How to turn off Function Argument ToolTips in Excel
Odnosi se na:
Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Microsoft Office Excel 2002
In Microsoft Excel, you can complete functions with the aid of the ToolTip feature. This feature displays ToolTips by default when you begin to type a formula in the formula bar. These ToolTips also make it easier to obtain additional help for a given function by allowing you to click the function name in the ToolTip and jump directly to its associated Help topic.
This article explains how to turn off these function ToolTips in Microsoft Excel 2002 and in later versions of Excel. When you do this, you can type the function in the formula bar without assistance. .
How to turn off function argument ToolTips in Microsoft Excel 2002 and in Microsoft Excel 2003
To do this, follow these steps:
On the Tools menu, click Options.
In the Options dialog box, click the General tab.
Click to clear the Function tooltips check box, and then click OK.
How to turn off function argument ToolTips in Microsoft Office Excel 2007
When you begin to type a formula into a cell in Excel 2007, the Formula AutoComplete function provides a drop-down list of formulas. After you have typed a formula into a cell and you begin to type an argument for the formula, the function ScreenTips function provides a list of required and optional arguments for the formula.
This section describes how to turn off the Formula AutoComplete function and the function ScreenTips function.
To turn off the Formula AutoComplete function, follow these steps:
Click the Microsoft Office Button, click Excel Options, and then click Formulas.
Click to clear the Formula AutoComplete check box.
To turn off the function ScreenTips function, follow these steps:
Click the Microsoft Office Button, click Excel Options, and then click Advanced.
In the Display area, click to clear the Show function ScreenTips check box.