The standard assets package contains a core set of materials, fonts, audio files and other assets that are recommended to be used by most mixed reality applications. By using components from standard assets, your application will share a common look and feel that can help bring a sense of familiarity to customers.
Standard assets contains a palette of solid color and translucent materials that look great in mixed reality devices. Other materials are used by MRTK to create beautiful user interface controls.
In the fonts folder, standard assets provides SDF font assets for use with TextMesh Pro. These assets are based on the open source Selawik font and utilize the Mixed Reality Graphics Tools TextMesh Pro shader.
Audio cues are a key tool that applications should use to provide customers with an acknowledgement that their input was recognized. Standard assets provides HoloLens2 and Mixed Reality Design System sounds.
The shaders folder contains some MRTK specific shaders. Shaders, such as the MRTK Standard Shader, are now part of the Mixed Reality Graphics Tools package.
Textures contains a collection of icons and other image assets.
Models and Prefabs
The models and prefabs folders contain assets used in some of the MRTK demo scenes.
The contents of the models and prefabs folders may be moved to other packages prior to releasing.
Get step-by-step instructions on how to place Prefab 3D assets and models into a Unity scene. Learn about Unity Scriptable Objects and mixed reality design considerations before deploying to a HoloLens 2.