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Share in meeting

Share in meeting allows users to share documents or third-party web apps to the meeting stage. The meeting participants can collaborate and interact with the third-party web apps or edit the documents together.

The following image shows the Share in meeting button on the web app:

Screenshot shows share in meeting button on the web app.

During the meeting, when a user selects the Share in meeting button from the third-party web app or document, it launches a deep link to the meeting stage and opens the app as a web view in the meeting stage. The following is the deep link format:

msteams:/l/meeting-share?deeplinkId={GUID}&fqdn={string}&lm=deeplink&appContext={json encoded app context}


  • For the meeting participants to interact with third-party web apps or documents, they must have a meeting extension of the app or document installed in their Teams client. If they don't have meeting extension, Teams prompts participants to install the meeting extension.
  • To share the entire app to stage, you must configure meetingStage and meetingSidePanel as frame contexts in the app manifest. Otherwise, meeting participants might not be able to view the content on stage.

Enable share in meeting

The following are three different methods to enable share in meeting. You can use one of the methods depending on how much control you want on the Share in meeting buttons displayed on your webpage:

This method is the simplest way to display the share in meeting buttons with minimal customizations. You can customize the button styles, size, and languages.

You can scan your webpage to locate any HTML elements with the class name of type teams-share-in-meeting-button and dynamically generate Share in meeting buttons in your page.

  1. Add the launcher.js script on your webpage.

    <script async defer src=""></script>
  2. Add an HTML element on your webpage with the teams-share-in-meeting-button in the class attribute, the app ID (from manifest) in the data-app-id attribute, and the link to share in the data-href attribute. You can also include the data-entity-name and data-entity-description attributes.

  3. Following are the additional attributes to customize Share in meeting button:

    • data-button-type: Specifies the background color of the button (primaryShareInMeeting or secondaryShareInMeeting).
    • data-button-size: Specifies the size of the button in pixel.
    • data-target: Specifies whether the link opens in the same window, new tab, or a new window.
    • data-locale: Specifies the desired user language.

The following are the launcher.js definitions:

Property HTML attribute Type Required Default Description
url data-href String Yes NA URL of the app content to share.
appId data-app-id String Yes NA ID of the app to share.
entityName data-entity-name String No NA App entity name.
entityDescription data-entity-description String No NA Description of app content to share.
locale data-locale String No en-US User preferred language.
target data-target String No self Specifies whether the link opens in the same window, new tab, or new window.
buttonType data-button-type String No primaryShareInMeeting Specifies the button background color: primaryShareInMeeting or secondaryShareInMeeting.
buttonSize data-button-size String No NA Button size in pixels.

End user experience on third-party apps

After you enable Share in meeting on third-party apps, you can share the apps to the meeting stage. To access, follow the steps:

If meeting extension is installed:

  1. Open the web app in the browser and select Share in meeting.

    Screenshot shows share in meeting button on web app.

  2. Select Start sharing.

    Screenshot shows how to share apps in teams meeting.

  3. The web app is shared to meeting stage and all the participants can interact and edit together.

    Screenshot shows app shared to the teams meeting stage.

If meeting extension isn't installed:

  1. Open the web app in the browser and select Share in meeting.

    Screenshot shows share in meeting button on web app.

  2. To install the meeting extension app, select Add.

    Screenshot shows add button to install meeting extension app.

  3. Select Start sharing.

    Screenshot shows start sharing button to share your app in meeting.

  4. The web app is shared to meeting stage and all the participants can interact and edit together.

    Screenshot shows app shared to the teams meeting stage experience.

You can also generate a deep link to share the app to stage and start or join a meeting. When a deep link is selected in an app by a user who is part of an ongoing meeting, then the app is shared to the stage and a permission pop-up window appears. Users can grant access to the participants to collaborate with an app.

The screenshot is an example that shows a permission pop-up window.

When a user isn't in a meeting then the user is redirected to the Teams calendar where they can join a meeting or initiate instant meeting (Meet now).

The screenshot is an example that shows a pop-up window when there's no ongoing meeting.

Once the user initiates an instant meeting (Meet now), they can add participants and interact with the app.

The screenshot is an example that shows an option to add participants and how to interact with the app.

To add a deep link to share content in meetings, see deep link to share content to stage in meetings.


For your app to pass validation, when you create a deep link from your website, web app, or Adaptive Card, use Share in meeting as the string or copy.

Code sample

Sample name Description .NET Node.js Manifest
Meeting Stageview This app helps to enable and configure your apps for Teams meetings. It also demonstrates use of share in meeting feature. View View View

See also