DateAdd, DateDiff, and TimeZoneOffset functions
Function | Applies to |
DateAdd | |
DateDiff | |
TimeZoneOffset |
Adds to or finds the difference in date/time values and converts between local time and UTC.
The DateAdd function adds a number of units to a date/time value. The result is a new date/time value. You can also subtract a number of units from a date/time value by specifying a negative value.
The DateDiff function returns the difference between two date/time values. The result is a whole number of units.
For both functions, units can be TimeUnit.Milliseconds, TimeUnit.Seconds, TimeUnit.Minutes, TimeUnit.Hours, TimeUnit.Days, TimeUnit.Months, TimeUnit.Quarters, or TimeUnit.Years. By default, both functions use TimeUnit.Days as units.
The TimeZoneOffset function returns the number of minutes between the user's local time and UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
You can use DateAdd with the TimeZoneOffset to convert between the user's local time and UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Adding TimeZoneOffset will convert a local time to UTC, and subtracting it (adding the negative) will convert from UTC to local time.
Also see Date, Time, and DateTime data types and working with dates and times for more information.
DateAdd( DateTime, Addition [, Units ] )
- DateTime - Required. Date/time value to operate on.
- Addition - Required. Number, in Units, to add to the DateTime.
- Units - Optional. The type of Units to add: TimeUnit.Milliseconds, TimeUnit.Seconds, TimeUnit.Minutes, TimeUnit.Hours, TimeUnit.Days, TimeUnit.Months, TimeUnit.Quarters, or TimeUnit.Years. If not specified, TimeUnit.Days are used.
DateDiff( StartDateTime, EndDateTime [, Units ] )
- StartDateTime - Required. Starting date/time value.
- EndDateTime - Required. Ending date/time value.
- Units - Optional. The type of Units to subtract: TimeUnit.Milliseconds, TimeUnit.Seconds, TimeUnit.Minutes, TimeUnit.Hours, TimeUnit.Days, TimeUnit.Months, TimeUnit.Quarters, or TimeUnit.Years. If not specified, TimeUnit.Days are used.
TimeZoneOffset( [ DateTime ] )
- DateTime - Optional. Date/time value for which to return the offset. By default, the current date/time is used.
In all of these examples, assume that the current date and time is July 15, 2013, 1:02 PM.
Formula | Description | Result |
Text( DateAdd( Now(), 3 ), "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm" ) |
Adds three days (default units) to the current date and time. | "18-07-2013 13:02" |
Text( DateAdd( Now(), 4, TimeUnit.Hours ), "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm" ) |
Add four hours to the current date and time. | "15-07-2013 17:02" |
Text( DateAdd( Today(), 1, TimeUnit.Months ), "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm" ) |
Adds one month to the current date, without time as Today doesn't return a time component. | "15-08-2013 00:00" |
Text( DateAdd( Now(), ‑30, TimeUnit.Minutes ), "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm" ) |
Subtracts 30 minutes from the current date and time. | "15-07-2013 12:32" |
Formula | Description | Result |
DateDiff( Now(), DateValue("1/1/2014") ) | Returns the difference between the two units in the default units of TimeUnit.Days | 170 |
DateDiff( Now(), DateValue("1/1/2014"), TimeUnit.Months ) | Returns the difference between the two values in TimeUnit.Months | 6 |
DateDiff( Now(), Today(), TimeUnit.Minutes ) | Returns the difference between the current date/time and the current date only (no time) in minutes. Since the Now is later than Today the result will be negative. | -782 |
The function DateDiff only returns a whole number of the units being subtracted, and the precision is given in the unit specified. To calculate the difference with a higher precision, use a smaller unit, and convert the result appropriately, like in the examples below.
Formula | Description | Result |
DateDiff( TimeValue("09:45:00"), TimeValue("10:15:36"), TimeUnit.Hours ) | The minutes/seconds are ignored, the difference is based on the time up to the hour. | 1 |
DateDiff( TimeValue("09:45:00"), TimeValue("10:15:36"), TimeUnit.Minutes )/60 | The minutes are used in the difference, and the result is divided by 60 to have the difference in hours. | 0.5 |
DateDiff( TimeValue("09:45:00"), TimeValue("10:15:36"), TimeUnit.Seconds )/3600 | The minutes and seconds are used in the difference; the result is divided by 3600 to have the difference in hours. | 0.51 |
To convert to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), add the TimeZoneOffset for the given time.
For example, imagine the current date and time is July 15, 2013, 1:02 PM in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT, UTC-7). To determine the current time in UTC, use:
- DateAdd( Now(), TimeZoneOffset(), TimeUnit.Minutes )
TimeZoneOffset defaults to the current time, so you don't need to pass it an argument.
To see the result, use the Text function with the format dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm, which will return 15-07-2013 20:02.
To convert from UTC, subtract the TimeZoneOffset (by adding the negative) for the given time.
For example, imagine the UTC date and time July 15, 2013, 8:02 PM is stored in a variable named StartTime. To adjust the time for the user's time zone, use:
- DateAdd( StartTime, −TimeZoneOffset( StartTime ), TimeUnit.Minutes )
Note the negative sign before TimeZoneOffset to subtract the offset rather than add it.
To see the result, use the Text function with the format dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm, which will result in 15-07-2013 13:02 if you're in Pacific Daylight Time.