InternetGetCookieEx2 function (wininet.h)
Retrieves one or more cookies associated with the specified URL.
DWORD InternetGetCookieEx2(
PCWSTR pcwszUrl,
PCWSTR pcwszCookieName,
DWORD dwFlags,
PDWORD pdwCookieCount
The URL for which to retrieve cookies.
The name of the cookie to retrieve. May be NULL.
Flags of the cookie to retrieve. The following flags are available.
Value | Meaning |
INTERNET_COOKIE_THIRD_PARTY | Retrieve cookies as a third party, causing first-party-only cookies to be excluded. |
INTERNET_COOKIE_NON_SCRIPT | Indicate that this query was not triggered via JavaScript, allowing retrieval of HTTP-only cookies. |
INTERNET_COOKIE_SAME_SITE_LEVEL_CROSS_SITE | Retrieve cookies as if in a cross site context, excluding cookies with the SameSite property set. |
INTERNET_FLAG_RESTRICTED_ZONE | Retrieve only cookies that would be allowed if the specified URL were untrusted; that is, if it belonged to the URLZONE_UNTRUSTED zone. |
Pointer that receives an array of INTERNET_COOKIE2 structures. The returned array must be freed by InternetFreeCookies.
Pointer to a DWORD that receives the number of structures in the array.
Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, or a system error code on failure.
WinINet does not support server implementations. In addition, it should not be used from a service. For server implementations or services use Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP).
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows 8.1 [desktop apps only] |
Minimum supported server | Windows Server 2012 R2 [desktop apps only] |
Header | wininet.h |
Library | Wininet.lib |
DLL | Wininet.dll |