Microsoft Purview solutions can help you implement a Zero Trust security strategy that is based on the following security principles:
Verify explicitly
Use least privilege access
Assume breach
Always authenticate and authorize based on all available data points.
Limit user access with Just-In-Time and Just-Enough-Access (JIT/JEA), risk-based adaptive policies, and data protection.
Minimize blast radius and segment access. Verify end-to-end encryption and use analytics to get visibility, drive threat detection, and improve defenses.
Microsoft Purview is a primary component of the Use least privilege access principle by providing data protection solutions. Use Purview capabilities to help you safeguard your data across platforms, apps, and clouds.
Zero Trust to protect data
Microsoft Purview provides the following capabilities and options for a data defense in depth strategy and a Zero Trust implementation for data protection:
Information protection: So you can protect your data
Apply sensitivity labels to integrate with Microsoft 365 Copilot and other apps and services to provide access control guardrails, and encryption with rights management for your most sensitive data. Content markings, such as footers and watermarks, can increase awareness and security policy compliance. While users create or update content, the highly visible labels and labeling recommendations support user education about sensitive data. For more information, see Learn about sensitivity labels.
When you use sensitivity labels with protection policies, you can automatically enforce access restrictions across your data estate the moment sensitive information is detected.
Data loss prevention (DLP): So you can prevent data loss
Users sometimes take risks with your organization’s sensitive data, which might result in a data security or compliance incident. Data loss prevention helps you monitor for and protect against risky oversharing of sensitive data. As with sensitivity labeling, policy tips support user education about sensitive data. For more information, see Learn about data loss prevention.
Data lifecycle management: So you can delete what you don't need, and safeguard important data
Deploy policies to manage the lifecycle of sensitive data to reduce data exposure. Limit the number of copies or propagation of sensitive data by automatically and permanently deleting it when it's no longer needed. Or conversely, protect important data from malicious or accidental deletes by automatically retaining a copy in a secured location after a user deletes the data. For more information, see Learn about data lifecycle management.
Supporting tools and technologies:
Now in general availability, Microsoft Data Security Posture Management for AI helps you to more quickly protect your data and gain insights into how users are interacting with AI apps, such as Microsoft 365 Copilot and other copilots from Microsoft, ChatGPT, Gemini, and other third-party LLMs.
Consider your encryption requirements for specific scenarios, for example:
Microsoft 365 Copilot
Use your sensitivity labels to apply Double Key Encryption to selected documents and emails when only your organization and no cloud services should be able to decrypt them.
Use Advanced Message Encryption if you need to keep sensitive content within your organization boundary, log external mail access, or revoke access to encrypted emails.
Use Customer Key if you need to control the root encryption keys for Microsoft 365 data at-rest.
For high-value documents and emails, records management supports additional restrictions and a disposition review process.
Use insider risk management to identify and take action against risky security-related user activities and data activity patterns.
Consider using information barriers if you need to segment access between specific users by restricting two-way communication and collaboration between groups and users in Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive.
Use the data sharing app to minimize data duplication and instead, provide read-only access that you can time-limit or remove the access.
Consider using Compliance Manager to help drive the adoption of and monitor the implementation of security features and configurations. Easy-to-build assessments with automatic monitoring help you stay on track with requirements across your multicloud environment.
Use auditing solutions to help you monitor Microsoft 365 data and respond to security events.
Use Customer Lockbox to ensure Microsoft service engineers must obtain approval before accessing any Microsoft 365 data you own during a support investigation.
Next steps
Solution guidance to help you implement a Zero Trust strategy for data protection by using Microsoft Purview:
Learn about how the two Microsoft Purview billing models complement each other and the pay-as-you-go billing model that's used to extend Microsoft Purview controls beyond Microsoft 365 based assets.
Microsoft Purview helps you stay on top of the ever-changing data governance, data security, and risk and compliance areas. Find out what we've been up to this month and what's planned for Microsoft Purview.
Microsoft documentation and resources you need to get started with Microsoft Purview for data governance, data security, and risk and compliance capabilities.