IoCsqInsertIrpEx function (wdm.h)
The IoCsqInsertIrpEx routine inserts an IRP into the driver's cancel-safe IRP queue.
NTSTATUS IoCsqInsertIrpEx(
[in, out] PIO_CSQ Csq,
[in, out] PIRP Irp,
[out, optional] PIO_CSQ_IRP_CONTEXT Context,
[in, optional] PVOID InsertContext
[in, out] Csq
Pointer to the IO_CSQ structure for the driver's cancel-safe IRP queue. This structure must have been initialized by IoCsqInitialize or IoCsqInitializeEx.
[in, out] Irp
Pointer to the IRP to be queued.
[out, optional] Context
Pointer to an IO_CSQ_IRP_CONTEXT structure. IoCsqInsertIrpEx initializes this structure with context information for the inserted IRP. The driver passes this value to IoCsqRemoveIrp to delete the IRP from the queue. Context can be NULL if the driver will not use IoCsqRemoveIrp to remove this IRP from the queue.
[in, optional] InsertContext
Pointer to a driver-defined context value. This parameter is passed to the driver's CsqInsertIrpEx routine, if it has one. Otherwise, this parameter is ignored.
If the Csq parameter was initialized with IoCsqInitialize, IoCsqInsertIrpEx always returns STATUS_SUCCESS. If Csq was initialized with IoCsqInitializeEx, IoCsqInsertIrpEx returns the value that was returned by the driver's CsqInsertIrpEx routine.
IoCsqInsertIrpEx uses the queue's dispatch routines to insert the IRP. The IoCsqInsertIrpEx routine:
- Calls the queue's CsqAcquireLock routine to lock the queue.
- If the queue's IO_CSQ structure was initialized by IoCsqInitialize, IoCsqInsertIrpEx calls the queue's CsqInsertIrp routine to insert the IRP. If the queue's IO_CSQ structure was initialized by IoCsqInitializeEx, IoCsqInsertIrpEx calls the queue's CsqInsertIrpEx routine to insert the IRP, and passes the InsertContext parameter as the InsertContext parameter of CsqInsertIrpEx.
- Calls the queue's CsqReleaseLock routine to unlock the queue.
For more information, see Cancel-Safe IRP Queues.
Note that IoCsqXxx routines use the DriverContext[3] member of the IRP to hold IRP context information. Drivers that use these routines to queue IRPs must leave that member unused.
Callers of IoCsqInsertIrpEx must be running at an IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL. The driver's callback routines must work correctly at this IRQL.