmation prompt if the region is not mentioned in the command Register-AzStackHCI.
Added general logging improvements.
Added logic that skipping the Arc SPN permission check in Register-AzStackHCI if a customer doesn't have the required permissions to read Arc SPN credential.
Added deprecation message for the command Test-AzStackHCIConnection. Customers can use Invoke-AzStackHciConnectivityValidation from the module AzStackHCI.EnvironmentChecker for connectivity verification tests.
Supported MaxPageSize, Include, and Filter parameters for listing encryption scopes
Supported excludePrefix, includeDeleted, and many new schema fields in Blob Inventory
Added breaking change message for '-SparkConfigFilePath'. It will be deprecated around the middle of December.
Updated 'New-AzSynapseSparkPool' and 'Update-AzSynapseSparkPool' to support for setting spark pool configuration artifact by '-SparkCongifuration'. '-SparkCongifuration' is an alternative of parameter '-SparkConfigFilePath'.
Added Tag parameter for 'New-AzWebApp' and 'New-AzWebAppSlot'
Fixed 'Set-AzWebApp' and 'Set-AZWebAppSlot' to rethrow exception when Service Principal/User doesn't have permission to list web app configuration. [#19942]
Thanks to our community contributors
@Ajay1250, The example was using the wrong command (#20237)
Robin Malik (@robinmalik), Update (#20317)
@SherrySahni, container name not supported with upper case (#20012)
@sushil490023, Adding PS Cmdlets for Azure Automation Python3 operation (#19598)
Thomas Pike (@thwpike), Typo Fix (#20087)
9.1.0 - November 2022
Updated 'Get-AzSubscription' to retrieve subscription by Id rather than listed all the subscriptions from server if subscription Id is provided. [#19115]
Updated CognitiveServices PowerShell to use 2022-10-01 version.
Fixed EdgeZone does not pass to VM for 'New-AzVM' 'SimpleParameterSet' [#18978]
Added 'ScriptFilePath' parameter set for 'Set-AzVMRunCommand' and 'Set-AzVmssVMRunCommand' to allow users to pass in the path of the file that has the run command script
Added '-AsJob' optional parameter to 'Remove-AzVMExtension' cmdlet.
Added '-EdgeZone' optional parameter for 'Get-AzComputeResourceSku' and 'New-AzSnapshotUpdateConfig' cmdlets.
Added Disk Delete Optional parameters 'OsDisk Deletion Option' and 'Delete Option' to the 'Set-AzVmssStorageProfile' (OS Disk) and 'Add-AzVmssDataDisk' (Data Disk)
Improved printed output for 'Get-AzComputeResourceSku'
Updated 'Get-AzHost' cmdlet logic to return Host for '-ResourceId' parameterset.
Added '-OSDiskSizeGB' optional parameter for 'Set-AzVmssStorageProfile'.
Improved cmdlet description for 'Set-AzVM' and added examples.
Updated property mapping for parameter 'Encryption' of 'New-AzGalleryImageVersion'
Updated list format to display all VmssVmRunCommand properties for 'Get-AzVmssVmRunCommand'
Updated 'Get-AzGallery', 'New-AzGallery', 'Update-AzGallery', 'Get-AzGalleryImageDefinition', 'Get-AzGalleryImageVersion', 'New-AzVm' and 'New-AzVmss' to support community galleries
Added 'RequiredNsgRule' parameter in the 'Update-AzDatabricksWorkspace'.
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 7.0.0
Fixed list parameter set for 'Get-AzDataProtectionBackupVault'
Updated to use the 2022-06-15 API version.
Added new features:
Partner topics
Partner topic event subscriptions
Partner namespaces
Partner namespace keys
Partner configurations
Partner registrations
Verified partners
Added readonly Status property in EventHub Namespace
Added warning logs to detect Az context switching in Get-AzFunctionApp
Bumped API version to 2022-07-01
Added 'Undo-AzKeyVaultManagedHsm' to recover deleted managed HSM
Supported Create/Get/Update/Remove Federated Identity Credentials on a User Assigned Managed Identity
Supported List Associated Resources on a User Assigned Managed Identity
Added parameter 'CacheStorageAccountId' to 'Initialize-AzMigrateReplicationInfrastructure'
Added support for OS Disk Swap and Test Migrate Subnet Selection
Added possible value 'LocalGateway' for parameter 'GatewayType'
Exposed 'ExtendedLocation' and 'VNetExtendedLocationResourceId' for 'VirtualNetworkGateway'
Added new cmdlet to get firewall learned ip prefixes
Fixed a bug that does not update firewall policy application, network and nat rules' descriptions even though description is provided via description parameter
Updated 'New-AzIpConfigurationBgpPeeringAddressObject' to remove validate null or empty check for CustomAddress in Azure Virtual Network Gateway
Updated 'New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway' to add validate null or empty check for CustomAddress in Azure Virtual Network Gateway
Updated cmdlets to add new property of 'VirtualNetworkGatewayPolicyGroup' and 'VpnClientConnectionConfiguration' in Azure Virtual Network Gateway
Added new cmdlets to create
Added message in breaking change attribute to notify that load balancer sku default behavior will be changed
Added cmdlet preview to notify customers to use default value or leave null for load balancer probe threshold property
Added support for cross zonal restore for ZRS vaults for non-ZonePinned VM
Fixed bug with Update-AzRecoveryServicesAsrProtectionContainerMapping
Added new scenarios: EZ-to-AZ, EZ-to-AZ, EZ-to-EZ
Removed 'VmName' from non A2A scenarios of 'New-AzRecoveryServicesAsrReplicationProtectedItem' as it is not applicable
Fixed parameter 'Count' for
Polished preview warning message for:
Fixed a 'NullReferenceException' when deploying a JSON template using Bicep extensibility
Added '-AsJob' to support running 'Register-AzResourceProvider' as a Job
Added new cmdlets for CRUD operations on SQL server IPv6 Firewall rules
StorageContainerSasToken parameter in the 'Start-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay' cmdlet is now optional
Supported WDAC compliant APIs
Fixed module versions of dependent PS modules
Updated Remote Support cmdlets to check device type between HCIv2 and AzureEdge
Supported generate DataLakeGen2 Sas token with Encryption scope
Supported blob type conversions in sync blob copy
Supported create/upgrade storage account with Keyvault from another tenant and access Keyvault with FederatedClientId
Supported find blobs in a container with a blob tag filter sql expression
Migrated following Azure File dataplane cmdlets from 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.File' to 'Azure.Storage.Files.Shares'
Fixed 'Publish-AzWebApp' to use latest publish API when deploying war package [#19791]
Thanks to our community contributors
@alekiv, Fix typo in Example 1 (#19727)
Johan Vanneuville (@JohanVanneuville), Update (#19858)
Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.25.0 and Azure.Identity to 1.6.1
Upgraded Microsoft.Identity.Client to 4.46.2 and Microsoft.Identity.Client.Extensions.MSAL to 2.23.0
Upgraded Microsoft.ApplicationInsights to 2.13.1
[Breaking Change] Changed target framework of AuthenticationAssemblyLoadContext to netcoreapp3.1.
[Breaking Change] Removed built-in environment of Azure Germany
Supported tenant domain as input while using 'Connect-AzAccount' with parameter 'Tenant'. [#19471]
Used the ArgumentCompleter attribute to replace the dynamic parameters of 'Get-AzContext'. [#18041]
Fixed issue that module cannot be imported when required file is locked [#19624]
Bumped API version to 2020-01-01
[Breaking Change] Removed the alias 'Install-AzAksKubectl' of 'Install-AzAksCliTool'.
[Breaking Change] Changed the type of parameter 'Sku' from Enum to String in 'Add-AzApiManagementRegion', 'New-AzApiManagement' and 'Update-AzApiManagementRegion'.
[Breaking Change] Replaced 'New/Remove/Get-AzAttestation' with 'New/Remove/Get-AzAttestationProvider'
Added 'Get-AzAttestationDefaultProvider' and 'Update-AzAttestationProvider'
Upgraded API version from 2018-09-01-preview to 2020-10-01
Added cmdlets 'Remove-AzAutomationHybridRunbookWorker', 'Remove-AzAutomationHybridRunbookWorkerGroup', 'Set-AzAutomationHybridRunbookWorkerGroup', 'Get-AzAutomationHybridRunbookWorker', 'Get-AzAutomationHybridRunbookWorkerGroup', 'Move-AzAutomationHybridRunbookWorker', 'New-AzAutomationHybridRunbookWorker', 'New-AzAutomationHybridRunbookWorkerGroup' for Hybrid Runbook Worker group management.
Added the 'TimeCreated' property to the Virtual Machine and Virtual Machine Scale Set models.
Added Confidential VM functionality to multiple cmdlets.
Added new parameter 'SecureVMDiskEncryptionSet' to cmdlet 'Set-AzDiskSecurityProfile'.
Added new parameters 'SecureVMDiskEncryptionSet' and 'SecurityEncryptionType' to cmdlet 'Set-AzVMOSDisk'.
Improved cmdlet descriptions and parameter descriptions for VM/VMSS creation.
Added the 'BaseRegularPriorityCount' integer property to the following cmdlets: 'New-AzVmssConfig' and 'Update-AzVmssConfig'
Added the 'RegularPriorityPercentage' integer property to the following cmdlets: 'New-AzVmssConfig' and 'Update-AzVmssConfig'
Added Breaking Changes for Add-AzVMAdditionalUnattendContent and Get-AzGallery cmdlets
Added '-DiskControllerType' property to the following cmdlets: 'New-AzVm', 'New-AzVmss', 'New-AzVmConfig', 'Set-AzVmssStorageProfile'
Upgraded API version to 2022-04-01-preview
Modified description of 'EnableNoPublicIP' parameter in the 'New-AzDatabricksWorkspace'. [#14381]
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 6.4.0
Add remaining advanced filters
Most cmdlets in Az.EventHub module have been migrated to a new format and would witness breaking changes. Please refer our migration guide to know breaking changes in detail.
Enabled support to create Node 18 Preview and Java 17 Preview function apps (fixes issues #19184 and #18925)
Removed the logic that checks for AzureGermanCloud in the cloud endpoints (fixes issue #19667)
Hided generated unused cmdlets (fixes #16666)
Fixed the exception content swallowed issue when exception.Response is null [#19531]
Added the existing parameters 'Exportable', 'Immutable', 'UseDefaultCVMPolicy', and 'ReleasePolicyPath'
to the parameter sets 'InteractiveCreate', 'InputObjectCreate', and 'ResourceIdCreate'.
Upgraded API version to 2021-01-01.
Updated ApiVersion to 2022-05-01
Added support for pause and resume
[Breaking Change] Removed unless cmdlets
[Breaking Change] Upgraded API version for ActivityLogAlert from 2017-04-01 to 2020-10-01, affected cmdlets:
'Set-AzActivityLogAlert' replaced by 'New-AzActivityLogAlert'
'Disable-AzActivityLogAlert' replaced by 'Update-AzActivityLogAlert'
'Enable-AzActivityLogAlert' replaced by 'Update-AzActivityLogAlert'
'New-AzActionGroup' replaced by 'New-AzActivityLogAlertActionGroupObject'
[Breaking Change] Upgraded API version for DiagnosticSetting from 2017-05-01-preview to 2021-05-01-preview
'Set-AzDiagnosticSetting' replaced by 'New-AzDiagnosticSetting'
'New-AzDiagnosticDetailSetting' replaced by 'New-AzDiagnosticSettingLogSettingsObject' and 'New-AzDiagnosticSettingMetricSettingsObject'
'Get-AzSubscriptionDiagnosticSettingCategory' replaced by 'Get-AzEventCategory'
[Breaking Change] Upgraded API version for Autoscale from 2015-04-01 to 2022-10-01
'Add-AzAutoscaleSetting' replaced by 'New-AzAutoscaleSetting'
'New-AzAutoscaleNotification' replaced by 'New-AzAutoscaleNotificationObject'
'New-AzAutoscaleProfile' replaced by 'New-AzAutoscaleProfileObject'
'New-AzAutoscaleRule' replaced by 'New-AzAutoscaleScaleRuleObject'
'New-AzAutoscaleWebhook' replaced by 'New-AzAutoscaleWebhookNotificationObject'
[Breaking Change] Upgraded API version for ScheduledQueryRule from 2018-04-16 to 2021-08-01
Added 'PublicNetworkAccess' to 'Update-AzMySqlServer' [#19189]
Added a new endpoint switch 'AzureArcVM' in 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitor'
Updated 'New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection' to support bypassing the ExpressRoute gateway when accessing private-links
Updated 'Update-AzCustomIpPrefix' to support no-internet advertise CustomIpPrefix
Updated 'New-AzNetworkInterface' to support create/update nic with DisableTcpStateTracking property
Updated cmdlet to support specifying a VirtualRouterAsn on Virtual Hub
Updated cmdlet to support specifying an ASN on VPN Gateway
Updated 'New-AzRoutingConfiguration' to support bypassing NVA for spoke vNet traffic
Updated 'Update-AzCustomIpPrefix' to support new parameters: Asn, Geo, ExpressRouteAdvertise
Updated cmdlets to enable verification on client certificate revocation by using a new property VerifyClientRevocation in ApplicationGatewayClientAuthConfiguration
Updated 'New-AzCustomIpPrefix' to support IPv4 Parent/Child CustomIpPrefix creation.
Added Uppercase Transform in New-AzApplicationGatewayFirewallCondition
Added DdosProtectionMode parameter in New-AzPublicIpAddress
Added ProbeThreshold parameter to Load Balancer Probe
Updated 'New-AzApplicationGatewayFirewallPolicyManagedRuleOverride' to support specifying an action for a managed rule override in Application Gateway WAF Policy
Added breaking change enum values/notification for the following network manager cmdlets
Added 'EnableUDPLogOptimization' parameter to 'New-AzFirewall'
Fixed a bug that does not return HubIPAddresses and PrivateIPAddress during a Get-AzFirewall command
Replaced 'IdentifyTopFatFlow' parameter with 'EnableFatFlowLogging' parameter to 'New-AzFirewall'
Fixed a bug not able to add MSSQL application rules to an AZURE FIREWALL POLICY
Onboard Project AzureML Registries to Private Link Common Cmdlets
[Breaking Change] Added fix for Enable-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtection cmdlet. Resolved the null reference issue by making policy a mandatory parameter.
[Breaking Change] Removed status filter from Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer command
Added SubTasks Duration for IaasVM job
Fixed NullReferenceException issue in 'New-AzRoleAssignment' [#19793]
Changed 'Az.SecurityInsights' to autorest-based module
Most cmdlets in Az.ServiceBus module have been migrated to a new format and would witness breaking changes. Please refer our migration guide to know breaking changes in detail.
Added new fields to the 'Get-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay' cmdlet
Improved error handling in the 'Stop-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay' cmdlet
Added StorageContainerIdentity parameter in the 'Start-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay' cmdlet
Removed the following cmdlets: 'Clear-AzSqlServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting' and 'Clear-AzSqlDatabaseAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting'
Added the following cmdlets: 'Get-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting', 'Get-AzSqlInstanceAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting', 'Update-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting' and 'Update-AzSqlInstanceAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting'
Removed the following aliases: 'Enable-AzSqlServerAdvancedThreatProtection', 'Disable-AzSqlServerAdvancedThreatProtection', 'Get-AzSqlServerThreatDetectionSetting', 'Remove-AzSqlServerThreatDetectionSetting', 'Set-AzSqlServerThreatDetectionSetting', 'Get-AzSqlDatabaseThreatDetectionSetting', 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseThreatDetectionSetting' and 'Remove-AzSqlDatabaseThreatDetectionSetting'
Changed the returned object for the following cmdlets: 'Get-AzSqlServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting' and 'Get-AzSqlDatabaseAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting'
Changed the parameters for the following cmdlets: 'Update-AzSqlServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting' and 'Update-AzSqlDatabaseAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting'. Only 'Enable' parameter is now supported.
Changed endpoint used in SQL Server and SQL Instance from AD Graph to MS Graph
Made GraphAccessToken parameter obsolete in Register-AzStackHCI, Unregister-AzStackHCI and Set-AzStackHCI cmdlets. This is because Az.StackHCI module does not depend on Microsoft Entra anymore.
Include API version for all Microsoft.AzStackHCI related AZ-Resource calls
Migrated following Azure File dataplane cmdlets from 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.File 11.2.2' to 'Azure.Storage.Files.Shares 12.10.0'
Migrated Get/List blob to always use 'Azure.Storage.Blobs'
Fix create file sas failure with file object pipeline
[Breaking Change] Updated models of Synapse Link for Azure Sql Database
Updated 'New-AzSynapseWorkspace' and 'Update-AzSynapseWorkspace' to support for user assigned managed identity (UAMI) by '-UserAssignedIdentityAction' and '-UserAssignedIdentityId'
Added EnablePublicNetworkAccess parameter to 'New-AzureSynapseWorkspace' and 'Update-AzSynapseWorkspace'
Fixed bug: Get-AzAutomationJob fails for some jobIds
Fixed a bug wherein creating a new JobSchedule does not properly submit Output Files.
Added Trusted Launch Generic Breaking Change warning for 'New-AzVM', 'New-AzDisk' and 'New-AzVMSS' cmdlets.
'Get-AzVMRunCommand' now shows all the properties of VMRunCommand in a list format.
Added new Parameter '-PublicIpSku' to the 'NewAzVM' cmdlet with acceptable values : 'Basic' and 'Standard'.
Added Generic Breaking Change PublicIpSku Warning and Overridden '-Zone' logic when '-PublicIpSku' is explicitly provided.
Added Disk Delete Optional parameters 'OsDisk Deletion Option' and 'Delete Option' to the 'Set-AzVmssStorageProfile' (OS Disk) and 'Add-AzVmssDataDisk' (Data Disk)
Improved printed output for 'Get-AzComputeResourceSku'
Updated 'Update-AzVm' to give constructive error messages when empty variables are passed in parameters. [#15081]
Added 'Zone' and 'IntentVMSizeList' optional parameters to the cmdlet 'New-AzProximityPlacementGroup'.
Added parameters to Gallery cmdlets for Community Galleries
For 'New-AzGalleryImageVersion', 'CVMEncryptionType' and 'CVMDiskEncryptionSetID' added as keys for parameter '-Target'.
Corrected parameter description of '-Force' in 'Remove-AzWvdUserSession'.
Updated to use the 2021-12-01 API version.
Added new features:
System topic
System topic event subscription
System topic event subscription delivery attributes
Updated cmdlets:
Add new optional parameters to support auto creation of topic with first subscription.
Add new optional parameters to support auto deletion of topic with last subscription.
Add optional parameters to support azure managed identity
Add new optional parameters to support advanced filtering on arrays.
Add new optional parameters to support delivery attribute mapping.
Add new optional parameters to support storage queue message ttl.
In the upcoming major breaking change release in October 2022, Az.EventHub would be migrating most cmdlets to a new format
for a better powershell experience and as a result would witness breaking changes. Please refer our migration guide to know more
Made PowerShell 7.2 the default when creating a PowerShell function app
Fixed parameter validation logic of '-UseDefaultCVMPolicy'
Added parameter 'ContentType' in 'Import-AzKeyVaultCertificate' to support importing pem via certificate string
Allowed 'DnsName' in 'New-AzKeyVaultCertificatePolicy' to accept an empty list [#18954]
Added a warning message for an upcoming breaking change to 'Get-AzMarketplaceTerms'.
Added breaking change warning messages for
Added breaking change notification for 'Get-AzFirewall', 'New-AzFirewall', 'Set-AzFirewall' and 'New-AzFirewallHubIpAddress'
Added new cmdlets for Table resource: 'New-AzOperationalInsightsRestoreTable', 'New-AzOperationalInsightsSearchTable', 'New-AzOperationalInsightsTable','Remove-AzOperationalInsightsTable','Update-AzOperationalInsightsTable', 'Convert-AzOperationalInsightsMigrateTable'
Added new property 'DefaultDataCollectionRuleResourceId' to 'Set-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace' and to 'New-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace' cmdlets
Updated parameter documentation for Get-AzPolicyState
Added support for Archive smart tiering for AzureVM and MSSQL workloads.
Fixed bug '-Password' overwrite '-PasswordProfile' in 'New-AzADUser' [#19265]
Exposed 'EmployeeOrgData' 'Manager' for 'Get-AzADUSer' [#18205]
Exposed parameter '-Count' for 'Get-AzADUser' [#16874]
In the upcoming major breaking change release in October 2022, Az.ServiceBus would be migrating most cmdlets to a new format
for a better powershell experience and as a result would witness breaking changes. Please refer our migration guide to know more
Added -MinimumTlsVersion to New-AzServiceBusNamespace and Set-AzServiceBusNamespace
Supported to create or update Storage account with Azure Files Active Directory Domain Service Kerberos Authentication
Supported create/upgrade storage account by enable sftp and enable localuser
Supported manage local user of a storage account
Supported soft delete DataLake Gen2 item
Updated 'New-AzSynapseSparkPool' and 'Update-AzSynapseSparkPool' to support for setting spark pool dynamic executor allocation by '-EnableDynamicExecutorAllocation'
Fixed 'Import-AzWebAppKeyVaultCertificate' to use certificate naming convention same as Az-CLI
Thanks to our community contributors
Harshit Aggarwal (@harshit283), Onboard EnergyServices to PrivatelinkCommonCmdlets (#19271)
Added 'IdentifyTopFatFlow' parameter to 'AzureFirewall'
Enabled Azure Firewall forced tunneling by default (AzureFirewallManagementSubnet and ManagementPublicIpAddress are required) whenever basic sku firewall is created.
Fixed bug that causes an overflow due to incorrect SNAT private ranges IP validation.
Added new cmdlets to create/manage L4(TCP/TLS) objects for ApplicationGateway:
Updated cmdlet to add TCP/TLS Listener , BackendSetting , RoutingRule support for Application Gateway:
Updated cmdlets to add TCP/TLS protocol support for Application gateway Health Probe configuration:
Updated cmdlets to add basic sku support on Azure Firewall and Azure Firewall Policy:
Added new cmdlets to create/manage authorization objects for ExpressRoutePort:
Added option parameter 'AuthorizationKey' to cmdlet 'New-AzExpressRouteCircuit' to allow creating ExpressRoute Circuit on a ExpressRoutePort with a different owner.
Fixed bug that can't display CustomIpPrefix in PublicIpPrefix.
Updated cmdlets to add new property of 'HubRoutingPreference' in VirtualHub and set property of 'PreferredRoutingGateway' deprecated .
Added optional parameter 'AuxiliaryMode' to cmdlet 'New-AzNetworkInterface' to enable this network interface as Sirius enabled. Allowed values are None(default) and MaxConnections.
Multipool feature change: Updated cmdlets to add new optional property: 'ConfigurationPolicyGroups' object for associating policy groups.
Multipool feature change: Updated cmdlets to add new optional property: 'P2SConnectionConfiguration' object for specifying multiple Connection configurations.
Multipool feature change: Added new cmdlets to support CRUD of Configuration policy groups for VpnServerConfiguration.
Added new cmdlets for RoutingIntent child resource of VirtualHub.
Updated cmdlets to add new option of 'HubRoutingPreference' in RouteServer.
Fixed bug that can't parse CustomIpPrefixParent parameter from swagger to powershell.
Added 'Any' operator in New-AzApplicationGatewayFirewallCondition
Made properties 'ApplicationSecurityGroups' and 'IpConfigurations' for 'PrivateEndpoint' updatable in the cmdlet 'Set-AzPrivateEndpoint'
Onboarded Device Update for IoT Hub to Private Link Common Cmdlets
Upgraded API version to 2022-01-01
Removed the warning messages for MSGraph migration [#18856]
[Breaking Change] Renamed cmdlet from '{}-AzADAppFederatedIdentityCredential' to '{}-AzADAppFederatedCredential'
[Breaking Change] Renamed '-Id' to '-FederatedCredentialId' for
Upgraded API version from Beta to 1.0
Removed the warning messages for MSGraph migration [#18856]
Moved SQL Server and SQL Instance from ActiveDirectoryClient to MicrosoftGraphClient
Supported cross-subscription Failover Group creation using 'PartnerSubscriptionId' parameter in 'New-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup' cmdlet
Added check for storage account sas token is secured with the storage account key.
Supported exporting and importing configurations by 'Export-AzConfig' and 'Import-AzConfig'.
Fixed an issue that Az.Accounts may fail to be imported in parallel PowerShell processes. [#18321]
Fixed incorrect access token [#18105]
Upgraded version of Microsoft.Identity.Client for .NET Framework. [#18495]
Fixed an issue that Az.Accounts failed to be imported if multiple environment variables, which only differ by case, are set. [#18304]
Added parameter 'CommandContextAttachmentZip' for 'Invoke-AzAksRunCommand'. [#17454]
Added ManagedIdentity support for Aks[#15656].
Added property 'PowerState' for the output of 'Get-AzAksCluster'[#18271]
Updated the logic of 'Set-AzAksCluster' for parameter 'NodeImageOnly'.
Added parameter 'NodeImageOnly' for 'Update-AzAksNodePool'.
Added parameter 'AvailabilityZone' for 'New-AzAksCluster'. [#18658]
Fixed parameters for Set-AzApplicationInsightsDailyCap [#18315]
Fixed parameter 'DocumentType' for 'New-AzApplicationInsightsContinuousExport' and 'Set-AzApplicationInsightsContinuousExport' [#18350]
Fixed parameter 'ResourceId' for 'Get-AzApplicationInsights' [#18707]
Added image alias 'Win2022AzureEditionCore'
Added the '-DisableIntegrityMonitoring' switch parameter to the 'New-AzVM' cmdlet.
Changed the default behavior for 'New-AzVM' and 'New-AzVmss' when these conditions are met:
'-DisableIntegrityMonitoring' is not true.
'SecurityType' on the SecurityProfile is 'TrustedLaunch'.
'VTpmEnabled' on the SecurityProfile is true.
'SecureBootEnabled' on the SecurityProfile is true.
Now 'New-AzVM' will install the 'Guest Attestation' extension to the new VM when these conditions are met.
Now 'New-AzVmss' will install the 'Guest Attestation' extension to the new Vmss when these conditions are met and installed to all VM instances in the Vmss.
Added '-UserAssignedIdentity' and '-FederatedClientId' to the following cmdlets:
Added '-TreatFailureAsDeploymentFailure' to cmdlets 'Add-AzVmGalleryApplication' and 'Add-AzVmssGalleryApplication'
Removed Exceptions for when SinglePlacementGroup is set to true in 'OrchestrationMode'
Added support for partition key and id paths to be part of client encryption policy.
Fixed bug related to Update-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer command on containers with Client Encryption Policy.
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 6.3.0
Added cmdlets for CRUD operations on EventHub Application Groups. The added cmdlets include,
Get-AzEventHubNamespace returned a maximum of 100 namespaces for list by resource groups or list by subscriptions so far. From here onwards, for resource groups and subscriptions with over a 100 namespaces, the cmdlet will return all the namespaces. You will not see a change in the cmdlet behaviour if your resource groups or subscriptions have less than a 100 namespaces.
Added cmdlets for manual approval of EventHubs Private Endpoint Connections. The added cmdlets include,
Supported importing pem certificate by 'Import-AzKeyVaultCertificate' [#18494]
Supported accepting rotation policy in a JSON file
[Breaking Change] Changed parameter 'ExpiresIn' in 'Set-AzKeyVaultKeyRotationPolicy' from TimeSpan? to string. It must be an ISO 8601 duration like 'P30D' for 30 days.
[Breaking Change] Changed output properties 'ExpiresIn', 'TimeAfterCreate' and 'TimeBeforeExpiry' of 'Set-AzKeyVaultKeyRotationPolicy' and 'Get-AzKeyVaultKeyRotationPolicy' from TimeSpan? to string.
Supported creating/updating key with release policy in a Managed HSM
Removed default value for 'EnabledForDeployment', 'EnabledForTemplateDeployment', 'EnabledForDiskEncryption' and 'EnableRbacAuthorization' during the process of key vault creation
Changed default access policies for Key Vault secret, certificate and storage as 'All'
Added support for CustomV2 ssl policies for Application Gateway.
Added 'CustomV2' to the validation set of 'PolicyType'
Added 'TLSv1_3' to the validation set of 'MinProtocolVersion'
Removed validation for null or empty cipher suites list since there can be empty cipher suites list for min protocol version of tls1.3
[Breaking Change] Changed default value of '-PrivateEndpointNetworkPoliciesFlag' to 'Disabled' in 'Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig' and 'New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig'
Fixed bugs that cannot parse virtual network encryption paramemters when updating exsiting vnet.
Updated SKU allowed values to support A7 and A8
Fixed delay in long running operations [#18567]
Added feedback when deleting role assignments even if passthru is not used
Fixed relative path failure in -AsJob scenario [#18084]
Fixed logic of 'createtime' and 'ChangedTime' in 'Get-AzResource --ExpandProperties'. [#18206]
Fixed role assignment latency for 'New-AzADServicePrincipal' [#16777]
Added cmdlets for manual approval of Service Bus Private Endpoint Connections. The added cmdlets include,
Fixed typo in verbose log message.
Added Tag support for managed cluster create and update
Added 'GeoZone' option to 'BackupStorageRedundancy' parameter to 'New-AzSqlDatabase', 'Set-AzSqlDatabase', 'New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy', 'New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary', and 'Restore-AzSqlDatabase' to enable create, update, copy, geo secondary and PITR support for GeoZone hyperscale databases
Added additional input validation to 'Stop-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay' cmdlet to ensure the target database was created by log replay service
Bug fix for cmdlet 'Restore-AzSqlDatabase'. The optional property 'Tags' was not working as expected
Added isManagedIdentityInUse get parameter for 'Get-AzSqlServerAudit' and 'Get-AzSqlDatabaseAudit'
Added new cmdlet 'Set-AzSqlInstanceDatabase'
Added support to Stack HCI Cluster
Added support to Stack HCI Extension
Added support to Stack HCI Arc Settings
Supported BaseBlob DaysAfterCreationGreaterThan in Management Policy
Thanks to our community contributors
@ayeshurun, Update SKU allowed values for PowerBI Embedded capacities (#18670)
@JulianePadrao, [SQL] fix for deprecated term (#18620)
@kaushik-ms, powershell changes for new ssl policies in appgw (#18287)
Adrian Leonhard (@NaridaL), fix typo beging -> begin in 3 files (#18391)
8.0.0 - May 2022
Added a preview feature allowing user to control the following configurations by using 'Get-AzConfig', 'Update-AzConfig' and 'Clear-AzConfig':
'DefaultSubscriptionForLogin': Subscription name or GUID. Sets the default context for Azure PowerShell when logging in without specifying a subscription.
'DisplayBreakingChangeWarning': Controls if warning messages for breaking changes are displayed or suppressed.
'EnableDataCollection': When enabled, Azure PowerShell cmdlets send telemetry data to Microsoft to improve the customer experience.
Upgraded System.Reflection.DispatchProxy on Windows PowerShell [#17856]
Upgraded Azure.Identity to 1.6.0 and Azure.Core to 1.24.0
Removed these aliases:
[Breaking change] Replaced parameter 'Sample' by 'Examples' in 'New-AzApiManagementOperation' and 'Set-AzApiManagementOperation'
Updated APIM .Net SDK version to 8.0.0 / Api Version 2021-08-01
Upgraded API version for ApplicationInsights component to 2020-02-02
Supported Log Analytics workspace-based component by 'New-AzApplicationInsights' and 'Update-AzApplicationInsights'
Upgraded API version to 2021-06-01
Removed deprecated cmdlets
Added new cmdlets
Renamed Set cmdlets to Update cmdlets
Added 'Object' suffix to memory object creation cmdlets
Edited 'New-AzVm' cmdlet internal logic to use the 'PlatformFaultDomain' value in the 'PSVirtualMachine' object passed to it in the new virtual machine.
Added a new cmdlet named 'Restart-AzHost' to restart dedicated hosts.
Added '-DataAccessAuthMode' parameter to the following cmdlets:
Added '-Architecture' parameter to the following cmdlets:
Added '-InstanceView' parameter to 'Get-AzRestorePoint'
Added parameter '-ScriptString' to 'Invoke-AzvmRunCommand' and 'Invoke-AzvmssRunCommand'
Added parameter '-ScaleInPolicyForceDeletion' to 'Update-Azvmss'
Updated parameter types from bool to bool? for 'Update-AzContainerRegistryRepository' [#17857]
Introduced support for creating containers with Client Encryption Policy. The current supported version of Client Encryption Policy is 1.
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 6.1.0
Fixed Set-AzDataFactoryV2 -InputObject not correct with PublicNetworkAccess Parameter
Made 'IPRule' and 'VirtualNetworkRule' optional in 'Set-AzEventHubNetworkRuleSet'.
Deprecated older MSI properties in 'Set-AzEventHubNamespace' and 'New-AzEventHubNamespace'
Fixed an issue that New-AzFunctionApp cmdlet should write a warning message when setting default values for parameters that are not provided.
Added 'Rotate' into the list of permissions to keys [#17970]
General availability of 'Az.ManagedServiceIdentity'
Supported 'Microsoft.Network/privateLinkServices' in 'Get-AzPrivateEndpointConnection' [#16984].
Provided friendly message if resource type is not supported for private endpoint connection features [#17091].
Added 'DisableIPsecProtection' to 'Virtual Network Gateway'.
Added new cmdlets to create/manage authorization objects for ExpressRoutePort:
Added option parameter 'AuthorizationKey' to cmdlet 'New-AzExpressRouteCircuit' to allow creating ExpressRoute Circuit on a ExpressRoutePort with a different owner.
Fix bug that can't display CustomIpPrefix in PublicIpPrefix.
Updated cmdlets to add new property of 'HubRoutingPreference' in VirtualHub and set property of 'PreferredRoutingGateway' deprecated .
Added optional parameter 'AuxiliaryMode' to cmdlet 'New-AzNetworkInterface' to enable this network interface as Sirius enabled. Allowed values are None(default) and MaxConnections.
Multipool feature change: Updated cmdlets to add new optional property: 'ConfigurationPolicyGroups' object for associating policy groups.
Multipool feature change: Updated cmdlets to add new optional property: 'P2SConnectionConfiguration' object for specifying multiple Connection configurations.
Multipool feature change: Added new cmdlets to support CRUD of Configuration policy groups for VpnServerConfiguration.
Added support for Multi-user authorization using Resource Guard for recovery services vault.
Added support for cross subscription restore for recovery services vault, modified storage account to be fetched from target subscription.
Added cmdlet for Application federated identity credential
Upgraded and revised 'Get-AzLocation' cmdlet:
Upgraded 'subscriptionClient' for 'Get-AzLocation'. Changed its apiVersion from 2016-01-01 to 2021-01-01.[#18002]
Added all attributes of location info for 'Get-AzLocation', including 'pairedRegion' and so on. [#18045][#17536]
Support ExtendedLocations by 'Get-AzLocation' [#18046]
Added the following cmdlets to remain in parity with 2021-04-01 API version:
[Breaking Change] Renamed property isSyncedFromOnPremis to isSyncedFromOnPremise to align with API spec
Added new cmdlet: 'Get-AzSecuritySolution'
Added Alerts Suppression Rules to cmdlets:
Fixed miscellaneous network rule set typos across module.
Add 'TrustedServiceAccessEnabled' to 'Set-AzServiceBusNetworkRuleSet'
Added new cmdlet 'Get-AzSqlInstanceEndpointCertificate'
Added parameter 'HighAvailabilityReplicaCount' to 'New-AzSqlElasticPool' and 'Set-AzSqlElasticPool'
Supported generate Sas token for DataLakeGen2
Showed OAuth token in debug log in debug build only
Supported return more file properties when list Azure file
Added support for Synapse Link for Azure Sql Database
Updated the description of 'Force' in 'Invoke-AzAksRunCommand' [#17756]
Fixed the issue that 'identity' cannot be piped into 'Set-AzAksCluster' [#17376]
Added warning message for upcoming breaking change.
Updated Az.Batch to use 'Microsoft.Azure.Batch' SDK version 15.3.0
Add ability to assign user-assigned managed identities to 'PSCloudPool'. These identities will be made available on each node in the pool, and can be used to access various resources.
Added 'IdentityReference' property to the following models to support accessing resources via managed identity:
Added new 'extensions' property to 'PSVirtualMachineConfiguration' on 'PSCloudPool' to specify virtual machine extensions for nodes
Added the ability to specify availability zones using a new property 'NodePlacementConfiguration' on 'VirtualMachineConfiguration'
Added new 'OSDisk' property to 'VirtualMachineConfiguration', which contains settings for the operating system disk of the Virtual Machine.
The 'Placement' property on 'PSDiffDiskSettings' specifies the ephemeral disk placement for operating system disks for all VMs in the pool. Setting it to 'CacheDisk' will store the ephemeral OS disk on the VM cache.
Added 'MaxParallelTasks' property on 'PSCloudJob' to control the maximum allowed tasks per job (defaults to -1, meaning unlimited).
Added 'VirtualMachineInfo' property on 'PSComputeNode' which contains information about the current state of the virtual machine, including the exact version of the marketplace image the VM is using.
Added 'RecurrenceInterval' property to 'PSSchedule' to control the interval between the start times of two successive job under a job schedule.
Added a new 'Get-AzBatchComputeNodeExtension' command, which gets a specific extension by name, or a list of all extensions, for a given compute node.
Updated Az.Batch'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Batch' SDK version 14.0.0.
Added a new 'Get-AzBatchSupportedVirtualMachineSku' command, which gets the list of Batch-supported Virtual Machine VM sizes available at a given location.
Added a new 'Get-AzBatchTaskSlotCount' command, which gets the number of task slots required by a given job.
'MaxTasksPerComputeNode' has been renamed to 'TaskSlotsPerNode', to match a change in functionality.
'MaxTasksPerComputeNode' will remain as an alias but will be removed in a coming update.
Added breaking change messages for all cmdlets in Az.CDN module
Updated CognitiveServices PowerShell to use 2022-03-01 version.
Added '-ImageReferenceId' parameter to following cmdlets: 'New-AzVm', 'New-AzVmConfig', 'New-AzVmss', 'Set-AzVmssStorageProfile'
Added functionality for cross-tenant image reference for VM, VMSS, Managed Disk, and Gallery Image Version creation.
'New-AzGallery' can take in '-Permission' parameter to set its sharingProfile property.
'Update-AzGallery' can update sharingProfile.
'Get-AzGallery' can take in '-Expand' parameter for expanded resource view.
New parameter set for the following cmdlets to support Shared Image Gallery Direct Sharing
Updates and improvements to 'Add-AzVhd'
Added '-DiskHyperVGeneration' and '-DiskOsType' parameters to the DirectUploadToManagedDisk parameter set for upload to more robust managed disk settings.
Updated progress output functions so that it works with VHD files with '&' character in its name.
Updated so that uploading dynamically sized VHD files are converted to fixed size during upload.
Fixed a bug in uploading a differencing disk.
Automatically delete converted/resized VHD files after upload.
Fixed a bug that indicates '-ResourceGroupName' parameter as optional when it is actually mandatory.
Supported empty directory volume and secret volume for creating container group [#17410]
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 6.0.0
Deprecating older MSI related fields in New-AzEventHubNamespace and Set-AzEventHubNamespace
Supported getting random number from managed HSM by 'Get-AzKeyVaultRandomNumber'
Skipped subscription connection status validation for Az.KeyVault.Extension [#17712]
Enabled public network access setting
Supported inline script resource (creation of script with content instead of sas token)
Added managed identity support to EventGrid
Added databaseRouting (Single/Multi) to all data connections
Added PublicIPType to cluster
Fixed 'ArgumentNullException' in 'Add-AzureRmRouteConfig' when 'RouteTable.Routes' is null.
Added support for multiple backups per day (hourly) Enhanced policy for workloadType AzureVM.
Fixed redundant quotes in list pagination [#17667]
Added cmdlet 'Update-AzADGroup' [#17514]
Updated API version to beta for group member related cmdlet to allow service principal to be add, get and delete from group [#16698]
Added parameter '-OwnedApplication' for 'Get-AzADApplication' to get applications owned by current user
Added parameter '-Web' for 'Update-AzADApplication' [#16750]
Added new cmdlets for security Automations API
Updated firewall rules for Attestation network to block all other traffic
Updated cluster to ignore Attestation network
Supported DaysAfterLastTierChangeGreaterThan in Management Policy
Fixed the issue that upload blob might fail on Linux [#17743]
Supported AllowPermanentDelete when enable blob soft delete
Added breaking change warning message for upcoming cmdlet breaking change
Added support for Synapse Microsoft Entra-only authentication
Martin Bentancour (@mbentancour), Fix DateTime issue restoring deleted webapp (#16308)
Preben Huybrechts (@pregress), Perform null check before accessing it (#16552)
Ryan Buckman (@ryan-buckman), update example 1 command description to match the ApiRevision arg in code sample (#17741)
7.4.0 - April 2022
Added 'SshCredentialFactory' to support get ssh credential of vm from MSAL.
Fixed the bug of cmdlet fails when -DefaultProfile is set to service principal login context. [#16617]
Fixed the issue that authorization does not work in Dogfood environment
Added parameter 'PublicNetworkAccess' in 'New-AzAppConfigurationStore' and 'Update-AzAppConfigurationStore'
Added breaking change warnings for upcoming Az.ApplicationInsights 2.0.0
Added breaking change messages for upcoming breaking change release of version 2.0.0
Updated 'New-AzVM' to create a new storage account for boot diagnostics if one does not exist. This will prevent the cmdlet from using a random storage account in the current subscription to use for boot diagnostics.
Added 'AutomaticRepairAction' string parameter to the 'New-AzVmssConfig' and 'Update-AzVmss' cmdlets.
Updated 'Get-AzVm' to include 'GetVirtualMachineById' parameter set.
Edited the documentation for the cmdlet 'Set-AzVMADDomainExtension' to ensure the example is accurate.
Improved description and examples for disk creation.
Added new parameters to 'New-AzRestorePoint' and 'New-AzRestorePointCollection' for copying Restore Points and Restore Point Collections.
Added 'Zone' and 'PlacementGroupId' Parameters to 'Repair-AzVmssServiceFabricUpdateDomain'.
Edited 'New-AzVmss' logic to better check for null properties when the parameter 'OrchestrationMode' is used.
Introduced support for client encryption key resource management required for CosmosDB Client-Side Encryption by adding support for creating, updating and retrieving client encryption keys with following cmdlets: 'Get-AzCosmosDbClientEncryptionKey', 'New-AzCosmosDbClientEncryptionKey' and 'Update-AzCosmosDbClientEncryptionKey'
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 5.4.0
Exposed PowerShell 7.2 stack definition for function app creation in Functions V4 only
This release migrates Microsoft.Azure.Graph SDK to MicrosoftGraph SDK.
Fixed a bug to continue visiting 'NextPageLink' when listing key vaults from ARM API
Added support for retrieving the state of packet capture even when the provisioning state of the packet capture was failure
Added support for accepting Vnet, Subnet and NIC resources as the TargetResourceId for the following cmdlets
Removed capacity validation in new and update cluster cmdlets as validation exists on server side.
Extended error message on base class for extended information.
Bug fix - prevent exceptions while using StorageInsight cmdlets.
Bug fix - when updating a cluster, it's SKU was set even if no value was passed.
Added parameter PublicNetworkAccess for PostgreSQL single server related cmdlets [#17263]
Added support for Trusted VM backup and Enhanced policy for WorkloadType AzureVM.
Added support for disabling hybrid backup security features in 'Set-AzRecoveryServicesVaultProperty' cmdlet. The feature can be re-enabled by setting 'DisableHybridBackupSecurityFeature' flag to False.
Removed '-ApplicationId' from 'New-AzADServicePrincipal' 'SimpleParameterSet' [#17256]
Added 'New-AzResourceManagementPrivateLink', and 'New-AzPrivateLinkAssociation' cmdlets
Added authorization related cmdlets:
Added 'Get-AzResourceManagementPrivateLink', 'Remove-AzResourceManagementPrivateLink', 'Get-AzResourceManagementPrivateLinkAssociation' and 'Remove-AzResourceManagementPrivateLinkAssociation' cmdlets
Fixed that 'New-AzServiceBusAuthorizationRuleSASToken' returns invalid token. [#12975]
Added support for Ubuntu 20.04 vm image.
This enables cluster operations with Ubuntu 20.04 vm image using AZ powershell.
Added parameter 'ServicePrincipalType' to 'New-AzSqlInstance' and 'Set-AzSqlInstance'
Changed target framework of AuthenticationAssemblyLoadContext to netcoreapp2.1 [#17428]
Updated New-AzVM feature for 'vCPUsAvailable' and 'vCPUsPerCore' parameters. Cmdlets will not try to use the new 'VMCustomizationPreview' feature if the user does not have access to that feature. [#17370]
7.3.0 - March 2022
Fixed the issue that authorization does not work in customized environment [#17157]
Enabled Continue Access Evaluation for MSGraph
Improved error message when login is blocked by Microsoft Entra ID
Improved error message when silent reauthentication failed
Loaded System.Private.ServiceModel and System.ServiceModel.Primitives on Windows PowerShell [#17087]
Updated the breaking change warning messages [#16805]
Fixed the issue of 'Get-AzCloudServiceNetworkInterface' and 'Get-AzCloudServicePublicIPAddress'.
Upgraded Compute .NET SDK package reference to version 52.0.0
Updated 'New-AzSshKey' cmdlet to write file paths to generated keys to the Warning stream instead of the console.
Added 'vCPUsAvailable' and 'vCPUsPerCore' integer parameters to the 'New-AzVm', 'New-AzVmConfig', and 'Update-AzVm' cmdlets.
Fixed Identity Bug in ImageRegistryCredential
Upgraded API version to 2021-04-01-preview
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 5.2.0
Added breaking change warning message due to update API version.
Added MSI properties to New-AzEventHubNamespace and Set-AzEventHubNamespace. Adding New-AzEventHubEncryptionConfig.
'New-AzKeyVaultManagedHsm': supported specifying how long a deleted managed hsm is retained by 'SoftDeleteRetentionInDays' and enabling purge protection by 'EnablePurgeProtection'
'Update-AzKeyVaultManagedHsm': supported enabling purge protection by 'EnablePurgeProtection'
'Get-AzKeyVaultManagedHsm': Supported getting or listing deleted managed HSM(s)
'Remove-AzKeyVaultManagedHsm': Supported purging a specified deleted managed HSM
Fixed an issue where users could not correctly ignore warning messages after setting environment variables [#17013]
Added new property 'SqlSetting' for Azure Firewall Policy cmdlets
Added new to create new 'SqlSetting' object for creating Azure Firewall Policy
Added new cmdlet to support query Load Balancer inbound nat rule port mapping lists for backend addresses
Also updated cmdlets to support inbound nat rule V2 configurations
Azure Backup added support for 'Create new virtual machine' and 'Replace existing virtual machine' experience for Managed VMs in Restore-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem cmdlet. To perform a VM restore to AlternateLocation use TargetVMName, TargetVNetName, TargetVNetResourceGroup, TargetSubnetName parameters. To perform a restore to a VM in OriginalLocation, do not provide TargetResourceGroupName and RestoreAsUnmanagedDisks parameters, refer examples for more details.
Fixed keycredential key format, from base64url to byte [#17131]
Fixed add key credential overwrite existing one [#17088]
Deleted parameter sets cannot be reached for 'New-AzADSericePrincipal'
Marked 'ObjectType' as 'Unknown' if object is not found or current account has insufficient privileges to get object type for role assignment [#16981]
Fixed that 'Get-AzRoleAssignment' shows empty RoleDefinitionName for custom roles when not specifying scope [#16991]
Unified the returned 'RoleDefinitionId' in PSRoleAssignment to GUID [#16991]
Added identity and encryption properties to New-AzServiceBusNamespace and Set-AzServiceBusNamespace.
Added New-AzServiceBusEncryptionConfig
Supported download blob from managed disk account with Sas Uri and bearer token
Supported create/upgrade storage account with ActiveDirectorySamAccountName and ActiveDirectoryAccountType
Migrated Microsoft Entra features in Az.StorageSync to MSGraph APIs. The cmdlets will call MSGraph API according to input parameters: New-AzStorageSyncCloudEndpoint
Changed default parameter set of Invoke-AzStorageSyncChangeDetection to use full share detection
Updated 'Update-AzSynapseSparkPool' to support new parameter [-ForceApplySetting]
Thanks to our community contributors
Aleksandar Nikolić (@alexandair)
Fix the StayProvisioned parameter (#17070)
Fix a typo (#17069)
Joel Greijer (@greijer), Clarified special case on TemplateParameterUri (#17004)
Aman Sharma (@HarvestingClouds), Added Workload Type to the bullets to match the accepted values (#17041)
Chris (@isjwuk), Update (#16365)
@MSakssharm, Returning error if insufficient user permissions are there for GetAgentRegistrationInfo (#16965)
Emanuel Palm (@PalmEmanuel), New-AzSshKey should log to Warning stream instead of console (#16988)
Pavel Safonov (@PSafonov), Fixed a typo in ManagedResourceGroupName parameter description (#17039)
Michael Arnwine (@vsmike), Update Description Text is incorrect (#17102)
7.2.1 - February 2022
Fixed New-AzADServicePrincipal not working [#17054] [#17040]
7.2.0 - February 2022
Removed legacy assembly System.Private.ServiceModel and System.ServiceModel.Primitives [#16063]
Fixed the typo in 'New-AzAksCluster' [#16733]
Remove ProvisioningDetails property from PSRestorePoint object.
Updated 'Set-AzVmExtension' cmdlet to properly display '-Name' and '-Location' parameters as mandatory.
Edited 'New-AzVmssConfig' second example so it runs successfully by changing the Tag input to the correct format.
Added 'Hibernate' parameter to 'Stop-AzVm' cmdlet.
Added 'HibernationEnabled' parameter to 'New-AzVm', 'New-AzVmConfig', and 'Update-AzVm' cmdlets.
Added 'EnableHotpatching' parameter to the 'Set-AzVmssOSProfile' cmdlet.
Added 'ForceDeletion' parameter to Remove-AzVM and Remove-AzVMSS.
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 5.1.0
Added public network access to the 'Set-AzEventHubNetworkRuleSet' set cmdlet
Added 'New-AzEventHubSchemaGroup', 'Remove-AzEventHubSchemaGroup' and 'Get-AzEventHubSchemaGroup' in the eventhubs PS.
HealthcareApis cmdlets will bump up API version which may introduce breaking change. Please contact us for more information.
Improved the error message of Az.KeyVault.Extension [#16798]
Added default access policies for Key Vault key as 'All but purge'
Absorbed KeyOps from parameter when importing key from certificate on managed HSM [#16773]
Fixed a bug when updating key operations on managed HSM [#16774]
Fixed the issue when importing no-password certificate [#16742]
Added logic to prevent exceptions while using 'StorageInsight' cmdlets.
Added support for new remediation properties allowing the remediation of more resources with better control over the remediation rate and error handling
Added support of fetching very large sets of results by internally using paginated API calls for policy states and policy events commands
Reverted the configure backup per policy limit for VMs from 1000 to 100. This limit was previously relaxed but as Azure portal has a limit of 100 VMs per policy, we are reverting this limit.
Added support for multiple backups per day for FileShares.
Segregated some of the CRR and non-CRR flows based on the SDK update.
Add EdgeZone parameter to Azure Site recovery service cmdlet 'New-AzRecoveryServicesAsrRecoveryPlan'
Added proeprties 'onPremisesLastSyncDateTime', 'onPremisesSyncEnabled' to 'User' object [#16892]
Added additional properties when creating request for 'New-AzADServicePrincipal' and 'Update-AzADServicePrincipal' [#16847] [#16841]
Fixed 'DisplayName' and 'ApplicationId' for 'New-AzADAppCredential' [#16764]
Enabled password reset for 'Update-AzADUser' [#16869]
Updated parameter name 'EnableAccount' to 'AccountEnabled', and added alias 'EnableAccount' for 'Update-AzADUser' [#16753] [#16795]
Fixed 'Set-AzPolicyAssignment' does not remove 'notScope' if empty [#15828]
Added support to Enable or Disable Public Network Access as optional parameter 'PublicNetworkAccess' to 'Set-AzServiceBusNetworkRuleSet'
Fixed 'Set-AzServiceBusNamespace' with Tags
Deprecation of Get-AzSqlDatabaseTransparentDataEncryptionActivity cmdlet
Fixed cmdlets for Microsoft Entra Admin 'AzureSqlServerActiveDirectoryAdministratorAdapter' and 'AzureSqlInstanceActiveDirectoryAdministratorAdapter' migrate from 'AzureEnvironment.Endpoint.AzureEnvironment.Endpoint.Graph' to 'AzureEnvironment.ExtendedEndpoint.MicrosoftGraphUrl'
Adding support cmdlet for Remote Support
New cmdlets - Install-AzStackHCIRemoteSupport, Remove-AzStackHCIRemoteSupport, Enable-AzStackHCIRemoteSupport, Disable-AzStackHCIRemoteSupport, Get-AzStackHCIRemoteSupportAccess,Get-AzStackHCIRemoteSupportSessionHistory
Fixed the issue that output number in console when update/copy blob sometimes [#16783]
Updated help file, added more description for the asynchronous blob copy.
Added two new optional parameters 'MinChildEndpointsIPv4' and 'MinChildEndpointsIPv6' for nested endpoints
Updated 'New-AzAppServicePlan' to create an app service plan with host environment id #16094
Ørjan Landgraff (@theorjan), better PS example (#16748)
@ahbleite, The switch option was not updated to reflect the new ParameterSetName values, therefore the $id is always null. (#16818)
7.1.0 - January 2022
Copied 'ServicePrincipalSecret' and 'CertificatePassword' from Az.Accounts buildin profile to customer set profile. [#16617]
Updated help message and help markdown for parameter 'Tenant' of the cmdlet 'Set-AzContext'. [#16515]
Fixed the issue that Azure PowerShell could not work in a workflow. [#16408]
Fixed the doubled Api Version in the URI of the underlying request issued by 'Invoke-AzRestMethod'. [#16615]
Added support of 'load balancer' and 'api server access' in 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'Set-AzAksCluster'. [#16575]
'New-AzAutomationSchedule' allows defnining StartTime with offsets.
Fixed bug: updated 'Set-AzAutomationModule' to use PUT call while updating modules with specific versions [#12552]
Updated PowerShell to use 2021-10-01 version.
Added CommitmentTier and CommitmentPlan cmdlets.
Added Deployment cmdlets.
Added 'New-AzCognitiveServicesObject' cmdlet for generating CommitmentPlan/Deployment objects.
Updated 'UserData' parameter in VM and VMSS cmdlets to pipe by the Property Name to ensure piping scenarios occur correctly.
Changed 'New-AzVM' cmdlet when using the SimpleParameterSet to not create a 'PublicIPAddress' when a 'PublicIPAddress' name is not provided.
Added 'PlatformFaultDomain' parameter to cmdlets: 'New-AzVM' and 'New-AzVMConfig'
Added '-Feature' parameter for 'New-AzGalleryImageDefinition'
Added 'DiffDiskPlacement' string parameter to 'Set-AzVmOSDisk' and 'Set-AzVmssStorageProfile' cmdlets.
Exposed BackupPolicyMigrationState as a part of Get-AzCosmosDBAccount response.
This shew the status of a backup policy migration state when an account was being converted from peroidic backup mode to continuous.
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 5.0.0
Removed preview from the PowerShell 7.0 stack on Linux
Added cmdlets: 'Invoke-AzKeyVaultKeyRotation', 'Get-AzKeyVaultKeyRotationPolicy' and 'Set-AzKeyVaultKeyRotationPolicy'
General availability of Az.MySql
Used case-insensitive comparison for ResourceId (Set/New-NetworkWatcherFlowLog)
Added new properties 'ApplicationSecurityGroup', 'IpConfiguration' and 'CustomNetworkInterfaceName' for Private Endpoint cmdlets
Added new cmdlet to create new 'IpConfiguration' object for building Private Endpoint
Added OrdinalIgnoreCase for string comparison of 'ResourceIdentifier' type for FlowLog cmdlets
Fixed typo in error message of 'InvalidWorkspaceResourceId'
General availability of Az.PostgreSql
Added 'IdentityType' and 'UserAssignedIdentity' parameter in 'New-AzRedisCache' and 'Set-AzRedisCache' cmdlets.
It is used to assign and modify the Identity of Azure Cache for Redis.
Added support for Tags in azure resource mover
Added support for SystemData in azure resource mover
Released 2021-08-01 api-version
Fixed incorrect alias for 'Get-AzADSpCredential' [#16592]
Fixed 'ServicePrincipalName' and 'InputObject' parameters for 'Update-AzADServicePrincipal' [#16620]
Fixed example for 'New-AzADAppCredential' [#16682]
Added parameter 'Web' for 'New-AzADApplication' [#16659]
Added secret text in response of 'New-AzADApplication' and 'New-AzADServicePrincipal' [#16659]
Deserialized the 'Value' in 'DeploymentVariable' as object array if its type is Array [#16523]
Fixed the usage of 'SignInName' in 'New-AzRoleAssignment' [#16627]
Formatted the output format of 'DeploymentVariable'
Remove 'isUser' operation filter from GetAzureProviderOperation Cmdlet
Fixed the bug of 'Update-AzSignalR' cmdlet that resets the resource states by mistake.
Added 'ZoneRedundant' parameter to 'New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy', 'New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary' and 'Restore-AzSqlDatabase' to enable zone redundant copy, geo secondary and PITR support for hyperscale databases
Fixed the failure of sync copy blob with long destination blob name [#16628]
Supported Microsoft Entra ID OAuth storage context in storage table cmdlets.
General availability of Az.Synapse
Migrated Microsoft Entra features in Az.Synapse to MSGraph APIs. The cmdlets below called MSGraph API according to input parameters:
Removed 'ServicePrincipalSecret' and 'CertificatePassword' in 'PSAzureRmAccount' [#15427]
Added optional parameter 'MicrosoftGraphAccessToken' to 'Connect-AzAccount'
Added optional parameters 'MicrosoftGraphEndpointResourceId', 'MicrosoftGraphUrl' to 'Add-AzEnvironment' and 'Set-AzEnvironment'
Added '-AccountId' property to 'UserWithSubscriptionId' parameter set of 'Connect-AzAccount' which allows a user name to be pre-selected for interactive logins
Added '-Uri' and '-ResourceId' to 'Invoke-AzRestMethod'
Added Environment auto completer to the following cmdlets: Connect-AzAccount, Get-AzEnvironment, Set-AzEnvironment, and Remove-AzEnvironment [#15991]
Added module name and version to User-Agent string [#16291]
Fixed the issue that 'Az.Advisor.psd1' was not signed [#16226]
[Breaking Change] Updated parameter alias and output type of 'Get-AzAksVersion'
Added 'Invoke-AzAksRunCommand' to support running a shell command (with kubectl, helm) on aks cluster. [#16104]
Added support of 'EnableNodePublicIp' and 'NodePublicIPPrefixID' for 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'New-AzAksNodePool'. [#15656]
Migrated the logic of creating service principal in 'New-AzAksCluster' from 'Azure Active Directory Graph' to 'Microsoft Graph'.
Fixed the issue that 'Set-AzAksCluster' can't upgrade cluster when node pool version doesn't match cluster version. [#14583]
Added 'ResourceGroupName' in 'PSKubernetesCluster'. [#15802]
Fixed example in reference doc for 'Remove-AzAutomationHybridWorkerGroup'
Updated 'Set-AzAutomationModule' to use PUT call while updating modules with specific versions [#12552]
General availability of 'Az.CloudService' module
Contains updates to the following powershell cmdlets
'SetAzVmssDiskEncryptionExtension' : Added extension parameters for the cmdlet to work with test extensions and parameter 'EncryptFormatAll' for Virtual Machine Scale Sets
'GetAzVmssVMDiskEncryptionStatus' : Modified the functionality of the cmdlet to properly display the encryption status of data disks of Virtual Machine Scale Sets
'SetAzDiskEncryptionExtension' : Fixed a bug in the cmdlet in the migrate scenario from 2pass to 1pass encryption
Added 'Add-AzVhd' to convert VHD using Hyper-V
Added 'UserData' parameter to VM and VMSS cmdlets
Added string parameter 'PublicNetworkAccess' to DiskConfig and SnapshotConfig cmdlets
Added boolean parameter 'AcceleratedNetwork' to DiskConfig and SnapshotConfig cmdlets
Added 'CompletionPercent' property to the PSSnapshot model so it is visible to the user.
Upgraded API version to 2021-09-01
[Breaking Change] Changed the type of parameter 'LogAnalyticWorkspaceResourceId' in 'New-AzContainerGroup' from Hashtable to String
[Breaking Change] Removed parameter 'NetworkProfileId' in 'New-AzContainerGroup', added 'SubnetId' as its alternative
[Breaking Change] Removed parameter 'ReadinessProbeHttpGetHttpHeadersName' and 'ReadinessProbeHttpGetHttpHeadersValue' in 'New-AzContainerInstanceObject', added 'ReadinessProbeHttpGetHttpHeader' as their alternative
[Breaking Change] Removed parameter 'LivenessProbeHttpGetHttpHeadersName' and 'LivenessProbeHttpGetHttpHeadersValue' in 'New-AzContainerInstanceObject', added 'LivenessProbeHttpGetHttpHeader' as their alternative
Added 'Zone' in 'New-AzContainerGroup', 'AcrIdentity' in 'New-AzContainerGroupImageRegistryCredentialObject'
Changed 'Username' in 'New-AzContainerGroupImageRegistryCredentialObject' from mandatory to optional
For 'Invoke-AzContainerInstanceCommand'
[Breaking Change] Displayed command execution result as the cmdlet output by connecting websocket in backend [#15754]
Added '-PassThru' to get last execution result when the command succeeds
Changed 'TerminalSizeCol' and 'TerminalSizeRow' from mandatory to optional, set their default values by current PowerShell window size
Added 'Restart-AzContainerGroup', 'Get-AzContainerInstanceContainerGroupOutboundNetworkDependencyEndpoint' and 'New-AzContainerInstanceHttpHeaderObject'
Fixed when a warning about the value of AnalyticalStorageSchemaType is displayed when no value was given.
Added support for managed Cassandra.
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.28.0
Fixed the issue that 'New-AzEventHubKey' always generates a new primary key instead of a secondary key since version 1.9.0 [#16362]
[Breaking change] 'Update-AzFunctionAppPlan' prompts for confirmation [#16490]
[Breaking change] 'Remove-AzFunctionApp' does not delete ASP if it is the last app in the plan [#16487]
[Breaking change] Set the 'FunctionsVersion' to 4 for FunctionApp creation [#16426]
[Breaking change] 'Update-AzFunctionApp' prompts for confirmation [#14442]
Fixed an error creating function with 'New-AzFunctionApp' on PowerShell 5.1 [#15430]
Added two parameters '-Zone' and '-PrivateLinkConfiguration' to cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster'
Added parameter '-Zone' to cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster' to support to create cluster with availability zones feature
Added parameter '-PrivateLinkConfiguration' to cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster' to support to add private link configuration when creating cluster with private link feature.
Added cmdlet New-AzHDInsightIPConfiguration to create ip configuration object in memory.
Added cmdlet New-AzHDInsightPrivateLinkConfiguration to create private link configuration object in memory.
Fixed the output type in help doc of Set-AzHDInsightClusterDiskEncryptionKey cmdlet from 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.HDInsight.Models.Cluster' to 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.HDInsight.Models.AzureHDInsightCluster' to keep consistent with the real type of returned object.
Breaking change:
Changed the type of parameter 'OSType' from 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.HDInsight.Models.OSType' to 'System.string' in cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster'.
Changed the type of parameter 'ClusterTier' from 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.HDInsight.Models.ClusterTier' to 'System.string' in cmdlets 'New-AzHDInsightCluster' and 'New-AzHDInsightClusterConfig'.
Changed the type of property 'VmSizes' in class 'AzureHDInsightCapabilities' from IDictionary<string, AzureHDInsightVmSizesCapability> to IList<string>.
Changed the type of property 'AssignedIdentity' in class 'AzureHDInsightCluster' from 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.HDInsight.Models.ClusterIdentity' to 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.HDInsight.Models.AzureHDInsightClusterIdentity'.
[Breaking Change] Renamed properties of 'PSKeyVaultPermission' type to follow the pattern of Azure RBAC.
Migrated Azure AD Graph API to MSGraph API.
Added a message to 'Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy' stating that for the Permissions parameters, using the 'All' option will not include the 'Purge' permission.
[Breaking Change] Updated API version to 2020-02-01-preview
Added new properties EventName, Category, ResourceProviderName, OperationName, Status, SubStatus with type string as output for command Get-AzLog [#15833]
Supported event hub receiver in action group [#16348]
Added default parameter set 'GetByResourceGroup' for the command 'Get-AzAlertRule' [#16356]
Bugfix in PSAzureFirewallPolicyThreatIntelWhitelist for FirewallPolicy
Added optional parameter '-IsSecuritySite' to the following cmdlet:
Added support for new Match Variables in WAF Exclusions
Onboard Virtual Network Encryption to Virtual Network Cmdlets
Added support for NAT port range parameters in VPN NAT rule resources
Added new cmdlets to support Per Rule Exclusions for Application Gateway WAF
Also updated cmdlet to add the property for configuring ExclusionManagedRuleSet within Exclusions
Bug Fix in Application Gateway Trusted Client Certificate cmdlets to load the entire cert chain from file.
Expanded DataSourceType with values 'Query', 'Alerts' for LinkedStorageAccount cmdlets
[Breaking Change] rename 'StorageAccountId' to 'StorageAccountIds'
[Breaking Change] Returns 'PSSavedSearch' instead of 'HttpStatusCode' by 'New-AzOperationalInsightsComputerGroup'
[Breaking Change] Returns 'PSCluster' instead of 'PSLinkedService' by 'Update-AzOperationalInsightsCluster'
Expanded Sku with values 'capacityreservation', 'lacluster' for Workspace
Added new properties:'SkuCapacity', 'ForceCmkForQuery', 'DisableLocalAuth' for Workspace
Added new property: 'DailyQuotaGb'on'Set-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace'
Added new properties: 'ETag', 'Tag' for StorageInsight cmdlets
Added new property 'StorageAccountResourceId' to cmdlet:
Added SupportsShouldProcess attribute to cmdlet:
Added new cmdlets to support Table, DataExport, WorkspaceShareKey, PurgeWorkspace, and AvailableServiceTier
Added 'Error' property in the result of the 'Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsQuery' to retrieve partial error when running a query [#16378]
Azure Backup updated validate sets for supported BackupManagementType in 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem', 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer', Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupJob cmdlets.
Azure Backup added support for SAPHanaDatabase for 'Disable-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtection', 'Unregister-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer', 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem', 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer' cmdlets.
Breaking Change: 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupJob', 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer' and 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem' commands will only support 'BackupManagementType MAB' instead of 'MARS'.
Azure Site Recovery support for capacity reservation for Azure to Azure provider.
Added 'Get-AzProviderPreviewFeature', 'Register-AzProviderPreviewFeature' and 'Unregister-AzProviderPreviewFeature' cmdlets.
Fixed a bug when running Get-AzPolicyAlias with empty value of NamespaceMatch parameter [#16370]
[Breaking change] Migrated from Azure AD Graph to Microsoft Graph
[Breaking change] Changed the returned 'Id' in PSDenyAssignment from GUID string to fully qualified ID
Allowed parameter 'Id' in 'Get-AzDenyAssignment' to accept fully qualified ID
Added new cmdlet 'Publish-AzBicepModule' for publishing Bicep modules
Added deprecation message for 'AssignIdentity' parameter in '*-AzPolicyAssignment' cmdlets.
Added support for user assigned managed identities in policy assignments by adding 'IdentityType' and 'IdentityId' parameters to '*-AzPolicyAssignment' cmdlets.
Updated policy cmdlets to use new api version 2021-06-01 that introduces support for user assigned managed identities in policy assignments.
Narrowed API permission when get information about active directory object for *-AzRoleAssignment [#16054]
Fixed FirewallRuleName wildcard filtering in 'Get-AzSqlServerFirewallRule' [#16199]
Moved SQL Server and SQL Instance Microsoft Entra ID from ActiveDirectoryClient to MicrosoftGraphClient
Promoted Az.StackHCI to GA
Fixed the failure of 'Get-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy' when permission is null [#15644]
Supported create blob service Sas token or account Sas token with permission i
Fixed creating container SAS token failed from an access policy without expire time, and set SAS token expire time [#16266]
Removed parameter -Name from Get-AzRmStorageShare ShareResourceIdParameterSet
Supported create or migrate container to enable immutable Storage with versioning.
Supported set/remove immutability policy on a Storage blob.
Supported enable/disable legal hold on a Storage blob.
Supported create storage account with enable account level immutability with versioning, and create/update storage account with account level immutability policy.
Updated the Microsoft.Azure.Management.Websites SDK to 3.1.2
@toswedlu, [CosmosDB] Changing the warning message for AnalyticalStorageSchemaType (#15723)
6.6.0 - November 2021
Added new version of Microsoft Entra service client using Microsoft Graph API
Added support for new parameters 'NetworkPolicy', 'PodCidr', 'ServiceCidr', 'DnsServiceIP', 'DockerBridgeCidr', 'NodePoolLabel', 'AksCustomHeader' in 'New-AzAksCluster'. [#13795]
Added warnings of upcoming breaking change of migrating to Microsoft Graph.
Added support for changing the number of nodes in a node pool. [#12379]
Fixed a bug in 'Get-AzApiManagementTenantGitAccess' cmdlet.
Added cmdlets for adding VMGalleryApplication property to VM/VMSS
Added support for proxy and debug settings for VM Extension for SAP (AEM)
Updated New-AzGalleryImageVersion to take in the 'Encryption' property correctly from '-TargetRegion' parameter.
Updated Set-AzVmBootDiagnostic to default to managed storage account if not provided.
Edited New-AzVmss defaulting behavior when 'OrchestrationMode' is set to Flexible.
Removed NAT Pool.
Removed UpgradePolicy. Throws an error if provided.
SinglePlacementGroup must be false. Throws an error if true.
Networking Profile's API version is 2020-11-01 or later.
Networking Profile IP Configurations Primary property is set to true.
Introduced Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBBackupInformation to retrieve latest backup information for MongoDB.
Updated New-AzCosmosDBAccount, Update-AzCosmosDBAccount to accept BackupStorageRedundancy
Introduced Get-AzCosmosDBLocation to list Azure CosmosDB Account and its locations properties.
Added PublicNetworkAccess to Update_AzDataFactoryV2 Command
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.26.0
Upgraded api version to 2021-07-12.
Added support for Premium sku and namesapce and optional switch parameter 'DisableLocalAuth' to 'New-AzEventHubNamespace' and 'Set-AzEventHubNamespace'
Set site config netFrameworkVersion for Windows V4 apps only
Enabled function app creation for Functions V4 stacks [#15919]
Updated IoT Hub Management SDK to version 4.1.0 (api-version 2021-07-10)
Added warning message of upcoming breaking change to 'New-AzKeyVaultRoleDefinition' and 'Get-AzKeyVaultRoleDefinition'.
To comply with the syntax of 'New-AzRoleDefinition' and 'Get-AzRoleDefinition' we are going to rename some of the properties of 'PSKeyVaultPermission' model, which might affect these two cmdlets.
Added warnings of upcoming breaking change of migrating to Microsoft Graph.
Added check for invalid IP address
Fixed a bug in 'Set-AzOperationalInsightsLinkedService: when linked service does not exist, perform create(update) instead of failing'
Azure Backup fixed issues with StorageConfig
Azure Backup added NodesList and AutoProtectionPolicy to Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectableItem Cmdlets.
Azure Backup fixed GetItemsForContainerParamSet to support fetching the MAB backup item.
Azure Backup fixed Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer to support BackupManagementType MAB instead of MARS.
Added breaking change warning: 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupJob', 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer' and 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectableItem' commands will only support 'BackupManagementType MAB' instead of 'MARS' alias, changes will take effect from upcoming breaking release.
Added support for ZRS disk type for Azure to Azure replication.
Added Availability zone information in replicated protected item response for Azure to Azure replication.
Created new examples in documentation of 'New-AzRedisCache' and 'Set-AzRedisCache'.
Fixed a bug about the exitcode of Bicep [#16055]
Added breaking change warnings for Microsoft Entra cmdlets
Added property 'UIFormDefinition' to Template Spec Versions, 'Export-AzTemplateSpec' will now include a Template Spec Version's UIFormDefinition (if any) as part of the export.
Added error catching for role assignment creation fail while creating a Service Principal
Performance improvement for Get-AzPolicyAlias when -NamespaceMatch matches a single RP namespace
Updated Security .NET SDK package reference to version 3.0.0
Added support for ZoneRedundant and optional switch parameter 'DisableLocalAuth' to 'New-AzServiceBusNamespace' and 'Set-AzServiceBusNamespace'
Reggie Gibson (@regedit32), New-AzBotService: Fix AppSecret conversion to plaintext on Windows PowerShell (#16160)
Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi), BusinessIdentities details doesn't match the current implementation (#16141)
6.5.0 - October 2021
Supported getting the access token for Microsoft Graph.
Added AuthorizeRequestDelegate to allow service module to adjust token audience.
Utilized AssemblyLoadContext to resolve assembly conflict issues in PowerShell.
Updated Azure.Core from 1.16.0 to 1.19.0.
General availability of 'Az.Attestation' module
Fixed null reference exception and typos in 'New-AzFrontDoorCdnRule' cmdlet
Updated Compute .NET SDK package reference to version 49.1.0
Fixed a bug in 'Get-AzVM' that caused incorrect power status output.
Added a DataFlowEnableQuickReuse argument for the 'Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime' cmdlet to enable quick reuse of clusters in next pipeline activities.
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.25.0
Added a VNetInjectionMethod argument for the 'Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime' cmdlet to support the express virtual network injection of Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime.
Allowed rule engine action creation without RouteConfigurationOverride for 'New-AzFrontDoorRulesEngineActionObject'.
Fixed DynamicCompression parameter being ignored issue of 'New-AzFrontDoorRulesEngineActionObject'.
Supported custom role definitions on managed HSM:
Create via 'New-AzKeyVaultRoleDefinition',
Delete via 'Remove-AzKeyVaultRoleDefinition',
Filter all custom roles via 'Get-AzKeyVaultRoleDefinition -Custom'.
Supported Encrypt/Decrypt/Wrap/Unwrap using keys [#15679]
Enabled managing resources in other subscriptions without switching the context by adding -Subscription <String>.
Added Guest patch maintenance support.
Support for Sku, ScaleUnits parameters of BastionHost resource.
Onboard Azure Resource Manager to Private Link Common Cmdlets
Updated cmdlets to add properties to enable/disable BgpRouteTranslationForNat for VpnGateway.
Updated cmdlet to add property to disable InternetSecurity for P2SVpnGateway.
Added new cmdlets for HubBgpConnection child resource of VirtualHub.
Onboard Azure HDInsight to Private Link Common Cmdlets
Azure Site Recovery bug fixes for VMware to Azure Reprotect, Update policy and Disable scenarios.
Azure Backup added the support for UserAssigned MSI in RecoveryServices Vault.
Added a clearer error message for a case in which TemplateUri do not accept bicep file.
Fixed typos with ManagementGroups breaking change descriptions [#15819].
Fixed resource tags casing issue - resource tags casing not being preserved.
Updated to Microsoft.Azure.Management.Authorization 2.13.0-preview.
Fixed 'Get-AzSqlDatabaseImportExportStatus' to report the error encountered
Upgraded Azure.Storage.Blobs to 12.10.0
Upgraded Azure.Storage.Files.Shares to 12.8.0
Upgraded Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake to 12.8.0
Upgraded Azure.Storage.Queues to 12.8.0
Supported upgrade storage account to enable HierarchicalNamespace
Made -Subscription <String> available in all Aks cmdlets. You can manage Aks resources in other subscriptions without switching the context.
Added new 'Sync-AzApiManagementKeyVaultSecret' cmdlet.
Added new 'New-AzApiManagementKeyVaultObject' cmdlet.
Added new optional [-useFromLocation] parameter to the 'Get-ApiManagementCache' 'New-ApiManagementCache''Update-ApiManagementCache' cmdlet.
Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagement to manage ApiManagement service
Added support for the new 'Isolated' SKU
Added support for managing Availability Zones using 'Zone' property
Added support for Disabling Gateway in a Region using 'DisableGateway' property
Added support for managing the minimum Api Version to allow for Control Plane using 'MinimalControlPlaneApiVersion' property.
Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagementRegion to manage ApiManagement service
Added support for managing Availability Zones using 'Zone' property
Added support for Disabling Gateway in a Region using 'DisableGateway' property
Updated cmdlet Add-AzApiManagementRegion to manage ApiManagement service
Added support for managing Availability Zones using 'Zone' property
Added support for Disabling Gateway in a Region using 'DisableGateway' property
Updated cmdlet Update-AzApiManagementRegion to manage ApiManagement service
Added support for managing Availability Zones using 'Zone' property
Added support for Disabling Gateway in a Region using 'DisableGateway' property
Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagementCustomHostnameConfiguration to manage Custom Hostname Configuration
Added support for specifying 'IdentityClientId' to provide Managed Identity User Assigned ClientId to use with KeyVault
Fixed bug: Closing in input file handle in Import-AzAutomationRunbook
Fixed mandatory parameters issue in 'Get-AzCdnEndpointResourceUsage' cmdlet
Added new parameters '-LinuxConfigurationPatchMode', '-WindowsConfigurationPatchMode', and '-LinuxConfigurationProvisionVMAgent' to 'Set-AzVmssOSProfile'
Added new parameters '-SshKeyName' and '-GenerateSshKey' to 'New-AzVM' to create a VM with SSH
Fixed a bug in 'Add-AzVHD' on Linux that caused uploads to fail for certain destination URI
Added new cmdlets for Restore Points and Restore Point Collection:
Added new parameters '-EnableSpotRestore' and '-SpotRestoreTimeout' to 'New-AzVMSSConfig' to enable Spot Restore Policy
Added new cmdlets: 'Update-AzCapacityReservationGroup' and 'Update-AzCapacityReservation'
Fixed a bug where the restore of deleted database accounts fail.
Added a subnetId argument for the 'Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime' cmdlet to support RBAC checking for VNet injection against the subnet resource ID instead of the VNet resource ID.
Added the 'Get-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoint' cmdlet to provide a list of outbound network dependencies for SSIS integration runtime in Azure Data Factory that joins a virtual network.
Added PublicNetworkAccess to Data Factory.
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.23.0
Supported adding EC keys in key vault [#15699]
Supported duplicate disk UUID in source disk.
Supported subnets in same VNet for AVSet.
Supported runAsAccount fetching for multiple Vcenters in same site.
Updated cmdlet to add 'Subnet' property for IP based load balancer backend address pool.
Updated cmdlet to add 'TunnelInterface' property for backend pool related operations.
Azure Site Recovery multi appliance support for VMware to Azure disaster recovery scenarios using RCM as the control plane.
Azure Backup fixed targetPhysicalPath issue with SQL CRR
Azure Backup fixed disable protection for SQL workload
Azure Backup resolved bug in setting CMK properties in latest release
Azure Backup removed special characters from register-azrecoveryservicesbackupcontainer command help text
Use JsonExtensions to serialize deserialize JSON objects to ensure the use of custom serialization settings [#15552]
Added support for 'Unsupported' and 'NoEffect' change types to deployment What-If cmdlets.
Updated to 'Get-AzSentinelIncident' parameters
Added '-Filter' to support OData filter
Added '-OrderBy' to support OData ordering
Added '-Max' to support retrieving more than the default of 1000 incidents.
Changed the underlying implementation of 'Get-AzSqlDatabase' to support a paginated response from the server
Added 'ZoneRedundant' parameter to 'New-AzSqlInstance' and 'Set-AzSqlInstance' to enable the creation and the update of zone - redundant instances.
Added ZoneRedundant field to the model of the managed instance so that it displays information about zone - redundancy for instance that are returned by 'Get-AzSqlInstance'.
Extended AuditActionGroups enum in server & database audit. Added DBCC_GROUP, DATABASE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP and DATABASE_CHANGE_GROUP.
Added 'AsJob' flag to 'Remove-AzSqlInstance'
Added 'SubnetId' parameter to 'Set-AzSqlInstance' to support the cross-subnet update SLO
Upgraded to newest SDK version
Supported get/set blob tags on a specific blob
Supported create destination blob with specific blob tags while upload/copy Blob
Supported list blobs across containers with a blob tag filter sql expression
Supported list blobs inside a container and include Blob Tags
Supported run blob operation with blob tag condition, and fail the cmdlet when blob tag condition not match
Generate blob sas token with new API version
Fixed blob copy failure with OAuth credential when client and server has time difference [#15644]
Fixed remove Data Lake Gen2 item fail with readonly SAS token
Revised destination existing check in move Data Lake Gen2 item
Added parameter sets to 'Invoke-AzStorageSyncChangeDetection'
Can call the cmdlet without -DirectoryPath and -Path parameters to trigger change detection on an entire file share
Added support for authoritative upload as part of New-AzStorageSyncServerEndpoint.
Added cloud change enumeration status information in Cloud Endpoint object.
Updated Server Endpoint object with various health properties
Added 'ServerName' property in Server Endpoint and Registered Server objects to support showing the current FQDN of a server.
Fixed 'Set-AzWebApp' to return a valid warning message when fails to add -Hostname #9316
Fixed 'Get-AzWebApp' to return CustomDomainVerificationId in the response. #9316
Added parameters '-RestrictOutboundNetworkAccess', '-AllowedFqdnList', '-DisableLocalAuth', '-KeyVaultIdentityClientId', '-IdentityType', '-UserAssignedIdentityId' to 'New-AzureCognitiveServicesAccount' and 'Set-AzureCognitiveServicesAccount'.
Added parameters '-InRemovedState', '-Location' to 'Remove-AzureCognitiveServicesAccount' and 'Get-AzureCognitiveServicesAccount'.
Fixed the warning in 'New-AzVM' cmdlet stating the sku of the VM is being defaulted even if a sku size is provided by the user. Now it only occurs when the user does not provide a sku size.
Edited 'Set-AzVmOperatingSystem' cmdlet to no longer overwrite any existing EnableAutomaticUpdates value on the passed in virtual machine if it exists.
Updated Compute module to use the latest .Net SDK version 48.0.0.
Added new cmdlets for the Capacity Reservation Feature:
Added a new parameter '-CapacityReservationGroupId' to the following cmdlets:
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.21.0
Added SQL Server license type.
Added CRN feature.
Added resource tags feature.
Updated to 2021-02-10 api version.
Added parameter 'ResourceGroupName' back for 'Add-AzAutoscaleSetting' parameter set 'AddAzureRmAutoscaleSettingUpdateParamGroup' and made it optional [#15491]
Added Archive for V1 vaults.
Added ProtectedItemsCount in Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectionPolicy.
Azure site recovery bug fix for azure to azure in update vm properties.
Added 'RedisVersion' parameter in 'New-AzRedisCache' and 'Set-AzRedisCache'
Fixed bug with 'PSResource' where some constructors left 'SubscriptionId' property unassigned/null. [#10783]
Added support for creating and updating Template Spec in Bicep file [#15313]
Added '-ProceedIfNoChange' parameter to deployment create cmdlets.
Fixed Managed and Classic Application models (Application, Cluster, Service) by updating constructor to take all new properties
This solves piping related issues where piping the results directly from a Get cmdlet call into and Update or Set call remove some intentionally set properties
Updated appropriate test files to cover the above mentioned cases
Fixed identity logic in 'Set-AzSqlServer' and 'Set-AzSqlInstance'
Supported Blob Last Access Time
Made 'Get-AzDataLakeGen2ChildItem' list all datalake gen2 items by default, instead of needing user to list chunk by chunk.
Fixed BlobProperties is empty issue when using sas without prefix '?' [#15460]
Fixed synchronously copy small blob failure [#15548]
Fixed 'Add-AzWebAppAccessRestrictionRule' failing when users does not have permissions to get Service Tag list #15316 and #14862
Fixed access error when subscripiton has no 'Tags' property [#15425].
6.2.0 - July 2021
Added Tags, AuthorizationSource to PSAzureSusbscripiton and added TenantType, DefaultDomain, TenantBrandingLogoUrl, CountryCode to PSAzureTenant [#15220]
Upgraded subscription client to 2021-01-01 [#15220]
Removed Interactive mode check in common lib
Added endpoint of OperationalInsights to environment AzureChinaCloud [#15305]
Printed auto generated modules' default logs to verbose stream
Added parameter 'AvailabilityZone' for 'New-AzAksNodePool'. [#14505]
Added read only property 'ConnectionString' and 'ApplicationId' to applicationinsights component
Added optional parameter '-OrchestrationMode' to 'New-AzVmss' and 'New-AzVmssConfig'
Updated the following cmdlets to work when the resource uses a remote image source using AKS or Shared Image Gallery.
Added parameters '-EnableCrossZoneUpgrade' and '-PrioritizeUnhealthyInstance' to the 'Set-AzVmssRollingUpgradePolicy'
Added 'AssessmentMode' parameter to the 'Set-AzVMOperatingSystem' cmdlet.
Fixed a bug in 'Add-AzVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration'
Fixed IOPS and throughput check in 'Test-AzVMAEMExtension'
Added new cmdlets for 2020-12-01 DiskRP API version
Changed Cmdlets for 2020-12-01 DiskRP API version
This release introduces the cmdlets for the features of Continuous Backup(Point in time restore):
Introduced support for creating accounts with continuous mode backup policy.
Introduced support for Point in time restore for accounts with continuous mode backup policy.
Introduced support to update the backup interval and backup retention for accounts with periodic mode backup policy.
Introduced support to list the restorable resources in a live database account.
Introduces support to specify analytical storage schema type on account creation/update.
Added Customer Managed Key Encryption to DataFactory
Added two additional app settings (WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE and WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING) for Linux Consumption apps. [15124]
Fixed bug with New-AzFunctionApp when created on Azure Gov. [13379]
Added Az.Functions cmdlets need to support creating and copying app settings with empty values. [14511]
Fixed null reference bug for 'Get-AzMetric' when 'ResultType' set to 'Metadata'
Fixed bug for 'Add-AzAutoscaleSetting' not able to pipe result from 'Get-AzAutoscaleSetting' [#13861]
Added public ip address as an optional parameter to create route server
Updated cmdlets to enable specification of edge zone
Added support for viewing extended location of virtual network in the console
Added support for viewing extended location of public IP address in the console
Fixed Disable SQL AG AutoProtection.
General availability of Az.Security module
Changed the name of Get-AzRegulatoryComplainceAssessment to Get-AzRegulatoryComplianceAssessment to fix typo
Added 'RestrictOutboundNetworkAccess' parameter to following cmdlets
Added new cmdlets for CRUD operations on Allowed FQDNs of Outbound Firewall rules
Fixed the identity logic for SystemAssigned,UserAssigned identities for New-AzSqlServer, New-AzSqlInstance
Updated cmdlets for getting and updating SQL database's differential backup frequency
Fixed Partial PUT issue for Azure Policy in 'Set-AzSqlServer' and 'Set-AzSqlInstance'
Removed restriction to fetch recovery points only for a 30 days time range.
Enabled CRR for new regions.
Allowed naming the deployment when testing deployments [#11497]
Changed to 'Allow' and 'Deny' parameters of 'Update-AzSignalRNetworkAcl' cmdlet:
Accepted 'Trace' as a valid value.
Accepted '@()' as empty collection to clear the list.
Supported 'ResourceGroupCompleter' and 'ResourceNameCompleter' in the applicable cmdlets.
Deprecated the 'HostNamePrefix' property of output type 'PSSignalRResource' of following cmdlets:
Added option to support short version of maintenance configuration id for Managed Instance in 'New-AzSqlInstance' and 'Set-AzSqlInstance' cmdlets
Added HighAvailabilityReplicaCount to 'New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary'
Added External Administrator and Microsoft Entra-only Properties to AzSqlServer and AzSqlInstance
Added option to specify '-ExternalAdminName', '-ExternalAdminSid', '-EnableActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication' in 'New-AzSqlInstance' and 'Set-AzSqlInstance' cmdlets
Added option to expand external administrators information using '-ExpandActiveDirectoryAdministrator' in 'Get-AzSqlServer' and 'Get-AzSqlInstance' cmdlets
Fixed 'Set-AzSqlDatabase' to no longer default ReadScale to Disabled when not specified
Fixed 'Set-AzSqlServer' and 'Set-AzSqlInstance' for partial PUT with only identity and null properties
Added parameters related to UMI in 'New-AzSqlServer', 'New-AzSqlInstance', 'Set-AzSqlServer' and 'Set-AzSqlInstance' cmdlets.
Added -AutoRotationEnabled parameter to following cmdlets:
Scott (@S-T-S), Update (#15112)
@sohaibMSFT, Application Gateway AutoScale Example (#15071)
@Srihsu, Update (#15049)
@srozemuller, typo in examples resourcegroup parameter (#15146)
6.0.0 - May 2021
Az 6.0.0 (Az.Accounts 2.3.0) is only supported on Windows PowerShell 5.1, PowerShell 7.0 version 7.0.6 or greater and PowerShell 7.1 version 7.1.3 or greater, open to learn how to upgrade. For further information, go to
Upgraded Azure.Identity to 1.4 and MSAL to 4.30.1
Removed obsolete parameters 'ManagedServiceHostName', 'ManagedServicePort' and 'ManagedServiceSecret' of cmdlet 'Connect-AzAccount', environment variables 'MSI_ENDPOINT' and 'MSI_SECRET' could be used instead
Customize display format of PSAzureRmAccount to hide secret of service principal [#14208]
Added optional parameter 'AuthScope' to 'Connect-AzAccount' to support enhanced authentication of data plane features
Set retry times by environment variable [#14748]
Supported subject name issuer authentication
Added 'Invoke-AzVmInstallPatch' to support patch installation in VMs using PowerShell.
Updated Compute module to use the latest .Net SDK version 46.0.0.
Added optional parameter '-EdgeZone' to the following cmdlets:
Added support in function app creation for Python 3.9 and Node 14 function apps
Removed support in function app creation for V2, Python 3.6, Node 8, and Node 10 function apps
Updated IdentityID parameter from string to string array in Update-AzFunctionApp. This is to be consistent with New-AzFunctionApp which has the same parameter as a string array
Updated FullyQualifiedErrorId for an invalid Functions version from FunctionsVersionIsInvalid to FunctionsVersionNotSupported
When creating a Node.js function app, if no runtime version is specified, the default runtime version is set to 14 instead of 12
Provided key size for RSA key [#14819]
Bumped API version to stable 2021-01-01
Bumped API version to stable 2021-05-01
Fixed an issue in Initialize-AzMigrateReplicationInfrastructure.ps1
Updated validation to allow passing zero value for saDataSizeKilobytes parameter
Added optional parameter '-EdgeZone' to the following cmdlets:
Fixed security issue with SQL restore, this is a necessary breaking change. TargetContainer becomes mandatory for Alternate Location Restore.
Removed Set-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProperties cmdlet alias, Set-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProperty is supported.
Removed Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupJobDetails cmdlet alias, Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupJobDetail is supported.
Added support for cross subscription DS Move.
Azure Site Recovery support for VMware to Azure disaster recovery scenarios using RCM as the control plane.
Changed '-IdentifierUris' in 'New-AzADApplication' to optional parameter
Removed generated 'DisplayName' of ADApplication created by 'New-AzADServicePrincipal'
Updated SDK to 3.13.1-preview to use GA TemplateSpecs API version
Added 'AdditionalProperties' to PSADUser and PSADGroup [#14568]
Supported 'CustomKeyIdentifier' in 'New-AzADAppCredential' and 'Get-AzADAppCredential' [#11457], [#13723]
Changed 'MainTemplate' to be shown by the default formatter for Template Spec Versions
GA release for Az.SecurityInsights
Removed deprecated cluster certificate commands:
Changed PSManagedService model to avoid using the properties parameter directly from sdk.
Removed deprecated parameters for managed cmdlets:
Fixed 'Update-AzServiceFabricReliability' to update correctly the vm instance count of the primary node type on the cluster resource.
Updated 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline' documentation to include example of define array of array with one inner array.
Update Backup Storage Redundancy values for LTR backups
Added CurrentBackupStorageRedundancy, RequestedBackupStorageRedundancy to 'Get-AzSqlDatabase', 'New-AzSqlDatabase', 'Set-AzSqlDatabase', 'New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary', 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary', 'New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy'
Changed BackupStorageRedundancy value to CurrentBackupStorageRedundancy, RequestedBackupStorageRedundancy to reflect both the current value and what has been requested if a change was made
Supported file share snapshot
Supported remove file share with it's snapshot (leased and not leased), by default remove file share will fail when share has snapshot
Supported Set/Get/Remove blob inventory policy
Supported DefaultSharePermission in create/update storage account
Supported AllowCrossTenantReplication in create/update storage account
Supported Set Object Replication Policy with SourceAccount/DestinationAccount as Storage account resource Id
Supported set SasExpirationPeriod as TimeSpan.Zero
Make sure the correct account name is used when create account credential
Deprecated 'Invoke-AzStorageSyncFileRecall'
Customers should instead use 'Invoke-StorageSyncFileRecall', a cmdlet that is shipped with the Azure File Sync agent.
Removed offline data transfer feature in 'New-AzStorageSyncServerEndpoint'.
Bumped API version to 2017-04-01-preview
Added StreamAnalytics Cluster support
updated 'Set-AzAppServicePlan' to keep existing Tags when adding new Tags
Fixed 'Set-AzWebApp' to set the AppSettings
updated 'Set-AzWebAppSlot' to set FtpsState
Added support for StaticSites.
Thanks to our community contributors
@corichte, Update New-AzVirutalNetworkGatewayConnection Ex 1 (#14858)
Added support 'AcrNameToAttach' in 'Set-AzAksCluster'. [#14692]
Added support 'AcrNameToDetach' in 'Set-AzAksCluster'. [#14693]
Added 'Set-AzAksClusterCredential' to reset the ServicePrincipal of an existing AKS cluster.
Added support for User Assigned Identities and PublicNetworkAccess flag
Added cmdlets to support new AFD Premium / Standard SKUs
Updated the 'Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension' cmdlet to support ADE extension migration from two pass (version with Microsoft Entra ID input parameters) to single pass (version without Microsoft Entra ID input parameters).
Added a switch parameter '-Migrate' to trigger migration workflow.
Added a switch parameter '-MigrationRecovery' to trigger recovery workflow for VMs experiencing failures after migration from two pass ADE.
Added User Assigned Identities to Data Factory.
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.18.0
Allowed Enable-AzFrontDoorCustomDomainHttps's SecretVersion parameter to be optional to support bring-your-own-certificate auto-rotation
Fixed a bug for 'Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -IncludeVersions' when current version is disabled [#14740]
Displayed error code and message when updating purged secret [#14800]
Azure Site Recovery support for Multiple IP per NIC for Azure to Azure provider.
Azure Site Recovery support for SqlServerLicenseType for VMware to Azure and HyperV to Azure providers.
Azure Site Recovery support for Availability set for VMware to Azure and HyperV to Azure providers.
Azure Site Recovery support for TargetVmSize for VMware to Azure and HyperV to Azure providers.
Azure Site Recovery support for ResourceTagging for VMware to Azure and HyperV to Azure providers.
Azure Site Recovery support for Virtual Machine Scale Set for Azure to Azure provider.
Added support for restoring unmanaged disks vm as managed disks.
Added parameter 'ObjectType' for 'New-AzRoleAssignment'
Upgraded Managed Cluster commands to use Service Fabric Managed Cluster SDK version 1.0.0 which uses service fabric resource provider api-version 2021-05-01.
'New-AzServiceFabricManagedCluster' add parameters UpgradeCadence and ZonalResiliency.
'New-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType' add parameters DiskType, VmUserAssignedIdentity, IsStateless and MultiplePlacementGroup.
'New-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterService' and 'Set-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterService' mark parameters for deprecation: InstanceCloseDelayDuration, DropSourceReplicaOnMove and ServiceDnsName. They are not supported.
General availability of 'Az.ResourceMover' module
Supported create/update storage account with KeyExpirationPeriod and SasExpirationPeriod
Supported create/update storage account with keyvault encryption and access keyvault with user assigned identity
Supported EdgeZone in create storage account
Fixed an issue that delete immutable blob will prompt incorrect message.
Allowed update Storage Account KeyVault properties by cleanup Keyversion to enable key auto rotation [#14769]
Added breaking change warning message for upcoming cmdlet breaking change
Thanks to our community contributors
Thomas Lee (@doctordns), Update (#14704)
Fabian (@FullByte), Example with wrong parameter (typo) (#14743)
Fallback to first valid context if current default context key is 'Default' which is invalid
Added support for Customer Managed Key Encryption with System Assigned Identity
Fixed issue that disables the schedule for update deployment if schedule was re-created with same name
Fixed a bug when 1 data disk attached to VMSS for Remove-AzVmssDataDisk [#13368]
Added new cmdlets to support TrustedLaunch related cmdlets:
Edited default value for Size parameter in New-AzVM cmdlet from Standard_DS1_v2 to Standard_D2s_v3.
Fixed bug in 'Get-AzContainerRegistryManifest' showing incorrect image name
Supported getting default vmsize from backend if customer does not provide the related parameters: '-WorkerNodeSize', '-HeadNodeSize', '-ZookeeperNodeSize', '-EdgeNodeSize', '-KafkaManagementNodeSize'.
Added support for Acr LoginServers
Fixed a bug for 'Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -AsPlainText' if the secret is not found [#14645]
Nullref Bug fixed in get discovered server and initialize replication infrastructure commandlets.
Added cmdlet to get diagnostic setting categories for subscription
Supported subscription diagnostic setting operations with new parameter: SubscriptionId
Supported 'AutoMitigate' parameter in metric alert rule properties. The flag indicates whether the alert should be auto resolved or not.
Added upcoming breaking change warnings on below cmdlets, because the value of 'IdentifierUris' parameter will need verified domain.
Ignored Bicep warning message in error stream if exitcode equals zero.
Added cmdlet output breaking change warnings to the following:
Fixed copy blob fail with source context as Oauth [#14662]
Added upcoming breaking change warning message to all cmdlets because of upcoming changes on parameters.
Thanks to our community contributors
Andrei Zhukouski (@BurgerZ), Fix typo (#14575)
Mark Allison (@markallisongit), Update (#14603)
5.7.0 - March 2021
Fixed incorrect warning message on Windows PowerShell [#14556]
Set Azure Environment variable 'AzureKeyVaultServiceEndpointResourceId' according to the value of 'AzureKeyVaultDnsSuffix' when discovering environment
Fixed the issue for starting Python3 runbooks with parameters
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.15.0
Fixed that 'New-AzServiceBusAuthorizationRuleSASToken' returns invalid token. [#12975]
Updated IoT Hub Management SDK and models to version 3.0.0 (api-version 2020-03-01)
Supported upcoming new API design for 'Export-AzKeyVaultSecurityDomain'
Fixed several typos in cmdlet messages [#14341]
Added new cmdlets to replace old product name 'virtual router' with new name 'route server' in the future.
Added deprecation attribute warning to the old cmdlets.
Updated 'set-azExpressRouteGateway' to allow parameter -MinScaleUnits without specifying -MaxScaleUnits
Updated cmdlets to enable setting of VpnLinkConnectionMode on VpnSiteLinkConnections.
Added new cmdlet to fetch IKE Security Associations for VPN Site Link Connections.
Added new cmdlet to reset a Virtual Network Gateway Connection.
Added new cmdlet to reset a Vpn Site Link Connection.
Updated cmdlets to enable setting an optional parameter -TrafficSelectorPolicies
Bug fix for update vpnServerConfiguration.
Add scenarioTest for p2s multi auth VWAN.
Added multi auth feature support for VNG
Added Cross Zonal Restore for managed virtual machines.
GA version of Az.RedisEnterpriseCache
Redirected bicep message to verbose stream
Removed the logic of copying Bicep template file to temp folder.
Add support of policy exemption resource type
Fixed what-if functionality when using '-QueryString' parameter.
Normalized '-QueryString' starting with '?' for scenarios involving dynamic parameters.
Fixed that 'New-AzServiceBusAuthorizationRuleSASToken' returns invalid token. [#12975]
Added parameters 'VMImagePublisher', 'VMImageOffer', 'VMImageSku', 'VMImageVersion' to 'Add-AzServiceFabricNodeType' to facilitate easy alternate OS image creation for new node type.
Added parameter 'IsPrimaryNodeType' to 'Add-AzServiceFabricNodeType' to be able to create an additional primary node type, for the purpose of transitioning the primary node type to another one in the case of OS migration.
'Add-AzServiceFabricNodeType' now correctly copies the LinuxDiagnostic extension. This was previously not working for Linux.
'Add-AzServiceFabricNodeType' now correctly copies the RDP/SSH load balancer inbound NAT port mapping to the new node type.
Added template for 'UbuntuServer1804' for creating Ubuntu 18.04 clusters using 'New-AzServiceFabricCluster'.
'Remove-AzServiceFabricNodeType' was incorrectly blocking Bronze durability node types for removal, and this has been updated to only block when the Bronze durability level differs between the SF node type and VMSS setting.
Added cmdlet 'Update-AzServiceFabricVmImage' to update the delivered SF runtime package type. This must be changed when migrating from Ubuntu 16 to 18.
Added cmdlet 'Update-AzServiceFabricNodeType' to update the properties of a cluster node type. For now this is solely used to update whether the node type is primary via bool parameter '-IsPrimaryNodeType False'.
'Update-AzServiceFabricReliability' is now able to update reliability level when the cluster has more than one primary node type. To do this, the name of the node type is supplied via the new -NodeType parameter.
Upgraded Managed Cluster commands to use Service Fabric Managed Cluster SDK version 1.0.0-beta.1 which uses service fabric resource provider api-version 2021-01-01-preview.
Added cmdlet 'New-AzSqlServerTrustGroup'
Added cmdlet 'Remove-AzSqlServerTrustGroup'
Added cmdlet 'Get-AzSqlServerTrustGroup'
Fixed an issue that list account from resource group won't use nextlink
Supported ChangeFeedRetentionInDays when Enable ChangeFeed on Blob service
Updated 'Add-AzWebAppAccessRestrictionRule' to allow all supported Service Tags and validate against Service Tag API.
Thanks to our community contributors
Freddie Sackur (@fsackur), Fix invalid SAS token from New-AzServiceBusAuthorizationRuleSASToken and New-AzEventHubAuthorizationRuleSASToken (#14535)
Yannick Dils (@yannickdils), Remove resource group from get-azloadbalancer this results in a region / zone update. (#14417)
5.6.0 - March 2021
Upgrade Azure.Identity to fix the issue that Connect-AzAccount fails when ADFS credential is used [#13560]
Fixed the issue that string cannot be serialized correctly. [#14215]
Added Support for Python3 Runbook Type
Added parameter '-EnableHotpatching' to the 'Set-AzVMOperatingSystem' cmdlet for Windows machines.
Added parameter '-PatchMode' to the Linux parameter sets in the cmdlet 'Set-AzVMOperatingSystem'.
[Breaking Change] Breaking changes for users in the public preview for the VM Guest Patching feature.
Removed property 'RebootStatus' from the 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.LastPatchInstallationSummary' object.
Removed property 'StartedBy' from the 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.LastPatchInstallationSummary' object.
Renamed property 'Kbid' to 'KbId' in the 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineSoftwarePatchProperties' object.
Renamed property 'patches' to 'availablePatches' in the 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineAssessPatchesResult' object.
Renamed object 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.SoftwareUpdateRebootBehavior' to 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VMGuestPatchRebootBehavior'.
Renamed object 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.InGuestPatchMode' to 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.WindowsVMGuestPatchMode'.
[Breaking Change] Removed all 'ContainerService' cmdlets. The Container Service API was deprecated in January 2020.
Fixed authentication for Connect-AzContainerRegistry
Introduced NetworkAclBypass and NetworkAclBypassResourceIds for Database Account cmdlets.
Introduced ServerVersion parameter to Update-AzCosmosDBAccount.
Introduced BackupInterval and BackupRetention for Database Account cmdlets
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.14.0
Az.Migrate GA
Incorporated Initialize-AzMigrateReplicationInfrastructure as a cmdlet in the Az.Migrate module, from the external script that is run currently today.
Made some parameters of New-AzMigrateServerReplication, New-AzMigrateDiskMapping case insensitive.
Added support for scale appliance change, to handle new V3 keys.
Added null check for target storage account in FileShare restore.
Added support for Azure resources deployment in Bicep language
Fixed issues with TemplateSpec deployments in 'New-AzTenantDeployment' and 'New-AzManagementGroupDeployment'
Added support for '-QueryString' parameter in 'Test-Az*Deployments' cmdlets
Fixed issue with dynamic parameters when 'New-Az*Deployments' is used with '-QueryString'
Added support for '-TemplateParameterObject' parameter while using '-TemplateSpecId' parameter in 'New-Az*Deployments' cmdlets
Fixed the inaccurate error message received on trying to deploy a non-existent template spec
Upgraded to Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storage 19.0.0, to support new API version 2021-01-01.
Supported resource access rule in NetworkRuleSet
Supported Blob version and Append Blob type in Management Policy
Supported create/update account with AllowSharedKeyAccess
Supported create Encryption Scope with RequireInfrastructureEncryption
Supported copy block blob synchronously, with encryption scope
Fixed issue that Get-AzStorageBlobContent use wrong directory separator char on Linux and MacOS [#14234]
Introduced an option to give custom timeout for 'Publish-AzWebApp'
Added support for App Service Environment
Thanks to our community contributors
@alunmj, Small spelling, formatting changes (#14155)
Martin Ehrnst (@ehrnst), Fixed a typo in the cmdlet (#14112)
Jan David Narkiewicz (@jdnark)
Examples used New-AzAks which is legacy cmdlet and the alias for New-AzAksCluster. Changed examples to use New-AzAksCluster which is the cmdlet this documentation page targets. (#14088)
Type fox: changed SshKeyVaule to SshKeyValue (#14087)
Ivan Kulezic (@kukislav), Add sql mi maintenance configuration examples (#14216)
Added parameter '-BurstingEnabled' to 'New-AzDiskConfig' and 'New-AzDiskUpdateConfig'
Added '-GroupByApplicationId' and '-GroupByUserAgent' parameters to the 'Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequest' and 'Export-AzLogAnalyticRequestRateByInterval' cmdlets.
Added 'VMParameterSet' parameter set to 'Get-AzVMExtension' cmdlet. Added new parameter '-VM' to this parameter set.
Added cmdlets to supported repository, manifest, and tag operations:
Supported -EnableNoPublicIP when creating a Databricks workspace
Added FrontDoorId to properties
Added JSON Exclusions and RequestBodyCheck support to managed rules
Added new parameter '-EnableComputeIsolation' and '-ComputeIsolationHostSku' to the cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster' to support compute isolation feature
Added property 'ComputeIsolationProperties' and 'ConnectivityEndpoints' in the class AzureHDInsightCluster.
Supported specifying key type and curve name when importing keys via a BYOK file
Added new cmdlets to replace old product name 'virtual router' with new name 'route server' in the future.
Added deprecation attribute warning to the old cmdlets.
Bug fix in ExpressRouteLink MacSecConfig. Added new property 'SciState' to 'PSExpressRouteLinkMacSecConfig'
Updated format list and format table views for Get-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionIkeSa
Retracted changes made in powershell that increased request row limit. Removed incorrect statement of supporting paging
modified policy validation limits as per backup service.
Added Zone Redundancy for Recovery Service Vaults.
Azure Site Recovery support for Proximity placement group for VMware to Azure and HyperV to Azure providers.
Azure Site Recovery support for Availability zone for VMware to Azure and HyperV to Azure providers.
Azure Site Recovery support for UseManagedDisk for HyperV to Azure provider
Removed principal type on New-AzRoleAssignment and Set-AzRoleAssignment because current mapping was breaking certain scenarios
Added MaintenanceConfigurationId to 'New-AzSqlDatabase', 'Set-AzSqlDatabase', 'New-AzSqlElasticPool' and 'Set-AzSqlElasticPool'
Fixed regression in 'Set-AzSqlServerAudit' when PredicateExpression argument is provided
Supported RoutingPreference settings in create/update Storage account
Upgraded Azure.Storage.Blobs to 12.8.0
Upgraded Azure.Storage.Files.Shares to 12.6.0
Upgraded Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake to 12.6.0
Added support for Importing a key vault certificate to WebApp.
Fixed the command 'Invoke-AzDataFactoryV2Pipeline' for SupportsShouldProcess issue
Added StartVMOnConnect property to hostpool.
Added properties: Fqdn and EffectiveDiskEncryptionKeyUrl in the class AzureHDInsightHostInfo.
Added a new parameter '-AsPlainText' to 'Get-AzKeyVaultSecret' to directly return the secret in plain text [#13630]
Supported selective restore a key from a managed HSM full backup [#13526]
Fixed some minor issues [#13583] [#13584]
Added missing return objects of 'Get-Secret' in SecretManagement module
Fixed an issue that may cause vault to be created without default access policy [#13687]
Updated API version to 2020-09-18.
Fixed issue in remove peering and connection cmdlet for ExpressRouteCircuit scenario
'Remove-AzExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig' and 'Remove-AzExpressRouteCircuitConnectionConfig'
Added support for returning paginated results for Get-AzPolicyState
Enabled softdelete feature for SQL.
Fixed SQL AG restore and removed the container name check.
Changed container name format for Azure Files backup item.
Added CMK feature support for Recovery services vault.
Fixed a NullRef exception issue in 'New-AzureManagedApplication' and 'Set-AzureManagedApplication'.
Updated Azure Resource Manager SDK to use latest DeploymentScripts GA api-version: 2020-10-01.
Fixed 'Add-AzServiceFabricNodeType'. Added node type to service fabric cluster before creating virtual machine scale set.
Fixed parameter description for 'InstanceFailoverGroup' command.
Updated the logic in which schemaName, tableName and columnName are being extracted from the id of SQL Data Classification commands.
Fixed Status and StatusMessage fields in 'Get-AzSqlDatabaseImportExportStatus' to conform to documentation
Added Microsoft support operations (DevOps) auditing cmdlets: Get-AzSqlServerMSSupportAudit, Set-AzSqlServerMSSupportAudit, Remove-AzSqlServerMSSupportAudit
Supported create/update/get/list EncryptionScope of a Storage account
Supported create container and upload blob with Encryption Scope setting
Thanks to our community contributors
Andreas Wolter (@AndreasWolter), removed marketing language, better example filter (#13671)
Updated planning to deprecate warnings for the following cmdlets
Added planning to deprecate warnings on the argument 'RouteTable' for the following cmdlets
Made arguments '-MinScaleUnits' and '-MaxScaleUnits' optional in 'Set-AzExpressRouteGateway'
Added new cmdlets to support Mutual Authentication and SSL Profiles on Application Gateway
[Breaking Change] Removed 'Get-AzProfile' and 'Select-AzProfile'
Replaced Azure Directory Authentication Library with Microsoft Authentication Library(MSAL)
[Breaking Change] Removed parameter alias 'ClientIdAndSecret' in 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'Set-AzAksCluster'.
[Breaking Change] Changed the default value of 'NodeVmSetType' in 'New-AzAksCluster' from 'AvailabilitySet' to 'VirtualMachineScaleSets'.
[Breaking Change] Changed the default value of 'NetworkPlugin' in 'New-AzAksCluster' from 'None' to 'azure'.
[Breaking Change] Removed parameter 'NodeOsType' in 'New-AzAksCluster' as it supports only one value Linux.
Added 'Get-AzBillingAccount' cmdlet
Added 'Get-AzBillingProfile' cmdlet
Added 'Get-AzInvoiceSection' cmdlet
Added new parameters in 'Get-AzBillingInvoice' cmdlet
Removed properties DownloadUrlExpiry, Type, BillingPeriodNames from the response of Get-AzBillingInvoice cmdlet
Added cmdlets to support multi-origin and private link functionality
Updated SDK to 7.4.0-preview.
Added '-VmssId' parameter to 'New-AzVm'
Added 'PlatformFaultDomainCount' parameter to the 'New-AzVmss' cmdlet.
New cmdlet 'Get-AzDiskEncryptionSetAssociatedResource'
Added 'Tier' and 'LogicalSectorSize' optional parameters to the New-AzDiskConfig cmdlet.
Added 'Tier', 'MaxSharesCount', 'DiskIOPSReadOnly', and 'DiskMBpsReadOnly' optional parameters to the 'New-AzDiskUpdateConfig' cmdlet.
[Breaking Change] Updates API version to 2019-05-01
[Breaking Change] Removed SKU 'Classic' and parameter 'StorageAccountName' from 'New-AzContainerRegistry'
Added New cmdlets: 'Connect-AzContainerRegistry', 'Import-AzContainerRegistry', 'Get-AzContainerRegistryUsage', 'New-AzContainerRegistryNetworkRule', 'Set-AzContainerRegistryNetworkRule'
Added new parameter 'NetworkRuleSet' to 'Update-AzContainerRegistry'
Fixed a bug that may cause updating databricks workspace without -EncryptionKeyVersion to fail.
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.12.0
Updated ADF encryption client SDK version to 4.14.7587.7
Added 'Stop-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerRun' and 'Invoke-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerRun' commands
Require Location property for creating top level arm objects.
* Made ApplicationGroupType required for New-AzWvdApplicationGroup.
* Made HostPoolArmPath required for New-AzWvdApplicationGroup.
* Added PreferredAppGroupType for New-AzWvdHostPool.
[Breaking Change] Removed 'IncludeSlot' switch parameter from all but one parameter set of 'Get-AzFunctionApp'. The cmdlet now supports retrieving deployment slots in the results when '-IncludeSlot' is specified.
Updated 'New-AzFunctionApp':
Fixed -DisableApplicationInsights so that no application insights project is created when this option is specified. [#12728]
[Breaking Change] Removed support to create PowerShell 6.2 function apps.
[Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Windows for PowerShell function apps from 6.2 to 7.0 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.
[Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Windows and Linux for Node function apps from 10 to 12 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.
[Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Linux for Python function apps from 3.7 to 3.8 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.
For New-AzHDInsightCluster cmdlet:
Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' with 'StorageAccountKey'
Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountType' with 'StorageAccountType'
Supported 'ApiProperty' parameter for 'New-AzCognitiveServicesAccount' and 'Set-AzCognitiveServicesAccount'
Fixed issue in 'Update-ASRRecoveryPlan' by populating FailoverTypes
Added the '-Top' and '-OrderBy' optional parameters to the 'Get-AzVmImage' cmdlet.
General availability of 'Az.Databricks' module
Added support for virtual network peering
Fixed typo in output messages
Added optional switch parameter 'TrustedServiceAccessEnabled' to 'Set-AzEventHubNetworkRuleSet' cmdlet
Added warning message for planning to deprecate the parameters 'PublicNetworkAccessType' and 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType'
Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' with 'StorageAccountKey'
Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountType' with 'StorageAccountType'
Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageContainer' with 'StorageContainer'
Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageRootPath' with 'StorageRootPath'
Updated devices sdk.
Provided the detailed date of removing property SecretValueText
Updated breaking change warnings on cmdlets of managed services assignment and definition
Fixed the bug that warning message cannot be suppressed. [#12889]
Supported 'SkipMetricValidation' parameter in alert rule criteria. Allows creating an alert rule on a custom metric that isn't yet emitted, by causing the metric validation to be skipped.
Added Office365 Policy to VPNSite Resource
Added container name validation for workload backup.
Made 'New-AzRedisCache' and 'Set-AzRedisCache' cmdlets not fail because of permission issue related to registering Microsoft.Cache RP
Added BackupStorageRedundancy to the following:
Removed case sensitivity for BackupStorageRedundancy parameter for all SQL DB references
Supported enable/disable/get share soft delete properties on file Service of a Storage account
Supported list file shares include the deleted ones of a Storage account, and Get single file share usage
Supported restore a deleted file share
Changed the cmdlets for modify blob service properties, won't get the original properties from server, but only set the modified properties to server.
Fixed help issue for New-AzStorageAccount parameter -Kind default value [#12189]
Fixed issue by add example to show how to set correct ContentType in blob upload [#12989]
Thanks to our community contributors
@felickz, Clarify escaping special characters in Subject (#13028)
Martin Zurita (@Gorgoras), Corrected some typos in messages. (#12999)
Add managed hsm uri in regex matching (#12912)
Add Managed HSM support for SQL (#13073)
@MasterKuat, Fixed complaint on Managed instance's system database for vulnerability assessment (#12971)
4.7.0 - September 2020
Formatted the upcoming breaking change messages
Updated Azure.Core to 1.4.1
Added client side parameter validation logic for 'New-AzAksCluster', 'Set-AzAksCluster' and 'New-AzAksNodePool'. [#12372]
Added support for add-ons in 'New-AzAksCluster'. [#11239]
Added cmdlets 'Enable-AzAksAddOn' and 'Disable-AzAksAddOn' for add-ons. [#11239]
Added parameter 'GenerateSshKey' for 'New-AzAksCluster'. [#12371]
Updated api version to 2020-06-01.
Showed additional legal terms for certain APIs.
Added the '-EncryptionType' optional parameter to 'New-AzVmDiskEncryptionSetConfig'
New cmdlets for new resource type: DiskAccess 'Get-AzDiskAccess', 'New-AzDiskAccess', 'Get-AzDiskAccess'
Added optional parameters '-DiskAccessId' and '-NetworkAccessPolicy' to 'New-AzSnapshotConfig'
Added optional parameters '-DiskAccessId' and '-NetworkAccessPolicy' to 'New-AzDiskConfig'
Added 'PatchStatus' property to VirtualMachine Instance View
Added 'VMHealth' property to the virtual machine's instance view, which is the returned object when 'Get-AzVm' is invoked with '-Status'
Added 'AssignedHost' field to 'Get-AzVM' and 'Get-AzVmss' instance views. The field shows the resource id of the virtual machine instance
Added optional parameter '-SupportAutomaticPlacement' to 'New-AzHostGroup'
Added the '-HostGroupId' parameter to 'New-AzVm' and 'New-AzVmss'
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.11.0
Added new Cluster cmdlets - 'New-AzEventHubCluster', 'Set-AzEventHubCluster', 'Get-AzEventHubCluster', 'Remove-AzEventHubCluster', 'Get-AzEventHubClustersAvailableRegions'.
Fixed for issue #10722 : Fix for assigning only 'Listen' to AuthorizationRule rights.
Removed the ability to create v2 Functions in regions that do not support it.
Deprecated PowerShell 6.2. Added a warning for when a user creates a PowerShell 6.2 function app that advises them to create a PowerShell 7.0 function app instead.
Supported creating cluster with Autoscale configuration
Add new parameter 'AutoscaleConfiguration' to the cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster'
Add new cmdlet 'Get-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleConfiguration'
Add new cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleConfiguration'
Add new cmdlet 'Set-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleConfiguration'
Add new cmdlet 'Remove-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleConfiguration'
Add new cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleScheduleCondition'
Added support for RBAC authorization [#10557]
Enhanced error handling in 'Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy' [#4007]
General availability of 'Az.Kusto' module
[Breaking Change] Updated below cmdlets to align resource virtual router and virtual hub
Added -HostedSubnet parameter to support IP configuration child resource
deleted -HostedGateway and -HostedGatewayId
Added subscription level parameter set
Added new cmdlet for Azure Express Route Port
Added RemoteBgpCommunities property to the VirtualNetwork Peering Resource
Modified the warning message for 'New-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig', 'New-AzPublicIpAddress' and 'New-AzPublicIpPrefix'.
Added VpnGatewayIpConfigurations to 'Get-AzVpnGateway' output
Fixed bug for 'Set-AzApplicationGatewaySslCertificate' [#9488]
Added 'AllowActiveFTP' parameter to 'AzureFirewall'
Updated below commands for feature: Enable internet security set/remove on VirtualWan P2SVpnGateway.
Updated 'New-AzP2sVpnGateway': Added optional switch parameter 'EnableInternetSecurityFlag' for customers to set true to enable internet security on P2SVpnGateway, which will be applied for Point to site clients.
Updated 'Update-AzP2sVpnGateway': Added optional switch parameters 'EnableInternetSecurityFlag' or 'DisableInternetSecurityFlag' for customers to set true/false to enable/disable internet security on P2SVpnGateway, which will be applied for Point to site clients.
Added new cmdlet 'Reset-AzP2sVpnGateway' for customers to reset/reboot their VirtualWan P2SVpnGateway for troubleshooting.
Added new cmdlet 'Reset-AzVpnGateway' for customers to reset/reboot their VirtualWan VpnGateway for troubleshooting.
Updated 'Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig'
Set NSG and Route Table properties of subnet to null if explicitly set in parameters [#1548][#9718]
Fixed the Delete State for workload Backup Items.
Added missing check for Set-AzRoleAssignment
Added breaking change attribute to 'SubscriptionId' parameter of 'Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentOperation'
Updated ARM template What-If cmdlets to show 'Ignore' resource changes last
Fixed secure and array parameter serialization issues for deployment cmdlets [#12773]
Added new cmdlets for managed clusters and node types:
Upgraded Service Fabric SDK to version 1.2.0 which uses service fabric resource provider api-version 2020-03-01 for the current model and 2020-01-01-preview for managed clusters.
Added BackupStorageRedundancy to 'New-AzSqlInstance' and 'Get-AzSqlInstance'
Updated help file, added more description, and fixed typo
Fixed download blob fail when related sub directory not exist [#12592]
Supported Set/Get/Remove Object Replication Policy on Storage accounts
Supported enable/disable ChangeFeed on Blob Service of a Storage account
4.5.0 - August 2020
Updated 'Connect-AzAccount' to accept parameter 'MaxContextPopulation' [#9865]
Updated SubscriptionClient version to 2019-06-01 and display tenant domains [#9838]
Supported home tenant and managedBy tenant information of subscription
Corrected module name, version info in telemetry data
Adjusted SqlDatabaseDnsSuffix and ServiceManagementUrl if environment metadata endpoint returns incompatible value
Removed 'ClientIdAndSecret' to 'ServicePrincipalIdAndSecret' and set 'ClientIdAndSecret' as an alias [#12381].
Removed 'Get-AzAks'/'New-AzAks'/'Remove-AzAks'/'Set-AzAks' to 'Get-AzAksCluster'/'New-AzAksCluster'/'Remove-AzAksCluster'/'Set-AzAksCluster' and set the original ones as alias [#12373].
Added new 'Add-AzApiManagementApiToGateway' cmdlet.
Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementGateway' cmdlet.
Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementGatewayHostnameConfiguration' cmdlet.
Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementGatewayKey' cmdlet.
Added new 'New-AzApiManagementGateway' cmdlet.
Added new 'New-AzApiManagementGatewayHostnameConfiguration' cmdlet.
Added new 'New-AzApiManagementResourceLocationObject' cmdlet.
Added new 'Remove-AzApiManagementApiFromGateway' cmdlet.
Added new 'Remove-AzApiManagementGateway' cmdlet.
Added new 'Remove-AzApiManagementGatewayHostnameConfiguration' cmdlet.
Added new 'Update-AzApiManagementGateway' cmdlet.
Added new optional [-GatewayId] parameter to the 'Get-AzApiManagementApi' cmdlet.
Used 'Deny' specifically as NetworkRules default action.
Fixed an issue where an exception is being thrown when Enum.Parse tries to coerce a null value to an Enabled or Disabled enum values [#12344]
Supported creating cluster with encryption in transit feature.
Add new parameter 'EncryptionInTransit' to the cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster'
Add new parameter 'EncryptionInTransit' to the cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightClusterConfig'
Supported creating cluster with private link feature:
Add new parameter 'PublicNetworkAccessType' and 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType' to the cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster'
Add new parameter 'PublicNetworkAccessType' and 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType' to the cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightClusterConfig'
Returned virtual network information when calling 'New-AzHDInsightCluster' or 'Get-AzHDInsightCluster'
Added support for AddressPrefixType parameter to 'Remove-AzExpressRouteCircuitConnectionConfig'
Added non-breaking changes: PeerAddressType functionality for Private Peering in 'Remove-AzExpressRouteCircutPeeringConfig'.
Code changed to ignore case for AddressPrefixType and PeerAddressType parameter.
Modified the warning message for 'New-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig', 'New-AzPublicIpAddress' and 'New-AzPublicIpPrefix'.
Added '-ForceDelete' option for 'Remove-AzOperationalInsightsworkspace'
Added new cmdlet 'Get-AzOperationalInsightsDeletedWorkspace'
Added new cmdlet 'Restore-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace'
Improved the Azure Backup container/item discovery experience.
Added properties 'Condition', 'ConditionVersion' and 'Description' to 'New-AzRoleAssignment'
This included all the relevant changes to the data models
Fixed potential server name case insensitive error in 'New-AzSqlServer' and 'Set-AzSqlServer'
Fixed wrong database name returned on existing database error in 'New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary'
Supported create container/blob Sas token with new permission x,t
Supported create account Sas token with new permission x,t,f
Supported get single file share usage
4.4.0 - July 2020
Added new cmdlet 'Invoke-AzRestMethod'
Fixed an issue that may cause authentication errors in multi-process scenarios such as running multiple Azure PowerShell cmdlets using 'Start-Job' [#9448]
Fixed bug 'Get-AzAks' doesn't get all clusters [#12296]
Removed project reference to Authentication
Fixed the issue that string with escape chars cannot be converted into json object.
Added warning when using 'New-AzVmss' without 'latest' image version
Updated Az.Batch to use 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Batch' SDK version to 11.0.0
Added the ability to set the BatchAccount Identity in the 'New-AzBatchAccount' cmdlet
Supported displaying account capabilities.
Supported modifying PublicNetworkAccess.
Added SimulateEviction parameter to Set-AzVM and Set-AzVmssVM cmdlets.
Added 'Premium_LRS' to the argument completer of StorageAccountType parameter for New-AzGalleryImageVersion cmdlet.
Added Substatuses to VMCustomScriptExtension [#11297]
Added 'Delete' to the argument completer of EvictionPolicy parameter for New-AzVM and New-AzVMConfig cmdlets.
Fixed name of new VM Extension for SAP
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.9.0
Added Managed Identity parameters to 'New-AzEventHubNamespace' and 'Set-AzEventHubNamespace' cmdlets
Added support to create PowerShell 7.0 and Java 11 function apps
Supported listing hosts and restart specific hosts of the HDInsight cluster.
Updated the SDK version to 1.1.0
Added support for Export settings and Managed Identity
Fixed input object parameter for 'Set-AzActivityLogAlert'
Fixed 'InputObject' parameter for 'Set-AzActionGroup' [#10868]
Added support for AddressPrefixType parameter to 'Remove-AzExpressRouteCircuitConnectionConfig'
Added new cmdlets for Azure FirewallPolicy
Support for Destination FQDN in Network Rules for Firewall Policy
Added support for backend address pool operations
Added name validation for 'New-AzIpGroup'
Added new cmdlets for Azure FirewallPolicy
Updated below commands for feature: Custom dns servers set/remove on VirtualWan P2SVpnGateway.
Updated New-AzP2sVpnGateway: Added optional parameter '-CustomDnsServer' for customers to specify their dns servers to set on P2SVpnGateway, which can be used by Point to site clients.
Updated Update-AzP2sVpnGateway: Added optional parameter '-CustomDnsServer' for customers to specify their dns servers to set on P2SVpnGateway, which can be used by Point to site clients.
Updated 'Update-AzVpnGateway'
Added optional parameter '-BgpPeeringAddress' for customers to specify their custom bgps to set on VpnGateway.
Added new cmdlet to support resetting the routing state of a VirtualHub resource:
Updated below things based on recent swagger change for Firewall Policy
Changes names for RuleGroup, RuleCollectionGroup and RuleType
Added support for Firewall Policy NAT Rule Collections to support multiple NAT Rule Collection
[Breaking Change] Added mandatory parameter 'SourceIpGroup' for 'New-AzFirewallPolicyApplicationRule' and 'New-AzFirewallPolicyNetworkRule'.
[Breaking Change] Fixed 'New-AzFirewallPolicyApplicationRule', parameter 'SourceAddress' to be mandatory.
[Breaking Change] Fixed 'New-AzFirewallPolicyApplicationRule', parameter 'SourceAddress' to be mandatory.
[Breaking Change] Removed mandatory parameters: 'TranslatedAddress', 'TranslatedPort' for 'New-AzFirewallPolicyNatRuleCollection'.
Added new cmdlets to support PrivateLink On Application Gateway
Az.ApiManagement, Az.Batch, Az.Compute, Az.KeyVault, Az.Monitor, Az.Network, Az.OperationalInsights, Az.Resources, and Az.Storage have major release
Updated 'Add-AzEnvironment' and 'Set-AzEnvironment' to accept parameters 'AzureSynapseAnalyticsEndpointResourceId' and 'AzureSynapseAnalyticsEndpointSuffix'
Added Azure.Core related assemblies into Az.Accounts, supported PowerShell platforms include Windows PowerShell 5.1, PowerShell Core 6.2.4, PowerShell 7+
Upgraded API Version to 2019-10-01
Supported to create AKS using Windows container
Provided new cmdlets: 'New-AzAksNodePool', 'Update-AzAksNodePool', 'Remove-AzAksNodePool',
'Get-AzAksNodePool', 'Install-AzAksKubectl', 'Get-AzAksVersion'
'New-AzApiManagement' and 'Set-AzApiManagement': [-AssignIdentity] parameter renamed as [-SystemAssignedIdentity]
'New-AzApiManagement' and 'Set-AzApiManagement': New parameter added: [-UserAssignedIdentity <String[]>]
'Get-AzApiManagementProperty': renamed as 'Get-AzApiManagementNamedValue'. PropertyId parameter renamed as NamedValueId.
'New-AzApiManagementProperty': renamed as 'New-AzApiManagementNamedValue'. PropertyId parameter renamed as NamedValueId.
'Set-AzApiManagementProperty': renamed as 'Set-AzApiManagementNamedValue'. PropertyId parameter renamed as NamedValueId.
'Remove-AzApiManagementProperty': renamed as 'Remove-AzApiManagementNamedValue'. PropertyId parameter renamed as NamedValueId.
Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementAuthorizationServerClientSecret' cmdlet and 'Get-AzApiManagementAuthorizationServer' will not return client secret anymore.
Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementNamedValueSecretValue' cmdlet and 'Get-AzApiManagementNamedValue' will not return secret value.
Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementOpenIdConnectProviderClientSecret' cmdlet and 'Get-AzApiManagementOpenIdConnectProvider' will not return client secret anymore.
Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementSubscriptionKey' cmdlet and 'Get-AzApiManagementSubscription' will not return subscription keys anymore.
Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementTenantAccessSecret' cmdlet and 'Get-AzApiManagementTenantAccess' will not return keys anymore.
Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementTenantGitAccessSecret' cmdlet and 'Get-AzApiManagementTenantGitAccess' will not return keys anymore.
Added Parameters: 'RetentionInDays' 'PublicNetworkAccessForIngestion' 'PublicNetworkAccessForQuery' for 'New-AzApplicationInsights'
Created cmdlet 'Update-AzApplicationInsights'
Created cmdlets for Linked Storage Account
Updated Az.Batch to use 'Microsoft.Azure.Batch' SDK version 13.0.0 and 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Batch' SDK version 9.0.0.
Added the ability to select the kind of certificate being added using the new '-CertificateKind' parameter to 'New-AzBatchCertificate'.
Removed 'ApplicationPackages' property from 'PSApplication' which was previously always ''.
The specific packages inside of an application now can be retrieved using 'Get-AzBatchApplicationPackage'. For example: 'Get-AzBatchApplication -AccountName myaccount -ResourceGroupName myresourcegroup -ApplicationId myapplication'.
When creating a pool using 'New-AzBatchPool', the 'VirtualMachineImageId' property of 'PSImageReference' can now only refer to a Shared Image Gallery image.
When creating a pool using 'New-AzBatchPool', the pool can be provisioned without a public IP using the new 'PublicIPAddressConfiguration' property of 'PSNetworkConfiguration'.
The 'PublicIPs' property of 'PSNetworkConfiguration' has moved in to 'PSPublicIPAddressConfiguration' as well. This property can only be specified if 'IPAddressProvisioningType' is 'UserManaged'.
Added HostId parameter to 'Update-AzVM' cmdlet
Updated Help documents for 'New-AzVMConfig', 'New-AzVmssConfig', 'Update-AzVmss', 'Set-AzVMOperatingSystem' and 'Set-AzVmssOsProfile' cmdlets.
Breaking changes
FilterExpression parameter is removed from 'Get-AzVMImage' cmdlet.
AssignIdentity parameter is removed from 'New-AzVmssConfig', 'New-AzVMConfig' and 'Update-AzVM' cmdlets.
AutomaticRepairMaxInstanceRepairsPercent is removed from 'New-AzVmssConfig' and 'Update-AzVmss' cmdlets.
AvailabilitySetsColocationStatus, VirtualMachinesColocationStatus and VirtualMachineScaleSetsColocationStatus properties are removed from ProximityPlacementGroup.
MaxInstanceRepairsPercent property is removed from AutomaticRepairsPolicy.
The types of AvailabilitySets, VirtualMachines and VirtualMachineScaleSets are changed from IList<SubResource> to IList<SubResourceWithColocationStatus>.
Description for 'Get-AzVM' cmdlet has been updated to better describe it.
Supported CRUD of data flow runtime properties in Managed IR.
Added new cmdlets for creation, update, retreival, and deletion of Front Door Rules Engine object
Added helper cmdlets for construction of Front Door Rules Engine object
Added Rules Engine reference to Front Door Routing Rule object.
Added Private Link parameters to Front Door Backend object
General availability of ''Az.Functions'' module
Supported Customer-managed key disk encryption.
Access policies are no longer defaulted to the current principal
Added cmdlet to invoke a query in an IoT hub to retrieve information using a SQL-like language.
Fix issue that 'Add-AzIotHubDevice' fails to create Edge Enabled Device without child devices [#11597]
Added cmdlet to generate SAS token for Iot Hub, device or module.
Added cmdlet to invoke configuration metrics query.
Manage IoT Edge automatic deployment at scale. New cmdlets are:
Added cmdlet to invoke an IoT Edge deployment metrics query.
Added cmdlet to apply the configuration content to the specified edge device.
Removed two aliases: 'New-AzKeyVaultCertificateAdministratorDetails' and 'New-AzKeyVaultCertificateOrganizationDetails'
Enabled soft delete by default when creating a key vault
Network rules can be set to govern the accessibility from specific network locations when creating a key vault
Added support to bring your own key (BYOK)
'Add-AzKeyVaultKey' supports generating a key exchange key
'Get-AzKeyVaultKey' supports downloading a public key in PEM format
Updated the 'KeyOps' part of the help document of 'Add-AzKeyVaultKey'
Fixed bug for 'Set-AzDiagnosticSettings', retention policy won't apply to all categories [#11589]
Supported WebTest availability criteria for metric alert V2
'New-AzMetricAlertRuleV2Criteria': an option to create webtest availability criteria was added
'Add-AzMetricAlertRuleV2': supports the new webtest availability criteria
Removed redundant definition for RetentionPolicy in PSLogProfile [#7608]
Removed redundant properties difined in PSEventData [#11353]
Renamed 'Get-AzLog' to 'Get-AzActivityLog'
Added breaking change attribute to notify that Zone default behaviour will be changed
Added support for a new top level resource SecurityPartnerProvider
New cmdlets added:
Added 'RequiredZoneNames' on 'PSPrivateLinkResource' and 'GroupId' on 'PSPrivateEndpointConnection'
Fixed incorrect type of SuccessThresholdRoundTripTimeMs parameter for New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorTestConfigurationObject
Updated VirtualWan cmdlets to set default value of AllowVnetToVnetTraffic argument to True.
Added new cmdlets to support DNS zone group for private endpoint
Added 'DNSEnableProxy', 'DNSRequireProxyForNetworkRules' and 'DNSServers' parameters to 'AzureFirewall'
Added 'EnableDnsProxy', 'DnsProxyNotRequiredForNetworkRule' and 'DnsServer' parameters to 'AzureFirewall'
Added another optional parameter AddressPrefixType to specify the address family of address prefix
Updated cmdlets to enable setting of DPD Timeout on Virtual Network Gateway Connections.
Added 'Start-AzPolicyComplianceScan' cmdlet for triggering policy compliance scans
Added policy definition, set definition, and assignment versions to 'Get-AzPolicyState' output
Improved code formatting and usability of 'New-AzServiceFabricCluster' examples
Added cmdlets 'Get-AzSqlInstanceOperation' and 'Stop-AzSqlInstanceOperation'
Supported auditing to a storage account in VNet.
Added breaking change notice for Azure File cmdlets output change in a future release
Supported new SkuName StandardGZRS, StandardRAGZRS when create/update Storage account
Supported DataLake Gen2
0.10.0-preview - April 2020
Az modules is now available in preview on Azure Stack Hub. This allows for cross-platform compatibility with Linux and macOs. Azure Stack Hub now supports PowerShell core with the Az modules, more information here
Az modules support profile 2019-03-01-hybrid:
Three new PowerShell modules for az have been introduced that work with Azure Stack Hub, which are Az.Databox, Az.IotHub, and Az.EventHub
Commands remain relatively the same, with minor changes such as changing AzureRM to Az
Updated link to PowerShell documentation for Azure Stack Hub can be found here
Upgrade from ADAL to MSAL
3.7.0 - March 2020
Fixed 'Get-AzTenant'/'Get-AzDefault'/'Set-AzDefault' throw NullReferenceException when not login [#10292]
Added the following parameters to 'New-AzDiskConfig' cmdlet:
Allowed Encryption property to Target parameter of 'New-AzGalleryImageVersion' cmdlet.
Fixed tempDisk issue for 'Set-AzVmss' -Reimage and 'Invoke-AzVMReimage' cmdlets. [#11354]
Added support to below cmdlets for new SAP Extension
Fixed errors in examples of help document
Showed the exact string value for VM PowerState in the table format.
'New-AzVmssConfig': fixed serialization of AutomaticRepairs property when SinglePlacementGroup is disabled. [#11257]
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.8.0
Added optional parameters to 'Invoke-AzDataFactoryV2Pipeline' command to support rerun
Added breaking change description for 'Export-AzDataLakeStoreItem' and 'Import-AzDataLakeStoreItem'
Added option of Byte encoding for 'New-AzDataLakeStoreItem', 'Add-AzDAtaLakeStoreItemContent', and 'Get-AzDAtaLakeStoreItemContent'
Supported specifying minimal supported TLS version when creating cluster.
Added support to manage distributed settings per-device. New Cmdlets are:
Added breaking change attributes to 'New-AzKeyVault'
Updated documentation for 'New-AzScheduledQueryRuleLogMetricTrigger'
Updated cmdlets to allow cross-tenant VirtualHubVnetConnections
Removed Sql Management SDK dependency
Updated cmdlets to allow force firewallPolicy association
Improved error messages
Azure Site Recovery added support for doing reprotect and updated vm properties for Azure disk encrypted Virtual Machines.
Added Azure Site Recovery VmwareToAzure properties DR monitoring
Azure Backup added support for retrying policy update for failed items.
Azure Backup Added support for disk exclusion settings during backup and restore.
Azure Backup Added Support for Restoring Multiple files/folders in AzureFileShare
Azure Backup Added support for User-specified Resourcegroup support while updating IaasVM Policy
Fixed 'Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName -Name -ExpandProperties -ResourceType' to use actual apiVersion of resources instead of default apiVersion [#11267]
Added correlationId logging for error scenarios
Small documentation change to 'Get-AzResourceLock'. Added example.
Escaped single quote in parameter value of 'Get-AzADUser' [#11317]
Added new cmdlets for Deployment Scripts ('Get-AzDeploymentScript', 'Get-AzDeploymentScriptLog', 'Save-AzDeploymentScriptLog', 'Remove-AzDeploymentScript')
Added readable secondary parameter to 'Invoke-AzSqlDatabaseFailover'
Saved sensitivity rank when classifying columns in the database.
General availability of 'Az.Support' module
Added support for working with webapp Traffic Routing Rules via below new cmdlets
3.6.1 - March 2020
Open Azure PowerShell survey page in 'Send-Feedback' [#11020]
Display Azure PowerShell survey URL in 'Resolve-Error' [#11021]
Added Az version in UserAgent
Added support for retrieving and configuring Custom Domain on the DeveloperPortal Endpoint [#11007]
'Export-AzApiManagementApi' Added support for downloading Api Definition in Json format [#9987]
'Import-AzApiManagementApi' Added support for importing OpenApi 3.0 definition from Json document
'New-AzApiManagementIdentityProvider' and 'Set-AzApiManagementIdentityProvider' Added support for configuring 'Signin Tenant' for Azure AD B2C Provider [#9784]
Added reference to System.Buffers explicitly in csproj and psd1.
Added support to manage devices in an Iot Hub. New Cmdlets are:
Added support to manage modules on a target Iot device in an Iot Hub. New Cmdlets are:
Added cmdlet to get the connection string of a target IoT device in an Iot Hub.
Added cmdlet to get the connection string of a module on a target IoT device in an Iot Hub.
Added support to get/set parent device of an IoT device. New Cmdlets are:
Added support to manage device parent-child relationship.
Fixed output value for 'Get-AzMetricDefinition' [#9714]
Updated Sql Management SDK.
Fixed a naming-difference issue in PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState class.
Mapping the field ActionsRequired to ActionRequired.
Added PublicNetworkAccess to 'New-AzSqlServer' and 'Set-AzSqlServer'
Fixed for null reference bug in 'Get-AzRoleAssignment'
Marked switch '-Force' and '-PassThru' optional in 'Remove-AzADGroup' [#10849]
Fixed issue that 'MailNickname' doesn't return in 'Remove-AzADGroup' [#11167]
Fixed issue that 'Remove-AzADGroup' pipe operation doesn't work [#11171]
Fixed for null reference bug in GetAzureRoleAssignmentCommand
Added breaking change attributes for upcoming changes to policy cmdlets
Updated 'Get-AzResourceGroup' to perform resource group tag filtering on server-side
Extended Tag cmdlets to accept -ResourceId
Get-AzTag -ResourceId
New-AzTag -ResourceId
Remove-AzTag -ResourceId
Added new Tag cmdlet
Update-AzTag -ResourceId
Brought ScopedDeployment from SDK 3.3.0
Added PublicNetworkAccess to 'New-AzSqlServer' and 'Set-AzSqlServer'
Added support for Long Term Retention backup configuration for Managed Databases
Get/Set LTR policy on a managed database
Get LTR backup(s) by managed database, managed instance, or by location
Remove an LTR backup
Restore an LTR backup to create a new managed database
Added MinimalTlsVersion to New-AzSqlServer and Set-AzSqlServer
Added MinimalTlsVersion to New-AzSqlInstance and Set-AzSqlInstance
Bumped SQL SDK version for Az.Network
Supported AllowProtectedAppendWrite in ImmutabilityPolicy
Added breaking change warning message for AzureStorageTable type change in a future release
Added Tag parameter for 'New-AzAppServicePlan' and 'Set-AzAppServicePlan'
Stop cmdlet execution if an exception is thrown when adding a custom domain to a website
Added support to perform operations for App Services not in the same resource group as the App Service Plan
Applied access restriction to WebApp/Function in different resource groups
Fixed issue to set custom hostnames for WebAppSlots
3.5.0 - February 2020
Highlights since the last major release
Updated client side telemetry.
Az.IotHub added cmdlets to support to manage devices.
Az.SqlVirtualMachine added cmdlets for Availability Group Listener.
Fixed bug preventing correct tenant-level resource id generation.
Fixed typo.
Added SubscriptionId, TenantId, and execution time into data of client side telemetry
Fixed typo in Example 1 in reference documentation for 'New-AzAutomationSoftwareUpdateConfiguration'
Updated SDK to 7.0
Improved error message when server responses empty body
Allowed empty value for ProximityPlacementGroupId during update
Added cmdlet to get managed rule definitions that can be used in WAF
Added support to manage devices in an Iot Hub. New Cmdlets are:
Fixed duplicated text for
Fixed description of the Get-AzLog cmdlet.
A new parameter called ActionGroupId was added to 'New-AzMetricAlertRuleV2' command.
The user can provide either ActionGroupId(string) or ActionGorup(ActivityLogAlertActionGroup).
Added one extra parameter note for parameter '-EnableProxyProtocol' for 'New-AzPrivateLinkService' cmdlet.
Fixed FilterData example in and
Added Packet Capture example for capture all inner and outer packets in and
Supported Azure Firewall Policy on VNet Firewalls
No new cmdlets are added. Relaxing the restriction for firewall policy on VNet firewalls
Added Support for Restore-as-files for SQL Databases.
Refactored template deployment cmdlets
Added new cmdlets for managing deployments at management group: *-AzManagementGroupDeployment
Added new cmdlets for managing deployments at tenant scope: *-AzTenantDeployment
Refactored *-AzDeployment cmdlets to work specifically at subscription scope
Created aliases *-AzSubscriptionDeployment for *-AzDeployment cmdlets
Fixed 'Update-AzADApplication' when parameter 'AvailableToOtherTenants' is not set
Removed ApplicationObjectWithoutCredentialParameterSet to avoid AmbiguousParameterSetException.
Regenerated help files
Added support for cross subscription point in time restore on Managed Instances.
Added support for changing existing Sql Managed Instance hardware generation
Fixed 'Update-AzSqlServerVulnerabilityAssessmentSetting' help examples: parameter/property output - EmailAdmins
Added cmdlets for Availability Group Listener
Updated supported character sets in 'Invoke-AzStorageSyncCompatibilityCheck'.
3.4.0 - February 2020
Added cmdlets for Gremlin, MongoDB, Cassandra and Table APIs.
Updated .NET SDK Version to 1.0.1
Added parameters ConflictResolutionPolicyMode, ConflictResolutionPolicyPath and ConflictResolutionPolicyPath in Set-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer.
Added new cmdlets for Sql API : New-CosmosDBSqlSpatialSpec, New-CosmosDBSqlCompositePath, New-CosmosDBSqlIncludedPathIndex, New-CosmosDBSqlIncludedPath
Disable context auto saving when AzureRmContext.json not available
Update the reference to Azure Powershell Common to 1.3.5-preview
Add ColocationStatus parameter to Get-AzProximityPlacementGroup cmdlet.
Update ADF .Net SDK version to 4.7.0
Adds LIST operations for resources
Adds capability for performing operations on Health Check steps
Fix document error of New-AzHDInsightCluster.
Add Name alias to VaultName attribute to make Remove-AzureKeyVault consistent with New-AzureKeyVault.
New example added to to demonstrate Traffic Analytics disable scenario.
Add support for assigning management IP configuration to Azure Firewall - a dedicated subnet and Public IP that the firewall will use for its management traffic
Updated New-AzFirewall cmdlet:
Added parameter -ManagementPublicIpAddress (not mandatory) which accepts a Public IP Address object
Added method SetManagementIpConfiguration on firewall object - requires a subnet and a Public IP address as input - subnet name must be 'AzureFirewallManagementSubnet'
Corrected Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup examples to show examples for NSG's instead of network interfaces.
Fixed typo in New-AzVpnSite command that was preventing resource id completer from completing a parameter.
Added support for Url Confiugration in Rewrite Rules Action Set in the Application Gateway
Cmdlets updated with optional parameter - UrlConfiguration
Add suppport for NetworkWatcher ConnectionMonitor version 2 resources
Support evaluating compliance prior to determining what resource to remediate
Add '-ResourceDiscoverMode' parameter to Start-AzPolicyRemediation
Add Get-AzPolicyMetadata cmdlet for getting policy metadata resources
Updated Get-AzPolicyState and Get-AzPolicyStateSummary for API version 2019-10-01
Azure Site Recovery support for removing a replicated disk.
Azure Backup added support for adding tags while creating a Recovery Services Vault.
Make -Scope optional in *-AzPolicyAssignment cmdlets with default to context subscription
Add examples of creating ADServicePrincipal with password and key credential
Fix New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary cmdlet to check for PartnerDatabaseName existence instead of DatabaseName existence.
Support set Table/Queue Encryption Keytype in Create Storage Account
Show RequestId when StorageException don't have ExtendedErrorInformation
Fix the Example 6 of cmdlet Start-AzStorageBlobCopy
Set-AzWebapp and Set-AzWebappSlot supports AlwaysOn, MinTls and FtpsState properties
Fixing issue where setting HttpsOnly along with changing AppservicePlan at the same time using the single Set-AzWebApp Command, was resetting HttpsOnly to default value
3.3.0 - January 2020
Updated Add-AzEnvironment and Set-AzEnvironment to accept parameters AzureAttestationServiceEndpointResourceId and AzureAttestationServiceEndpointSuffix
Display error response detail in New-AzCdnEndpoint cmdlet
Fix Set-AzVMCustomScriptExtension cmdlet for a VM with managed OD disk which does not have OS profile.
Fixed parameter names used by example of New-AzContainerGroup
Upgrade dependency of Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql from 1.36-preview to 1.37-preview
Azure Site Recovery change support for managed disk vms encrypted at rest with customer managed leys for Azure to Azure provider.
Azure Site Recovery support to input disk encryption Set Id as optional input at enabling protection for Vmware to Azure.
Azure Site Recovery support to input disk encryption Set Id as optional input at disk level to enable protection for Vmware to Azure.
Azure Site Recovery support to update replication protected item with disk encryption set Map for HyperV to Azure.
Fix an error in help document of 'Remove-AzTag'.
Fix vulnerability assessment set baseline cmdlets functionality to work on master db for azure database and limit it on managed instance system databases.
Fix an error when creating SQL instance failover group
Add DR as a new valid License type
Add breaking change warning message for DefaultAction Value change in a future release
Support Get last sync time of Storage account by run get-AzStorageAccount with parameter -IncludeGeoReplicationStats
3.2.0 - December 2019
Update references in .psd1 to use relative path for all modules
Set correct UserAgent for client-side telemetry for Az 4.0 preview
Display user friendly error message when context is null in Az 4.0 preview
Fix issue #10602, where New-AzBatchPool did not properly send 'VirtualMachineConfiguration.ContainerConfiguration' or 'VirtualMachineConfiguration.DataDisks' to the server.
Update ADF .Net SDK version to 4.5.0
Added WAF managed rules exclusion support
Add SocketAddr to auto-complete
Exception Handling
Fixed error accessing value that is potentially not set
Elliptic Curve Cryptography Certificate Managment
Added support to specify the Curve for Certificate Policies
Adding optional argument to the Add Diagnostic Settings command. A switch argument that if present indicates that the export to Log Analytics must be to a fixed schema (a.k.a. dedicated, data type)
Support for IpGroups in AzureFirewall Application,Nat & Network Rules.
Added SoftDelete feature for VM and added tests for softdelete
Azure Site Recovery support for Azure Disk Encryption One Pass for Azure to Azure.
Fix an issue where template deployment fails to read a template parameter if its name conflicts with some built-in parameter name.
Updated policy cmdlets to use new api version 2019-09-01 that introduces grouping support within policy set definitions.
Upgraded storage creation in Vulnerability Assessment auto enablement to StorageV2
Support generate Blob/Constainer Idenity based SAS token with Storage Context based on Oauth authentication
Support revoke Storage Account User Delegation Keys, so all Idenity SAS tokens are revoked
Upgrade to Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storage 14.2.0, to support new API version 2019-06-01.
Support Share QuotaGiB more than 5120 in Management plane File Share cmdlets, and add parameter alias 'Quota' to parameter 'QuotaGiB'
Add parameter alias 'QuotaGiB' to parameter 'Quota'
Fix the issue that Set-AzStorageContainerAcl can clean up the stored Access Policy
3.1.0 - November 2019
Highlights since the last major release
Az.DataBoxEdge 1.0.0 released
Az.SqlVirtualMachine 1.0.0 released
VM Reapply feature
Add Reapply parameter to Set-AzVM cmdlet
VM Scale Set AutomaticRepairs feature:
Add EnableAutomaticRepair, AutomaticRepairGracePeriod, and AutomaticRepairMaxInstanceRepairsPercent parameters to the following cmdlets:
Cross tenant gallery image support for New-AzVM
Add 'Spot' to the argument completer of Priority parameter in New-AzVM, New-AzVMConfig and New-AzVmss cmdlets
Add DiskIOPSReadWrite and DiskMBpsReadWrite parameters to Add-AzVmssDataDisk cmdlet
Change SourceImageId parameter of New-AzGalleryImageVersion cmdlet to optional
Add OSDiskImage and DataDiskImage parameters to New-AzGalleryImageVersion cmdlet
Add HyperVGeneration parameter to New-AzGalleryImageDefinition cmdlet
Add SkipExtensionsOnOverprovisionedVMs parameters to New-AzVmss, New-AzVmssConfig and Update-AzVmss cmdlets
Added cmdlet Get-AzDataBoxEdgeOrder
Get the Order
Added cmdlet New-AzDataBoxEdgeOrder
Create new Order
Added cmdlet Remove-AzDataBoxEdgeOrder
Remove the Order
Change in cmdlet New-AzDataBoxEdgeShare
Now creates Local Share
Added cmdlet Set-AzDataBoxEdgeRole
Now IotRole can be mapped to Share
Added cmdlet Invoke-AzDataBoxEdgeDevice
Invoke scan update, download update, install updates on the device
Added cmdlet Get-AzDataBoxEdgeTrigger
Gets the information about Triggers
Added cmdlet New-AzDataBoxEdgeTrigger
Create new Triggers
Added cmdlet Remove-AzDataBoxEdgeTrigger
Remove the Triggers
Update ADF .Net SDK version to 4.4.0
Add parameter 'ExpressCustomSetup' for 'Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime' cmd to enable setup configurations and 3rd party components without custom setup script.
Update documentation of Get-AzDataLakeStoreDeletedItem and Restore-AzDataLakeStoreDeletedItem
Fix for issue 10301 : Fix the SAS Token date format
Add MinimumTlsVersion parameter to Enable-AzFrontDoorCustomDomainHttps and New-AzFrontDoorFrontendEndpointObject
Add HealthProbeMethod and EnabledState parameters to New-AzFrontDoorHealthProbeSettingObject
Add new cmdlet to create BackendPoolsSettings objec to pass into creation/update of Front Door
Change '' and '' FilterData option examples.
Updated PrivateDns .net sdk to version 1.0.0
Azure Site Recovery support to select disk type at enabling protection.
Azure Site Recovery bug fix for recovery plan action edit.
Azure Backup SQL Restore support to accept filestream DBs.
Added 'MinimumTlsVersion' parameter in 'New-AzRedisCache' and 'Set-AzRedisCache' cmdlets. Also, added 'MinimumTlsVersion' in the output of 'Get-AzRedisCache' cmdlet.
Added validation on '-Size' parameter for 'Set-AzRedisCache' and 'New-AzRedisCache' cmdlets
Updated policy cmdlets to use new api version 2019-06-01 that has new EnforcementMode property in policy assignment.
Updated create policy definition help example
Fix bug Remove-AZADServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalName, throw null reference when service principal name not found.
Fix bug New-AZADServicePrincipal, throw null reference when tenant doesn't have any subscription.
Change New-AzAdServicePrincipal to add credentials only to associated application.
Added support for database ReadReplicaCount.
Fixed Set-AzSqlDatabase when zone redundancy not set
3.0.0 - November 2019
Az.PrivateDns 1.0.0 released
Add a deprecation message for 'Resolve-Error' alias.
Added new category 'Operational Excellence' to Get-AzAdvisorRecommendation cmdlet.
Renamed CoreQuota on BatchAccountContext to DedicatedCoreQuota. There is also a new LowPriorityCoreQuota.
This impacts Get-AzBatchAccount.
New-AzBatchTask-ResourceFile parameter now takes a collection of PSResourceFile objects, which can be constructed using the new New-AzBatchResourceFile cmdlet.
New New-AzBatchResourceFile cmdlet to help create PSResourceFile objects. These can be supplied to New-AzBatchTask on the -ResourceFile parameter.
This supports two new kinds of resource file in addition to the existing HttpUrl way:
AutoStorageContainerName based resource files download an entire auto-storage container to the Batch node.
StorageContainerUrl based resource files download the container specified in the URL to the Batch node.
Removed ApplicationPackages property of PSApplication returned by Get-AzBatchApplication.
The specific packages inside of an application now can be retrieved using Get-AzBatchApplicationPackage. For example: Get-AzBatchApplication -AccountName myaccount -ResourceGroupName myresourcegroup -ApplicationId myapplication.
Renamed ApplicationId to ApplicationName on Get-AzBatchApplicationPackage, New-AzBatchApplicationPackage, Remove-AzBatchApplicationPackage, Get-AzBatchApplication, New-AzBatchApplication, Remove-AzBatchApplication, and Set-AzBatchApplication.
ApplicationId now is an alias of ApplicationName.
Added new PSWindowsUserConfiguration property to PSUserAccount.
Renamed Version to Name on PSApplicationPackage.
Renamed BlobSource to HttpUrl on PSResourceFile.
Removed OSDisk property from PSVirtualMachineConfiguration.
Removed Set-AzBatchPoolOSVersion. This operation is no longer supported.
Removed TargetOSVersion from PSCloudServiceConfiguration.
Renamed CurrentOSVersion to OSVersion on PSCloudServiceConfiguration.
Removed DataEgressGiB and DataIngressGiB from PSPoolUsageMetrics.
Removed Get-AzBatchNodeAgentSku and replaced it with Get-AzBatchSupportedImage.
Get-AzBatchSupportedImage returns the same data as Get-AzBatchNodeAgentSku but in a more friendly format.
New non-verified images are also now returned. Additional information about Capabilities and BatchSupportEndOfLife for each image is also included.
Added ability to mount remote file-systems on each node of a pool via the new MountConfiguration parameter of New-AzBatchPool.
Now support network security rules blocking network access to a pool based on the source port of the traffic. This is done via the SourcePortRanges property on PSNetworkSecurityGroupRule.
When running a container, Batch now supports executing the task in the container working directory or in the Batch task working directory. This is controlled by the WorkingDirectory property on PSTaskContainerSettings.
Added ability to specify a collection of public IPs on PSNetworkConfiguration via the new PublicIPs property. This guarantees nodes in the Pool will have an IP from the list user provided IPs.
When not specified, the default value of WaitForSuccess on PSSTartTask is now $True (was $False).
When not specified, the default value of Scope on PSAutoUserSpecification is now Pool (was Task on Windows and Pool on Linux).
Introduced UrlRewriteAction and CacheKeyQueryStringAction to RulesEngine.
Fixed several bugs like missing 'Selector' Input in New-AzDeliveryRuleCondition cmdlet.
Disk Encryption Set feature
New cmdlets:
DiskEncryptionSetId parameter is added to the following cmdlets:
DiskEncryptionSetId and EncryptionType parameters are added to the following cmdlets:
Add PublicIPAddressVersion parameter to New-AzVmssIPConfig
Move FileUris of custom script extension from public setting to protected setting
Add ScaleInPolicy to New-AzVmss, New-AzVmssConfig and Update-AzVmss cmdlets
Breaking changes
UploadSizeInBytes parameter is used instead of DiskSizeGB for New-AzDiskConfig when CreateOption is Upload
PublishingProfile.Source.ManagedImage.Id is replaced with StorageProfile.Source.Id in GalleryImageVersion object
Avoid throwing exception while unable to deserialize the creationtime of the trash or directory entry.
Expose setting per request timeout in adlsclient
Fix passing the original syncflag for badoffset recovery
Fix EnumerateDirectory to retrieve continuation token once response is checked
Fix Concat Bug
Fixed miscellaneous typos across module
Fixed the bug that customer will get 'Not a valid Base-64 string' error when using Get-AzHDInsightCluster to get the cluster with ADLSGen1 storage.
Add a parameter named 'ApplicationId' to three cmdlets Add-AzHDInsightClusterIdentity, New-AzHDInsightClusterConfig and New-AzHDInsightCluster so that customer can provide the service principal application id for accessing Azure Data Lake.
Changed Microsoft.Azure.Management.HDInsight from 2.1.0 to 5.1.0
Removed five cmdlets:
Added three cmdlets:
Get-AzHDInsightMonitoring to replace Get-AzHDInsightOMS.
Enable-AzHDInsightMonitoring to replace Enable-AzHDInsightOMS.
Disable-AzHDInsightMonitoring to replace Disable-AzHDInsightOMS.
Fixed cmdlet Get-AzHDInsightProperties to support get capabilities information from a specific location.
Removed parameter sets('Spark1', 'Spark2') from Add-AzHDInsightConfigValue.
Add examples to the help documents of cmdlet Add-AzHDInsightSecurityProfile.
Changed output type of the following cmdlets:
Changed the output type of Get-AzHDInsightProperties from CapabilitiesResponse to AzureHDInsightCapabilities.
Changed the output type of Remove-AzHDInsightCluster from ClusterGetResponse to bool.
Changed the output type of Set-AzHDInsightGatewaySettings HttpConnectivitySettings to GatewaySettings.
Added some scenario test cases.
Remove some alias: 'Add-AzHDInsightConfigValues', 'Get-AzHDInsightProperties'.
Breaking changes:
The cmdlet 'Add-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup' no longer supports the parameter 'EventHubEndpointName' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' for cmdlet 'Add-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup' has been removed.
The cmdlet 'Get-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup' no longer supports the parameter 'EventHubEndpointName' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' for cmdlet 'Get-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup' has been removed.
The property 'OperationsMonitoringProperties' of type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Management.IotHub.Models.PSIotHubProperties' has been removed.
The property 'OperationsMonitoringProperties' of type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Management.IotHub.Models.PSIotHubInputProperties' has been removed.
The cmdlet 'New-AzIotHubExportDevice' no longer supports the alias 'New-AzIotHubExportDevices'.
The cmdlet 'New-AzIotHubImportDevice' no longer supports the alias 'New-AzIotHubImportDevices'.
The cmdlet 'Remove-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup' no longer supports the parameter 'EventHubEndpointName' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' for cmdlet 'Remove-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup' has been removed.
The cmdlet 'Set-AzIotHub' no longer supports the parameter 'OperationsMonitoringProperties' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
The parameter set 'UpdateOperationsMonitoringProperties' for cmdlet 'Set-AzIotHub' has been removed.
Azure Site Recovery support to configure networking resources like NSG, public IP and internal load balancers for Azure to Azure.
Azure Site Recovery Support to write to managed disk for vMWare to Azure.
Azure Site Recovery Support to NIC reduction for vMWare to Azure.
Azure Site Recovery Support to accelerated networking for Azure to Azure.
Azure Site Recovery Support to agent auto update for Azure to Azure.
Azure Site Recovery Support to Standard SSD for Azure to Azure.
Azure Site Recovery Support to Azure Disk Encryption two pass for Azure to Azure.
Azure Site Recovery Support to protect newly added disk for Azure to Azure.
Added SoftDelete feature for VM and added tests for softdelete
Update dependency assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory from 1.1.1 to 2.2
Change all cmdlets for PrivateEndpointConnection to support generic service provider.
Updated cmdlet:
Add new cmdlet for PrivateLinkResource and it also support generic service provider.
New cmdlet:
Add new fields and parameter for the feature Proxy Protocol V2.
Add property EnableProxyProtocol in PrivateLinkService
Add property LinkIdentifier in PrivateEndpointConnection
Updated New-AzPrivateLinkService to add a new optional parameter EnableProxyProtocol.
Fix incorrect parameter description in 'New-AzApplicationGatewaySku' reference documentation
New cmdlets to support the azure firewall policy
Add support for child resource RouteTables of VirtualHub
New cmdlets added:
Add support for new properties Sku of VirtualHub and VirtualWANType of VirtualWan
Fixed New-AzureAutomationSoftwareUpdateConfiguration cmdlet for Linux reboot setting parameter.
Get-AzBatchNodeAgentSku is deprecated and will be replaced by Get-AzBatchSupportImage in version 2.0.0.
Add Priority, EvictionPolicy, and MaxPrice parameters to New-AzVM and New-AzVmss cmdlets
Fix warning message and help document for Add-AzVMAdditionalUnattendContent and Add-AzVMSshPublicKey cmdlets
Fix -skipVmBackup exception for Linux VMs with managed disks for Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension.
Fix bug in update encryption settings in Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension, two pass scenario.
Adding CRUD commands for ADF V2 data flow: Set-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlow, Remove-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlow, and Get-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlow.
Adding action commands for ADF V2 data flow debug Session: Start-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlowDebugSession, Get-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlowDebugSession, Add-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlowDebugSessionPackage, Invoke-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlowDebugSessionCommand and Stop-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlowDebugSession.
Update ADF .Net SDK version to 4.2.0
Fix account validation so that accounts with '-' can be passed without domain
Updated the powershell version to 1.0.0
Updated the SDK version to 1.0.2
Update in tests to refer to new SDK version
Updated the output structure from nested to flattened.
Add new routing source: DigitalTwinChangeEvents
Minor bug fix: Get-AzIothub not returning subscriptionId
New action group receivers added for action group
Use common alert schema enabled for the receivers. This is not applicable for SMS, Azure App push , ITSM and Voice recievers
Webhooks now supports Microsoft Entra authentication .
Add new cmdlet Get-AzAvailableServiceAlias which can be called to get the aliases that can be used for Service Endpoint Policies.
Added support for the adding traffic selectors to Virtual Network Gateway Connections
New cmdlets added:
Cmdlets updated with optional parameter -TrafficSelectorPolicies
Add support for ESP and AH protocols in network security rule configurations
Updated cmdlets:
Improve handling of exceptions in Cortex cmdlets
New Generations and SKUs for VirtualNetworkGateways
Introduce new Generations for VirtualNetworkGateways.
Introduce new high throughput SKUs for VirtualNetworkGateways.
Updated 'Set-AzRedisCache' reference documentation to include missing values for '-Size' parameter
Add support for setting Active Directory Administrator on Managed Instance
Upgrade Storage Client Library to 11.1.0
List containers with Management plane API, will list with NextPageLink
List Storage accounts from subscription, will list with NextPageLink
Fix Issue 9810 in Reset-AzStorageSyncServerCertificate.
Set-AzWebApp updating ASP of an app was failing
2.7.0 - September 2019
Update '-Format' parameter description in 'Set-AzApiManagementPolicy' reference documentation
Removed references of deprecated cmdlet 'Update-AzApiManagementDeployment' from reference documentation. Use 'Set-AzApiManagement' instead.
Fixed example typo in reference documentation for 'Register-AzAutomationDscNode'
Added clarification on OS restriction to Register-AzAutomationDSCNode
Fixed Start-AzAutomationRunbook cmdlet Null reference exception for -Wait option.
MaxPrice, EvictionPolicy and Priority parameters are added to New-AzVMConfig.
MaxPrice parameter is added to New-AzVmssConfig, Update-AzVM and Update-AzVmss cmdlets.
Fix VM reference issue for Get-AzAvailabilitySet cmdlet when it lists all availability sets in the subscription.
Fix the null exception for Get-AzRemoteDesktopFile.
Fix VHD Seek method for end-relative position.
Fix UltraSSD issue for New-AzVM and Update-AzVM.
Adding 3 new commands for ADF V2 - Add-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerSubscription, Remove-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerSubscription, and Get-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerSubscriptionStatus
Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.1.3
Call out breaking changes
Add support to invoke failover for an IotHub to the geo-paired disaster recovery region.
Add support to manage message enrichment for an IotHub. New cmdlets are:
Pointing to the most recent Monitor SDK, i.e. 0.24.1-preview
Adds non-braking changes to the Metrics cmdlets, i.e. the Unit enumeration supports several new values. These are read-only cmdlets, so there would be no change in the input of the cmdlets.
The api-version of the ActionGroups requests is now 2019-06-01, before it was 2018-03-01. The scenario tests have been updated to accommodate for this change.
The constructors for the classes EmailReceiver and WebhookReceiver added one new mandatory argument, i.e. a Boolean value called useCommonAlertSchema. Currently, the value is fixed to false to hide this breaking change from the cmdlets. NOTE: this is a temporary change that must be validated by the Alerts team.
The order of the arguments for the constructor of the class Source (related to the ScheduledQueryRuleSource class) changed from the previous SDK. This change required two unit tests to the be fixed: they compiled, but failed to pass the tests.
The order of the arguments for the constructor of the class AlertingAction (related to the ScheduledQueryRuleSource class) changed from the previous SDK. This change required two unit tests to the be fixed: they compiled, but failed to pass the tests.
Support Dynamic Threshold criteria for metric alert V2
New-AzMetricAlertRuleV2Criteria: now creats dynamic threshold criteria also
Add-AzMetricAlertRuleV2: now accept dynamic threshold criteria also
Improvements in Scheduled Query Rule cmdlets (SQR)
Cmdlets will accept 'Location' paramater in both formats, either the location (e.g. eastus) or the location display name (e.g. East US)
Illustrated 'Enabled' parameter in help files properly
Added examples for 'ActionGroup' optional parameter
Overall improved help files
Fix bug in determining scope type for 'Set-AzActionRule'
Fix incorrect example in 'New-AzApplicationGateway' reference documentation
Add note in 'Get-AzNetworkWatcherPacketCapture' reference documentation about retrieving all properties for a packet capture
Fixed example in 'Test-AzNetworkWatcherIPFlow' reference documentation to correctly enumerate NICs
Improved cloud exception parsing to display additional details if they are present
Improved cloud exception parsing to handle additional type of SDK exception
Fixed incorrect mapping of Security Rule models
Added properties to network interface for private ip feature
Added property 'PrivateEndpoint' as type of PSResourceId to PSNetworkInterface
Added property 'PrivateLinkConnectionProperties' as type of PSIpConfigurationConnectivityInformation to PSNetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration
Added new model class PSIpConfigurationConnectivityInformation
Added new ApplicationRuleProtocolType 'mssql' for Azure Firewall resource
MultiLink support in Virtual WAN
New cmdlets
Updated cmdlet:
Fixed documents for some PowerShell examples to use Az cmdlets instead of AzureRM cmdlets
Update AzureVMpolicy Object with ProtectedItemsCount Attribute
Added Tests for VM policy and Original Storage Account Restore
Fix bug where New-AzRoleAssignment could not be called without parameter Scope.
Fixed typo in example for 'Update-AzServiceFabricReliability' reference documentation
Adding new cmdlets to manage appliaction and services:
Upgraded Service Fabric SDK to version 1.2.0 which uses service fabric resource provider api-version 2019-03-01.
Update example in reference documentation for 'Get-AzSqlElasticPool'
Added vCore example to creating an elastic pool (New-AzSqlElasticPool).
Remove the validation of EmailAddresses and the check that EmailAdmins is not false in case EmailAddresses is empty in Set-AzSqlServerAdvancedThreatProtectionPolicy and Set-AzSqlDatabaseAdvancedThreatProtectionPolicy
Enabled removal of server/database auditing settings when multiple diagnostic settings that enable audit category exist.
Fix email addresses validation in multiple Sql Vulnerability Assessment cmdlets (Update-AzSqlDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentSetting, Update-AzSqlServerVulnerabilityAssessmentSetting, Update-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentSetting and Update-AzSqlInstanceVulnerabilityAssessmentSetting).
Updated example in reference documentation for 'Get-AzStorageAccountKey'
In upload/Downalod Azure File,support perserve the source File SMB properties (File Attributtes, File Creation Time, File Last Write Time) in the destination file
Fix Upload block blob with properties/metadate fail on container enabled ImmutabilityPolicy.
Support manage Azure File shares with Management plane API
Fixing issue where webapp Tags were getting deleted when migrating App to new ASPwhere webapp Tags were getting deleted when migrating App to new ASP
Fixing the Publish-AzureWebapp to work across Linux and windows
Update example in 'Get-AzWebAppPublishingProfile' reference documentation
2.6.0 - August 2019
Fixed miscellaneous typos across numerous modules
Added support for user-assigned MSI in Azure Functions authentication (#9479)
Added optional parameter -PrivateEndpointNetworkPoliciesFlag to indicate that enable or disable apply network policies on pivate endpoint in this subnet.
Added optional parameter -PrivateLinkServiceNetworkPoliciesFlag to indicate that enable or disable apply network policies on private link service in this subnet.
AzPrivateLinkService's cmdlet parameter 'ServiceName' was renamed to 'Name' with an alias 'ServiceName' for backward compatibility
Enable ICMP protocol for network security rule configurations
Updated cmdlets
Add ConnectionProtocolType (Ikev1/Ikev2) as a configurable parameter for New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection
Add PrivateIpAddressVersion in LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration
Updated cmdlet:
Application Gateway New-AzApplicationGatewayProbeConfig command update for supporting custom port in Probe
Updated New-AzApplicationGatewayProbeConfig: Added optional parameter Port which is used for probing backend server. This parameter is applicable for Standard_V2 and WAF_V2 SKU.
Updated default version for saved searches to be 1.
Add new mandatory parameters to support piping for the new Event Grid Domain and Event Grid Domain Topic to allow creating new event subscription under these resources.
Add new mandatory parameters for specifying the new Event Grid Domain name and/or Event Grid Domain Topic name to allow creating new event subscription under these resources.
Add new Parameter sets for domains and domain topics to allow reusing existing parameters (e.g., EndPointType, SubjectBeginsWith, etc).
Add new optional parameters for specifying:
Event subscription expiration date,
Advanced filtering parameters.
Add new enum for servicebusqueue as destination.
Disallow usage of 'All' in -IncludedEventType option and replace it with
Add new optional parameters (Top, ODataQuery and NextLink) to support results pagination and filtering.
Add new mandatory parameters to support piping for Event Grid Domain and Event Grid Domain Topic to allow removing existing event subscription under these resources.
Add new mandatory parameters for specifying the Event Grid Domain name and/or Event Grid Domain Topic name to allow removing existing event subscription under these resources.
Add transforms support and new operator auto-complete value (RegEx)
Updated below commands for feature: UseLocalAzureIpAddress flag on VpnConnection
Updated New-AzVpnConnection: Added optional parameter -UseLocalAzureIpAddress to indicate that local azure ip address should be used as source address while initiating connection.
Updated Set-AzVpnConnection: Added optional parameter -UseLocalAzureIpAddress to indicate that local azure ip address should be used as source address while initiating connection.
Added readonly field PeeredConnections in ExpressRoute peering.
Added readonly field GlobalReachEnabled in ExpressRoute.
Added breaking change attribute to call out deprecation of AllowGlobalReach field in ExpressRouteCircuit model
Fixed Issue 8756 Error using TargetListenerID with AzApplicationGatewayRedirectConfiguration cmdlets
Fixed bug in New-AzApplicationGatewayPathRuleConfig that prevented the rewrite ruleset from being set.
Fixed displaying of VirtualNetworkTaps in NetworkInterfaceIpConfiguration
Fixed Cortex Get cmdlets for list all part
Fixed VirtualHub reference creation for ExpressRouteGateways, VpnGateway
Added support for Availability Zones in AzureFirewall and NatGateway
Added cmdlet Get-AzNetworkServiceTag
Add support for multiple public IP addresses for Azure Firewall
Updated New-AzFirewall cmdlet:
Added parameter -PublicIpAddress which accepts one or more Public IP Address objects
Added parameter -VirtualNetwork which accepts a Virtual Network object
Added methods AddPublicIpAddress and RemovePublicIpAddress on firewall object - these accept a Public IP Address object as input
Deprecated parameters -PublicIpName and -VirtualNetworkName
Updated below commands for feature: Set VpnClient Microsoft Entra authentication options to Virtual network gateway resource.
Updated New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional parameters AadTenantUri,AadAudienceId,AadIssuerUri to set VpnClient Microsoft Entra authentication options on Gateway.
Updated Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional parameter AadTenantUri,AadAudienceId,AadIssuerUri to set VpnClient Microsoft Entra authentication options on Gateway.
Updated Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional switch parameter RemoveAadAuthentication to remove VpnClient Microsoft Entra authentication options from Gateway.
Enable pergb2018 pricing tier in 'New-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace' command
Support for additional Template Export options
Add '-SkipResourceNameParameterization' parameter to Export-AzResourceGroup
Add '-SkipAllParameterization' parameter to Export-AzResourceGroup
Add '-Resource' parameter to Export-AzResourceGroup for exported resource filtering
Fix add certificate ByExistingKeyVault getting the wrong thumbprint in some cases
Rename Threat Detection cmdlets to Advanced Threat Protection
New-AzSqlInstance -StorageSizeInGB and -LicenseType parameters are now optional.
fixes the issue where using Set-AzWebApp and Set-AzWebAppSlot with -WebApp property was removing the tags
2.1.0 - May 2019
Created new Cmdlets for managing diagnostics at the global and API Scope
Get-AzApiManagementDiagnostic - Get the diagnostics configured a global or api Scope
New-AzApiManagementDiagnostic - Create new diagnostics at the global scope or api Scope
New-AzApiManagementHttpMessageDiagnostic - Create diagnostic setting for which Headers to log and the size of Body Bytes
New-AzApiManagementPipelineDiagnosticSetting - Create Diagnostic settings for incoming/outgoing HTTP messages to the Gateway.
New-AzApiManagementSamplingSetting - Create Sampling Setting for the requests/response for a diagnostic
Remove-AzApiManagementDiagnostic - Remove a diagnostic entity at global or api scope
Set-AzApiManagementDiagnostic - Update a diagnostic Entity at global or api scope
Created new Cmdlets for managing Cache in ApiManagement service
Get-AzApiManagementCache - Get the details of the Cache specified by identifier or all caches
New-AzApiManagementCache - Create a new 'default' Cache or Cache in a particular azure 'region'
Remove-AzApiManagementCache - Remove a cache
Update-AzApiManagementCache - Update a cache
Created new Cmdlets for managing API Schema
New-AzApiManagementSchema - Create a new Schema for an API
Get-AzApiManagementSchema - Get the schemas configured in the API
Remove-AzApiManagementSchema - Remove the schema configured in the API
Set-AzApiManagementSchema - Update the schema configured in the API
Created new Cmdlet for generating a User Token.
New-AzApiManagementUserToken - Generate a new User Token valid for 8 hours by default.Token for the 'GIT' user can be generated using this cmdlet./
Created a new cmdlet to retrieving the Network Status
Get-AzApiManagementNetworkStatus - Get the Network status connectivity of resources on which API Management service depends on. This is useful when deploying ApiManagement service into a Virtual Network and validing whether any of the dependencies are broken.
Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagement to manage ApiManagement service
Added support for the new 'Consumption' SKU
Added support to turn the 'EnableClientCertificate' flag on for 'Consumption' SKU
The new cmdlet New-AzApiManagementSslSetting allows configuring 'TLS/SSL' setting on the 'Backend' and 'Frontend'. This can also be used to configure 'Ciphers' like '3DES' and 'ServerProtocols' like 'Http2' on the 'Frontend' of an ApiManagement service.
Added support for configuring the 'DeveloperPortal' hostname on ApiManagement service.
Updated cmdlets Get-AzApiManagementSsoToken to take 'PsApiManagement' object as input
Updated the cmdlet to display Error Messages inline
Error Message: One or more fields contain incorrect values:
Error Details: [Code=ValidationError, Message=Error in element 'log-to-eventhub' on line 3, column 10: Logger not found, Target=log-to-eventhub]
Updated cmdlet Export-AzApiManagementApi to export APIs in 'OpenApi 3.0' format
Updated cmdlet Import-AzApiManagementApi
To import Api from 'OpenApi 3.0' document specification
To override the 'PsApiManagementSchema' property specified in any ('Swagger', 'Wadl', 'Wsdl', 'OpenApi') document.
To override the 'ServiceUrl' property specified in any document.
Updated cmdlet Get-AzApiManagementPolicy to return policy in Non-Xml escaped 'format' using 'rawxml'
Updated cmdlet Set-AzApiManagementPolicy to accept policy in Non-Xml escaped 'format' using 'rawxml' and Xml escaped using 'xml'
Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagementApi
To configure API with 'OpenId' authorization server.
To create an API in an 'ApiVersionSet'
To clone an API using 'SourceApiId' and 'SourceApiRevision'.
Ability to configure 'SubscriptionRequired' at the Api scope.
Updated cmdlet Set-AzApiManagementApi
To configure API with 'OpenId' authorization server.
To updated an API into an 'ApiVersionSet'
Ability to configure 'SubscriptionRequired' at the Api scope.
Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagementRevision
To clone (copy tags, products, operations and policies) an existing revision using 'SourceApiRevision'. The new Revision assumes the 'ApiId' of the parent.
Updated below commands for feature: Custom routes set/remove on Brooklyn Gateway.
Updated New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional parameter -CustomRoute to set the address prefixes as custom routes to set on Gateway.
Updated Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional parameter -CustomRoute to set the address prefixes as custom routes to set on Gateway.
Support for querying policy evaluation details.
Add '-Expand' parameter to Get-AzPolicyState. Support '-Expand PolicyEvaluationDetails'.
Support for Cross subscription Azure to Azure site recovery.
Marking upcoming breaking changes for Azure Site Recovery.
Fix for Azure Site Recovery recovery plan end action plan.
Fix for Azure Site Recovery Update network mapping for Azure to Azure.
Fix for Azure Site Recovery update protection direction for Azure to Azure for managed disk.
Other minor fixes.
Fix typos in customer-facing messages
Added new cmdlets for NetworkRuleSet of Namespace
Upgrade to Storage Client Library 10.0.1 (the namespace of all objects from this SDK change from 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.' to 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.')
Upgrade to Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storage 11.0.0, to support new API version 2019-04-01.
The default Storage account Kind in Create Storage account change from 'Storage' to 'StorageV2'
Change the Storage account cmdlet output Sku.Name to be aligned with input SkuName by add '-', like 'StandardLRS' change to 'Standard_LRS'
'Kind' property will now be set for PSSite objects returned by Get-AzWebApp
Get-AzWebApp*Metrics and Get-AzAppServicePlanMetrics marked deprecated
Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers.
Added wildcard support to Get cmdlets for Az.Compute and Az.Network
Added interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
Added support for Python 2 runbooks in Az.Automation
Az.LogicApp: New cmdlets for Integration Account Assemblies and Batch Configuration
Azure automation update management change to support the following new features :
Dynamic grouping
Pre-Post script
Reboot Setting
Fix issue with path resolution in Get-AzVmBootDiagnosticsData
Update Compute client library to 25.0.0.
Added wildcard support to KeyVault cmdlets
Add Threat Intelligence support for Azure Firewall
Add Application Gateway Firewall Policy top level resource and Custom Rules
Add Alert action type for Azure Firewall Network and Application Rule Collections
Added support for conditions in RewriteRules in the Application Gateway
New cmdlets added:
Cmdlets updated with optional parameter - RuleSequence and Condition
Added SnapshotRetentionInDays in Azure VM policy to support Instant RP
Added pipe support for unregister container
Update wildcard support for Get-AzResource and Get-AzResourceGroup
Update credentials used when making generic calls to ARM
changed Threat Detection's cmdlets param (ExcludeDetectionType) from DetectionType to string[] to make it future proof when new DetectionTypes are added and to support autocomplete as well.
Add Vulnerability Assessment cmdlets on Server and Managed Instance
Support Get/Set/Remove Management Policy on a Storage account
Fix ARM template bug that breaks cloning all slots using 'New-AzWebApp -IncludeSourceWebAppSlots'
Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers.
Added interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
Added support for Python 2 runbooks in Az.Automation
Az.LogicApp: New cmdlets for Integration Account Assemblies and Batch Configuration
Deprecated AddAzureASAccount cmdlet
Update help for Import-AzAutomationDscNodeConfiguration
Added configuration name validation to Import-AzAutomationDscConfiguration cmdlet
Improved error handling for Import-AzAutomationDscConfiguration cmdlet
Added CustomSubdomainName as a new optional parameter for New-AzCognitiveServicesAccount which is used to specify subdomain for the resource.
Fix issue with ID parameter sets
Update Get-AzVMExtension to list all installed extension if Name parameter is not provided
Add Tag and ResourceId parameters to Update-AzImage cmdlet
Get-AzVmssVM without instance ID and with InstanceView can list VMSS VMs with instance view.
Add cmdlets for ADL deleted item enumerate and restore
Added new boolean property SkipEmptyArchives to Skip Empty Archives in CaptureDescription class of Eventhub
Fix tagging on Set-AzKeyVaultSecret
Add in Basic sku for Integration Accounts
Add in XSLT 2.0, XSLT 3.0 and Liquid Map Types
New cmdlets for Integration Account Assemblies
New cmdlets for Integration Account Batch Configuration
Update Logic App SDK to version 4.1.0
Update help for Get-AzMetric
Update help example for Add-AzApplicationGatewayCustomError
Additional support for New and Get ApplicationInsights data source.
Added new 'ApplicationInsights' kind to support Get specific and Get all ApplicationInsights data sources for given workspace.
Added New-AzOperationalInsightsApplicationInsightsDataSource cmdlet for creating data source by given Application-Insights resource parameters: subscription Id, resourceGroupName and name.
Fix create cluster with default ARM template for New-AzServiceFabriCluster which was not working with migration to Az.
Fix add cluster/application certificate to only add to VM Scale Sets that correspond to the cluster by checking cluster id in the extension.
Update incorrect online help URLs
Update incorrect online help URLs
Updated parameter description for LicenseType parameter with possible values
Fix for updating managed instance identity not working when it is the only updated property
Support for custom collation on managed instance
Update incorrect online help URLs
Give detail error message when get/set classic Logging/Metric on Premium Storage Account, since Premium Storage Account not supoort classic Logging/Metric.
Update incorrect online help URLs
Update incorrect online help URLs
Fixes 'New-AzWebAppSSLBinding' to upload the certificate to the correct resourcegroup+location if the app is hosted on an ASE.
Fixes 'New-AzWebAppSSLBinding' to not overwrite the tags on binding an SSL certificate to an app
Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers.
Add 'Local' Scope to Enable-AzureRmAlias
Name is now optional in ID parameter set for Restart/Start/Stop/Remove/Set-AzVM and Save-AzVMImage
Updated the description of ID in help files
Fix backward compatibility issue with Az.Accounts module
Update the sdk version of dataplane to 1.1.14 for SDK fixes.
Fix handling of negative acesstime and modificationtime for getfilestatus and liststatus, Fix async cancellation token
Updated to use the 2019-01-01 API version.
Update the following cmdlets to support new scenario in 2019-01-01 API version
New-AzEventGridSubscription: Add new optional parameters for specifying:
Event Time-To-Live,
Maximum number of delivery attempts for the events,
Dead letter endpoint.
Update-AzEventGridSubscription: Add new optional parameters for specifying:
Event Time-To-Live,
Maximum number of delivery attempts for the events,
Dead letter endpoint.
Add new enum values (namely, storageQueue and hybridConnection) for EndpointType option in New-AzEventGridSubscription and Update-AzEventGridSubscription cmdlets.
Show warning message if creating or updating the event subscription is expected to entail manual action from user.
Updated to the latest version of the IotHub SDK
Get-AzLogicApp lists all without specified Name
Fix parameter set issue when providing '-ODataQuery' and '-ResourceId' parameters for 'Get-AzResource'
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