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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
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Overview of the Internationalization for Windows Applications technology.
To develop Internationalization for Windows Applications, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
CORRECTIVE_ACTION Identifies the type of corrective action to be taken for a spelling error. |
IMEUCT Type of user comment in a IMEWRD structure. |
NORM_FORM Specifies the supported normalization forms. |
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY Defines glyph characteristic information that an application needs to implement justification. |
SYSGEOCLASS Specifies the geographical location class. |
SYSGEOTYPE Defines the type of geographical location information requested in the GetGeoInfo or GetGeoInfoEx function. |
SYSNLS_FUNCTION Specifies NLS function capabilities. |
WORDLIST_TYPE Identifies one of the types of word lists used by spell checkers. |
Add Treats the provided word as though it were part of the original dictionary. |
add_SpellCheckerChanged Adds an event handler (ISpellCheckerChangedEventHandler) for the SpellCheckerChanged event. |
AutoCorrect Causes occurrences of one word to be replaced by another. |
Check Checks the spelling of the supplied text and returns a collection of spelling errors. (ISpellCheckProvider.Check) |
Check Checks the spelling of the supplied text and returns a collection of spelling errors. (ISpellChecker.Check) |
Close Closes a dictionary file. |
Close Terminates the IFELanguage object. |
CompareString The CompareString function (winnls.h) compares two character strings for a locale specified by an identifier. |
CompareStringA Compares two character strings, for a locale specified by identifier.Caution Using CompareString incorrectly can compromise the security of your application. (CompareStringA) |
CompareStringEx Compares two Unicode (wide character) strings, for a locale specified by name.Caution Using CompareStringEx incorrectly can compromise the security of your application. |
CompareStringOrdinal Compares two Unicode strings to test binary equivalence. |
CompareStringW The CompareStringW (Unicode) function (stringapiset.h) compares two character strings, for a locale specified by identifier. |
ComprehensiveCheck Spell-check the provider text in a more thorough manner than ISpellCheckProvider::Check. |
ComprehensiveCheck Checks the spelling of the supplied text in a more thorough manner than ISpellChecker::Check, and returns a collection of spelling errors. |
ConvertDefaultLocale Converts a default locale value to an actual locale identifier. |
Create Creates a new dictionary file. |
CreateIFECommonInstance Returns a pointer to an IFECommon interface. |
CreateIFEDictionaryInstance Returns a pointer to an IFEDictionary interface. |
CreateIFELanguageInstance Returns a pointer to an IFELanguage interface. |
CreateSpellChecker Creates a spell checker that supports the specified language. |
CreateSpellCheckProvider Creates a spell checker (implemented by a spell check provider) that supports the specified language. |
CreateUI Called from IImePad to get the applet's window handle, style, and size. |
DeleteDictionary Deletes a dictionary from the IME's plug-in dictionary list. |
DisplayProperty This method is obsolete starting with Windows 8, and is no longer supported. |
EnumCalendarInfoA Enumerates calendar information for a specified locale.Note To receive a calendar identifier in addition to calendar information, the application should use the EnumCalendarInfoEx function. (ANSI) |
EnumCalendarInfoExA Enumerates calendar information for a locale specified by identifier.Note Any application that runs only on Windows Vista and later should use EnumCalendarInfoExEx in preference to this function. (ANSI) |
EnumCalendarInfoExEx Enumerates calendar information for a locale specified by name.Note The application should call this function in preference to EnumCalendarInfo or EnumCalendarInfoEx if designed to run only on Windows Vista and later. Note This function can enumerate data that changes between releases, for example, due to a custom locale. If your application must persist or transmit data, see Using Persistent Locale Data. |
EnumCalendarInfoExW Enumerates calendar information for a locale specified by identifier.Note Any application that runs only on Windows Vista and later should use EnumCalendarInfoExEx in preference to this function. (Unicode) |
EnumCalendarInfoW Enumerates calendar information for a specified locale.Note To receive a calendar identifier in addition to calendar information, the application should use the EnumCalendarInfoEx function. (Unicode) |
EnumDateFormatsA Enumerates the long date, short date, or year/month formats that are available for a specified locale. (ANSI) |
EnumDateFormatsExA Enumerates the long date, short date, or year/month formats that are available for a specified locale.Note Any application that runs only on Windows Vista and later should use EnumDateFormatsExEx in preference to this function. (ANSI) |
EnumDateFormatsExEx Enumerates the long date, short date, or year/month formats that are available for a locale specified by name.Note The application should call this function in preference to EnumDateFormats or EnumDateFormatsEx if designed to run only on Windows Vista and later. Note This function can enumerate data that changes between releases, for example, due to a custom locale. If your application must persist or transmit data, see Using Persistent Locale Data. |
EnumDateFormatsExW Enumerates the long date, short date, or year/month formats that are available for a specified locale.Note Any application that runs only on Windows Vista and later should use EnumDateFormatsExEx in preference to this function. (Unicode) |
EnumDateFormatsW Enumerates the long date, short date, or year/month formats that are available for a specified locale. (Unicode) |
EnumLanguageGroupLocalesA Enumerates the locales in a specified language group. (ANSI) |
EnumLanguageGroupLocalesW Enumerates the locales in a specified language group. (Unicode) |
EnumSystemCodePagesA Enumerates the code pages that are either installed on or supported by an operating system. (ANSI) |
EnumSystemCodePagesW Enumerates the code pages that are either installed on or supported by an operating system. (Unicode) |
EnumSystemGeoID Enumerates the geographical location identifiers (type GEOID) that are available on the operating system. |
EnumSystemGeoNames Enumerates the two-letter International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166-1 codes or numeric United Nations (UN) Series M, Number 49 (M.49) codes for geographical locations that are available on the operating system. |
EnumSystemLanguageGroupsA Enumerates the language groups that are either installed on or supported by an operating system. (ANSI) |
EnumSystemLanguageGroupsW Enumerates the language groups that are either installed on or supported by an operating system. (Unicode) |
EnumSystemLocalesA Enumerates the locales that are either installed on or supported by an operating system.Note For interoperability reasons, the application should prefer the EnumSystemLocalesEx function to EnumSystemLocales because Microsoft is migrating toward the use of locale names instead of locale identifiers for new locales. Any application that will be run only on Windows Vista and later should use EnumSystemLocalesEx. (ANSI) |
EnumSystemLocalesEx Enumerates the locales that are either installed on or supported by an operating system.Note The application should call this function in preference to EnumSystemLocales if designed to run only on Windows Vista and later. |
EnumSystemLocalesW Enumerates the locales that are either installed on or supported by an operating system.Note For interoperability reasons, the application should prefer the EnumSystemLocalesEx function to EnumSystemLocales because Microsoft is migrating toward the use of locale names instead of locale identifiers for new locales. Any application that will be run only on Windows Vista and later should use EnumSystemLocalesEx. (Unicode) |
EnumTimeFormatsA Enumerates the time formats that are available for a locale specified by identifier.Note For interoperability reasons, the application should prefer the EnumTimeFormatsEx function to EnumTimeFormats because Microsoft is migrating toward the use of locale names instead of locale identifiers for new locales. Any application that runs only on Windows Vista and later should use EnumTimeFormatsEx. (ANSI) |
EnumTimeFormatsEx Enumerates the time formats that are available for a locale specified by name.Note The application should call this function in preference to EnumTimeFormats if designed to run only on Windows Vista and later. Note This function can enumerate data that changes between releases, for example, due to a custom locale. If your application must persist or transmit data, see Using Persistent Locale Data. |
EnumTimeFormatsW Enumerates the time formats that are available for a locale specified by identifier.Note For interoperability reasons, the application should prefer the EnumTimeFormatsEx function to EnumTimeFormats because Microsoft is migrating toward the use of locale names instead of locale identifiers for new locales. Any application that runs only on Windows Vista and later should use EnumTimeFormatsEx. (Unicode) |
EnumUILanguagesA Enumerates the user interface languages that are available on the operating system and calls the callback function with every language in the list. (ANSI) |
EnumUILanguagesW Enumerates the user interface languages that are available on the operating system and calls the callback function with every language in the list. (Unicode) |
ExistWord Determines if the specified word exists in IFEDictionary. |
FILEMUIINFO_GET_CULTURE Gets the locale name associated with the language name offset information in the dwLanguageNameOffset member of a FILEMUIINFO structure. |
FILEMUIINFO_GET_MAIN_TYPEID Gets the main module types array element associated with the type identifier size and offset in a FILEMUIINFO structure. The information is provided in the dwTypeIDMainSize and dwTypeIDMainOffset members of the structure. |
FILEMUIINFO_GET_MAIN_TYPEIDS Gets the main module types array associated with the type identifier offset information in the dwTypeIDMainOffset member of a FILEMUIINFO structure. |
FILEMUIINFO_GET_MAIN_TYPENAMES Gets the main module names multistring array associated with the type name offset information in the dwTypeNameMainOffset member of a FILEMUIINFO structure. |
FILEMUIINFO_GET_MUI_TYPEID Gets the MUI module types array element associated with the type identifier size and offset information in a FILEMUIINFO structure. The information is provided in the dwTypeIDMUISize and dwTypeIDMUIOffset members of the structure. |
FILEMUIINFO_GET_MUI_TYPEIDS Gets the MUI module types array associated with the type identifier offset information in the dwTypeIDMUIOffset member of a FILEMUIINFO structure. |
FILEMUIINFO_GET_MUI_TYPENAMES Gets the MUI module names multistring array associated with the type name offset information in the dwTypeNameMUIOffset member of a FILEMUIINFO structure. |
FindNLSString Locates a Unicode string (wide characters) or its equivalent in another Unicode string for a locale specified by identifier.Caution Because strings with very different binary representations can compare as identical, this function can raise certain security concerns. For more information, see the discussion of comparison functions in Security Considerations:_International Features. Note For interoperability reasons, the application should prefer the FindNLSStringEx function because Microsoft is migrating toward the use of locale names instead of locale identifiers for new locales. Although FindNLSString supports custom locales, most applications should use FindNLSStringEx for this type of support. |
FindNLSStringEx Locates a Unicode string (wide characters) or its equivalent in another Unicode string for a locale specified by name.Caution Because strings with very different binary representations can compare as identical, this function can raise certain security concerns. For more information, see the discussion of comparison functions in Security Considerations:_International Features. |
FindStringOrdinal Locates a Unicode string (wide characters) in another Unicode string for a non-linguistic comparison. |
FoldStringA Maps one Unicode string to another, performing the specified transformation. (FoldStringA) |
FoldStringW Maps one Unicode string to another, performing the specified transformation. (FoldStringW) |
FreeMUILibrary Releases the handle to a resource module loaded by LoadMUILibrary. |
GEO_ENUMNAMEPROC An application-defined callback function that processes enumerated geographical location information provided by the EnumSystemGeoNames function. |
get_CorrectiveAction Indicates which corrective action should be taken for the spelling error. |
get_Description Get the description of the spell checker option. |
get_Heading Gets the heading for the spell checker option. |
get_Id Gets the identifier for this spell checker engine. |
get_Id Gets the identifier of the spell checker option. |
get_Id Gets the identifier for this spell checker. |
get_Labels Gets the label enumerator for the spell checker option. |
get_LanguageTag Gets the BCP47 language tag this instance of the spell checker supports. (ISpellCheckProvider.get_LanguageTag) |
get_LanguageTag Gets the BCP47 language tag this instance of the spell checker supports. (ISpellChecker.get_LanguageTag) |
get_Length Gets the length of the erroneous text. |
get_LocalizedName Gets text, suitable to display to the user, that describes this spell checker. (ISpellCheckProvider.get_LocalizedName) |
get_LocalizedName Gets text, suitable to display to the user, that describes this spell checker. (ISpellChecker.get_LocalizedName) |
get_OptionIds Gets all of the declared option identifiers recognized by the spell checker. |
get_OptionIds Gets all of the declared option identifiers. |
get_Replacement Gets the text to use as replacement text when the corrective action is replace. |
get_StartIndex Gets the position in the checked text where the error begins. |
get_SupportedLanguages Gets the set of languages/dialects supported by the spell checker. |
get_SupportedLanguages Gets the set of languages/dialects supported by any of the registered spell checkers. |
GetACP Retrieves the current Windows ANSI code page identifier for the operating system.Caution The ANSI API functions, for example, the ANSI version of TextOut, implicitly use GetACP to translate text to or from Unicode. |
GetAppletIIDList Called from the IImePad interface to enumerate the IImePadApplet interfaces that are implemented. |
GetCalendarInfoA Retrieves information about a calendar for a locale specified by identifier. (ANSI) |
GetCalendarInfoEx Retrieves information about a calendar for a locale specified by name.Note The application should call this function in preference to GetCalendarInfo if designed to run only on Windows Vista and later. Note This function can retrieve data that changes between releases, for example, due to a custom locale. If your application must persist or transmit data, see Using Persistent Locale Data. |
GetCalendarInfoW Retrieves information about a calendar for a locale specified by identifier. (Unicode) |
GetConversion Converts the input string (which usually contains the Hiragana character) to converted strings. |
GetConversionModeCaps Gets the conversion mode capability of the IFELanguage object. |
GetCPInfo Retrieves information about any valid installed or available code page. (GetCPInfo) |
GetCPInfoExA Retrieves information about any valid installed or available code page. (GetCPInfoExA) |
GetCPInfoExW Retrieves information about any valid installed or available code page. (GetCPInfoExW) |
GetCurrencyFormatA Formats a number string as a currency string for a locale specified by identifier. (ANSI) |
GetCurrencyFormatEx Formats a number string as a currency string for a locale specified by name.Note The application should call this function in preference to GetCurrencyFormat if designed to run only on Windows Vista and later. Note This function can format data that changes between releases, for example, due to a custom locale. If your application must persist or transmit data, see Using Persistent Locale Data. |
GetCurrencyFormatW Formats a number string as a currency string for a locale specified by identifier. (Unicode) |
GetDateFormatA Formats a date as a date string for a locale specified by the locale identifier. (ANSI) |
GetDateFormatEx Formats a date as a date string for a locale specified by name. |
GetDateFormatW Formats a date as a date string for a locale specified by the locale identifier. (Unicode) |
GetDictionariesInUse Obtains the list of Dictionary IDs (GUID) of the IME plug-in dictionaries which are in use by IME, with their creation dates and encryption flags. |
GetDurationFormat Formats a duration of time as a time string for a locale specified by identifier. |
GetDurationFormatEx Formats a duration of time as a time string for a locale specified by name. |
GetFileMUIInfo Retrieves resource-related information about a file. |
GetFileMUIPath Retrieves the path to all language-specific resource files associated with the supplied LN file. The application must call this function repeatedly to get the path for each resource file. |
GetGeoInfoA Retrieves information about a specified geographical location. (ANSI) |
GetGeoInfoEx Retrieves information about a geographic location that you specify by using a two-letter International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166-1 code or numeric United Nations (UN) Series M, Number 49 (M.49) code. |
GetGeoInfoW Retrieves information about a specified geographical location. (Unicode) |
GetHeader Gets a dictionary header from a dictionary file without opening the dictionary. |
GetJMorphResult Gets morphological analysis results. |
GetLocaleInfoA Retrieves information about a locale specified by identifier. (ANSI) |
GetLocaleInfoEx Retrieves information about a locale specified by name.Note The application should call this function in preference to GetLocaleInfo if designed to run only on Windows Vista and later. Note This function can retrieve data that changes between releases, for example, due to a custom locale. If your application must persist or transmit data, see Using Persistent Locale Data. |
GetLocaleInfoW Retrieves information about a locale specified by identifier. (Unicode) |
GetNLSVersion Retrieves information about the current version of a specified NLS capability for a locale specified by identifier.Note For interoperability reasons, the application should prefer the GetNLSVersionEx function to GetNLSVersion because Microsoft is migrating toward the use of locale names instead of locale identifiers for new locales. This recommendation applies especially to custom locales, for which GetNLSVersionEx retrieves enough information to determine if sort behavior has changed. Any application that runs only on Windows Vista and later should use GetNLSVersionEx or at least pass the NLSVERSIONINFOEX structure when calling GetNLSVersion to obtain additional sorting versioning data. |
GetNLSVersionEx Retrieves information about the current version of a specified NLS capability for a locale specified by name.Note The application should call this function in preference to GetNLSVersion if designed to run only on Windows Vista and later. |
GetNumberFormatA Formats a number string as a number string customized for a locale specified by identifier. (ANSI) |
GetNumberFormatEx Formats a number string as a number string customized for a locale specified by name.Note The application should call this function in preference to GetNumberFormat if designed to run only on Windows Vista and later. Note This function can format data that changes between releases, for example, due to a custom locale. If your application must persist or transmit data, see Using Persistent Locale Data. |
GetNumberFormatW Formats a number string as a number string customized for a locale specified by identifier. (Unicode) |
GetOEMCP Returns the current original equipment manufacturer (OEM) code page identifier for the operating system. |
GetOptionDescription Retrieves the information (id, description, heading and labels) of a specific option. (ISpellCheckProvider.GetOptionDescription) |
GetOptionDescription Retrieves the information (id, description, heading and labels) of a specific option. (ISpellChecker.GetOptionDescription) |
GetOptionValue Retrieves the value associated with the given option. (ISpellCheckProvider.GetOptionValue) |
GetOptionValue Retrieves the value associated with the given option. (ISpellChecker.GetOptionValue) |
GetPosTable Obtains the public POS (Part of Speech) table. |
GetProcessPreferredUILanguages Retrieves the process preferred UI languages. For more information, see User Interface Language Management. |
GetStringScripts Provides a list of scripts used in the specified Unicode string. |
GetStringTypeA Deprecated. (GetStringTypeA) |
GetStringTypeExW Retrieves character type information for the characters in the specified source string. |
GetStringTypeW Retrieves character type information for the characters in the specified Unicode source string. |
GetSystemDefaultLangID Returns the language identifier for the system locale. |
GetSystemDefaultLCID Returns the locale identifier for the system locale.Note Any application that runs only on Windows Vista and later should use GetSystemDefaultLocaleName in preference to this function. |
GetSystemDefaultLocaleName Retrieves the system default locale name.Note It is recommended that applications call GetUserDefaultLocaleName in preference over this function. |
GetSystemDefaultUILanguage Retrieves the language identifier for the system default UI language of the operating system, also known as the "install language" on Windows Vista and later. For more information, see User Interface Language Management. |
GetSystemPreferredUILanguages Retrieves the system preferred UI languages. For more information, see User Interface Language Management. |
GetTextCharset Retrieves a character set identifier for the font that is currently selected into a specified device context. |
GetTextCharsetInfo Retrieves information about the character set of the font that is currently selected into a specified device context. |
GetThreadLocale Returns the locale identifier of the current locale for the calling thread.Note This function can retrieve data that changes between releases, for example, due to a custom locale. |
GetThreadPreferredUILanguages Retrieves the thread preferred UI languages for the current thread. For more information, see User Interface Language Management. |
GetThreadUILanguage Returns the language identifier of the first user interface language for the current thread. |
GetTimeFormatA Formats time as a time string for a locale specified by identifier. The function formats either a specified time or the local system time. (ANSI) |
GetTimeFormatEx Formats time as a time string for a locale specified by name. |
GetTimeFormatW Formats time as a time string for a locale specified by identifier. The function formats either a specified time or the local system time. (Unicode) |
GetUILanguageFallbackList Gets a fallback list of UI languages represented as language names. |
GetUILanguageInfo Retrieves a variety of information about an installed UI language |
GetUserDefaultGeoName Retrieves the two-letter International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166-1 code or numeric United Nations (UN) Series M, Number 49 (M.49) code for the default geographical location of the user. |
GetUserDefaultLangID Returns the language identifier of the Region Format setting for the current user. |
GetUserDefaultLCID Returns the locale identifier for the user default locale.Caution If the user default locale is a custom locale, an application cannot accurately tag data with the value or exchange it. |
GetUserDefaultLocaleName Retrieves the user default locale name.Note The application should call this function in preference to GetUserDefaultLCID if designed to run only on Windows Vista and later. |
GetUserDefaultUILanguage Returns the language identifier for the user UI language for the current user. |
GetUserGeoID Retrieves information about the geographical location of the user. For more information, see Table of Geographical Locations. |
GetUserPreferredUILanguages Retrieves information about the user preferred UI languages. For more information, see User Interface Language Management. |
GetWords Gets word entries from a dictionary. |
IdnToAscii Converts an internationalized domain name (IDN) or another internationalized label to a Unicode (wide character) representation of the ASCII string that represents the name in the Punycode transfer encoding syntax. |
IdnToNameprepUnicode Converts an internationalized domain name (IDN) or another internationalized label to the NamePrep form specified by Network Working Group RFC 3491, but does not perform the additional conversion to Punycode. |
IdnToUnicode Converts the Punycode form of an internationalized domain name (IDN) or another internationalized label to the normal Unicode UTF-16 encoding syntax. |
Ignore Ignores the provided word for the rest of this session. |
IMCENUMPROC IMCENUMPROC (imm.h) is an application-defined callback function that processes input contexts provided by the ImmEnumInputContext function. |
IMCENUMPROC IMCENUMPROC (immdev.h) is an application-defined callback function that processes input contexts provided by the ImmEnumInputContext function. |
ImmAssociateContext The ImmAssociateContext function (imm.h) associates the specified input context with the specified window. |
ImmAssociateContext The ImmAssociateContext function (immdev.h) associates the specified input context with the specified window. |
ImmAssociateContextEx The ImmAssociateContextEx function (imm.h) changes the association between the input method context and the specified window or its children. |
ImmAssociateContextEx The ImmAssociateContextEx function (immdev.h) changes the association between the input method context and the specified window or its children. |
ImmConfigureIMEA The ImmConfigureIMEA (ANSI) function (imm.h) displays the configuration dialog box for the IME of the specified input locale identifier. |
ImmConfigureIMEA The ImmConfigureIMEA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) displays the configuration dialog box for the IME of the specified input locale identifier. |
ImmConfigureIMEW The ImmConfigureIMEW (Unicode) function (imm.h) displays the configuration dialog box for the IME of the specified input locale identifier. |
ImmConfigureIMEW The ImmConfigureIMEW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) displays the configuration dialog box for the IME of the specified input locale identifier. |
ImmCreateContext The ImmCreateContext function (imm.h) creates a new input context, allocating memory for the context and initializing it. |
ImmCreateContext The ImmCreateContext function (immdev.h) creates a new input context, allocating memory for the context and initializing it. |
ImmDestroyContext The ImmDestroyContext function (imm.h) releases the input context and frees associated memory. |
ImmDestroyContext The ImmDestroyContext function (immdev.h) releases the input context and frees associated memory. |
ImmDisableIME The ImmDisableIME function (imm.h) disables the IME for a thread or for all threads in a process. |
ImmDisableIME The ImmDisableIME function (immdev.h) disables the IME for a thread or for all threads in a process. |
ImmDisableLegacyIME The ImmDisableLegacyIME function (imm.h) indicates that this thread is a Windows Store app UI thread. |
ImmDisableLegacyIME The ImmDisableLegacyIME function (immdev.h) indicates that this thread is a Windows Store app UI thread. |
ImmDisableTextFrameService The ImmDisableTextFrameService function (imm.h) is no longer available for use as of Windows Vista. |
ImmDisableTextFrameService The ImmDisableTextFrameService function (immdev.h) is no longer available for use as of Windows Vista. |
ImmEnumInputContext The ImmEnumInputContext function (imm.h) retrieves the input context for the specified thread. |
ImmEnumInputContext The ImmEnumInputContext function (immdev.h) retrieves the input context for the specified thread. |
ImmEnumRegisterWordA The ImmEnumRegisterWordA (ANSI) function (imm.h) enumerates the register strings having the specified reading string, style, and register string. |
ImmEnumRegisterWordA The ImmEnumRegisterWordA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) enumerates the register strings having the specified reading string, style, and register string. |
ImmEnumRegisterWordW The ImmEnumRegisterWordW (Unicode) function (imm.h) enumerates the register strings having the specified reading string, style, and register string. |
ImmEnumRegisterWordW The ImmEnumRegisterWordW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) enumerates the register strings having the specified reading string, style, and register string. |
ImmEscapeA The ImmEscapeA (ANSI) function (imm.h) accesses capabilities of particular IMEs that are not available through other IME API functions. |
ImmEscapeA The ImmEscapeA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) accesses capabilities of particular IMEs that are not available through other IME API functions. |
ImmEscapeW The ImmEscapeW (Unicode) function (imm.h) accesses capabilities of particular IMEs that are not available through other IME API functions. |
ImmEscapeW The ImmEscapeW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) accesses capabilities of particular IMEs that are not available through other IME API functions. |
ImmGetCandidateListA The ImmGetCandidateListA (ANSI) function (imm.h) retrieves a candidate list. |
ImmGetCandidateListA The ImmGetCandidateListA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) retrieves a candidate list. |
ImmGetCandidateListCountA The ImmGetCandidateListCountA (ANSI) function (imm.h) retrieves the size of the candidate lists. |
ImmGetCandidateListCountA The ImmGetCandidateListCountA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) retrieves the size of the candidate lists. |
ImmGetCandidateListCountW The ImmGetCandidateListCountW (Unicode) function (imm.h) retrieves the size of the candidate lists. |
ImmGetCandidateListCountW The ImmGetCandidateListCountW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) retrieves the size of the candidate lists. |
ImmGetCandidateListW The ImmGetCandidateListW (Unicode) function (imm.h) retrieves a candidate list. |
ImmGetCandidateListW The ImmGetCandidateListW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) retrieves a candidate list. |
ImmGetCandidateWindow The ImmGetCandidateWindow function (imm.h) retrieves information about the candidates window. |
ImmGetCandidateWindow The ImmGetCandidateWindow function (immdev.h) retrieves information about the candidates window. |
ImmGetCompositionFontA The ImmGetCompositionFontA (ANSI) function (imm.h) retrieves information about the logical font used to display characters in the composition window. |
ImmGetCompositionFontA The ImmGetCompositionFontA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) retrieves information about the logical font currently used to display characters in the composition window. |
ImmGetCompositionFontW The ImmGetCompositionFontW (Unicode) function (imm.h) retrieves information about the logical font used to display characters in the composition window. |
ImmGetCompositionFontW The ImmGetCompositionFontW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) retrieves information about the logical font currently used to display characters in the composition window. |
ImmGetCompositionStringA The ImmGetCompositionStringA (ANSI) function (imm.h) retrieves information about the composition string. |
ImmGetCompositionStringA The ImmGetCompositionStringA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) retrieves information about the composition string. |
ImmGetCompositionStringW The ImmGetCompositionStringW (Unicode) function (imm.h) retrieves information about the composition string. |
ImmGetCompositionStringW The ImmGetCompositionStringW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) retrieves information about the composition string. |
ImmGetCompositionWindow The ImmGetCompositionWindow function (imm.h) retrieves information about the composition window. |
ImmGetCompositionWindow The ImmGetCompositionWindow function (immdev.h) retrieves information about the composition window. |
ImmGetContext The ImmGetContext function (imm.h) returns the input context associated with the specified window. |
ImmGetContext The ImmGetContext function (immdev.h) returns the input context associated with the specified window. |
ImmGetConversionListA The ImmGetConversionListA (ANSI) function (imm.h) retrieves the conversion result list of characters or words without generating any IME-related messages. |
ImmGetConversionListA The ImmGetConversionListA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) retrieves the conversion result list of characters or words without generating any IME-related messages. |
ImmGetConversionListW The ImmGetConversionListW (Unicode) function (imm.h) retrieves the conversion result list of characters or words without generating any IME-related messages. |
ImmGetConversionListW The ImmGetConversionListW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) retrieves the conversion result list of characters or words without generating any IME-related messages. |
ImmGetConversionStatus The ImmGetConversionStatus function (imm.h) retrieves the current conversion status. |
ImmGetConversionStatus The ImmGetConversionStatus function (immdev.h) retrieves the current conversion status. |
ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd The ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd function (imm.h) retrieves the default window handle to the IME class. |
ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd The ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd function (immdev.h) retrieves the default window handle to the IME class. |
ImmGetDescriptionA The ImmGetDescriptionA (ANSI) function (imm.h) copies the description of the IME to the specified buffer. |
ImmGetDescriptionA The ImmGetDescriptionA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) copies the description of the IME to the specified buffer. |
ImmGetDescriptionW The ImmGetDescriptionW (Unicode) function (imm.h) copies the description of the IME to the specified buffer. |
ImmGetDescriptionW The ImmGetDescriptionW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) copies the description of the IME to the specified buffer. |
ImmGetGuideLineA The ImmGetGuideLineA (ANSI) function (imm.h) retrieves information about errors. Applications use the information for user notifications. |
ImmGetGuideLineA The ImmGetGuideLineA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) retrieves information about errors. Applications use the information for user notifications. |
ImmGetGuideLineW The ImmGetGuideLineW (Unicode) function (imm.h) retrieves information about errors. Applications use the information for user notifications. |
ImmGetGuideLineW The ImmGetGuideLineW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) retrieves information about errors. Applications use the information for user notifications. |
ImmGetIMEFileNameA The ImmGetIMEFileNameA (ANSI) function (imm.h) retrieves the file name of the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmGetIMEFileNameA The ImmGetIMEFileNameA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) retrieves the file name of the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmGetIMEFileNameW The ImmGetIMEFileNameW (Unicode) function (imm.h) retrieves the file name of the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmGetIMEFileNameW The ImmGetIMEFileNameW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) retrieves the file name of the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmGetImeMenuItemsA The ImmGetImeMenuItemsA (ANSI) function (imm.h) retrieves the menu items that are registered in the IME menu of a specified input context. |
ImmGetImeMenuItemsA The ImmGetImeMenuItemsA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) retrieves the menu items that are registered in the IME menu of a specified input context. |
ImmGetImeMenuItemsW The ImmGetImeMenuItemsW (Unicode) function (imm.h) retrieves the menu items that are registered in the IME menu of a specified input context. |
ImmGetImeMenuItemsW The ImmGetImeMenuItemsW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) retrieves the menu items that are registered in the IME menu of a specified input context. |
ImmGetOpenStatus The ImmGetOpenStatus function (imm.h) determines whether the IME is open or closed. |
ImmGetOpenStatus The ImmGetOpenStatus function (immdev.h) determines whether the IME is open or closed. |
ImmGetProperty The ImmGetProperty function (imm.h) retrieves the property and capabilities of the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmGetProperty The ImmGetProperty function (immdev.h) retrieves the property and capabilities of the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmGetRegisterWordStyleA The ImmGetRegisterWordStyleA (ANSI) function (imm.h) retrieves a list of the styles supported by the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmGetRegisterWordStyleA The ImmGetRegisterWordStyleA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) retrieves a list of the styles supported by the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmGetRegisterWordStyleW The ImmGetRegisterWordStyleW (Unicode) function (imm.h) retrieves a list of the styles supported by the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmGetRegisterWordStyleW The ImmGetRegisterWordStyleW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) retrieves a list of the styles supported by the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmGetStatusWindowPos The ImmGetStatusWindowPos function (imm.h) retrieves the position of the status window. |
ImmGetStatusWindowPos The ImmGetStatusWindowPos function (immdev.h) retrieves the position of the status window. |
ImmGetVirtualKey The ImmGetVirtualKey function (imm.h) retrieves the original virtual key value associated with a key input message that the IME has already processed. |
ImmGetVirtualKey The ImmGetVirtualKey function (immdev.h) retrieves the original virtual key value associated with a key input message that the IME has already processed. |
ImmInstallIMEA The ImmInstallIMEA (ANSI) function (imm.h) installs an IME. |
ImmInstallIMEA The ImmInstallIMEA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) installs an IME. |
ImmInstallIMEW The ImmInstallIMEW (Unicode) function (imm.h) installs an IME. |
ImmInstallIMEW The ImmInstallIMEW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) installs an IME. |
ImmIsIME The ImmIsIME function (imm.h) determines if the specified input locale has an IME. |
ImmIsIME The ImmIsIME function (immdev.h) determines if the specified input locale has an IME. |
ImmIsUIMessageA The ImmIsUIMessageA (ANSI) function (imm.h) checks for messages intended for the IME window and sends those messages to the window. |
ImmIsUIMessageA The ImmIsUIMessageA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) checks for messages intended for the IME window and sends those messages to the window. |
ImmIsUIMessageW The ImmIsUIMessageW (Unicode) function (imm.h) checks for messages intended for the IME window and sends those messages to the window. |
ImmIsUIMessageW The ImmIsUIMessageW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) checks for messages intended for the IME window and sends those messages to the window. |
ImmNotifyIME The ImmNotifyIME function (imm.h) notifies the IME about changes to the status of the input context. |
ImmNotifyIME The ImmNotifyIME function (immdev.h) notifies the IME about changes to the status of the input context. |
ImmRegisterWordA The ImmRegisterWordA (ANSI) function (imm.h) registers a string with the dictionary of the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmRegisterWordA The ImmRegisterWordA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) registers a string with the dictionary of the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmRegisterWordW The ImmRegisterWordW (Unicode) function (imm.h) registers a string with the dictionary of the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmRegisterWordW The ImmRegisterWordW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) registers a string with the dictionary of the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmReleaseContext The ImmReleaseContext function (imm.h) releases the input context and unlocks the memory associated in the input context. An application must call this function for each call to the ImmGetContext function. |
ImmReleaseContext The ImmReleaseContext function (immdev.h) releases the input context and unlocks the memory associated in the input context. |
ImmRequestMessageA Generates a WM_IME_REQUEST message. (ANSI) |
ImmRequestMessageW Generates a WM_IME_REQUEST message. (Unicode) |
ImmSetCandidateWindow The ImmSetCandidateWindow function (imm.h) sets information about the candidates window. |
ImmSetCandidateWindow The ImmSetCandidateWindow function (immdev.h) sets information about the candidates window. |
ImmSetCompositionFontA The ImmSetCompositionFontA (ANSI) function (imm.h) sets the logical font to use to display characters in the composition window. |
ImmSetCompositionFontA The ImmSetCompositionFontA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) sets the logical font to use to display characters in the composition window. |
ImmSetCompositionFontW The ImmSetCompositionFontW (Unicode) function (imm.h) sets the logical font to use to display characters in the composition window. |
ImmSetCompositionFontW The ImmSetCompositionFontW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) sets the logical font to use to display characters in the composition window. |
ImmSetCompositionStringA The ImmSetCompositionStringA (ANSI) function (imm.h) sets the characters, attributes, and clauses of the composition and reading strings. |
ImmSetCompositionStringA The ImmSetCompositionStringA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) sets the characters, attributes, and clauses of the composition and reading strings. |
ImmSetCompositionStringW The ImmSetCompositionStringW (Unicode) function (imm.h) sets the characters, attributes, and clauses of the composition and reading strings. |
ImmSetCompositionStringW The ImmSetCompositionStringW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) sets the characters, attributes, and clauses of the composition and reading strings. |
ImmSetCompositionWindow The ImmSetCompositionWindow function (imm.h) sets the position of the composition window. |
ImmSetCompositionWindow The ImmSetCompositionWindow function (immdev.h) sets the position of the composition window. |
ImmSetConversionStatus The ImmSetConversionStatus function (imm.h) sets the current conversion status. |
ImmSetConversionStatus The ImmSetConversionStatus function (immdev.h) sets the current conversion status. |
ImmSetOpenStatus The ImmSetOpenStatus function (imm.h) opens or closes the IME. |
ImmSetOpenStatus The ImmSetOpenStatus function (immdev.h) opens or closes the IME. |
ImmSetStatusWindowPos The ImmSetStatusWindowPos function (imm.h) sets the position of the status window. |
ImmSetStatusWindowPos The ImmSetStatusWindowPos function (immdev.h) sets the position of the status window. |
ImmSimulateHotKey The ImmSimulateHotKey function (imm.h) simulates the specified IME hot key, causing the same response as if the user presses the hot key in the specified window. |
ImmSimulateHotKey The ImmSimulateHotKey function (immdev.h) simulates the specified IME hot key, causing the same response as if the user presses the hot key in the specified window. |
ImmUnregisterWordA The ImmUnregisterWordA (ANSI) function (imm.h) removes a register string from the dictionary of the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmUnregisterWordA The ImmUnregisterWordA (ANSI) function (immdev.h) removes a register string from the dictionary of the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmUnregisterWordW The ImmUnregisterWordW (Unicode) function (imm.h) removes a register string from the dictionary of the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
ImmUnregisterWordW The ImmUnregisterWordW (Unicode) function (immdev.h) removes a register string from the dictionary of the IME associated with the specified input locale. |
Initialize Called from IImePad interface to initialize IImePadApplet. |
InitializeWordlist Initialize the specified word list to contain only the specified words. |
Invoke Receives the SpellCheckerChanged event. |
InvokeDictToolDialog Invokes the Microsoft IME's Dictionary Tool from the app. |
InvokeWordRegDialog Invokes the Microsoft IME Word Register Dialog Window from the app. |
IS_HIGH_SURROGATE Determines if a character is a UTF-16 high surrogate code point, ranging from 0xd800 to 0xdbff, inclusive. |
IS_LOW_SURROGATE Determines if a character is a UTF-16 low surrogate code point, ranging from 0xdc00 to 0xdfff, inclusive. |
IS_SURROGATE_PAIR Determines if the specified code units form a UTF-16 surrogate pair. |
IsDBCSLeadByte Determines if a specified character is a lead byte for the system default Windows ANSI code page (CP_ACP). A lead byte is the first byte of a two-byte character in a double-byte character set (DBCS) for the code page. |
IsDBCSLeadByteEx Determines if a specified character is potentially a lead byte. A lead byte is the first byte of a two-byte character in a double-byte character set (DBCS) for the code page. |
IsDefaultIME Determines if the IME specified by the class ID is the default IME on a local computer. |
IsNLSDefinedString Determines if each character in a string has a defined result for a specified NLS capability. |
IsNormalizedString Verifies that a string is normalized according to Unicode 4.0 TR#15. For more information, see Using Unicode Normalization to Represent Strings. |
IsSupported Determines if the specified language is supported by this spell checker. |
IsSupported Determines if the specified language is supported by a registered spell checker. |
IsTextUnicode Determines if a buffer is likely to contain a form of Unicode text. |
IsValidCodePage Determines if a specified code page is valid. |
IsValidLanguageGroup Determines if a language group is installed or supported on the operating system. For more information, see NLS Terminology. |
IsValidLocale Determines if the specified locale is installed or supported on the operating system. For more information, see Locales and Languages. |
IsValidLocaleName Determines if the specified locale name is valid for a locale that is installed or supported on the operating system.Note An application running only on Windows Vista and later should call this function in preference to IsValidLocale to determine the validity of a supplemental locale. |
IsValidNLSVersion Determines if the NLS version is valid for a given NLS function. |
LANGGROUPLOCALE_ENUMPROCA An application-defined callback function that processes enumerated language group locale information provided by the EnumLanguageGroupLocales function. (ANSI) |
LANGGROUPLOCALE_ENUMPROCW An application-defined callback function that processes enumerated language group locale information provided by the EnumLanguageGroupLocales function. (Unicode) |
LANGIDFROMLCID Retrieves a language identifier from a locale identifier. |
LCIDToLocaleName Converts a locale identifier to a locale name. |
LCMapStringA For a locale specified by identifier, maps one input character string to another using a specified transformation, or generates a sort key for the input string. (ANSI) |
LCMapStringEx For a locale specified by name, maps an input character string to another using a specified transformation, or generates a sort key for the input string.Note The application should call this function in preference to LCMapString if designed to run only on Windows Vista and later. |
LCMapStringW For a locale specified by identifier, maps one input character string to another using a specified transformation, or generates a sort key for the input string. (Unicode) |
LoadMUILibraryA Returns a handle to the language-specific resources associated with a particular language-neutral (LN) file. (ANSI) |
LoadMUILibraryW Returns a handle to the language-specific resources associated with a particular language-neutral (LN) file. (Unicode) |
LoadStringByReference Unsupported. LoadStringByReference may be altered or unavailable. Instead, use SHLoadIndirectString. |
LOCALE_ENUMPROCEX An application-defined callback function that processes enumerated locale information provided by the EnumSystemLocalesEx function. |
LocaleNameToLCID Converts a locale name to a locale identifier. |
MAKELANGID Creates a language identifier from a primary language identifier and a sublanguage identifier. |
MAKELCID Creates a locale identifier from a language identifier and a sort order identifier. |
MAKESORTLCID Constructs a locale identifier (LCID) from a language identifier, a sort order identifier, and the sort version. |
MappingDoAction Causes an ELS service to perform an action after text recognition has occurred. For example, a phone dialer service first must recognize phone numbers and then can perform the "action" of dialing a number. |
MappingFreePropertyBag Frees memory and resources allocated during an ELS text recognition operation. |
MappingFreeServices Frees memory and resources allocated for the application to interact with one or more ELS services. The memory and resources are allocated in an application call to MappingGetServices. |
MappingGetServices Retrieves a list of available ELS platform-supported services, along with associated information, according to application-specified criteria. |
MappingRecognizeText Calls upon an ELS service to recognize text. For example, the Microsoft Language Detection service will attempt to recognize the language in which the input text is written. |
MultiByteToWideChar Maps a character string to a UTF-16 (wide character) string. |
Next Gets the next spelling error. |
NextWords Gets the next word entry from a dictionary. |
NlsDllCodePageTranslation Used to get code page information or do conversion, depending on flag settings. |
NormalizeString Normalizes characters of a text string according to Unicode 4.0 TR#15. For more information, see Using Unicode Normalization to Represent Strings. |
Notify Called from IImePad to pass information with a notify code. |
NotifyUILanguageChange Unsupported. NotifyUILanguageChange may be altered or unavailable. |
Open Opens a dictionary file. |
Open Initializes the IFELanguage object. |
PFN_MAPPINGCALLBACKPROC An application-defined callback function that asynchronously processes data produced by the MappingRecognizeText function. |
PRIMARYLANGID Extracts a primary language identifier from a language identifier. |
RegisterUserDictionary Registers a file to be used as a user dictionary for the current user, until unregistered. |
RegisterWord Registers a new word or deletes an existing word in the IFEDictionary. |
REGISTERWORDENUMPROCA REGISTERWORDENUMPROCA (ANSI) (imm.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the ImmEnumRegisterWord function. |
REGISTERWORDENUMPROCA REGISTERWORDENUMPROCA (ANSI) is an application-defined callback function used with the ImmEnumRegisterWord function. |
REGISTERWORDENUMPROCW REGISTERWORDENUMPROCW (Unicode) (imm.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the ImmEnumRegisterWord function. |
REGISTERWORDENUMPROCW REGISTERWORDENUMPROCW (Unicode) is an application-defined callback function used with the ImmEnumRegisterWord function. (registerwordenumprocw) |
Remove Removes a word that was previously added by ISpellChecker.Add, or set by ISpellChecker.Ignore to be ignored. |
remove_SpellCheckerChanged Removes an event handler (ISpellCheckerChangedEventHandler) that has been added for the SpellCheckerChanged event. |
Request Called by an IImePadApplet to insert text into an app. |
ResolveLocaleName Finds a possible locale name match for the supplied name. |
ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution Applies the specified digit substitution settings to the specified script control and script state structures. |
ScriptApplyLogicalWidth Takes an array of advance widths for a run and generates an array of adjusted advance glyph widths. |
ScriptBreak Retrieves information for determining line breaks. |
ScriptCacheGetHeight Retrieves the height of the currently cached font. |
ScriptCPtoX Generates the x offset from the left end or leading edge of a run to either the leading or trailing edge of a logical character cluster. |
ScriptFreeCache Frees a script cache. |
ScriptGetCMap Retrieves the glyph indexes of the Unicode characters in a string according to either the TrueType cmap table or the standard cmap table implemented for old-style fonts. |
ScriptGetFontAlternateGlyphs Retrieves a list of alternate glyphs for a specified character that can be accessed through a specified OpenType feature. |
ScriptGetFontFeatureTags Retrieves a list of typographic features for the defined writing system for OpenType processing. The typographic feature tags comprising the list are retrieved from the font in the supplied device context or cache. |
ScriptGetFontLanguageTags Retrieves a list of language tags that are available for the specified item and are supported by a specified script tag for OpenType processing. The tags comprising the list are retrieved from the font in the specified device context or cache. |
ScriptGetFontProperties Retrieves information from the font cache on the special glyphs used by a font. |
ScriptGetFontScriptTags Retrieves a list of scripts available in the font for OpenType processing. Scripts comprising the list are retrieved from the font located in the supplied device context or from the script shaping engine that processes the font of the current run. |
ScriptGetGlyphABCWidth Retrieves the ABC width of a given glyph. |
ScriptGetLogicalWidths Converts the glyph advance widths for a specific font into logical widths. |
ScriptGetProperties Retrieves information about the current scripts. |
ScriptIsComplex Determines whether a Unicode string requires complex script processing. |
ScriptItemize Breaks a Unicode string into individually shapeable items. |
ScriptItemizeOpenType Breaks a Unicode string into individually shapeable items and provides an array of feature tags for each shapeable item for OpenType processing. |
ScriptJustify Creates an advance widths table to allow text justification when passed to the ScriptTextOut function. |
ScriptLayout Converts an array of run embedding levels to a map of visual-to-logical position and/or logical-to-visual position. |
ScriptPlace Generates glyph advance width and two-dimensional offset information from the output of ScriptShape. |
ScriptPlaceOpenType Generates glyphs and visual attributes for a Unicode run with OpenType information from the output of ScriptShapeOpenType. |
ScriptPositionSingleGlyph Positions a single glyph with a single adjustment using a specified feature provided in the font for OpenType processing. Most often, applications use this function to align a glyph optically at the beginning or end of a line. |
ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution Reads the National Language Support (NLS) native digit and digit substitution settings and records them in a SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE structure. For more information, see Digit Shapes. |
ScriptShape Generates glyphs and visual attributes for a Unicode run. |
ScriptShapeOpenType Generates glyphs and visual attributes for a Unicode run with OpenType information. Each run consists of one call to this function. |
ScriptString_pcOutChars Returns a pointer to the length of a string after clipping. |
ScriptString_pLogAttr Returns a pointer to a logical attributes buffer for an analyzed string. |
ScriptString_pSize Returns a pointer to a SIZE structure for an analyzed string. |
ScriptStringAnalyse Analyzes a plain text string. |
ScriptStringCPtoX Retrieves the x coordinate for the leading or trailing edge of a character position. |
ScriptStringFree Frees a SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS structure. |
ScriptStringGetLogicalWidths Converts visual widths into logical widths. |
ScriptStringGetOrder Creates an array that maps an original character position to a glyph position. |
ScriptStringOut Displays a string generated by a prior call to ScriptStringAnalyse and optionally adds highlighting. |
ScriptStringValidate Checks a SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS structure for invalid sequences. |
ScriptStringXtoCP Converts an x coordinate to a character position. |
ScriptSubstituteSingleGlyph Enables substitution of a single glyph with one alternate form of the same glyph for OpenType processing. |
ScriptTextOut Displays text for the specified script shape and place information. |
ScriptXtoCP Generates the leading or trailing edge of a logical character cluster from the x offset of a run. |
SetCalendarInfoA Sets an item of locale information for a calendar. For more information, see Date and Calendar. (ANSI) |
SetCalendarInfoW Sets an item of locale information for a calendar. For more information, see Date and Calendar. (Unicode) |
SetDefaultIME Allows the Microsoft IME to become the default IME in the keyboard layout. |
SetHeader Sets a dictionary header in a dictionary file. |
SetLocaleInfoA Sets an item of information in the user override portion of the current locale. This function does not set the system defaults. (ANSI) |
SetLocaleInfoW Sets an item of information in the user override portion of the current locale. This function does not set the system defaults. (Unicode) |
SetOptionValue Sets the value associated with the given option. |
SetProcessPreferredUILanguages Sets the process preferred UI languages for the application process. For more information, see User Interface Language Management. |
SetThreadLocale Sets the current locale of the calling thread. |
SetThreadPreferredUILanguages Sets the thread preferred UI languages for the current thread. For more information, see User Interface Language Management. |
SetThreadUILanguage Sets the user interface language for the current thread. |
SetUserGeoID Sets the geographical location identifier for the user. This identifier should have one of the values described in Table of Geographical Locations. |
SetUserGeoName Sets the geographic location for the current user to the specified two-letter International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166-1 code or numeric United Nations (UN) Series M, Number 49 (M.49) code. |
SORTIDFROMLCID Retrieves a sort order identifier from a locale identifier. |
SORTVERSIONFROMLCID Retrieves the sort version from a locale identifier. |
SUBLANGID Extracts a sublanguage identifier from a language identifier. |
Suggest Retrieves spelling suggestions for the supplied text. (ISpellCheckProvider.Suggest) |
Suggest Retrieves spelling suggestions for the supplied text. (ISpellChecker.Suggest) |
Terminate Called from IImePad to terminate IImePadApplet when the IMEPad instance exits. |
TEXT Identifies a string as Unicode when UNICODE is defined by a preprocessor directive during compilation. Otherwise, the macro identifies a string as an ANSI string. |
TranslateCharsetInfo Translates character set information and sets all members of a destination structure to appropriate values. |
UILANGUAGE_ENUMPROCA An application-defined callback function that processes enumerated user interface language information provided by the EnumUILanguages function. (ANSI) |
UILANGUAGE_ENUMPROCW An application-defined callback function that processes enumerated user interface language information provided by the EnumUILanguages function. (Unicode) |
UnregisterUserDictionary Unregisters a previously registered user dictionary. |
VerifyScripts Compares two enumerated lists of scripts. |
WideCharToMultiByte Maps a UTF-16 (wide character) string to a new character string. |
IComprehensiveSpellCheckProvider Allows the provider to optionally support a more comprehensive spell checking functionality. |
IEnumSpellingError An enumeration of the spelling errors. |
IFECommon The IFECommon interface provides IME-related services that are common for different languages. |
IFEDictionary The IFEDictionary interface allows clients to access a Microsoft IME user dictionary. |
IFELanguage The IFELanguage interface provides language processing services using the Microsoft IME. |
IImePad The IImePad interface inserts text into apps from IMEPadApplets that implement the IImePadApplet interface. |
IImePadApplet The IImePadApplet interface inputs strings into apps through the IImePad interface. |
IImePlugInDictDictionaryList Provides access to the list of IME plug-in dictionaries. |
IImeSpecifyApplets The IImeSpecifyApplets interface specifies methods called from the IImePad interface object to emulate the IImePadApplet interface. |
IOptionDescription Represents the description of a spell checker option. |
ISpellChecker Represents a particular spell checker for a particular language. |
ISpellChecker2 Represents a particular spell checker for a particular language, with the added ability to remove words from the added words dictionary, or from the ignore list. |
ISpellCheckerChangedEventHandler Allows the caller to create a handler for notifications that the state of the speller has changed. |
ISpellCheckerFactory A factory for instantiating a spell checker (ISpellChecker) as well as providing functionality for determining which languages are supported. |
ISpellCheckProvider Represents a particular spell checker provider for a particular language, to be used by the spell checking infrastructure. |
ISpellCheckProviderFactory A factory for instantiating a spell checker (ISpellCheckProvider) as well as providing functionality for determining which languages are supported. |
ISpellingError Provides information about a spelling error. |
IUserDictionariesRegistrar Manages the registration of user dictionaries. |
APPLETIDLIST Specifies an IImePadApplet IID list. |
CANDIDATEFORM The CANDIDATEFORM (imm.h) structure contains position information for the candidate window. |
CANDIDATEFORM The CANDIDATEFORM structure (immdev.h) contains position information for the candidate window. |
CANDIDATELIST The CANDIDATELIST (imm.h) structure contains information about a candidate list. |
CANDIDATELIST The CANDIDATELIST structure (immdev.h) contains information about a candidate list. |
CHARSETINFO Contains information about a character set. |
COMPOSITIONFORM The COMPOSITIONFORM (imm.h) structure contains style and position information for a composition window. |
COMPOSITIONFORM The COMPOSITIONFORM structure (immdev.h) contains style and position information for a composition window. |
CPINFO Contains information about a code page. This structure is used by the GetCPInfo function. |
CPINFOEXA Contains information about a code page. This structure is used by the GetCPInfoEx function. (ANSI) |
CPINFOEXW Contains information about a code page. This structure is used by the GetCPInfoEx function. (Unicode) |
CURRENCYFMTA Contains information that defines the format of a currency string. The GetCurrencyFormat function uses this information to customize a currency string for a specified locale. (ANSI) |
CURRENCYFMTW Contains information that defines the format of a currency string. The GetCurrencyFormat function uses this information to customize a currency string for a specified locale. (Unicode) |
FILEMUIINFO Contains information about a file, related to its use with MUI. |
FONTSIGNATURE Contains information identifying the code pages and Unicode subranges for which a given font provides glyphs. |
GOFFSET Contains the x and y offsets of the combining glyph. |
IMEAPPLETCFG Used to specify and set applet configuration in IImePad. |
IMEAPPLETUI Used by IImePadApplet::CreateUI to specify applet window style. |
IMECHARPOSITION The IMECHARPOSITION (imm.h) structure contains information about the character position in the composition window. |
IMECHARPOSITION The IMECHARPOSITION structure (immdev.h) contains information about the character position in the composition window. |
IMECOMPOSITIONSTRINGINFO Contains information of IME's composition string in an app. |
IMEDLG Used when invoking the Microsoft IME's Dictionary Tool or Word Register Dialog Window from the app. |
IMEMENUITEMINFOA The IMEMENUITEMINFOA (ANSI) structure (imm.h) contains information about IME menu items. |
IMEMENUITEMINFOA The IMEMENUITEMINFOA (ANSI) structure (immdev.h) contains information about IME menu items. |
IMEMENUITEMINFOW The IMEMENUITEMINFOW (Unicode) structure (imm.h) contains information about IME menu items. |
IMEMENUITEMINFOW The IMEMENUITEMINFOW (Unicode) structure (immdev.h) contains information about IME menu items. |
IMESHF The header of an opened user dictionary file. Used to get the user dictionary's properties, such as version, title, description, and copyright. |
IMEWRD Contains data about a word in the Word data of the Microsoft IME dictionary. |
LOCALESIGNATURE Contains extended font signature information, including two code page bitfields (CPBs) that define the default and supported character sets and code pages. This structure is typically used to represent the relationships between font coverage and locales. |
MAPPING_DATA_RANGE Contains text recognition results for a recognized text subrange. An array of structures of this type is retrieved by an Extended Linguistic Services (ELS) service in a MAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG structure. |
MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS Contains options used by the MappingGetServices function to enumerate ELS services. |
MAPPING_OPTIONS Contains options for text recognition. The values stored in this structure affect the behavior and results of MappingRecognizeText. |
MAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG Contains the text recognition data properties retrieved by MappingRecognizeText. |
MAPPING_SERVICE_INFO Contains information about an ELS service. |
NLSVERSIONINFOEX Contains version information about an NLS capability. |
NUMBERFMTA Contains information that defines the format of a number string. The GetNumberFormat function uses this information to customize a number string for a specified locale. (ANSI) |
NUMBERFMTW Contains information that defines the format of a number string. The GetNumberFormat function uses this information to customize a number string for a specified locale. (Unicode) |
OPENTYPE_FEATURE_RECORD Contains information about a single OpenType feature to apply to a run. |
POSTBL An entry in the public POS (Part of Speech) table. |
RECONVERTSTRING The RECONVERTSTRING (imm.h) structure defines the strings for IME reconversion. It is the first item in a memory block that contains the strings for reconversion. |
RECONVERTSTRING The RECONVERTSTRING structure (immdev.h) defines the strings for IME reconversion. |
REGISTERWORDA The REGISTERWORDA (ANSI) structure (imm.h) contains reading information or a word to register. |
REGISTERWORDA The REGISTERWORDA (ANSI) structure (immdev.h) contains reading information or a word to register. |
REGISTERWORDW The REGISTERWORDW (Unicode) structure (imm.h) contains reading information or a word to register. |
REGISTERWORDW The REGISTERWORDW (Unicode) structure (immdev.h) contains reading information or a word to register. |
SCRIPT_ANALYSIS Contains a portion of a Unicode string, that is, an "item". |
SCRIPT_CHARPROP Contains information about a single character in a run (input string). The information indicates if the character glyph is affected by surrounding letters of the run. |
SCRIPT_CONTROL Contains script control flags for several Uniscribe functions, for example, ScriptItemize. |
SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE Contains native digit and digit substitution settings. |
SCRIPT_FONTPROPERTIES Contains information about the properties of the current font. |
SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP Contains information about a glyph that is part of an output glyph array. |
SCRIPT_ITEM Contains a script item, including a SCRIPT_ANALYSIS structure with the string offset of the first character of the item. |
SCRIPT_LOGATTR Contains attributes of logical characters that are useful when editing and formatting text. |
SCRIPT_PROPERTIES Contains information about special processing for each script. |
SCRIPT_STATE Contains script state information. |
SCRIPT_TABDEF Contains definitions of the tab positions for ScriptStringAnalyse. |
SCRIPT_VISATTR Contains the visual (glyph) attributes that identify clusters and justification points, as generated by ScriptShape. |
STYLEBUFA The STYLEBUFA (ANSI) structure (imm.h) contains the identifier and name of a style. |
STYLEBUFA The STYLEBUFA (ANSI) structure (immdev.h) contains the identifier and name of a style. |
STYLEBUFW The STYLEBUFW (Unicode) structure (imm.h) contains the identifier and name of a style. |
STYLEBUFW The STYLEBUFW (Unicode) structure (immdev.h) contains the identifier and name of a style. |
TEXTRANGE_PROPERTIES Contains a group of OpenType features to apply to a run. |
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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization