IUserLockoutStore<TUser> Interface


Provides an abstraction for a storing information which can be used to implement account lockout, including access failures and lockout status

public interface IUserLockoutStore<TUser> : IDisposable, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IUserStore<TUser> where TUser : class

Type Parameters


The type that represents a user.



CreateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)

Creates the specified user in the user store.

(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser>)
DeleteAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)

Deletes the specified user from the user store.

(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser>)
FindByIdAsync(String, CancellationToken)

Finds and returns a user, if any, who has the specified userId.

(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser>)
FindByNameAsync(String, CancellationToken)

Finds and returns a user, if any, who has the specified normalized user name.

(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser>)
GetAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)

Retrieves the current failed access count for the specified user.

GetLockoutEnabledAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)

Retrieves a flag indicating whether user lockout can enabled for the specified user.

GetLockoutEndDateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)

Gets the last DateTimeOffset a user's last lockout expired, if any. Any time in the past should be indicates a user is not locked out.

GetNormalizedUserNameAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)

Gets the normalized user name for the specified user.

(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser>)
GetUserIdAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)

Gets the user identifier for the specified user.

(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser>)
GetUserNameAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)

Gets the user name for the specified user.

(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser>)
IncrementAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)

Records that a failed access has occurred, incrementing the failed access count.

ResetAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)

Resets a user's failed access count.

SetLockoutEnabledAsync(TUser, Boolean, CancellationToken)

Set the flag indicating if the specified user can be locked out.

SetLockoutEndDateAsync(TUser, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, CancellationToken)

Locks out a user until the specified end date has passed. Setting a end date in the past immediately unlocks a user.

SetNormalizedUserNameAsync(TUser, String, CancellationToken)

Sets the given normalized name for the specified user.

(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser>)
SetUserNameAsync(TUser, String, CancellationToken)

Sets the given userName for the specified user.

(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser>)
UpdateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)

Updates the specified user in the user store.

(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser>)

Applies to

Proizvod Verzije
ASP.NET Core 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0