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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
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Overview of the Windows Accessibility Features technology.
To develop Windows Accessibility Features, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
ActiveEnd Contains possible values for the SelectionActiveEnd text attribute, which indicates the location of the caret relative to a text range that represents the currently selected text. |
AnimationStyle Contains values for the AnimationStyle text attribute. |
AsyncContentLoadedState Contains values that describe the progress of asynchronous loading of content. |
AutomationElementMode The AutomationElementMode (uiautomationcoreapi.h) enumeration contains values that specify the type of reference to use when returning UI Automation elements. |
AutomationElementMode The AutomationElementMode (uiautomationclient.h) enumeration contains values that specify the type of reference to use when returning UI Automation elements. |
AutomationIdentifierType Contains values used in the UiaLookupId function. |
BulletStyle Contains values for the BulletStyle text attribute. |
CapStyle Contains values that specify the value of the CapStyle text attribute. |
CaretBidiMode Contains possible values for the CaretBidiMode text attribute, which indicates whether the caret is in text that flows from left to right, or from right to left. |
CaretPosition Contains possible values for the CaretPosition text attribute, which indicates the location of the caret relative to a line of text in a text range. |
CoalesceEventsOptions Contains possible values for the CoalesceEvents property, which indicates whether an accessible technology client receives all events, or a subset where duplicate events are detected and filtered. |
ConditionType Contains values that specify a type of UiaCondition. |
ConnectionRecoveryBehaviorOptions Contains possible values for the ConnectionRecoveryBehavior property, which indicates whether an accessible technology client adjusts provider request timeouts when the provider is non-responsive. |
DockPosition Contains values that specify the location of a docking window represented by the Dock control pattern. |
EventArgsType Contains values that specify the event type described by a UiaEventArgs structure. |
ExpandCollapseState Contains values that specify the state of a UI element that can be expanded and collapsed. |
FillType Contains values for the FillType attribute. |
FlowDirections Contains values for the TextFlowDirections text attribute. |
LiveSetting Contains possible values for the LiveSetting property. This property is implemented by provider elements that are part of a live region. |
NavigateDirection Contains values used to specify the direction of navigation within the Microsoft UI Automation tree. |
NormalizeState Contains values that specify the behavior of UiaGetUpdatedCache. |
NotificationKind Defines values that indicate the type of a notification event, and a hint to the listener about the processing of the event. |
NotificationProcessing Defines values that indicate how a notification should be processed. |
OrientationType Contains values that specify the orientation of a control. |
OutlineStyles Contains values for the OutlineStyle text attribute. |
PropertyConditionFlags The PropertyConditionFlags (uiautomationcoreapi.h) enumeration contains values used in creating property conditions. |
PropertyConditionFlags The PropertyConditionFlags (uiautomationclient.h) enumeration contains values used in creating property conditions. |
ProviderOptions Contains values that specify the type of UI Automation provider. The IRawElementProviderSimple::ProviderOptions property uses this enumeration. |
ProviderType Contains values that specify the type of a client-side (proxy) UI Automation provider. |
RowOrColumnMajor Contains values that specify whether data in a table should be read primarily by row or by column. |
SayAsInterpretAs Defines the values that indicate how a text-to-speech engine should interpret specific data. |
ScrollAmount Contains values that specify the direction and distance to scroll. |
StructureChangeType Contains values that specify the type of change in the Microsoft UI Automation tree structure. |
SupportedTextSelection Contains values that specify the supported text selection attribute. |
SynchronizedInputType Contains values that specify the type of synchronized input. |
TextDecorationLineStyle Contains values that specify the OverlineStyle, StrikethroughStyle, and UnderlineStyle text attributes. |
TextEditChangeType Describes the text editing change being performed by controls when text-edit events are raised or handled. |
TextPatternRangeEndpoint Contains values that specify the endpoints of a text range. |
TextUnit Contains values that specify units of text for the purposes of navigation. |
ToggleState Contains values that specify the toggle state of a Microsoft UI Automation element that implements the Toggle control pattern. |
TreeScope The TreeScope (uiautomationcoreapi.h) enumeration contains values that specify the scope of various operations in the Microsoft UI Automation tree. |
TreeScope The TreeScope (uiautomationclient.h) enumeration contains values that specify the scope of various operations in the Microsoft UI Automation tree. |
TreeTraversalOptions The TreeTraversalOptions (uiautomationcoreapi.h) enumeration defines values that can be used to customize tree navigation order. |
TreeTraversalOptions The TreeTraversalOptions (uiautomationclient.h) enumeration defines values that can be used to customize tree navigation order. |
UIAutomationType Contains values used to indicate Microsoft UI Automation data types. |
VisualEffects Contains values for the VisualEffects attribute. |
WindowInteractionState Contains values that specify the current state of the window for purposes of user interaction. |
WindowVisualState Contains values that specify the visual state of a window. |
ZoomUnit Contains possible values for the IUIAutomationTransformPattern2::ZoomByUnit method, which zooms the viewport of a control by the specified unit. |
accDoDefaultAction The IAccessible::accDoDefaultAction method performs the specified object's default action. Not all objects have a default action. |
AccessibleChildren Retrieves the child ID or IDispatch of each child within an accessible container object. |
AccessibleObjectFromEvent Retrieves the address of the IAccessible interface for the object that generated the event that is currently being processed by the client's event hook function. |
AccessibleObjectFromID The AccessibleObjectFromID method retrieves an IAccessibleinterface pointer for the interface associated with the given object ID. Oleacc.dll uses this method to obtain an IAccessible interface pointer for proxies that are supplied by other code. |
AccessibleObjectFromPoint Retrieves the address of the IAccessible interface pointer for the object displayed at a specified point on the screen. |
AccessibleObjectFromWindow Retrieves the address of the specified interface for the object associated with the specified window. |
accHitTest The IAccessible::accHitTest method retrieves the child element or child object that is displayed at a specific point on the screen. |
accLocation The IAccessible::accLocation method retrieves the specified object's current screen location. All visual objects must support this method. Sound objects do not support this method. |
accNavigate The IAccessible::accNavigate method traverses to another UI element within a container and retrieves the object. This method is optional. |
AccNotifyTouchInteraction Allows an assistive technology (AT) application to notify the system that it is interacting with UI through a Windows Automation API (such as Microsoft UI Automation) as a result of a touch gesture from the user. |
accSelect The IAccessible::accSelect method modifies the selection or moves the keyboard focus of the specified object. All objects that support selection or receive the keyboard focus must support this method. |
AccSetRunningUtilityState Sets system values that indicate whether an assistive technology (AT) application's current state affects functionality that is typically provided by the system. |
AcquireObjectIdRange Acquires a range of object IDs from the control host and marks them as reserved by a specific windowless control. |
AddActiveTextPositionChangedEventHandler Registers a method that handles when the active text position changes. |
AddActiveTextPositionChangedEventHandler Registers a method (in an event handler group) that handles when the active text position changes. |
AddAutomationEvent Raises a Microsoft UI Automation event. |
AddAutomationEventHandler Registers a method that handles Microsoft UI Automation events.Note Before implementing an event handler, you should be familiar with the threading issues described in Understanding Threading Issues. |
AddAutomationEventHandler Registers a method that handles Microsoft UI Automation events. |
AddAutomationPropertyChangedEvent Raises a property-changed event. |
AddChangesEventHandler Registers a method that handles change events.Note Before implementing an event handler, you should be familiar with the threading issues described in Understanding Threading Issues. |
AddChangesEventHandler Registers a method that handles change events. |
AddEventHandlerGroup Registers a collection of event handler methods specified with the CreateEventHandlerGroup. |
AddFocusChangedEventHandler Registers a method that handles focus-changed events.Note Before implementing an event handler, you should be familiar with the threading issues described in Understanding Threading Issues. |
AddNotificationEventHandler Registers a method that handles notification events.Note Before implementing an event handler, you should be familiar with the threading issues described in Understanding Threading Issues. |
AddNotificationEventHandler Registers a method that handles notification events. |
AddPattern Adds a control pattern to the cache request. |
AddProperty Adds a property to the cache request. |
AddPropertyChangedEventHandler Registers a method that handles and array of property-changed events. |
AddPropertyChangedEventHandler Registers a method that handles a property-changed event. |
AddPropertyChangedEventHandlerNativeArray Registers a method that handles a native array of property-changed events. |
AddStructureChangedEvent Raises an event to notify clients that the structure of the UI Automation tree has changed. |
AddStructureChangedEventHandler Registers a method that handles structure-changed events.Note Before implementing an event handler, you should be familiar with the threading issues described in Understanding Threading Issues. |
AddStructureChangedEventHandler Registers a method that handles structure-changed events. |
AddTextEditTextChangedEventHandler Registers a method that handles programmatic text-edit events.Note Before implementing an event handler, you should be familiar with the threading issues described in Understanding Threading Issues. |
AddTextEditTextChangedEventHandler Registers a method that handles programmatic text-edit events. |
AddToSelection Adds the current element to the collection of selected items. (ISelectionItemProvider.AddToSelection) |
AddToSelection Adds the text range to the collection of selected text ranges in a control that supports multiple, disjoint spans of selected text. (ITextRangeProvider.AddToSelection) |
AddToSelection Adds the current element to the collection of selected items. (IUIAutomationSelectionItemPattern.AddToSelection) |
AddToSelection Adds the text range to the collection of selected text ranges in a control that supports multiple, disjoint spans of selected text. (IUIAutomationTextRange.AddToSelection) |
AdviseEventAdded Notifies the Microsoft UI Automation provider when a UI Automation client begins listening for a specific event, including a property-changed event. |
AdviseEventRemoved Notifies the Microsoft UI Automation provider when a UI Automation client stops listening for a specific event, including a property-changed event. |
BuildUpdatedCache Retrieves a new UI Automation element with an updated cache. |
CallMethod Client wrapper implements methods by calling this CallMethod function, specifying the parameters as an array of pointers. |
Cancel Cancels listening for input. |
Cancel Causes the Microsoft UI Automation provider to stop listening for mouse or keyboard input. |
CheckNotSupported Checks a provided VARIANT to see if it contains the Not Supported identifier. |
ClearHmenuProps This method wraps ClearProps, and provides a convenient entry point for callers who are annotating HMENU-based accessible elements. |
ClearHwndProps This method wraps SetPropValue, SetPropServer, and ClearProps, and provides a convenient entry point for callers who are annotating HWND-based accessible elements. |
ClearProps Servers use ClearProps to restore default values to properties of accessible elements that they had previously annotated. |
ClearTable Removes all entries from the proxy factory table. |
Clone Returns a new ITextRangeProvider identical to the original ITextRangeProvider and inheriting all properties of the original. |
Clone Creates a copy of the cache request. |
Clone Retrieves a new IUIAutomationTextRange identical to the original and inheriting all properties of the original. |
Close Attempts to close the window. |
Close Closes the window. |
CoCreateLocally Clients call ICoCreateLocally::CoCreateLocally to create a helper object in the same context as the server object. |
Collapse Hides all child nodes, controls, or content of this element. |
Collapse Hides all child nodes, controls, or content of the element. |
Compare Retrieves a value that specifies whether this text range has the same endpoints as another text range. (ITextRangeProvider.Compare) |
Compare Retrieves a value that specifies whether this text range has the same endpoints as another text range. (IUIAutomationTextRange.Compare) |
CompareElements Compares two UI Automation elements to determine whether they represent the same underlying UI element. |
CompareEndpoints Returns a value that specifies whether two text ranges have identical endpoints. |
CompareEndpoints Retrieves a value that specifies whether the start or end endpoint of this text range is the same as the start or end endpoint of another text range. |
CompareRuntimeIds Compares two integer arrays containing run-time identifiers (IDs) to determine whether their content is the same and they belong to the same UI element. |
ComposeHmenuIdentityString Callers use ComposeHmenuIdentityString to retrieve an identity string for an HMENU-based accessible element. |
ComposeHwndIdentityString Callers use ComposeHwndIdentityString to retrieve an identity string. |
ConvertReturnedElement Retrieves the IAccessibleEx interface of an element returned as a property value. |
ConvertValueToString Clients call the IAccDictionary::ConvertValueToString method to convert a value to a localized string. |
CreateAndCondition Creates a condition that selects elements that match both of two conditions. |
CreateAndConditionFromArray Creates a condition that selects elements based on multiple conditions, all of which must be true. |
CreateAndConditionFromNativeArray Creates a condition that selects elements from a native array, based on multiple conditions that must all be true. |
CreateCacheRequest Creates a cache request. |
CreateClientWrapper Creates an object that enables a client application to interact with a custom control pattern. |
CreateEventHandlerGroup Registers one or more event listeners in a single method call. |
CreateFalseCondition Creates a condition that is always false. |
CreateNotCondition Creates a condition that is the negative of a specified condition. |
CreateOrCondition Creates a combination of two conditions where a match exists if either of the conditions is true. |
CreateOrConditionFromArray Creates a combination of two or more conditions where a match exists if any of the conditions is true. |
CreateOrConditionFromNativeArray Creates a combination of two or more conditions where a match exists if any one of the conditions is true. |
CreatePropertyCondition Creates a condition that selects elements that have a property with the specified value. |
CreatePropertyConditionEx Creates a condition that selects elements that have a property with the specified value, using optional flags. |
CreateProvider Creates a proxy object that provides Microsoft UI Automation support for a UI element. |
CreateProxyFactoryEntry Creates a new instance of a proxy factory object. |
CreateStdAccessibleObject Creates an accessible object with the methods and properties of the specified type of system-provided user interface element. |
CreateStdAccessibleProxyA Creates an accessible object that has the properties and methods of the specified class of system-provided user interface element. (ANSI) |
CreateStdAccessibleProxyW Creates an accessible object that has the properties and methods of the specified class of system-provided user interface element. (Unicode) |
CreateTreeWalker Retrieves a tree walker object that can be used to traverse the Microsoft UI Automation tree. |
CreateTrueCondition Retrieves a predefined condition that selects all elements. |
DecomposeHmenuIdentityString Use this method to determine the HMENU, object ID, and child ID for the accessible element identified by the identity string. |
DecomposeHwndIdentityString Use this method to determine the HWND, object ID, and child ID for the accessible element identified by the identity string. |
Dispatch Dispatches a method or property getter to a custom control pattern provider. |
DockPattern_SetDockPosition Docks the UI Automation element at the requested dockPosition within a docking container. |
DoDefaultAction Performs the default action on the control. |
DoDefaultAction Performs the Microsoft Active Accessibility default action for the element. (IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern.DoDefaultAction) |
ElementFromHandle Retrieves a UI Automation element for the specified window. |
ElementFromHandleBuildCache Retrieves a UI Automation element for the specified window, prefetches the requested properties and control patterns, and stores the prefetched items in the cache. |
ElementFromIAccessible Retrieves a UI Automation element for the specified accessible object from a Microsoft Active Accessibility server. |
ElementFromIAccessibleBuildCache Retrieves a UI Automation element for the specified accessible object from a Microsoft Active Accessibility server, prefetches the requested properties and control patterns, and stores the prefetched items in the cache. |
ElementFromPoint Retrieves the UI Automation element at the specified point on the desktop. |
ElementFromPointBuildCache Retrieves the UI Automation element at the specified point on the desktop, prefetches the requested properties and control patterns, and stores the prefetched items in the cache. |
ElementProviderFromPoint Retrieves the provider of the element that is at the specified point in this fragment. |
Expand Displays all child nodes, controls, or content of the control. |
Expand Displays all child nodes, controls, or content of the element. |
ExpandCollapsePattern_Collapse Hides all descendant nodes, controls, or content of the UI Automation element. |
ExpandCollapsePattern_Expand Expands a control on the screen so that it shows more information. |
ExpandToEnclosingUnit Normalizes the text range by the specified text unit. The range is expanded if it is smaller than the specified unit, or shortened if it is longer than the specified unit. (ITextRangeProvider.ExpandToEnclosingUnit) |
ExpandToEnclosingUnit Normalizes the text range by the specified text unit. The range is expanded if it is smaller than the specified unit, or shortened if it is longer than the specified unit. (IUIAutomationTextRange.ExpandToEnclosingUnit) |
FindAll Returns all UI Automation elements that satisfy the specified condition. |
FindAllBuildCache Returns all UI Automation elements that satisfy the specified condition, prefetches the requested properties and control patterns, and stores the prefetched items in the cache. |
FindAllWithOptions Find all matching elements in the specified order. |
FindAllWithOptionsBuildCache Finds all matching elements in the specified order, but also caches their properties and patterns. |
FindAttribute Returns a text range subset that has the specified text attribute value. |
FindAttribute Retrieves a text range subset that has the specified text attribute value. |
FindFirst Retrieves the first child or descendant element that matches the specified condition. |
FindFirstBuildCache Retrieves the first child or descendant element that matches the specified condition, prefetches the requested properties and control patterns, and stores the prefetched items in the cache. |
FindFirstWithOptions Finds the first matching element in the specified order. |
FindFirstWithOptionsBuildCache Finds the first matching element in the specified order, but also caches its properties and pattern. |
FindItemByProperty Retrieves an element within a containing element, based on a specified property value. (IItemContainerProvider.FindItemByProperty) |
FindItemByProperty Retrieves an element within a containing element, based on a specified property value. (IUIAutomationItemContainerPattern.FindItemByProperty) |
FindText Returns a text range subset that contains the specified text. |
FindText Retrieves a text range subset that contains the specified text. |
get_accChild The IAccessible::get_accChild method retrieves an IDispatch for the specified child, if one exists. All objects must support this property. |
get_accChildCount The IAccessible::get_accChildCount method retrieves the number of children that belong to this object. All objects must support this property. |
get_accDefaultAction The IAccessible::get_accDefaultAction method retrieves a string that indicates the object's default action. Not all objects have a default action. |
get_accDescription The IAccessible::get_accDescription method retrieves a string that describes the visual appearance of the specified object. Not all objects have a description. |
get_accFocus The IAccessible::get_accFocus method retrieves the object that has the keyboard focus. All objects that may receive the keyboard focus must support this property. |
get_accHelp The IAccessible::get_accHelp method retrieves the Help property string of an object. Not all objects support this property. |
get_accHelpTopic The IAccessible::get_accHelpTopic method retrieves the full path of the WinHelp file that is associated with the specified object; it also retrieves the identifier of the appropriate topic within that file. |
get_accKeyboardShortcut The IAccessible::get_accKeyboardShortcut method retrieves the specified object's shortcut key or access key, also known as the mnemonic. All objects that have a shortcut key or an access key support this property. |
get_accName The IAccessible::get_accName method retrieves the name of the specified object. All objects support this property. |
get_accParent The IAccessible::get_accParent method retrieves the IDispatch of the object's parent. All objects support this property. |
get_accRole The IAccessible::get_accRole method retrieves information that describes the role of the specified object. All objects support this property. |
get_accSelection The IAccessible::get_accSelection method retrieves the selected children of this object. All objects that support selection must support this property. |
get_accState The IAccessible::get_accState method retrieves the current state of the specified object. All objects support this property. |
get_accValue The IAccessible::get_accValue method retrieves the value of the specified object. Not all objects have a value. |
get_AllowSubstringMatch Sets or retrieves a value that specifies whether the proxy allows substring matching. (Get) |
get_AnnotationTypeId The annotation type identifier of this annotation. |
get_AnnotationTypeName The name of this annotation type. |
get_Author The name of the annotation author. |
get_AutomationElementMode Indicates whether returned elements contain full references to the underlying UI, or only cached information. (Get) |
get_AutoSetFocus Specifies whether calls to UI Automation control pattern methods automatically set focus to the target element. (Get) |
get_BooleanValue Retrieves the value of the condition:_either TRUE or FALSE. |
get_BoundingRectangle Specifies the bounding rectangle of this element. |
get_CachedAcceleratorKey Retrieves the cached accelerator key for the element. |
get_CachedAccessKey Retrieves the cached access key character for the element. |
get_CachedAnnotationObjects Returns the cached list of annotation objects associated with this element, such as comment, header, footer, and so on. |
get_CachedAnnotationTypeId Retrieves a cached value that identifies this annotation's type. |
get_CachedAnnotationTypeName Retrieves the cached localized name of this annotation's type. |
get_CachedAnnotationTypes Returns the cached list of annotation types associated with this element, such as comment, header, footer, and so on. |
get_CachedAriaProperties Retrieves the cached Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) properties of the element. |
get_CachedAriaRole Retrieves the cached Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) role of the element. |
get_CachedAuthor Retrieves the cached name of the annotation author. |
get_CachedAutomationId Retrieves the cached Microsoft UI Automation identifier of the element. |
get_CachedBoundingRectangle Retrieves the cached coordinates of the rectangle that completely encloses the element. |
get_CachedCanMaximize Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the window can be maximized. |
get_CachedCanMinimize Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the window can be minimized. |
get_CachedCanMove Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element can be moved. |
get_CachedCanResize Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element can be resized. |
get_CachedCanRotate Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element can be rotated. |
get_CachedCanSelectMultiple Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether more than one item in the container can be selected at one time. |
get_CachedCanZoom Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the control supports zooming of its viewport. |
get_CachedChildId Retrieves the cached Microsoft Active Accessibility child identifier for the element. |
get_CachedClassName Retrieves the cached class name of the element. |
get_CachedColumn Retrieves the cached zero-based index of the column that contains the grid item. |
get_CachedColumnCount Retrieves the cached number of columns in the grid. |
get_CachedColumnSpan Retrieves the cached number of columns spanned by the grid item. |
get_CachedContainingGrid Retrieves the cached element that contains the grid item. |
get_CachedControllerFor Retrieves a cached array of UI Automation elements for which this element serves as the controller. |
get_CachedControlType Retrieves a cached value that indicates the control type of the element. |
get_CachedCulture Retrieves a cached value that indicates the culture associated with the element. |
get_CachedCurrentSelectedItem Gets a cached IUIAutomationElement object representing the currently selected item. |
get_CachedCurrentView Retrieves the cached control-specific identifier of the current view of the control. |
get_CachedDateTime Retrieves the cached date and time that this annotation was created. |
get_CachedDefaultAction Retrieves the Microsoft Active Accessibility cached default action for the element. |
get_CachedDescribedBy Retrieves a cached array of elements that describe this element. |
get_CachedDescription Retrieves the cached Microsoft Active Accessibility description of the element. |
get_CachedDockPosition Retrieves the cached dock position of this element within its docking container. |
get_CachedDropEffect Retrieves a cached localized string that indicates what happens when the user drops this element as part of a drag-and-drop operation. |
get_CachedDropEffects Retrieves a cached array of localized strings that enumerate the full set of effects that can happen when the user drops this element as part of a drag-and-drop operation. |
get_CachedDropTargetEffect Retrieves a cached localized string that describes what happens when the user drops the grabbed element on this drop target. |
get_CachedDropTargetEffects Retrieves a cached array of localized strings that enumerate the full set of effects that can happen when the user drops a grabbed element on this drop target as part of a drag-and-drop operation. |
get_CachedExpandCollapseState Retrieves a cached value that indicates the state, expanded or collapsed, of the element. |
get_CachedExtendedProperties Retrieves a cached localized string that contains the list of extended properties for an element in a document. |
get_CachedFillColor Retrieves the cached fill color of an element in a document. |
get_CachedFillPatternColor Retrieves the cached color of the pattern used to fill an element in a document. |
get_CachedFirstSelectedItem Gets a cached IUIAutomationElement object representing the first item in a group of selected items. |
get_CachedFlowsFrom Retrieves a cached array of elements that indicate the reading order before the current element. |
get_CachedFlowsTo Retrieves a cached array of elements that indicate the reading order after the current element. |
get_CachedFormula Retrieves the cached formula for this cell. |
get_CachedFrameworkId Retrieves the cached name of the underlying UI framework associated with the element. |
get_CachedFullDescription Gets the cached full description of the automation element. |
get_CachedHasKeyboardFocus A cached value that indicates whether the element has keyboard focus. |
get_CachedHeadingLevel Gets the cached heading level of the automation element. |
get_CachedHelp Retrieves the cached Microsoft Active Accessibility help string for the element. |
get_CachedHelpText Retrieves the cached help text for the element. |
get_CachedHorizontallyScrollable Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element can scroll horizontally. |
get_CachedHorizontalScrollPercent Retrieves the cached horizontal scroll position. |
get_CachedHorizontalViewSize Retrieves the cached horizontal size of the viewable region of a scrollable element. |
get_CachedIsContentElement A cached value that indicates whether the element is a content element. |
get_CachedIsControlElement Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element is a control element. |
get_CachedIsDataValidForForm Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element contains valid data for the form. |
get_CachedIsDialog Retrieves the cached is dialog window indicator for the element. |
get_CachedIsEnabled Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element is enabled. |
get_CachedIsGrabbed Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether this element has been grabbed as part of a drag-and-drop operation. |
get_CachedIsKeyboardFocusable Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element can accept keyboard focus. |
get_CachedIsModal Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the window is modal. |
get_CachedIsOffscreen Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element is off-screen. |
get_CachedIsPassword Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element contains a disguised password. |
get_CachedIsPeripheral Retrieves the cached peripheral UI indicator for the element. |
get_CachedIsReadOnly Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the value of the element can be changed. |
get_CachedIsReadOnly Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the value of the element is read-only. |
get_CachedIsRequiredForForm Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element is required to be filled out on a form. |
get_CachedIsSelected A cached value that indicates whether this item is selected. |
get_CachedIsSelectionRequired Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether at least one item must be selected at all times. |
get_CachedIsTopmost Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the window is the topmost element in the z-order. |
get_CachedItemCount Gets a cached integer value indicating the number of selected items. |
get_CachedItemStatus Retrieves a cached description of the status of an item within an element. |
get_CachedItemType Retrieves a cached string that describes the type of item represented by the element. |
get_CachedKeyboardShortcut Retrieves the cached Microsoft Active Accessibility keyboard shortcut property for the element. |
get_CachedLabeledBy Retrieves the cached element that contains the text label for this element. |
get_CachedLandmarkType Gets the cached landmark type ID for the automation element. |
get_CachedLargeChange Retrieves, from the cache, the value that is added to or subtracted from the value of the control when a large change is made, such as when the PAGE DOWN key is pressed. |
get_CachedLastSelectedItem Gets a cached IUIAutomationElement object representing the last item in a group of selected items. |
get_CachedLevel Returns the cached 1-based integer for the level (hierarchy) for the element. |
get_CachedLiveSetting Retrieves a cached value that indicates the type of notifications, if any, that the element sends when the content of the element changes. |
get_CachedLocalizedControlType Retrieves the cached localized description of the control type of the element. |
get_CachedLocalizedLandmarkType Gets a string containing the cached localized landmark type for the automation element. |
get_CachedMaximum Retrieves the cached maximum value of the control. |
get_CachedMinimum Retrieves the cached minimum value of the control. |
get_CachedName Retrieves the cached name of the element. |
get_CachedName Retrieves the cached Microsoft Active Accessibility name property of the element. |
get_CachedNativeWindowHandle Retrieves the cached window handle of the element. |
get_CachedOptimizeForVisualContent Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the provider exposes only elements that are visible. |
get_CachedOrientation Retrieves a cached value that indicates the orientation of the element. |
get_CachedPositionInSet Returns the cached 1-based integer for the ordinal position in the set for the element. |
get_CachedProcessId Retrieves the cached ID of the process that hosts the element. |
get_CachedProviderDescription Retrieves a cached description of the provider for this element. |
get_CachedRole Retrieves the cached Microsoft Active Accessibility role of the element. |
get_CachedRow Retrieves the cached zero-based index of the row that contains the item. |
get_CachedRowCount Retrieves the cached number of rows in the grid. |
get_CachedRowOrColumnMajor Retrieves the cached primary direction of traversal for the table. |
get_CachedRowSpan Retrieves the cached number of rows spanned by a grid item. |
get_CachedSelectionContainer Retrieves the cached element that supports IUIAutomationSelectionPattern and acts as the container for this item. |
get_CachedShape Retrieves the cached shape of an element in a document. |
get_CachedSizeOfSet Returns the cached 1-based integer for the size of the set where the element is located. |
get_CachedSmallChange Retrieves, from the cache, the value that is added to or subtracted from the value of the control when a small change is made, such as when an arrow key is pressed. |
get_CachedState Retrieves the cached Microsoft Active Accessibility state identifier for the element. |
get_CachedStyleId Retrieves the cached identifier of the visual style associated with an element in a document. |
get_CachedStyleName Retrieves the cached name of the visual style associated with an element in a document. |
get_CachedTarget Retrieves the cached element that is being annotated. |
get_CachedToggleState Retrieves the cached state of the control. |
get_CachedValue Retrieves the cached Microsoft Active Accessibility value property. |
get_CachedValue Retrieves the cached value of the control. |
get_CachedValue Retrieves the cached value of the element. |
get_CachedVerticallyScrollable Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element can scroll vertically. |
get_CachedVerticalScrollPercent Retrieves the cached vertical scroll position. |
get_CachedVerticalViewSize Retrieves the cached vertical size of the viewable region of a scrollable element. |
get_CachedWindowInteractionState Retrieves a cached value that indicates the current state of the window for the purposes of user interaction. |
get_CachedWindowVisualState Retrieves a cached value that indicates the visual state of the window; that is, whether it is in the normal, maximized, or minimized state. |
get_CachedZoomLevel Retrieves the cached zoom level of the control's viewport. |
get_CachedZoomMaximum Retrieves the cached maximum zoom level of the control's viewport. |
get_CachedZoomMinimum Retrieves the cached minimum zoom level of the control's viewport. |
get_CanCheckBaseClass Sets or retrieves a value that specifies whether the base class can be checked when searching for a proxy factory. (Get) |
get_CanMaximize Indicates whether the window can be maximized. (IWindowProvider.get_CanMaximize) |
get_CanMinimize Indicates whether the window can be minimized. (IWindowProvider.get_CanMinimize) |
get_CanMove Indicates whether the control can be moved. |
get_CanResize Indicates whether the control can be resized. |
get_CanRotate Indicates whether the control can be rotated. |
get_CanSelectMultiple Indicates whether the Microsoft UI Automation provider allows more than one child element to be selected concurrently. |
get_CanZoom Indicates whether the control supports zooming of its viewport. (ITransformProvider2.get_CanZoom) |
get_ChildCount Retrieves the number of conditions that make up this "and" condition. |
get_ChildCount Retrieves the number of conditions that make up this "or" condition. |
get_ChildId Specifies the child identifier of this element. |
get_ClassName Sets or retrieves the name of the window class served by the proxy factory. (Get) |
get_CoalesceEvents Gets or sets whether an accessible technology client receives all events, or a subset where duplicate events are detected and filtered. (Get) |
get_Column Specifies the ordinal number of the column that contains this cell or item. |
get_ColumnCount Specifies the total number of columns in the grid. |
get_ColumnSpan Specifies the number of columns spanned by this cell or item. |
get_Condition Retrieves the condition that defines the view of the UI Automation tree. |
get_ConnectionRecoveryBehavior Indicates whether an accessible technology client adjusts provider request timeouts when the provider is non-responsive. (Get) |
get_ConnectionTimeout Specifies the length of time that UI Automation will wait for a provider to respond to a client request for an automation element. (Get) |
get_ContainingGrid Specifies the UI Automation provider that implements IGridProvider and represents the container of this cell or item. |
get_ContentViewCondition Retrieves a predefined IUIAutomationCondition interface that selects content elements. |
get_ContentViewWalker Retrieves an IUIAutomationTreeWalker interface used to discover content elements. |
get_ControlViewCondition Retrieves a predefined IUIAutomationCondition interface that selects control elements. |
get_ControlViewWalker Retrieves an IUIAutomationTreeWalker interface used to discover control elements. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of entries in the proxy factory table. |
get_CurrentAcceleratorKey Retrieves the accelerator key for the element. |
get_CurrentAccessKey Retrieves the access key character for the element. |
get_CurrentAnnotationObjects Returns the current list of annotation objects associated with this element, such as comment, header, footer, and so on. |
get_CurrentAnnotationTypeId Retrieves a value that identifies the annotation's type. |
get_CurrentAnnotationTypeName Retrieves the localized name of this annotation's type. |
get_CurrentAnnotationTypes Returns the current list of annotation types associated with this element, such as comment, header, footer, and so on. |
get_CurrentAriaProperties Retrieves the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) properties of the element. |
get_CurrentAriaRole Retrieves the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) role of the element. |
get_CurrentAuthor Retrieves the name of the annotation author. |
get_CurrentAutomationId Retrieves the Microsoft UI Automation identifier of the element. |
get_CurrentBoundingRectangle Retrieves the coordinates of the rectangle that completely encloses the element. |
get_CurrentCanMaximize Indicates whether the window can be maximized. (IUIAutomationWindowPattern.get_CurrentCanMaximize) |
get_CurrentCanMinimize Indicates whether the window can be minimized. (IUIAutomationWindowPattern.get_CurrentCanMinimize) |
get_CurrentCanMove Indicates whether the element can be moved. |
get_CurrentCanResize Indicates whether the element can be resized. |
get_CurrentCanRotate Indicates whether the element can be rotated. |
get_CurrentCanSelectMultiple Indicates whether more than one item in the container can be selected at one time. |
get_CurrentCanZoom Indicates whether the control supports zooming of its viewport. (IUIAutomationTransformPattern2.get_CurrentCanZoom) |
get_CurrentChildId Retrieves the Microsoft Active Accessibility child identifier for the element. |
get_CurrentClassName Retrieves the class name of the element. |
get_CurrentColumn Retrieves the zero-based index of the column that contains the item. |
get_CurrentColumnCount The number of columns in the grid. |
get_CurrentColumnSpan Retrieves the number of columns spanned by the grid item. |
get_CurrentContainingGrid Retrieves the element that contains the grid item. |
get_CurrentControllerFor Retrieves an array of elements for which this element serves as the controller. |
get_CurrentControlType Retrieves the control type of the element. |
get_CurrentCulture Retrieves the culture identifier for the element. |
get_CurrentCurrentSelectedItem Gets an IUIAutomationElement object representing the currently selected item. |
get_CurrentCurrentView Retrieves the control-specific identifier of the current view of the control. |
get_CurrentDateTime Retrieves the date and time that this annotation was created. |
get_CurrentDefaultAction Retrieves the Microsoft Active Accessibility current default action for the element. |
get_CurrentDescribedBy Retrieves an array of elements that describe this element. |
get_CurrentDescription Retrieves the Microsoft Active Accessibility description of the element. |
get_CurrentDockPosition Retrieves the dock position of this element within its docking container. |
get_CurrentDropEffect Retrieves a localized string that indicates what happens when the user drops this element as part of a drag-drop operation. |
get_CurrentDropEffects Retrieves an array of localized strings that enumerate the full set of effects that can happen when this element as part of a drag-and-drop operation. |
get_CurrentDropTargetEffect Retrieves a localized string that describes what happens when the user drops the grabbed element on this drop target. |
get_CurrentDropTargetEffects Retrieves an array of localized strings that enumerate the full set of effects that can happen when the user drops a grabbed element on this drop target as part of a drag-and-drop operation. (IUIAutomationDropTargetPattern.get_CurrentDropTargetEffects) |
get_CurrentExpandCollapseState Retrieves a value that indicates the state, expanded or collapsed, of the element. |
get_CurrentExtendedProperties Retrieves a localized string that contains the list of extended properties for an element in a document. |
get_CurrentFillColor Retrieves the fill color of an element in a document. |
get_CurrentFillPatternColor Retrieves the color of the pattern used to fill an element in a document. |
get_CurrentFirstSelectedItem Gets an IUIAutomationElement object representing the first item in a group of selected items. |
get_CurrentFlowsFrom Retrieves an array of elements that indicates the reading order before the current element. |
get_CurrentFlowsTo Retrieves an array of elements that indicates the reading order after the current element. |
get_CurrentFormula Retrieves the formula for this cell. |
get_CurrentFrameworkId Retrieves the name of the underlying UI framework. |
get_CurrentFullDescription Gets the current full description of the automation element. |
get_CurrentHasKeyboardFocus Indicates whether the element has keyboard focus. |
get_CurrentHeadingLevel Gets the current heading level of the automation element. |
get_CurrentHelp Retrieves the Microsoft Active Accessibility help string for the element. |
get_CurrentHelpText Retrieves the help text for the element. |
get_CurrentHorizontallyScrollable Indicates whether the element can scroll horizontally. |
get_CurrentHorizontalScrollPercent Retrieves the horizontal scroll position. |
get_CurrentHorizontalViewSize Retrieves the horizontal size of the viewable region of a scrollable element. |
get_CurrentIsContentElement Indicates whether the element is a content element. |
get_CurrentIsControlElement Indicates whether the element is a control element. |
get_CurrentIsDataValidForForm Indicates whether the element contains valid data for a form. |
get_CurrentIsDialog Retrieves the current is dialog window indicator for the element. |
get_CurrentIsEnabled Indicates whether the element is enabled. |
get_CurrentIsGrabbed Indicates whether the user has grabbed this element as part of a drag-and-drop operation. |
get_CurrentIsKeyboardFocusable Indicates whether the element can accept keyboard focus. |
get_CurrentIsModal Indicates whether the window is modal. (IUIAutomationWindowPattern.get_CurrentIsModal) |
get_CurrentIsOffscreen Indicates whether the element is off-screen. |
get_CurrentIsPassword Indicates whether the element contains a disguised password. |
get_CurrentIsPeripheral Retrieves the current peripheral UI indicator for the element. |
get_CurrentIsReadOnly Indicates whether the value of the element can be changed. |
get_CurrentIsReadOnly Indicates whether the value of the element is read-only. |
get_CurrentIsRequiredForForm Indicates whether the element is required to be filled out on a form. |
get_CurrentIsSelected Indicates whether this item is selected. |
get_CurrentIsSelectionRequired Indicates whether at least one item must be selected at all times. |
get_CurrentIsTopmost Indicates whether the window is the topmost element in the z-order. (IUIAutomationWindowPattern.get_CurrentIsTopmost) |
get_CurrentItemCount Gets an integer value indicating the number of selected items. |
get_CurrentItemStatus Retrieves the description of the status of an item in an element. |
get_CurrentItemType Retrieves a description of the type of UI item represented by the element. |
get_CurrentKeyboardShortcut Retrieves the Microsoft Active Accessibility keyboard shortcut property for the element. |
get_CurrentLabeledBy Retrieves the element that contains the text label for this element. |
get_CurrentLandmarkType Gets the current landmark type ID for the automation element. |
get_CurrentLargeChange Retrieves the value that is added to or subtracted from the value of the control when a large change is made, such as when the PAGE DOWN key is pressed. |
get_CurrentLastSelectedItem Gets an IUIAutomationElement object representing the last item in a group of selected items. |
get_CurrentLevel Returns the current 1-based integer for the level (hierarchy) for the element. |
get_CurrentLiveSetting Indicates the type of notifications, if any, that the element sends when the content of the element changes. |
get_CurrentLocalizedControlType Retrieves a localized description of the control type of the element. |
get_CurrentLocalizedLandmarkType Gets a string containing the current localized landmark type for the automation element. |
get_CurrentMaximum Retrieves the maximum value of the control. |
get_CurrentMinimum Retrieves the minimum value of the control. |
get_CurrentName Retrieves the name of the element. |
get_CurrentName Retrieves the Microsoft Active Accessibility name property of the element. |
get_CurrentNativeWindowHandle Retrieves the window handle of the element. |
get_CurrentOptimizeForVisualContent Indicates whether the provider exposes only elements that are visible. |
get_CurrentOrientation Retrieves a value that indicates the orientation of the element. |
get_CurrentPositionInSet Returns the current 1-based integer for the ordinal position in the set for the element. |
get_CurrentProcessId Retrieves the identifier of the process that hosts the element. |
get_CurrentProviderDescription Retrieves a description of the provider for this element. |
get_CurrentRole Retrieves the Microsoft Active Accessibility role identifier of the element. |
get_CurrentRow Retrieves the zero-based index of the row that contains the grid item. |
get_CurrentRowCount Retrieves the number of rows in the grid. |
get_CurrentRowOrColumnMajor Retrieves the primary direction of traversal for the table. |
get_CurrentRowSpan Retrieves the number of rows spanned by the grid item. |
get_CurrentSelectedItem Gets the currently selected item. |
get_CurrentSelectionContainer Retrieves the element that supports IUIAutomationSelectionPattern and acts as the container for this item. |
get_CurrentShape Retrieves the shape of an element in a document. |
get_CurrentSizeOfSet Returns the current 1-based integer for the size of the set where the element is located. |
get_CurrentSmallChange Retrieves the value that is added to or subtracted from the value of the control when a small change is made, such as when an arrow key is pressed. |
get_CurrentState Retrieves the Microsoft Active Accessibility state identifier for the element. |
get_CurrentStyleId Retrieves the identifier of the visual style associated with an element in a document. |
get_CurrentStyleName Retrieves the name of the visual style associated with an element in a document. |
get_CurrentTarget Retrieves the element that is being annotated. |
get_CurrentToggleState Retrieves the state of the control. |
get_CurrentValue Retrieves the Microsoft Active Accessibility value property. |
get_CurrentValue Retrieves the value of the control. |
get_CurrentValue Retrieves the value of the element. |
get_CurrentVerticallyScrollable Indicates whether the element can scroll vertically. |
get_CurrentVerticalScrollPercent Retrieves the vertical scroll position. |
get_CurrentVerticalViewSize Retrieves the vertical size of the viewable region of a scrollable element. |
get_CurrentView Identifies the current view that the control is using to display information or child controls. |
get_CurrentWindowInteractionState Retrieves the current state of the window for the purposes of user interaction. |
get_CurrentWindowVisualState Retrieves the visual state of the window; that is, whether it is in the normal, maximized, or minimized state. |
get_CurrentZoomLevel Retrieves the zoom level of the control's viewport. |
get_CurrentZoomMaximum Retrieves the maximum zoom level of the control's viewport. |
get_CurrentZoomMinimum Retrieves the minimum zoom level of the control's viewport. |
get_DateTime The date and time when this annotation was created. |
get_DefaultAction Contains a description of the default action for this element. |
get_Description Contains the description of this element. |
get_DockPosition Indicates the current docking position of this element. |
get_DocumentRange Retrieves a text range that encloses the main text of a document. (ITextProvider.get_DocumentRange) |
get_DocumentRange Retrieves a text range that encloses the main text of a document. (IUIAutomationTextPattern.get_DocumentRange) |
get_DropEffect Retrieves a localized string that indicates what happens when this element is dropped as part of a drag-drop operation. |
get_DropEffects Retrieves an array of localized strings that enumerate the full set of effects that can happen when this element is dropped as part of a drag-and-drop operation. |
get_DropTargetEffect Retrieves a localized string that describes the effect that happens when the user drops the grabbed element on this drop target. |
get_DropTargetEffects Retrieves an array of localized strings that enumerate the full set of effects that can happen when the user drops a grabbed element on this drop target as part of a drag-and-drop operation. (IDropTargetProvider.get_DropTargetEffects) |
get_ExpandCollapseState Indicates the state, expanded or collapsed, of the control. |
get_ExtendedProperties Contains additional properties that are not included in this control pattern, but that provide information about the document content that might be useful to the user. |
get_FillColor Specifies the fill color of an element in a document. |
get_FillPatternColor Specifies the color of the pattern used to fill an element in a document. |
get_FillPatternStyle Specifies the fill pattern style of an element in a document. |
get_FirstSelectedItem Gets the first item in a group of selected items. |
get_Formula Specifies the formula for this spreadsheet cell. |
get_FragmentRoot Specifies the root node of the fragment. |
get_Help Specifies a string that contains help information for this element. |
get_HorizontallyScrollable Indicates whether the control can scroll horizontally. |
get_HorizontalScrollPercent Specifies the horizontal scroll position. |
get_HorizontalViewSize Specifies the horizontal size of the viewable region. |
get_HostRawElementProvider Specifies the host provider for this element. |
get_ImageName Sets or retrieves the name of the image of the proxy factory. (Get) |
get_IsGrabbed Indicates whether the element has been grabbed as part of a drag-and-drop operation. |
get_IsModal Indicates whether the window is modal. (IWindowProvider.get_IsModal) |
get_IsReadOnly Indicates whether the value of a control is read-only. (IRangeValueProvider.get_IsReadOnly) |
get_IsReadOnly Indicates whether the value of a control is read-only. (IValueProvider.get_IsReadOnly) |
get_IsSelected Indicates whether an item is selected. |
get_IsSelectionRequired Indicates whether the Microsoft UI Automation provider requires at least one child element to be selected. |
get_IsTopmost Indicates whether the window is the topmost element in the z-order. (IWindowProvider.get_IsTopmost) |
get_ItemCount Gets the number of selected items. |
get_KeyboardShortcut Specifies the keyboard shortcut for this element. |
get_LargeChange Specifies the value that is added to or subtracted from the IRangeValueProvider::Value property when a large change is made, such as when the PAGE DOWN key is pressed. |
get_LastSelectedItem Gets the last item in a group of selected items. |
get_Length Retrieves the number of elements in the collection. (IUIAutomationElementArray.get_Length) |
get_Length Retrieves the number of text ranges in the collection. |
get_Maximum Specifies the maximum range value supported by the control. |
get_Minimum Specifies the minimum range value supported by the control. |
get_Name Specifies the name of this element. |
get_NeedsAdviseEvents Sets or retrieves a value that specifies whether the proxy must be notified when an application has registered for events. (Get) |
get_PropertyConditionFlags Retrieves a set of flags that specify how the condition is applied. |
get_PropertyId Retrieves the identifier of the property on which this condition is based. |
get_PropertyValue Retrieves the property value that must be matched for the condition to be true. |
get_ProviderOptions Specifies the type of Microsoft UI Automation provider; for example, whether it is a client-side (proxy) or server-side provider. |
get_ProxyFactory Retrieves the proxy factory associated with this entry. |
get_ProxyFactoryId Retrieves the identifier of the proxy factory. |
get_ProxyFactoryMapping Retrieves an object that represents the mapping of Window classnames and associated data to individual proxy factories. |
get_RawViewCondition Retrieves a predefined IUIAutomationCondition interface that selects all UI elements in an unfiltered view. |
get_RawViewWalker Retrieves a tree walker object used to traverse an unfiltered view of the Microsoft UI Automation tree. |
get_ReservedMixedAttributeValue Retrieves a static token object representing a text attribute that is a mixed attribute. |
get_ReservedNotSupportedValue Retrieves a static token object representing a property or text attribute that is not supported. |
get_Role Specifies the role identifier of this element. |
get_Row Specifies the ordinal number of the row that contains this cell or item. |
get_RowCount Specifies the total number of rows in the grid. |
get_RowOrColumnMajor Specifies the primary direction of traversal for the table. |
get_RowSpan Specifies the number of rows spanned by this cell or item. |
get_SelectionContainer Specifies the provider that implements ISelectionProvider and acts as the container for the calling object. |
get_Shape Specifies the shape of an element in a document. |
get_SmallChange Specifies the value that is added to or subtracted from the IRangeValueProvider::Value property when a small change is made, such as when an arrow key is pressed. |
get_State Specifies the state of this element. |
get_StyleId Identifies the visual style of an element in a document. |
get_StyleName Specifies the name of the visual style of an element in a document. |
get_SupportedTextSelection Retrieves a value that specifies the type of text selection that is supported by the control. (ITextProvider.get_SupportedTextSelection) |
get_SupportedTextSelection Retrieves a value that specifies the type of text selection that is supported by the control. (IUIAutomationTextPattern.get_SupportedTextSelection) |
get_Target The UI Automation element that is being annotated. |
get_TextContainer Retrieves this element's nearest ancestor provider that supports the Text control pattern. |
get_TextContainer Retrieves this element's nearest ancestor element that supports the Text control pattern. |
get_TextRange Retrieves a text range that encloses this child element. (ITextChildProvider.get_TextRange) |
get_TextRange Retrieves a text range that encloses this child element. (IUIAutomationTextChildPattern.get_TextRange) |
get_ToggleState Specifies the toggle state of the control. |
get_TransactionTimeout Specifies the length of time that UI Automation will wait for a provider to respond to a client request for information about an automation element. (Get) |
get_TreeFilter Specifies the view of the UI Automation element tree that is used when caching. (Get) |
get_TreeScope Specifies the scope of caching. (Get) |
get_Value Specifies the value of this element. |
get_Value Specifies the value of the control. |
get_Value The value of the control. |
get_VerticallyScrollable Indicates whether the control can scroll vertically. |
get_VerticalScrollPercent Specifies the vertical scroll position. |
get_VerticalViewSize Specifies the vertical size of the viewable region. |
get_WindowInteractionState Specifies the current state of the window for the purposes of user interaction. |
get_WindowVisualState Specifies the visual state of the window; that is, whether the window is normal (restored), minimized, or maximized. |
get_ZoomLevel Retrieves the current zoom level of the element. |
get_ZoomMaximum Retrieves the maximum zoom level of the element. |
get_ZoomMinimum Retrieves the minimum zoom level of the element. |
GetActiveComposition Returns the active composition. (ITextEditProvider.GetActiveComposition) |
GetActiveComposition Returns the active composition. (IUIAutomationTextEditPattern.GetActiveComposition) |
GetAdjacentFragment Retrieves a fragment pointer for a fragment that is adjacent to the windowless Microsoft ActiveX control owned by this control site. |
GetAnnotationObjects Retrieves an array of objects that represent the annotations associated with this spreadsheet cell. |
GetAnnotationTypes Retrieves an array of annotation type identifiers indicating the types of annotations that are associated with this spreadsheet cell. (ISpreadsheetItemProvider.GetAnnotationTypes) |
GetAttributeValue Retrieves the value of the specified text attribute across the text range. |
GetAttributeValue Retrieves the value of the specified text attribute across the entire text range. |
GetAttributeValues Returns all of the requested text attribute values for a text range in a single cross-process call. This is equivalent to calling GetAttributeValue, except it can retrieve multiple values instead of just one. |
GetBoundingRectangles Retrieves a collection of bounding rectangles for each fully or partially visible line of text in a text range. (ITextRangeProvider.GetBoundingRectangles) |
GetBoundingRectangles Retrieves a collection of bounding rectangles for each fully or partially visible line of text in a text range. (IUIAutomationTextRange.GetBoundingRectangles) |
GetBuildVersion Clients call IVersionInfo::GetBuildVersion to retrieve build information for a specified component. |
GetCachedAnnotationObjects Retrieves a cached array of elements representing the annotations associated with this spreadsheet cell. |
GetCachedAnnotationTypes Retrieves a cached array of annotation type identifiers indicating the types of annotations that are associated with this spreadsheet cell. |
GetCachedChildren Retrieves the cached child elements of this UI Automation element. |
GetCachedColumnHeaderItems Retrieves the cached column headers associated with a table item or cell. |
GetCachedColumnHeaders Retrieves a cached collection of UI Automation elements representing all the column headers in a table. |
GetCachedGrabbedItems Retrieves a cached collection of elements that represent the full set of items that the user is dragging as part of a drag operation. |
GetCachedParent Retrieves from the cache the parent of this UI Automation element. |
GetCachedPattern Retrieves from the cache the IUnknown interface of the specified control pattern of this UI Automation element. |
GetCachedPatternAs Retrieves the control pattern interface of the specified pattern from the cache of this UI Automation element. |
GetCachedPropertyValue Retrieves a property value from the cache for this UI Automation element. |
GetCachedPropertyValueEx Retrieves a property value from the cache for this UI Automation element, optionally ignoring any default value. |
GetCachedRowHeaderItems Retrieves the cached row headers associated with a table item or cell. |
GetCachedRowHeaders Retrieves a cached collection of UI Automation elements representing all the row headers in a table. |
GetCachedSelection Retrieves the cached Microsoft Active Accessibility property that identifies the selected children of this element. |
GetCachedSelection Retrieves the cached selected elements in the container. |
GetCachedSupportedViews Retrieves a collection of control-specific view identifiers from the cache. |
GetCaretRange Provides a zero-length text range at the location of the caret that belongs to the text-based control. |
GetCaretRange Retrieves a zero-length text range at the location of the caret that belongs to the text-based control. |
GetChild Retrieves the condition of which this condition is the negative. |
GetChildren Retrieves a collection of all embedded objects that fall within the text range. (ITextRangeProvider.GetChildren) |
GetChildren Retrieves the conditions that make up this "and" condition. |
GetChildren Retrieves the conditions that make up this "or" condition. |
GetChildren Retrieves a collection of all embedded objects that fall within the text range. (IUIAutomationTextRange.GetChildren) |
GetChildrenAsNativeArray Retrieves the conditions that make up this "and" condition, as an ordinary array. |
GetChildrenAsNativeArray Retrieves the conditions that make up this "or" condition, as an ordinary array. |
GetChildrenBuildCache Returns the children and supplied properties and patterns for elements in a text range in a single cross-process call. This is equivalent to calling GetChildren, but adds the standard build cache pattern. |
GetClickablePoint Retrieves a point on the element that can be clicked. |
GetColumnHeaderItems Retrieves a collection of Microsoft UI Automation provider representing all the column headers associated with a table item or cell. |
GetColumnHeaders Gets a collection of Microsoft UI Automation providers that represents all the column headers in a table. |
GetComponentDescription Clients call this method to retrieve a description of the component. |
GetConversionTarget Returns the current conversion target range. (ITextEditProvider.GetConversionTarget) |
GetConversionTarget Returns the current conversion target range. (IUIAutomationTextEditPattern.GetConversionTarget) |
GetCurrentAnnotationObjects Retrieves an array of elements representing the annotations associated with this spreadsheet cell. |
GetCurrentAnnotationTypes Retrieves an array of annotation type identifiers indicating the types of annotations that are associated with this spreadsheet cell. (IUIAutomationSpreadsheetItemPattern.GetCurrentAnnotationTypes) |
GetCurrentColumnHeaderItems Retrieves the column headers associated with a table item or cell. |
GetCurrentColumnHeaders Retrieves a collection of UI Automation elements representing all the column headers in a table. |
GetCurrentGrabbedItems Retrieves a collection of elements that represent the full set of items that the user is dragging as part of a drag operation. |
GetCurrentMetadataValue Gets metadata from the UI Automation element that indicates how the information should be interpreted. (IUIAutomationElement7.GetCurrentMetadataValue) |
GetCurrentPattern Retrieves the IUnknown interface of the specified control pattern on this UI Automation element. |
GetCurrentPatternAs Retrieves the control pattern interface of the specified pattern on this UI Automation element. |
GetCurrentPropertyValue Retrieves the current value of a property for this UI Automation element. |
GetCurrentPropertyValueEx Retrieves a property value for this UI Automation element, optionally ignoring any default value. |
GetCurrentRowHeaderItems Retrieves the row headers associated with a table item or cell. |
GetCurrentRowHeaders Retrieves a collection of UI Automation elements representing all the row headers in a table. |
GetCurrentSelection Retrieves the Microsoft Active Accessibility property that identifies the selected children of this element. |
GetCurrentSelection Retrieves the selected elements in the container. |
GetCurrentSupportedViews Retrieves a collection of control-specific view identifiers. (IUIAutomationMultipleViewPattern.GetCurrentSupportedViews) |
GetDocuments Clients call IAccClientDocMgr::GetDocuments to get a list of all documents that have been registered with the Microsoft Active Accessibility run time. |
GetElement Retrieves a Microsoft UI Automation element from the collection. |
GetElement Retrieves a text range from the collection. |
GetEmbeddedAccessibles Retrieves the IAccessible interface pointers of the windowless Microsoft ActiveX controls that are hosted by this provider. |
GetEmbeddedFragmentRoots Retrieves the Microsoft Active Accessibility providers of all windowless Microsoft ActiveX controls that have a Microsoft UI Automation provider implementation, and are hosted in a Microsoft Active Accessibility object that implements the IAccessibleHostingElementProviders interface. |
GetEmbeddedFragmentRoots Retrieves an array of root fragments that are embedded in the Microsoft UI Automation tree rooted at the current element. |
GetEnclosingElement Returns the innermost element that encloses the text range. |
GetEnclosingElement Returns the innermost UI Automation element that encloses the text range. |
GetEnclosingElementBuildCache Gets the enclosing element and supplied properties and patterns for an element in a text range in a single cross-process call. This is equivalent to calling GetEnclosingElement, but adds the standard build cache pattern. |
GetEntry Retrieves an entry from the proxy factory table. |
GetFirstChildElement Retrieves the first child element of the specified UI Automation element. |
GetFirstChildElementBuildCache Retrieves the first child element of the specified UI Automation element, and caches properties and control patterns. |
GetFocus Retrieves the element in this fragment that has the input focus. |
GetFocused Clients call the IAccClientDocMgr::GetFocused method to access a pointer for the document that has focus. |
GetFocusedElement Retrieves the UI Automation element that has the input focus. |
GetFocusedElementBuildCache Retrieves the UI Automation element that has the input focus, prefetches the requested properties and control patterns, and stores the prefetched items in the cache. |
GetGrabbedItems Retrieves the collection of elements that are being dragged as part of a drag operation. |
GetIAccessible Retrieves an accessible object that corresponds to a UI Automation element that supports the LegacyIAccessible control pattern. |
GetIAccessible Retrieves an IAccessible object that corresponds to the Microsoft UI Automation element. |
GetIAccessiblePair Retrieves the IAccessible interface and child ID for this item. |
GetIdentityString Retrieves a string of bytes (an identity string) that uniquely identifies an accessible element. |
GetImplementationID Clients call IVersionInfo::GetImplementationID to retrieve a unique identifier for the component. |
GetInstanceDescription Clients call this method to retrieve a description of the instance.Note Active Accessibility Text Services is deprecated. |
GetItem Retrieves the Microsoft UI Automation provider for the specified cell. |
GetItem Retrieves a UI Automation element representing an item in the grid. |
GetItemByName Exposes a UI Automation element that represents the spreadsheet cell that has the specified name. |
GetItemByName Retrieves a UI Automation element that represents the spreadsheet cell that has the specified name. |
GetLastChildElement Retrieves the last child element of the specified UI Automation element. |
GetLastChildElementBuildCache Retrieves the last child element of the specified UI Automation element, and caches properties and control patterns. |
GetLocalizedString Clients call the IAccDictionary::GetLocalizedString method to get localized strings for all system properties and their values. |
GetMetadataValue Gets metadata from the UI Automation element that indicates how the information should be interpreted. (IRawElementProviderSimple3.GetMetadataValue) |
GetMnemonicString Retrieves a mnemonic string.Note Active Accessibility Text Services is deprecated. |
GetNextSiblingElement Retrieves the next sibling element of the specified UI Automation element. |
GetNextSiblingElementBuildCache Retrieves the next sibling element of the specified UI Automation element, and caches properties and control patterns. |
GetObjectForChild Retrieves an IAccessibleEx interface representing the specified child of this element. |
GetObjectIdForProvider Retrieves the object ID associated with a contained windowless Microsoft ActiveX control that implements Microsoft UI Automation. |
GetOleaccVersionInfo Retrieves the version number and build number of the Microsoft Active Accessibility file Oleacc.dll. |
GetOverrideProviderForHwnd Gets a UI Automation provider for the specified element. |
GetParentAccessible Retrieves an IAccessible pointer for the parent of a windowless Microsoft ActiveX control in the accessibility tree. |
GetParentElement Retrieves the parent element of the specified UI Automation element. |
GetParentElementBuildCache Retrieves the parent element of the specified UI Automation element, and caches properties and control patterns. |
GetParentTerm Clients call the IAccDictionary::GetParentTerm method to navigate through the object hierarchy tree. This method returns the parent object of a specified property. |
GetPatternProgrammaticName Retrieves the registered programmatic name of a control pattern. |
GetPatternProvider Retrieves a pointer to an object that provides support for a control pattern on a Microsoft UI Automation element. |
GetPreviousSiblingElement Retrieves the previous sibling element of the specified UI Automation element. |
GetPreviousSiblingElementBuildCache Retrieves the previous sibling element of the specified UI Automation element, and caches properties and control patterns. |
GetProperty The client wrapper object implements the IUIAutomation::get_CurrentX and IUIAutomationElement::get_CachedX methods by calling this function, specifying the property by index. |
GetPropertyProgrammaticName Retrieves the registered programmatic name of a property. |
GetPropertyValue Retrieves the value of a property supported by the Microsoft UI Automation provider. |
GetPropValue Retrieves a property value for an accessible element. |
GetRoleTextA Retrieves the localized string that describes the object's role for the specified role value. (ANSI) |
GetRoleTextW Retrieves the localized string that describes the object's role for the specified role value. (Unicode) |
GetRootElement Retrieves the UI Automation element that represents the desktop. |
GetRootElementBuildCache Retrieves the UI Automation element that represents the desktop, prefetches the requested properties and control patterns, and stores the prefetched items in the cache. |
GetRowHeaderItems Retrieves a collection of Microsoft UI Automation provider representing all the row headers associated with a table item or cell. |
GetRowHeaders Gets a collection of Microsoft UI Automation providers that represents all the row headers in a table. |
GetRuntimeId Retrieves the runtime identifier of this element. |
GetRuntimeId Retrieves the runtime identifier of an element. |
GetRuntimeId Retrieves the unique identifier assigned to the UI element. |
GetRuntimeIdPrefix Retrieves a Microsoft UI Automation runtime ID that is unique to the windowless Microsoft ActiveX control site. |
GetSelection Retrieves the selected item or items in the control. |
GetSelection Retrieves a Microsoft UI Automation provider for each child element that is selected. |
GetSelection Retrieves a collection of text ranges that represents the currently selected text in a text-based control. (ITextProvider.GetSelection) |
GetSelection Retrieves a collection of text ranges that represents the currently selected text in a text-based control. (IUIAutomationTextPattern.GetSelection) |
GetStateTextA Retrieves a localized string that describes an object's state for a single predefined state bit flag. Because state values are a combination of one or more bit flags, clients call this function more than once to retrieve all state strings. (ANSI) |
GetStateTextW Retrieves a localized string that describes an object's state for a single predefined state bit flag. Because state values are a combination of one or more bit flags, clients call this function more than once to retrieve all state strings. (Unicode) |
GetSubcomponentCount Clients call IVersionInfo::GetSubcomponentCount to determine the number of subcomponents for which version information is returned. |
GetSupportedViews Retrieves a collection of control-specific view identifiers. (IMultipleViewProvider.GetSupportedViews) |
GetTable Retrieves all entries in the proxy factory table. |
GetText Retrieves the plain text of the range. |
GetText Returns the plain text of the text range. |
GetUnderlyingObjectModel Retrieves an interface used to access the underlying object model of the provider. (IObjectModelProvider.GetUnderlyingObjectModel) |
GetUnderlyingObjectModel Retrieves an interface used to access the underlying object model of the provider. (IUIAutomationObjectModelPattern.GetUnderlyingObjectModel) |
GetViewName Retrieves the name of a control-specific view. (IMultipleViewProvider.GetViewName) |
GetViewName Retrieves the name of a control-specific view. (IUIAutomationMultipleViewPattern.GetViewName) |
GetVisibleRanges Retrieves an array of disjoint text ranges from a text-based control where each text range represents a contiguous span of visible text. (ITextProvider.GetVisibleRanges) |
GetVisibleRanges Retrieves an array of disjoint text ranges from a text-based control where each text range represents a contiguous span of visible text. (IUIAutomationTextPattern.GetVisibleRanges) |
GetWinEventsForAutomationEvent Retrieves the list of WinEvents that are mapped to a specific Microsoft UI Automation event. If an element represented by this proxy raises one the listed WinEvents, the proxy handles it. |
GridPattern_GetItem Gets the node for an item in a grid. |
HandleActiveTextPositionChangedEvent Handles a Microsoft UI Automation active text position change event. |
HandleAutomationEvent Handles a Microsoft UI Automation event. |
HandleChangesEvent Handles one or more Microsoft UI Automation change events. |
HandleFocusChangedEvent Handles the event raised when the keyboard focus moves to a different UI Automation element. |
HandleNotificationEvent Handles a Microsoft UI Automation notification event. |
HandlePropertyChangedEvent Handles a Microsoft UI Automation property-changed event. |
HandleStructureChangedEvent Handles an event that is raised when the Microsoft UI Automation tree structure has changed. |
HandleTextEditTextChangedEvent Handles an event that is raised when a Microsoft UI Automation provider for a text-edit control reports a programmatic text change. |
InsertEntries Inserts entries into the table of proxy factories. |
InsertEntry Insert an entry into the table of proxy factories. |
IntNativeArrayToSafeArray Converts an array of integers to a SAFEARRAY. |
IntSafeArrayToNativeArray Converts a SAFEARRAY of integers to an array. |
Invoke Sends a request to activate a control and initiate its single, unambiguous action. (IInvokeProvider.Invoke) |
Invoke Invokes the action of a control, such as a button click. |
InvokePattern_Invoke Sends a request to activate a control and initiate its single, unambiguous action. (InvokePattern_Invoke) |
IsWinEventHookInstalled Determines whether there is an installed WinEvent hook that might be notified of a specified event. |
ItemContainerPattern_FindItemByProperty Retrieves a node within a containing node, based on a specified property value. |
LegacyIAccessiblePattern_DoDefaultAction Performs the Microsoft Active Accessibility default action for the element. (LegacyIAccessiblePattern_DoDefaultAction) |
LegacyIAccessiblePattern_GetIAccessible Retrieves an IAccessible object that corresponds to the UI Automation element. |
LegacyIAccessiblePattern_Select Performs a Microsoft Active Accessibility selection. (LegacyIAccessiblePattern_Select) |
LegacyIAccessiblePattern_SetValue Sets the Microsoft Active Accessibility value property for the node. |
LocalInit Implemented by clients to return information about the local object.Note Active Accessibility Text Services is deprecated. |
LookupByHWND Clients call IAccClientDocMgr::LookupByHWND to get a document by providing the HWND for the document. |
LookupByPoint Clients call IAccClientDocMgr::LookupByPoint to get a document object from a point within the document. |
LookupMnemonicTerm Clients call the IAccDictionary::LookupMnemonicTerm method to find the property for a given mnemonic string. |
LresultFromObject Returns a reference, similar to a handle, to the specified object. Servers return this reference when handling WM_GETOBJECT. |
Move Moves the text range forward or backward by the specified number of text units. |
Move Moves the control. |
Move Moves the text range forward or backward by the specified number of text units . |
Move Moves the UI Automation element. |
MoveEndpointByRange Moves one endpoint of the current text range to the specified endpoint of a second text range. (ITextRangeProvider.MoveEndpointByRange) |
MoveEndpointByRange Moves one endpoint of the current text range to the specified endpoint of a second text range. (IUIAutomationTextRange.MoveEndpointByRange) |
MoveEndpointByUnit Moves one endpoint of the text range the specified number of TextUnit units within the document range. |
MoveEndpointByUnit Moves one endpoint of the text range the specified number of text units within the document range. |
MultipleViewPattern_GetViewName Retrieves the name of a control-specific view. (MultipleViewPattern_GetViewName) |
MultipleViewPattern_SetCurrentView Sets a control to a different layout. |
Navigate Retrieves the Microsoft UI Automation element in a specified direction within the UI Automation tree. |
Navigate Gets the next element in the specified direction within the logical UI tree. |
NewDocument Server applications call the IAccServerDocMgr::NewDocument method when it is available. The adapter creates a wrapped document and registers it with the store, so clients can access information about the text in the document. |
NormalizeElement Retrieves the ancestor element nearest to the specified Microsoft UI Automation element in the tree view. |
NormalizeElementBuildCache Retrieves the ancestor element nearest to the specified Microsoft UI Automation element in the tree view, prefetches the requested properties and control patterns, and stores the prefetched items in the cache. |
NotifyWinEvent Signals the system that a predefined event occurred. If any client applications have registered a hook function for the event, the system calls the client's hook function. |
ObjectFromLresult Retrieves a requested interface pointer for an accessible object based on a previously generated object reference. |
OnDocumentFocus Applications that use Text Services Framework call IAccServerDocMgr::OnDocumentFocus to notify the Microsoft Active Accessibility run time when a document gets or loses focus. |
PollForPotentialSupportedPatterns Retrieves the control patterns that might be supported on a UI Automation element. |
PollForPotentialSupportedProperties Retrieves the properties that might be supported on a UI Automation element. |
put_accName The IAccessible::put_accName method is no longer supported. Client applications should use a control-specific workaround, such as the SetWindowText function. Servers should return E_NOTIMPL. |
put_accValue The IAccessible::put_accValue method sets the value of the specified object. Not all objects have a value. |
put_AllowSubstringMatch Sets or retrieves a value that specifies whether the proxy allows substring matching. (Put) |
put_AutomationElementMode Indicates whether returned elements contain full references to the underlying UI, or only cached information. (Put) |
put_AutoSetFocus Specifies whether calls to UI Automation control pattern methods automatically set focus to the target element. (Put) |
put_CanCheckBaseClass Sets or retrieves a value that specifies whether the base class can be checked when searching for a proxy factory. (Put) |
put_ClassName Sets or retrieves the name of the window class served by the proxy factory. (Put) |
put_CoalesceEvents Gets or sets whether an accessible technology client receives all events, or a subset where duplicate events are detected and filtered. (Put) |
put_ConnectionRecoveryBehavior Indicates whether an accessible technology client adjusts provider request timeouts when the provider is non-responsive. (Put) |
put_ConnectionTimeout Specifies the length of time that UI Automation will wait for a provider to respond to a client request for an automation element. (Put) |
put_ImageName Sets or retrieves the name of the image of the proxy factory. (Put) |
put_NeedsAdviseEvents Sets or retrieves a value that specifies whether the proxy must be notified when an application has registered for events. (Put) |
put_TransactionTimeout Specifies the length of time that UI Automation will wait for a provider to respond to a client request for information about an automation element. (Put) |
put_TreeFilter Specifies the view of the UI Automation element tree that is used when caching. (Put) |
put_TreeScope Specifies the scope of caching. (Put) |
QueryObjectIdRanges Retrieves the object ID ranges that a particular windowless Microsoft ActiveX control has reserved. |
RangeFromAnnotation Exposes a text range that contains the text that is the target of the annotation associated with the specified annotation element. |
RangeFromAnnotation Retrieves a text range containing the text that is the target of the annotation associated with the specified annotation element. |
RangeFromChild Retrieves a text range enclosing a child element such as an image, hyperlink, or other embedded object. |
RangeFromChild Retrieves a text range enclosing a child element such as an image, hyperlink, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, or other embedded object. |
RangeFromPoint Returns the degenerate (empty) text range nearest to the specified screen coordinates. |
RangeFromPoint Retrieves the degenerate (empty) text range nearest to the specified screen coordinates. (IUIAutomationTextPattern.RangeFromPoint) |
RangeValuePattern_SetValue Sets the value of a control that has a numerical range. |
Realize Makes the virtual item fully accessible as a UI Automation element. (IVirtualizedItemProvider.Realize) |
Realize Creates a full UI Automation element for a virtualized item. |
RectToVariant Creates a VARIANT that contains the coordinates of a rectangle. |
RegisterEvent Registers a third-party Microsoft UI Automation event. |
RegisterPattern Registers a third-party control pattern. |
RegisterPointerInputTarget Allows the caller to register a target window to which all pointer input of the specified type is redirected. |
RegisterPointerInputTargetEx RegisterPointerInputTargetEx may be altered or unavailable. Instead, use RegisterPointerInputTarget. |
RegisterProperty Registers a third-party property. |
ReleaseObjectIdRange Releases an object ID range that was acquired by a previous call to the IAccessibleWindowlessSite::AcquireObjectIdRange method. |
RemoveActiveTextPositionChangedEventHandler Removes an active text position changed event handler. |
RemoveAllEventHandlers Removes all registered Microsoft UI Automation event handlers. |
RemoveAutomationEventHandler Removes the specified UI Automation event handler. |
RemoveChangesEventHandler Removes a changes event handler. |
RemoveEntry Removes an entry from the table of proxy factories. |
RemoveEventHandlerGroup Asynchronously removes the specified UI Automation event handler group. |
RemoveFocusChangedEventHandler Removes a focus-changed event handler. |
RemoveFromSelection Removes the current element from the collection of selected items. |
RemoveFromSelection Removes the text range from the collection of selected text ranges in a control that supports multiple, disjoint spans of selected text. |
RemoveFromSelection Removes this element from the selection. |
RemoveFromSelection Removes the text range from an existing collection of selected text in a text container that supports multiple, disjoint selections. |
RemoveNotificationEventHandler Removes a notification event handler. |
RemovePropertyChangedEventHandler Removes a property-changed event handler. |
RemoveStructureChangedEventHandler Removes a structure-changed event handler. |
RemoveTextEditTextChangedEventHandler Removes a programmatic text-edit event handler. |
Resize Resizes the control. |
Resize Resizes the UI Automation element. |
RespondToWinEvent Handles a WinEvent. |
RestoreDefaultTable Restores the default table of proxy factories. |
RevokeDocument Server applications call the IAccServerDocMgr::RevokeDocument method to notify the Microsoft Active Accessibility run time that a document is no longer available. Calling RevokeDocument removes it from the store so that clients cannot see the document. |
Rotate Rotates the control. |
Rotate Rotates the UI Automation element. |
SafeArrayToRectNativeArray Converts a SAFEARRAY containing rectangle coordinates to an array of type RECT. |
Scroll Scrolls the visible region of the content area horizontally and vertically. (IScrollProvider.Scroll) |
Scroll Scrolls the visible region of the content area horizontally and vertically. (IUIAutomationScrollPattern.Scroll) |
ScrollIntoView Scrolls the content area of a container object in order to display the control within the visible region (viewport) of the container. |
ScrollIntoView Causes the text control to scroll vertically until the text range is visible in the viewport. |
ScrollIntoView Scrolls the content area of a container object to display the UI Automation element within the visible region (viewport) of the container. |
ScrollIntoView Causes the text control to scroll until the text range is visible in the viewport. |
ScrollItemPattern_ScrollIntoView Scrolls the content area of a container object in order to display the UI Automation element within the visible region (viewport) of the container. |
ScrollPattern_Scroll Scrolls the currently visible region of the content area the specified ScrollAmount, horizontally, vertically, or both. |
ScrollPattern_SetScrollPercent Scrolls a container to a specific position horizontally, vertically, or both. |
Select Selects the element. |
Select Deselects any selected items and then selects the current element. |
Select Selects the span of text that corresponds to this text range, and removes any previous selection. (ITextRangeProvider.Select) |
Select Performs a Microsoft Active Accessibility selection. (IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern.Select) |
Select Clears any selected items and then selects the current element. |
Select Selects the span of text that corresponds to this text range, and removes any previous selection. (IUIAutomationTextRange.Select) |
SelectionItemPattern_AddToSelection Adds an unselected element to a selection in a control. |
SelectionItemPattern_RemoveFromSelection Removes an element from the selection in a selection container. |
SelectionItemPattern_Select Selects an element in a selection container. |
SetCurrentView Sets the current control-specific view. |
SetCurrentView Sets the view of the control. |
SetDockPosition Sets the docking position of this element. |
SetDockPosition Sets the dock position of this element. |
SetFocus Sets the focus to this element. |
SetFocus Sets the keyboard focus to this UI Automation element. |
SetHmenuProp This method wraps SetPropValue, providing a convenient entry point for callers who are annotating HMENU-based accessible elements. If the new value is a string, you can use IAccPropServices::SetHmenuPropStr instead. |
SetHmenuPropServer This method wraps SetPropServer, providing a convenient entry point for callers who are annotating HMENU-based accessible elements. |
SetHmenuPropStr This method wraps SetPropValue, providing a more convenient entry point for callers who are annotating HMENU-based accessible elements. |
SetHwndProp This method wraps SetPropValue, providing a convenient entry point for callers who are annotating HWND-based accessible elements. If the new value is a string, you can use IAccPropServices::SetHwndPropStr instead. |
SetHwndPropServer This method wraps SetPropServer, providing a convenient entry point for callers who are annotating HWND-based accessible elements. |
SetHwndPropStr This method wraps SetPropValue, providing a more convenient entry point for callers who are annotating HWND-based accessible elements. |
SetPropServer Servers use SetPropServer to specify a callback object to be used to annotate an array of properties for the accessible element. |
SetPropValue Use SetPropValue to identify the accessible element to be annotated, specify the property to be annotated, and provide a new value for that property. |
SetScrollPercent Sets the horizontal and vertical scroll position as a percentage of the total content area within the control. |
SetScrollPercent Sets the horizontal and vertical scroll positions as a percentage of the total content area within the UI Automation element. |
SetTable Sets the table of proxy factories. |
SetValue Sets the string value of the control. |
SetValue Sets the value of the control. (IRangeValueProvider.SetValue) |
SetValue Sets the value of control. |
SetValue Sets the Microsoft Active Accessibility value property for the element. |
SetValue Sets the value of the control. (IUIAutomationRangeValuePattern.SetValue) |
SetValue Sets the value of the element. |
SetVisualState Changes the visual state of the window. For example, minimizes or maximizes it. |
SetWindowVisualState Minimizes, maximizes, or restores the window. |
SetWinEventHook Sets an event hook function for a range of events. |
SetWinEventsForAutomationEvent Maps Microsoft UI Automation events to WinEvents. |
ShowContextMenu Programmatically invokes a context menu on the target element. (IRawElementProviderSimple2.ShowContextMenu) |
ShowContextMenu Programmatically invokes a context menu on the target element. (ITextRangeProvider2.ShowContextMenu) |
ShowContextMenu Programmatically invokes a context menu on the target element. (IUIAutomationElement3.ShowContextMenu) |
ShowContextMenu Programmatically invokes a context menu on the target text range. |
StartListening Starts listening for input of the specified type. |
StartListening Causes the Microsoft UI Automation provider to start listening for mouse or keyboard input. |
SynchronizedInputPattern_Cancel Causes the UI Automation provider to stop listening for mouse or keyboard input. |
SynchronizedInputPattern_StartListening Causes the UI Automation provider to start listening for mouse or keyboard input. |
TextPattern_get_DocumentRange Gets the text range for the entire document. |
TextPattern_get_SupportedTextSelection Ascertains whether the text container's contents can be selected and deselected. |
TextPattern_GetSelection Gets the current range of selected text from a text container supporting the text pattern. |
TextPattern_GetVisibleRanges Retrieves an array of disjoint text ranges from a text container where each text range begins with the first partially visible line through to the end of the last partially visible line. |
TextPattern_RangeFromChild Gets the text range that a given node spans. |
TextPattern_RangeFromPoint Retrieves the degenerate (empty) text range nearest to the specified screen coordinates. (TextPattern_RangeFromPoint) |
TextRange_AddToSelection Adds to the existing collection of highlighted text in a text container that supports multiple, disjoint selections by highlighting supplementary text corresponding to the calling text range Start and End endpoints. |
TextRange_Clone Copies a text range. |
TextRange_Compare Compares two text ranges. |
TextRange_CompareEndpoints Returns a value indicating whether two text ranges have identical endpoints. |
TextRange_ExpandToEnclosingUnit Expands the text range to a larger or smaller unit such as Character, Word, Line, or Page. |
TextRange_FindAttribute Searches in a specified direction for the first piece of text supporting a specified text attribute. |
TextRange_FindText Returns the first text range in the specified direction that contains the text the client is searching for. |
TextRange_GetAttributeValue Gets the value of a text attribute for a text range. |
TextRange_GetBoundingRectangles Retrieves the minimum number of bounding rectangles that can enclose the range, one rectangle per line. |
TextRange_GetChildren Returns all UI Automation elements contained within the specified text range. |
TextRange_GetEnclosingElement Returns the node for the next smallest provider that covers the range. |
TextRange_GetText Returns the text in a text range, up to a specified number of characters. |
TextRange_Move Moves the text range the specified number of units requested by the client. |
TextRange_MoveEndpointByRange Moves an endpoint of one range to the endpoint of another range. |
TextRange_MoveEndpointByUnit Moves an endpoint of the range the specified number of units. |
TextRange_RemoveFromSelection Removes the selected text, corresponding to the calling text range TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start and TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End endpoints, from an existing collection of selected text in a text container that supports multiple, disjoint selections. |
TextRange_ScrollIntoView Scrolls the text so the specified range is visible in the viewport. |
TextRange_Select Selects a text range. |
Toggle Cycles through the toggle states of a control. |
Toggle Cycles through the toggle states of the control. |
TogglePattern_Toggle Toggles a control to its next supported state. |
TransformPattern_Move Moves an element to a specified location on the screen. |
TransformPattern_Resize Resizes an element on the screen. |
TransformPattern_Rotate Rotates an element on the screen. |
UiaAddEvent Adds a listener for events on a node in the UI Automation tree. |
UiaClientsAreListening Gets a value that indicates whether any client application is subscribed to Microsoft UI Automation events. |
UiaDisconnectAllProviders Releases all Microsoft UI Automation resources that are held by all providers associated with the calling process. |
UiaDisconnectProvider Releases all references that a particular provider holds to Microsoft UI Automation objects. |
UiaEventAddWindow Adds a window to the event listener. |
UiaEventCallback A client-implemented function that is called by UI Automation when an event is raised that the client has subscribed to. |
UiaEventRemoveWindow Removes a window from the event listener. |
UiaFind Retrieves one or more UI Automation nodes that match the search criteria. |
UiaGetErrorDescription Gets an error string so that it can be passed to the client. This method is not used directly by clients. |
UiaGetPatternProvider Retrieves a control pattern. |
UiaGetPropertyValue Retrieves the value of a UI Automation property. |
UiaGetReservedMixedAttributeValue Retrieves a reserved value indicating that the value of a Microsoft UI Automation text attribute varies within a text range. |
UiaGetReservedNotSupportedValue Retrieves a reserved value indicating that a Microsoft UI Automation property or a text attribute is not supported. |
UiaGetRootNode Retrieves the root UI Automation node. |
UiaGetRuntimeId Retrieves the runtime identifier of a UI Automation node. |
UiaGetUpdatedCache Updates the cache of property values and control patterns. |
UiaHasServerSideProvider Ascertains whether a window has a Microsoft UI Automation provider implementation. |
UiaHostProviderFromHwnd Gets the host provider for a window. |
UiaHPatternObjectFromVariant Gets a control pattern object from a VARIANT type. |
UiaHTextRangeFromVariant Gets a text range from a VARIANT type. |
UiaHUiaNodeFromVariant Gets an HUIANODE from a VARIANT type. |
UiaIAccessibleFromProvider Retrieves an IAccessible implementation that provides Microsoft Active Accessibility data on behalf of a Microsoft UI Automation provider. |
UiaLookupId Gets the integer identifier that can be used in methods that require a PROPERTYID, PATTERNID, CONTROLTYPEID, TEXTATTRIBUTEID, or EVENTID. |
UiaNavigate Navigates in the UI Automation tree, optionally retrieving cached information. |
UiaNodeFromFocus Retrieves the UI Automation node for the UI element that currently has input focus. |
UiaNodeFromHandle Retrieves the UI Automation node associated with a window. |
UiaNodeFromPoint Retrieves the UI Automation node for the element at the specified point. |
UiaNodeFromProvider Retrieves the UI Automation node for a raw element provider. |
UiaNodeRelease Deletes a node from memory. |
UiaPatternRelease Deletes an allocated pattern object from memory. |
UiaProviderCallback An application-defined function that is called by UI Automation to obtain a client-side provider for an element. |
UiaProviderForNonClient Gets the provider for the entire non-client area of a window, or for a control in the non-client area of a window. |
UiaProviderFromIAccessible Creates a Microsoft UI Automation provider based on the specified Microsoft Active Accessibility object. |
UiaRaiseActiveTextPositionChangedEvent Called by a provider to notify the Microsoft UI Automation core that a text control has programmatically changed text. (UiaRaiseActiveTextPositionChangedEvent) |
UiaRaiseAsyncContentLoadedEvent Called by a provider to notify the Microsoft UI Automation core that content is being loaded asynchronously. |
UiaRaiseAutomationEvent Notifies listeners of an event. |
UiaRaiseAutomationPropertyChangedEvent Called by providers to notify the Microsoft UI Automation core that an element property has changed. |
UiaRaiseChangesEvent Called by providers to notify the Microsoft UI Automation core that a change has occurred. |
UiaRaiseNotificationEvent Called by providers to initiate a notification event. |
UiaRaiseStructureChangedEvent Called by a provider to notify the Microsoft UI Automation core that the tree structure has changed. |
UiaRaiseTextEditTextChangedEvent Called by a provider to notify the Microsoft UI Automation core that a text control has programmatically changed text. (UiaRaiseTextEditTextChangedEvent) |
UiaRectIsEmpty Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether a rectangle has all its coordinates set to 0. |
UiaRectSetEmpty Sets the elements of a UiaRect structure to 0. |
UiaRegisterProviderCallback Registers the application-defined method that is called by UI Automation to obtain a provider for an element. |
UiaRemoveEvent Removes a listener for events on a node in the UI Automation tree. |
UiaReturnRawElementProvider Gets an interface to the UI Automation provider for a window. |
UiaSetFocus Sets the input focus to the specified element in the UI. |
UiaTextRangeRelease Deletes an allocated text range object from memory. |
UnhookWinEvent Removes an event hook function created by a previous call to SetWinEventHook. |
UnregisterPointerInputTarget Allows the caller to unregister a target window to which all pointer input of the specified type is redirected. |
UnregisterPointerInputTargetEx UnregisterPointerInputTargetEx may be altered or unavailable. Instead, use UnregisterPointerInputTarget. |
ValuePattern_SetValue Sets the text value of an element. |
VariantToRect Converts a VARIANT containing rectangle coordinates to a RECT. |
VirtualizedItemPattern_Realize Makes the virtual item fully accessible as a UI Automation element. (VirtualizedItemPattern_Realize) |
WaitForInputIdle Causes the calling code to block for the specified time or until the associated process enters an idle state, whichever completes first. (IWindowProvider.WaitForInputIdle) |
WaitForInputIdle Causes the calling code to block for the specified time or until the associated process enters an idle state, whichever completes first. (IUIAutomationWindowPattern.WaitForInputIdle) |
WindowFromAccessibleObject Retrieves the window handle that corresponds to a particular instance of an IAccessible interface. |
WindowPattern_Close Closes an open window. |
WindowPattern_SetWindowVisualState Sets the visual state of a window; for example, to maximize a window. |
WindowPattern_WaitForInputIdle Causes the calling code to block for the specified time or until the associated process enters an idle state, whichever completes first. (WindowPattern_WaitForInputIdle) |
WINEVENTPROC An application-defined callback (or hook) function that the system calls in response to events generated by an accessible object. |
Zoom Zooms the viewport of the control. (ITransformProvider2.Zoom) |
Zoom Zooms the viewport of the control. (IUIAutomationTransformPattern2.Zoom) |
ZoomByUnit Zooms the viewport of the control by the specified logical unit. |
ZoomByUnit Zooms the viewport of the control by the specified unit. |
IAccClientDocMgr Exposes methods for client applications to retrieve documents. |
IAccDictionary Exposes methods for string manipulation. |
IAccessible Exposes methods and properties that make a user interface element and its children accessible to client applications. |
IAccessibleEx Exposes methods that are called by Microsoft UI Automation to retrieve extra information about a control that supports Microsoft Active Accessibility. |
IAccessibleHandler Exposes a method that retrieves an accessible element from an object ID. |
IAccessibleHostingElementProviders A Microsoft Active Accessibility object implements this interface when the object is the root of an accessibility tree that includes windowless Microsoft ActiveX controls that implement Microsoft UI Automation. |
IAccessibleWindowlessSite A Microsoft ActiveX control site implements this interface to enable a windowless ActiveX control that has a Microsoft Active Accessibility implementation to express its accessibility. |
IAccIdentity Exposes a method that provides a unique identifier for an accessible element. |
IAccPropServer Exposes a method that retrieves a property value for an accessible element. |
IAccPropServices Exposes methods for annotating accessible elements and for manipulating identity strings. |
IAccServerDocMgr Exposes methods that make documents accessible to client applications. |
IAnnotationProvider Exposes the properties of an annotation in a document. |
ICoCreatedLocally Exposes a method to return information about a local object. |
ICoCreateLocally Exposes a method that enables a client application to create a helper object in the server context. |
IDockProvider Provides access to an element in a docking container. |
IDragProvider Enables a Microsoft UI Automation element to describe itself as an element that can be dragged as part of a drag-and-drop operation. |
IDropTargetProvider Enables a Microsoft UI Automation element to describe itself as an element that can receive a drop of a dragged element as part of a UI Automation drag-and-drop operation. |
IExpandCollapseProvider Provides access to a control that visually expands to display content, and collapses to hide content. |
IGridItemProvider Provides access to individual child controls of containers that implement IGridProvider. |
IGridProvider Provides access to controls that act as containers for a collection of child elements organized in a two-dimensional logical coordinate system that can be traversed (that is, a Microsoft UI Automation client can move to adjacent controls) by using the keyboard. |
IInvokeProvider Provides access to controls that initiate or perform a single, unambiguous action and do not maintain state when activated. |
IItemContainerProvider Provides access to controls that act as containers of other controls, such as a virtual list-view. |
ILegacyIAccessibleProvider Enables Microsoft UI Automation clients to access the underlying IAccessible implementation of Microsoft Active Accessibility elements. |
IMultipleViewProvider Provides access to controls that provide, and are able to switch between, multiple representations of the same set of information or child controls. |
IObjectModelProvider Provides access to the underlying object model implemented by a control or application. (IObjectModelProvider) |
IProxyProviderWinEventHandler Exposes a method that is implemented by proxy providers to handle WinEvents. |
IProxyProviderWinEventSink Exposes methods used by proxy providers to raise events. |
IRangeValueProvider Provides access to controls that can be set to a value within a range. |
IRawElementProviderAdviseEvents Exposes methods that are called to notify the root element of a fragment when a Microsoft UI Automation client application begins or ends listening for events on that fragment. |
IRawElementProviderFragment Exposes methods and properties on UI elements that are part of a structure more than one level deep, such as a list box or list item. Implemented by Microsoft UI Automation provider. |
IRawElementProviderFragmentRoot Exposes methods and properties on the root element in a fragment. |
IRawElementProviderHostingAccessibles This interface is implemented by a Microsoft UI Automation provider when the provider is the root of an accessibility tree that includes windowless controls that support Microsoft Active Accessibility. |
IRawElementProviderHwndOverride Exposes a method that enables repositioning of window-based elements within the fragment's UI Automation tree. |
IRawElementProviderSimple Defines methods and properties that expose simple UI elements. |
IRawElementProviderSimple2 Extends the IRawElementProviderSimple interface to enable programmatically invoking context menus. |
IRawElementProviderSimple3 Extends the IRawElementProviderSimple2 interface to enable retrieving metadata about how accessible technology should say the preferred content type. |
IRawElementProviderWindowlessSite A Microsoft ActiveX control site implements this interface to enable a Microsoft UI Automation-enabled ActiveX control to express its accessibility. |
IScrollItemProvider Provides access to individual child controls of containers that implement IScrollProvider. |
IScrollProvider Provides access to controls that act as scrollable containers for a collection of child objects. |
ISelectionItemProvider Provides access to individual, selectable child controls of containers that implement ISelectionProvider. |
ISelectionProvider Provides access to controls that act as containers for a collection of individual, selectable child items. |
ISelectionProvider2 Extends the ISelectionItemProvider interface to provide information about selected items. |
ISpreadsheetItemProvider Provides access to information about an item (cell) in a spreadsheet. |
ISpreadsheetProvider Provides access to items (cells) in a spreadsheet. |
IStylesProvider Provides access to the visual styles associated with the content of a document. |
ISynchronizedInputProvider Enables Microsoft UI Automation client applications to direct the mouse or keyboard input to a specific UI element. |
ITableItemProvider Provides access to child controls of containers that implement ITableProvider. |
ITableProvider Provides access to controls that act as containers for a collection of child elements. |
ITextChildProvider Provides access to a text-based control (or an object embedded in text) that is a child or descendant of another text-based control. |
ITextEditProvider Extends the ITextProvider interface to enable Microsoft UI Automation providers to expose programmatic text-edit actions. |
ITextProvider Provides access to controls that contain text. |
ITextProvider2 Extends the ITextProvider interface to enable Microsoft UI Automation providers to expose textual content that is the target of an annotation, and information about a caret that belongs to the provider. |
ITextRangeProvider Provides access to a span of continuous text in a text container that implements ITextProvider or ITextProvider2. |
ITextRangeProvider2 Extends the ITextRangeProvider interface to enable Microsoft UI Automation providers to invoke context menus. |
IToggleProvider Provides access to controls that can cycle through a set of states and maintain a state after it is set. |
ITransformProvider Provides access to controls that can be moved, resized, and/or rotated within a two-dimensional space. |
ITransformProvider2 Extends the ITransformProvider interface to enable Microsoft UI Automation providers to expose properties to support the viewport zooming functionality of a control. |
IUIAutomation Exposes methods that enable Microsoft UI Automation client applications to discover, access, and filter UI Automation elements. |
IUIAutomation2 Extends the IUIAutomation interface to expose additional methods for controlling Microsoft UI Automation functionality. |
IUIAutomation3 Extends the IUIAutomation2 interface to expose additional methods for controlling Microsoft UI Automation functionality. |
IUIAutomation4 Extends the IUIAutomation3 interface to expose additional methods for controlling Microsoft UI Automation functionality. |
IUIAutomation5 Extends the IUIAutomation4 interface to expose additional methods for controlling Microsoft UI Automation functionality. |
IUIAutomation6 Extends the IUIAutomation5 interface to expose additional methods for controlling Microsoft UI Automation functionality. |
IUIAutomationActiveTextPositionChangedEventHandler Exposes a method to handle Microsoft UI Automation events that occur when the active text position changes. |
IUIAutomationAndCondition Exposes properties and methods that Microsoft UI Automation client applications can use to retrieve information about an AND-based property condition. |
IUIAutomationAnnotationPattern Provides access to the properties of an annotation in a document. |
IUIAutomationBoolCondition Represents a condition that can be either TRUE (selects all elements) or FALSE (selects no elements). |
IUIAutomationCacheRequest Exposes properties and methods of a cache request. Client applications use this interface to specify the properties and control patterns to be cached when a Microsoft UI Automation element is obtained. |
IUIAutomationChangesEventHandler Exposes a method to handle one or more Microsoft UI Automation change events. |
IUIAutomationCondition This is the primary interface for conditions used in filtering when searching for elements in the UI Automation tree. |
IUIAutomationCustomNavigationPattern Exposes a method to support access by a Microsoft UI Automation client to controls that support a custom navigation order. |
IUIAutomationDockPattern Provides access to a control that enables child elements to be arranged horizontally and vertically, relative to each other. |
IUIAutomationDragPattern Provides access to information exposed by a UI Automation provider for an element that can be dragged as part of a drag-and-drop operation. |
IUIAutomationDropTargetPattern Provides access to drag-and-drop information exposed by a Microsoft UI Automation provider for an element that can be the drop target of a drag-and-drop operation. |
IUIAutomationElement Exposes methods and properties for a UI Automation element, which represents a UI item. |
IUIAutomationElement2 Extends the IUIAutomationElement interface. |
IUIAutomationElement3 Extends the IUIAutomationElement2 interface. |
IUIAutomationElement4 Extends the IUIAutomationElement3 interface. |
IUIAutomationElement5 Extends the IUIAutomationElement4 interface to provide access to current and cached landmark data. |
IUIAutomationElement6 Extends the IUIAutomationElement5 interface to provide access to current and cached full descriptions. |
IUIAutomationElement7 Extends the IUIAutomationElement6 interface. |
IUIAutomationElement8 Extends the IUIAutomationElement7 interface. |
IUIAutomationElement9 Extends the IUIAutomationElement8 interface. |
IUIAutomationElementArray Represents a collection of UI Automation elements. |
IUIAutomationEventHandler Exposes a method to handle Microsoft UI Automation events. |
IUIAutomationEventHandlerGroup Exposes methods for adding one or more events to a collection for bulk registration through the CreateEventHandlerGroup and AddEventHandlerGroup methods defined in IUIAutomation6. |
IUIAutomationExpandCollapsePattern Provides access to a control that can visually expand to display content, and collapse to hide content. |
IUIAutomationFocusChangedEventHandler Exposes a method to handle events that are raised when the keyboard focus moves to another UI Automation element. |
IUIAutomationGridItemPattern Provides access to a child control in a grid-style container that supports the IUIAutomationGridPattern interface. |
IUIAutomationGridPattern Provides access to a control that acts as a container for a collection of child controls that are organized in a two-dimensional logical coordinate system that can be traversed by row and column. |
IUIAutomationInvokePattern Exposes a method that enables a client application to invoke the action of a control (typically a button). |
IUIAutomationItemContainerPattern Exposes a method that retrieves an item from a container, such as a virtual list. |
IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern Exposes methods and properties that enable Microsoft UI Automation clients to retrieve UI information from Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) servers. |
IUIAutomationMultipleViewPattern Provides access to a control that can switch between multiple representations of the same information or set of child controls. |
IUIAutomationNotCondition Represents a condition that is the negative of another condition. |
IUIAutomationNotificationEventHandler Exposes a method to handle Microsoft UI Automation notification events. |
IUIAutomationObjectModelPattern Provides access to the underlying object model implemented by a control or application. (IUIAutomationObjectModelPattern) |
IUIAutomationOrCondition Represents a condition made up of multiple conditions, at least one of which must be true. |
IUIAutomationPatternHandler Returns a client API wrapper object and to unmarshal property and method requests to an actual provider instance. |
IUIAutomationPatternInstance Represents a control pattern object. The client API wrapper uses this interface to implement all property and method calls in terms of the GetProperty and CallMethod methods. |
IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler Exposes a method to handle Microsoft UI Automation events that occur when a property is changed. |
IUIAutomationPropertyCondition Represents a condition based on a property value that is used to find UI Automation elements. |
IUIAutomationProxyFactory Exposes properties and methods of an object that creates a Microsoft UI Automation provider for UI elements that do not have native support for UI Automation. This interface is implemented by proxies. |
IUIAutomationProxyFactoryEntry Represents a proxy factory in the table maintained by Microsoft UI Automation, and exposes properties and methods that can be used by client applications to interact with IUIAutomationProxyFactory objects. |
IUIAutomationProxyFactoryMapping Exposes properties and methods for a table of proxy factories. Each table entry is represented by an IUIAutomationProxyFactoryEntry interface. The entries are in the order in which the system will attempt to use the proxies. |
IUIAutomationRangeValuePattern Provides access to a control that presents a range of values. |
IUIAutomationRegistrar Exposes methods for registering new control patterns, properties, and events. |
IUIAutomationScrollItemPattern Exposes a method that enables an item in a scrollable view to be placed in a visible portion of the view. |
IUIAutomationScrollPattern Provides access to a control that acts as a scrollable container for a collection of child elements. |
IUIAutomationSelectionItemPattern Provides access to the selectable child items of a container control that supports IUIAutomationSelectionPattern. |
IUIAutomationSelectionPattern Provides access to a control that contains selectable child items. The children of this element support IUIAutomationSelectionItemPattern. |
IUIAutomationSelectionPattern2 Extends the IUIAutomationSelectionPattern interface to provide information about selected items. |
IUIAutomationSpreadsheetItemPattern Enables a client application to retrieve information about an item (cell) in a spreadsheet. |
IUIAutomationSpreadsheetPattern Enables a client application to access the items (cells) in a spreadsheet. |
IUIAutomationStructureChangedEventHandler Exposes a method to handle events that occur when the Microsoft UI Automation tree structure is changed. |
IUIAutomationStylesPattern Enables Microsoft UI Automation clients to retrieve the visual styles associated with an element in a document. |
IUIAutomationSynchronizedInputPattern Provides access to the keyboard or mouse input of a control. |
IUIAutomationTableItemPattern Provides access to a child element in a container that supports IUIAutomationTablePattern. |
IUIAutomationTablePattern Provides access to a control that acts as a container for a collection of child elements. |
IUIAutomationTextChildPattern Provides access a text-based control (or an object embedded in text) that is a child or descendant of another text-based control. |
IUIAutomationTextEditPattern Provides access to a control that modifies text, for example a control that performs auto-correction or enables input composition through an Input Method Editor (IME). |
IUIAutomationTextEditTextChangedEventHandler Exposes a method to handle events that occur when Microsoft UI Automation reports a text-changed event from text edit controls. |
IUIAutomationTextPattern Provides access to a control that contains text. |
IUIAutomationTextPattern2 Extends the IUIAutomationTextPattern interface. |
IUIAutomationTextRange Provides access to a span of continuous text in a container that supports the IUIAutomationTextPattern interface. Client applications can use the IUIAutomationTextRange interface to select, compare, and retrieve embedded objects from the text span. |
IUIAutomationTextRange2 Extends the IUIAutomationTextRange interface to enable Microsoft UI Automation clients to programmatically invoke context menus. |
IUIAutomationTextRange3 Extends the IUIAutomationTextRange2 interface to support faster access to the underlying rich text data on a text range. |
IUIAutomationTextRangeArray Represents a collection of IUIAutomationTextRange objects. |
IUIAutomationTogglePattern Provides access to a control that can cycle through a set of states, and maintain a state after it is set. |
IUIAutomationTransformPattern Provides access to a control that can be moved, resized, or rotated. |
IUIAutomationTransformPattern2 Extends the IUIAutomationTransformPattern interface to enable Microsoft UI Automation clients to programmatically access the viewport zooming functionality of a control. |
IUIAutomationTreeWalker Exposes properties and methods that UI Automation client applications use to view and navigate the UI Automation elements on the desktop. |
IUIAutomationValuePattern Provides access to a control that contains a value that does not span a range and that can be represented as a string. |
IUIAutomationVirtualizedItemPattern Represents a virtualized item, which is an item that is represented by a placeholder automation element in the Microsoft UI Automation tree. |
IUIAutomationWindowPattern Provides access to the fundamental functionality of a window. |
IValueProvider Provides access to controls that have an intrinsic value that does not span a range, and that can be represented as a string. |
IVersionInfo Exposes methods that supply version information for accessible elements. |
IVirtualizedItemProvider Provides access to virtualized items, which are items that are represented by placeholder automation elements in the Microsoft UI Automation tree. |
IWindowProvider Provides access to the fundamental window-based functionality of a control. |
ACCESSTIMEOUT Contains information about the time-out period associated with the accessibility features. |
ExtendedProperty Contains information about an extended property. |
FILTERKEYS Contains information about the FilterKeys accessibility feature, which enables a user with disabilities to set the keyboard repeat rate (RepeatKeys), acceptance delay (SlowKeys), and bounce rate (BounceKeys). |
HIGHCONTRASTA Contains information about the high contrast accessibility feature. (ANSI) |
HIGHCONTRASTW Contains information about the high contrast accessibility feature. (Unicode) |
MOUSEKEYS Contains information about the MouseKeys accessibility feature. |
MSAAMENUINFO Used by server developers to expose the names of owner-drawn menu items. |
SERIALKEYSA Contains information about the SerialKeys accessibility feature, which interprets data from a communication aid attached to a serial port as commands causing the system to simulate keyboard and mouse input. (ANSI) |
SERIALKEYSW Contains information about the SerialKeys accessibility feature, which interprets data from a communication aid attached to a serial port as commands causing the system to simulate keyboard and mouse input. (Unicode) |
SOUNDSENTRYA Contains information about the SoundSentry accessibility feature. When the SoundSentry feature is on, the computer displays a visual indication only when a sound is generated. (ANSI) |
SOUNDSENTRYW Contains information about the SoundSentry accessibility feature. When the SoundSentry feature is on, the computer displays a visual indication only when a sound is generated. (Unicode) |
STICKYKEYS Contains information about the StickyKeys accessibility feature. |
TOGGLEKEYS Contains information about the ToggleKeys accessibility feature. |
UiaAndOrCondition Note This structure is deprecated. Contains information about a complex condition. |
UiaAsyncContentLoadedEventArgs Note This structure is deprecated. Contains information about an event raised when content is being asynchronously loaded by a UI element. |
UiaCacheRequest Note This structure is deprecated. Contains information about a request to cache data about UI Automation elements. |
UiaChangeInfo Contains data about a UI Automation change that occurred. |
UiaCondition Note This structure is deprecated. Contains information about a condition. |
UiaEventArgs Note This structure is deprecated. Contains information about a Microsoft UI Automation event. |
UiaFindParams Note This structure is deprecated. Contains parameters used in the UiaFind function. |
UiaNotCondition Note This structure is deprecated. Contains information about a negative condition. |
UiaPoint Contains the coordinates of a point. |
UiaPropertyChangedEventArgs Note This structure is deprecated. Contains information about an event that is raised when a Microsoft UI Automation element property change occurs. |
UiaPropertyCondition Note This structure is deprecated. Contains information about a condition used to find UI Automation elements that have a matching property. |
UiaRect Contains the position and size of a rectangle, in screen coordinates. |
UiaStructureChangedEventArgs Note This structure is deprecated. Contains information about an event that is raised when the structure of the Microsoft UI Automation tree changes. |
UIAutomationEventInfo Contains information about a custom event. |
UIAutomationMethodInfo Contains information about a method that is supported by a custom control pattern. |
UIAutomationParameter Contains information about a parameter of a custom control pattern. |
UIAutomationPatternInfo Contains information about a custom control pattern. |
UIAutomationPropertyInfo Contains information about a custom property. |
UiaWindowClosedEventArgs Note This structure is deprecated. Contains information about an event that is raised when one or more windows closes. |
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