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Overview of the Windows Internet technology.
To develop Windows Internet, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
INTERNET_SCHEME Defines the flags used with the nScheme member of the URL_COMPONENTS structure. |
InternetCookieState The InternetCookieState enumeration defines the state of the cookie. |
CommitUrlCacheEntryA Stores data in the specified file in the Internet cache and associates it with the specified URL. (ANSI) |
CommitUrlCacheEntryW Stores data in the specified file in the Internet cache and associates it with the specified URL. (Unicode) |
CreateMD5SSOHash The CreateMD5SSOHash function (wininet.h) obtains the Microsoft Passport password, creates an MD5 hash using a specific string, and returns the result. |
CreateMD5SSOHash The CreateMD5SSOHash function (winineti.h) obtains the default Microsoft Passport password for a specified account or realm, creates an MD5 hash from it, and returns the result. |
CreateUrlCacheContainerA Creates a cache container in the specified cache path to hold cache entries based on the specified name, cache prefix, and container type. (ANSI) |
CreateUrlCacheContainerW Creates a cache container in the specified cache path to hold cache entries based on the specified name, cache prefix, and container type. (Unicode) |
CreateUrlCacheEntryA Creates a local file name for saving the cache entry based on the specified URL and the file name extension. (ANSI) |
CreateUrlCacheEntryW Creates a local file name for saving the cache entry based on the specified URL and the file name extension. (Unicode) |
CreateUrlCacheGroup Generates cache group identifications. |
DeleteUrlCacheContainerA Deletes a cache container (which contains cache entries) based on the specified name. (ANSI) |
DeleteUrlCacheContainerW Deletes a cache container (which contains cache entries) based on the specified name. (Unicode) |
DeleteUrlCacheEntry The DeleteUrlCacheEntry function (wininet.h) removes the file associated with the source name from the cache, if the file exists. |
DeleteUrlCacheEntryA Removes the file associated with the source name from the cache, if the file exists. (DeleteUrlCacheEntryA) |
DeleteUrlCacheEntryW The DeleteUrlCacheEntryW (Unicode) function (wininet.h) removes the file associated with the source name from the cache, if the file exists. |
DeleteUrlCacheGroup Releases the specified GROUPID and any associated state in the cache index file. |
DetectAutoProxyUrl The DetectAutoProxyUrl function (wininet.h) attempts to determine the location of a WPAD autoproxy script. |
DetectAutoProxyUrl The DetectAutoProxyUrl function (winineti.h) attempts to determine the location of a WPAD autoproxy script. |
FindCloseUrlCache Closes the specified cache enumeration handle. |
FindFirstUrlCacheEntryA Begins the enumeration of the Internet cache. (ANSI) |
FindFirstUrlCacheEntryExA Starts a filtered enumeration of the Internet cache. (ANSI) |
FindFirstUrlCacheEntryExW Starts a filtered enumeration of the Internet cache. (Unicode) |
FindFirstUrlCacheEntryW Begins the enumeration of the Internet cache. (Unicode) |
FindFirstUrlCacheGroup Initiates the enumeration of the cache groups in the Internet cache. |
FindNextUrlCacheEntryA Retrieves the next entry in the Internet cache. (ANSI) |
FindNextUrlCacheEntryExA Finds the next cache entry in a cache enumeration started by the FindFirstUrlCacheEntryEx function. (ANSI) |
FindNextUrlCacheEntryExW Finds the next cache entry in a cache enumeration started by the FindFirstUrlCacheEntryEx function. (Unicode) |
FindNextUrlCacheEntryW Retrieves the next entry in the Internet cache. (Unicode) |
FindNextUrlCacheGroup Retrieves the next cache group in a cache group enumeration started by FindFirstUrlCacheGroup. |
FreeProofOfPossessionCookieInfoArray |
FreeUrlCacheSpaceA Frees space in the cache. (ANSI) |
FreeUrlCacheSpaceW Frees space in the cache. (Unicode) |
FtpCommandA Sends commands directly to an FTP server. (ANSI) |
FtpCommandW Sends commands directly to an FTP server. (Unicode) |
FtpCreateDirectoryA Creates a new directory on the FTP server. (ANSI) |
FtpCreateDirectoryW Creates a new directory on the FTP server. (Unicode) |
FtpDeleteFileA Deletes a file stored on the FTP server. (ANSI) |
FtpDeleteFileW Deletes a file stored on the FTP server. (Unicode) |
FtpFindFirstFileA Searches the specified directory of the given FTP session. File and directory entries are returned to the application in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure. (ANSI) |
FtpFindFirstFileW Searches the specified directory of the given FTP session. File and directory entries are returned to the application in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure. (Unicode) |
FtpGetCurrentDirectoryA Retrieves the current directory for the specified FTP session. (ANSI) |
FtpGetCurrentDirectoryW Retrieves the current directory for the specified FTP session. (Unicode) |
FtpGetFileA Retrieves a file from the FTP server and stores it under the specified file name, creating a new local file in the process. (ANSI) |
FtpGetFileSize Retrieves the file size of the requested FTP resource. |
FtpGetFileW Retrieves a file from the FTP server and stores it under the specified file name, creating a new local file in the process. (Unicode) |
FtpOpenFileA Initiates access to a remote file on an FTP server for reading or writing. (ANSI) |
FtpOpenFileW Initiates access to a remote file on an FTP server for reading or writing. (Unicode) |
FtpPutFileA Stores a file on the FTP server. (ANSI) |
FtpPutFileW Stores a file on the FTP server. (Unicode) |
FtpRemoveDirectoryA Removes the specified directory on the FTP server. (ANSI) |
FtpRemoveDirectoryW Removes the specified directory on the FTP server. (Unicode) |
FtpRenameFileA Renames a file stored on the FTP server. (ANSI) |
FtpRenameFileW Renames a file stored on the FTP server. (Unicode) |
FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA Changes to a different working directory on the FTP server. (ANSI) |
FtpSetCurrentDirectoryW Changes to a different working directory on the FTP server. (Unicode) |
GetCookieInfoForUri Gets cookie information for the supplied URI to be used for proof of possession cookies. |
GetCookieInfoWithUriForAccount Retrieves cookie information corresponding to the supplied WebAccount and URI. |
GetUrlCacheConfigInfoA Retrieves information about cache configuration. (ANSI) |
GetUrlCacheConfigInfoW Retrieves information about cache configuration. (Unicode) |
GetUrlCacheEntryInfoA Retrieves information about a cache entry. (ANSI) |
GetUrlCacheEntryInfoExA Retrieves information on the cache entry associated with the specified URL, taking into account any redirections that are applied in offline mode by the HttpSendRequest function. (ANSI) |
GetUrlCacheEntryInfoExW Retrieves information on the cache entry associated with the specified URL, taking into account any redirections that are applied in offline mode by the HttpSendRequest function. (Unicode) |
GetUrlCacheEntryInfoW Retrieves information about a cache entry. (Unicode) |
GetUrlCacheGroupAttributeA Retrieves the attribute information of the specified cache group. (ANSI) |
GetUrlCacheGroupAttributeW Retrieves the attribute information of the specified cache group. (Unicode) |
GOPHER_ATTRIBUTE_ENUMERATOR Prototype for a callback function that processes attribute information from a Gopher server. |
GopherCreateLocatorA Creates a Gopher or Gopher+ locator string from the selector string's component parts. (ANSI) |
GopherCreateLocatorW Creates a Gopher or Gopher+ locator string from the selector string's component parts. (Unicode) |
GopherFindFirstFileA Uses a Gopher locator and search criteria to create a session with the server and locate the requested documents, binary files, index servers, or directory trees. (ANSI) |
GopherFindFirstFileW Uses a Gopher locator and search criteria to create a session with the server and locate the requested documents, binary files, index servers, or directory trees. (Unicode) |
GopherGetAttributeA Retrieves the specific attribute information from the server. (ANSI) |
GopherGetAttributeW Retrieves the specific attribute information from the server. (Unicode) |
GopherGetLocatorTypeA Parses a Gopher locator and determines its attributes. (ANSI) |
GopherGetLocatorTypeW Parses a Gopher locator and determines its attributes. (Unicode) |
GopherOpenFileA Begins reading a Gopher data file from a Gopher server. (ANSI) |
GopherOpenFileW Begins reading a Gopher data file from a Gopher server. (Unicode) |
HttpAddRequestHeadersA Adds one or more HTTP request headers to the HTTP request handle. (HttpAddRequestHeadersA) |
HttpAddRequestHeadersW Adds one or more HTTP request headers to the HTTP request handle. (HttpAddRequestHeadersW) |
HttpEndRequestA Ends an HTTP request that was initiated by HttpSendRequestEx. (ANSI) |
HttpEndRequestW Ends an HTTP request that was initiated by HttpSendRequestEx. (Unicode) |
HttpOpenRequestA Creates an HTTP request handle. (ANSI) |
HttpOpenRequestW Creates an HTTP request handle. (Unicode) |
HttpQueryInfoA Retrieves header information associated with an HTTP request. (ANSI) |
HttpQueryInfoW Retrieves header information associated with an HTTP request. (Unicode) |
HttpSendRequestA Sends the specified request to the HTTP server, allowing callers to send extra data beyond what is normally passed to HttpSendRequestEx. (ANSI) |
HttpSendRequestExA Sends the specified request to the HTTP server. (HttpSendRequestExA) |
HttpSendRequestExW Sends the specified request to the HTTP server. (HttpSendRequestExW) |
HttpSendRequestW Sends the specified request to the HTTP server, allowing callers to send extra data beyond what is normally passed to HttpSendRequestEx. (Unicode) |
INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK Defines a pointer to this callback function. |
InternetAttemptConnect Attempts to make a connection to the Internet. |
InternetAutodial The InternetAutodial function (wininet.h) causes the modem to automatically dial the default Internet connection. |
InternetAutodial The InternetAutodial function (winineti.h) causes the modem to automatically dial the default Internet connection. |
InternetAutodialHangup The InternetAutodialHangup function (wininet.h) disconnects an automatic dial-up connection. |
InternetAutodialHangup The InternetAutodialHangup function (winineti.h) disconnects an automatic dial-up connection. |
InternetCanonicalizeUrlA Canonicalizes a URL, which includes converting unsafe characters and spaces into escape sequences. (ANSI) |
InternetCanonicalizeUrlW Canonicalizes a URL, which includes converting unsafe characters and spaces into escape sequences. (Unicode) |
InternetCheckConnectionA Allows an application to check if a connection to the Internet can be established. (ANSI) |
InternetCheckConnectionW Allows an application to check if a connection to the Internet can be established. (Unicode) |
InternetClearAllPerSiteCookieDecisions Clears all decisions that were made about cookies on a site by site basis. |
InternetCloseHandle Closes a single Internet handle. |
InternetCombineUrlA Combines a base and relative URL into a single URL. The resultant URL is canonicalized (see InternetCanonicalizeUrl). (ANSI) |
InternetCombineUrlW Combines a base and relative URL into a single URL. The resultant URL is canonicalized (see InternetCanonicalizeUrl). (Unicode) |
InternetConfirmZoneCrossing The InternetConfirmZoneCrossing function (wininet.h) checks for changes between secure and nonsecure URLs. |
InternetConfirmZoneCrossingA Checks for changes between secure and nonsecure URLs. Always inform the user when a change occurs in security between two URLs. Typically, an application should allow the user to acknowledge the change through interaction with a dialog box. (InternetConfirmZoneCrossingA) |
InternetConfirmZoneCrossingW The InternetConfirmZoneCrossingW (Unicode) function (wininet.h) checks for changes between secure and nonsecure URLs. |
InternetConnectA Opens an File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or HTTP session for a given site. (ANSI) |
InternetConnectW Opens an File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or HTTP session for a given site. (Unicode) |
InternetCrackUrlA Cracks a URL into its component parts. (ANSI) |
InternetCrackUrlW Cracks a URL into its component parts. (Unicode) |
InternetCreateUrlA Creates a URL from its component parts. (ANSI) |
InternetCreateUrlW Creates a URL from its component parts. (Unicode) |
InternetDial The InternetDial function (wininet.h) initiates a connection to the Internet using a modem. |
InternetDial The InternetDial function (winineti.h) initiates a connection to the Internet using a modem. |
InternetDialA The InternetDialA (ANSI) function (wininet.h) initiates a connection to the Internet using a modem. |
InternetDialA The InternetDialA (ANSI) function (winineti.h) initiates a connection to the Internet using a modem. |
InternetDialW The InternetDialW (Unicode) function (wininet.h) initiates a connection to the Internet using a modem. |
InternetDialW The InternetDialW (Unicode) function (winineti.h) initiates a connection to the Internet using a modem. |
InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionA The InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionA (ANSI) function (wininet.h) retrieves the domains and cookie settings of websites with set site-specific cookie regulations. |
InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionA The InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionA (ANSI) function (winineti.h) retrieves the domains and cookie settings of websites for which site-specific cookie regulations are set. |
InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionW The InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionW (Unicode) function (wininet.h) retrieves the domains and cookie settings of websites with set site-specific cookie regulations. |
InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionW The InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionW (Unicode) function (winineti.h) retrieves the domains and cookie settings of websites for which site-specific cookie regulations are set. |
InternetErrorDlg Displays a dialog box for the error that is passed to InternetErrorDlg, if an appropriate dialog box exists. |
InternetFindNextFileA Continues a file search started as a result of a previous call to FtpFindFirstFile.Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 R2 and earlier: Or continues a file search as a result of a previous call to GopherFindFirstFile. (ANSI) |
InternetFindNextFileW Continues a file search started as a result of a previous call to FtpFindFirstFile.Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 R2 and earlier: Or continues a file search as a result of a previous call to GopherFindFirstFile. (Unicode) |
InternetFreeCookies Frees an array of INTERNET_COOKIE2 structures. |
InternetGetConnectedState The InternetGetConnectedState function (wininet.h) retrieves the connected state of the local system and is not recommended for use. |
InternetGetConnectedState The InternetGetConnectedState function (winineti.h) retrieves the connected state of the local system. |
InternetGetConnectedStateEx The InternetGetConnectedStateEx function (wininet.h) retrieves the connected state of the specified Internet connection and is not recommended for use. |
InternetGetConnectedStateEx The InternetGetConnectedStateEx function (winineti.h) retrieves the connected state of the specified Internet connection. |
InternetGetConnectedStateExA The InternetGetConnectedStateExA (ANSI) function (wininet.h) retrieves the connected state of the specified Internet connection and is not recommended for use. |
InternetGetConnectedStateExA The InternetGetConnectedStateExA (ANSI) function retrieves the connected state of the specified Internet connection. Using this API is not recommended, use the INetworkListManager::GetConnectivity method instead. |
InternetGetConnectedStateExW The InternetGetConnectedStateExW (Unicode) function (wininet.h) retrieves the connected state of the specified Internet connection and is not recommended for use. |
InternetGetConnectedStateExW The InternetGetConnectedStateExW (Unicode) function retrieves the connected state of the specified Internet connection. Using this API is not recommended, use the INetworkListManager::GetConnectivity method instead. |
InternetGetCookieA Retrieves the cookie for the specified URL. (ANSI) |
InternetGetCookieEx2 Retrieves one or more cookies associated with the specified URL. |
InternetGetCookieExA Retrieves data stored in cookies associated with a specified URL. (ANSI) |
InternetGetCookieExW Retrieves data stored in cookies associated with a specified URL. (Unicode) |
InternetGetCookieW Retrieves the cookie for the specified URL. (Unicode) |
InternetGetLastResponseInfoA Retrieves the last error description or server response on the thread calling this function. (ANSI) |
InternetGetLastResponseInfoW Retrieves the last error description or server response on the thread calling this function. (Unicode) |
InternetGetPerSiteCookieDecisionA Retrieves a decision on cookies for a given domain. (ANSI) |
InternetGetPerSiteCookieDecisionW Retrieves a decision on cookies for a given domain. (Unicode) |
InternetGoOnline The InternetGoOnline function (wininet.h) prompts the user for permission to initiate connection to a URL. |
InternetGoOnline The InternetGoOnline function (winineti.h) prompts the user for permission to initiate connection to a URL. |
InternetGoOnlineA The InternetGoOnlineA (ANSI) function (wininet.h) prompts the user for permission to initiate connection to a URL. |
InternetGoOnlineA The InternetGoOnlineA (ANSI) function (winineti.h) prompts the user for permission to initiate connection to a URL. |
InternetGoOnlineW The InternetGoOnlineW (Unicode) function (wininet.h) prompts the user for permission to initiate connection to a URL. |
InternetGoOnlineW The InternetGoOnlineW (Unicode) function (winineti.h) prompts the user for permission to initiate connection to a URL. |
InternetHangUp The InternetHangUp function (wininet.h) instructs the modem to disconnect from the Internet. |
InternetHangUp The InternetHangUp function (winineti.h) instructs the modem to disconnect from the Internet. |
InternetInitializeAutoProxyDll The InternetInitializeAutoProxyDll function (wininet.h) is one of two WinINet functions named InternetInitializeAutoProxyDll. |
InternetInitializeAutoProxyDll There are two WinINet functions named InternetInitializeAutoProxyDll. The first refreshes the internal state of proxy configuration and the second is part of WinINet's autoproxy support. |
InternetLockRequestFile Places a lock on the file that is being used. |
InternetOpenA Initializes an application's use of the WinINet functions. (ANSI) |
InternetOpenUrlA Opens a resource specified by a complete FTP or HTTP URL. (ANSI) |
InternetOpenUrlW Opens a resource specified by a complete FTP or HTTP URL. (Unicode) |
InternetOpenW Initializes an application's use of the WinINet functions. (Unicode) |
InternetQueryDataAvailable Queries the server to determine the amount of data available. |
InternetQueryOptionA Queries an Internet option on the specified handle. (ANSI) |
InternetQueryOptionW Queries an Internet option on the specified handle. (Unicode) |
InternetReadFile Reads data from a handle opened by the InternetOpenUrl, FtpOpenFile, or HttpOpenRequest function. |
InternetReadFileExA Reads data from a handle opened by the InternetOpenUrl or HttpOpenRequest function. (ANSI) |
InternetReadFileExW Reads data from a handle opened by the InternetOpenUrl or HttpOpenRequest function. (Unicode) |
InternetSetCookieA Creates a cookie associated with the specified URL. (InternetSetCookieA) |
InternetSetCookieEx2 Creates a cookie associated with the specified URL. (InternetSetCookieEx2) |
InternetSetCookieExA The InternetSetCookieEx function creates a cookie with a specified name that is associated with a specified URL. This function differs from the InternetSetCookie function by being able to create third-party cookies. (ANSI) |
InternetSetCookieExW The InternetSetCookieEx function creates a cookie with a specified name that is associated with a specified URL. This function differs from the InternetSetCookie function by being able to create third-party cookies. (Unicode) |
InternetSetCookieW Creates a cookie associated with the specified URL. (InternetSetCookieW) |
InternetSetDialState The InternetSetDialState function (wininet.h) is not supported, is obsolete, and should not be used. |
InternetSetDialState The InternetSetDialState function (wininet.h) is obsolete and not supported, do not use. |
InternetSetDialStateA The InternetSetDialStateA (ANSI) function (wininet.h) is not supported, is obsolete, and should not be used. |
InternetSetDialStateA The InternetSetDialStateA (ANSI) function (wininet.h) is obsolete and not supported, do not use. |
InternetSetDialStateW The InternetSetDialStateW (Unicode) function (wininet.h) is not supported, is obsolete, and should not be used. |
InternetSetDialStateW The InternetSetDialStateW (Unicode) function (wininet.h) is obsolete and not supported, do not use. |
InternetSetFilePointer Sets a file position for InternetReadFile. This is a synchronous call; however, subsequent calls to InternetReadFile might block or return pending if the data is not available from the cache and the server does not support random access. |
InternetSetOptionA Sets an Internet option. (ANSI) |
InternetSetOptionExA Not supported.Implemented only as a stub that calls the InternetSetOption function; InternetSetOptionEx has no functionality of its own. Do not use this function at this time. (ANSI) |
InternetSetOptionExW Not supported.Implemented only as a stub that calls the InternetSetOption function; InternetSetOptionEx has no functionality of its own. Do not use this function at this time. (Unicode) |
InternetSetOptionW Sets an Internet option. (Unicode) |
InternetSetPerSiteCookieDecisionA Sets a decision on cookies for a given domain. (ANSI) |
InternetSetPerSiteCookieDecisionW Sets a decision on cookies for a given domain. (Unicode) |
InternetSetStatusCallback Sets up a callback function that WinINet functions can call as progress is made during an operation. |
InternetTimeFromSystemTime The InternetTimeFromSystemTime function (wininet.h) formats a date and time according to the HTTP version 1.0 specification. |
InternetTimeFromSystemTimeA Formats a date and time according to the HTTP version 1.0 specification. (InternetTimeFromSystemTimeA) |
InternetTimeFromSystemTimeW The InternetTimeFromSystemTimeW (Unicode) function (wininet.h) formats a date and time according to the HTTP version 1.0 specification. |
InternetTimeToSystemTime The InternetTimeToSystemTime function (wininet.h) converts an HTTP time/date string to a SYSTEMTIME structure. |
InternetTimeToSystemTimeA Converts an HTTP time/date string to a SYSTEMTIME structure. (InternetTimeToSystemTimeA) |
InternetTimeToSystemTimeW The InternetTimeToSystemTimeW (Unicode) function (wininet.h) converts an HTTP time/date string to a SYSTEMTIME structure. |
InternetUnlockRequestFile Unlocks a file that was locked using InternetLockRequestFile. |
InternetWriteFile Writes data to an open Internet file. |
PrivacyGetZonePreferenceW The PrivacyGetZonePreferenceW (Unicode) function (wininet.h) retrieves the privacy settings for a given URLZONE and PrivacyType. |
PrivacyGetZonePreferenceW The PrivacyGetZonePreferenceW (Unicode) function (winineti.h) retrieves the privacy settings for a given URLZONE and PrivacyType. |
PrivacySetZonePreferenceW The PrivacySetZonePreferenceW (Unicode) function (wininet.h) sets the privacy settings for a given URLZONE and PrivacyType. |
PrivacySetZonePreferenceW The PrivacySetZonePreferenceW function (winineti.h) sets the privacy settings for a given URLZONE and PrivacyType. |
ReadUrlCacheEntryStream Reads the cached data from a stream that has been opened using the RetrieveUrlCacheEntryStream function. |
ResumeSuspendedDownload The ResumeSuspendedDownload function resumes a request that is suspended by a user interface dialog box. |
RetrieveUrlCacheEntryFileA Locks the cache entry file associated with the specified URL. (ANSI) |
RetrieveUrlCacheEntryFileW Locks the cache entry file associated with the specified URL. (Unicode) |
RetrieveUrlCacheEntryStreamA Provides the most efficient and implementation-independent way to access the cache data. (ANSI) |
RetrieveUrlCacheEntryStreamW Provides the most efficient and implementation-independent way to access the cache data. (Unicode) |
SetUrlCacheEntryGroup The SetUrlCacheEntryGroup function (wininet.h) adds entries to or removes entries from a cache group. |
SetUrlCacheEntryGroupA Adds entries to or removes entries from a cache group. (SetUrlCacheEntryGroupA) |
SetUrlCacheEntryGroupW The SetUrlCacheEntryGroupW (Unicode) function (wininet.h) adds entries to or removes entries from a cache group. |
SetUrlCacheEntryInfoA Sets the specified members of the INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO structure. (ANSI) |
SetUrlCacheEntryInfoW Sets the specified members of the INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO structure. (Unicode) |
SetUrlCacheGroupAttributeA Sets the attribute information of the specified cache group. (ANSI) |
SetUrlCacheGroupAttributeW Sets the attribute information of the specified cache group. (Unicode) |
UnlockUrlCacheEntryFile The UnlockUrlCacheEntryFile function (wininet.h) unlocks the cache entry that was locked while the file was retrieved for use from the cache. |
UnlockUrlCacheEntryFileA Unlocks the cache entry that was locked while the file was retrieved for use from the cache. (UnlockUrlCacheEntryFileA) |
UnlockUrlCacheEntryFileW The UnlockUrlCacheEntryFileW (Unicode) function (wininet.h) unlocks the cache entry that was locked while the file was retrieved for use from the cache. |
UnlockUrlCacheEntryStream Closes the stream that has been retrieved using the RetrieveUrlCacheEntryStream function. |
IProofOfPossessionCookieInfoManager Supports the creation of proof of possession cookies. |
IProofOfPossessionCookieInfoManager2 Supports the creation of proof-of-possession cookies, for a WebAccount. |
AUTO_PROXY_SCRIPT_BUFFER The AUTO_PROXY_SCRIPT_BUFFER structure is used to pass an autoproxy script in a buffer to InternetInitializeAutoProxyDll , instead of identifying a file that InternetInitializeAutoProxyDll opens. |
AutoProxyHelperFunctions The AutoProxyHelperFunctions structure is used create a v-table of Proxy Auto-Config functions that can be passed to InternetInitializeAutoProxyDll. |
AutoProxyHelperVtbl The AutoProxyHelperVtbl structure creates a v-table of pointers to Proxy AutoConfig (PAC) helper functions.See the Navigator Proxy Auto-Config (PAC) File Format documentation for a specification of the form and use of Proxy Auto-Config helper functions. |
GOPHER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE Contains the relevant information of a single Gopher attribute for an object. |
GOPHER_FIND_DATAA Contains information retrieved by the GopherFindFirstFile and InternetFindNextFile functions. (ANSI) |
GOPHER_FIND_DATAW Contains information retrieved by the GopherFindFirstFile and InternetFindNextFile functions. (Unicode) |
HTTP_VERSION_INFO Contains the global HTTP version. |
INTERNET_ASYNC_RESULT Contains the result of a call to an asynchronous function. This structure is used with InternetStatusCallback. |
INTERNET_AUTH_NOTIFY_DATA Contains the notification data for an authentication request. |
INTERNET_BUFFERSA Contains both the data and header information. (ANSI) |
INTERNET_BUFFERSW Contains both the data and header information. (Unicode) |
INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOA Contains information about the configuration of the Internet cache. (ANSI) |
INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOW Contains information about the configuration of the Internet cache. (Unicode) |
INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFOA Contains information about an entry in the Internet cache. (ANSI) |
INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFOW Contains information about an entry in the Internet cache. (Unicode) |
INTERNET_CACHE_GROUP_INFOA Contains the information for a particular cache group. (ANSI) |
INTERNET_CACHE_GROUP_INFOW Contains the information for a particular cache group. (Unicode) |
INTERNET_CACHE_TIMESTAMPS Contains the LastModified and Expire times for a resource stored in the Internet cache. |
INTERNET_CERTIFICATE_INFO Contains certificate information returned from the server. This structure is used by the InternetQueryOption function. |
INTERNET_CONNECTED_INFO Contains the information to set the global online/offline state. |
INTERNET_COOKIE2 The INTERNET_COOKIE2 structure contains the constituent parts of a cookie. This structure is used with the InternetGetCookieEx2 and InternetSetCookieEx2 functions. |
INTERNET_DIAGNOSTIC_SOCKET_INFO The INTERNET_DIAGNOSTIC_SOCKET_INFO structure is returned by the InternetQueryOption function when the INTERNET_OPTION_DIAGNOSTIC_SOCKET_INFO flag is passed to it together with a handle to an HTTP Request. |
INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTION_LISTA Contains the list of options for a particular Internet connection. (ANSI) |
INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTION_LISTW Contains the list of options for a particular Internet connection. (Unicode) |
INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTIONA Contains the value of an option. (ANSI) |
INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTIONW Contains the value of an option. (Unicode) |
INTERNET_PROXY_INFO Contains information that is supplied with the INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY value to get or set proxy information on a handle obtained from a call to the InternetOpen function. |
INTERNET_VERSION_INFO Contains the HTTP version number of the server. This structure is used when passing the INTERNET_OPTION_VERSION flag to the InternetQueryOption function. |
InternetCookieHistory The InternetCookieHistory structure contains the cookie history. |
ProofOfPossessionCookieInfo |
URL_COMPONENTSA Contains the constituent parts of a URL. This structure is used with the InternetCrackUrl and InternetCreateUrl functions. (ANSI) |
URL_COMPONENTSW Contains the constituent parts of a URL. This structure is used with the InternetCrackUrl and InternetCreateUrl functions. (Unicode) |
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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization